Start of Hunter Exam

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AN- Were time skipping about a year from where we left off. We will later figure out what happened during this time skip, but for now, I will say that she made several friendships. 

She is now at the Hunter Exam

Akari POV

I was roaming around the dark tunnel where the exam was when I saw a boy with green spiky hair that looks my age.

I went over to say hi but he was already talking to a fat guy in a blue shirt who was
proposing a toast "To our new friendship" he said giving each of them a can of orange soda.

I walk over to them earning weird glances from the older men from the sudden appearance. I smelt the can as he was giving it to the boy. It smells drugged.

"Hey, sir are you sure that these cans are not expired or something they smell weird?" I asked looking at the can then at him, knowing that he poisoned it with a laxative.

All of the guys look at me like I'm crazy then the green-haired boy decides to taste it.

He took a sip then he waterfalls it out of his mouth. "Ya Tompa-san she is right it tastes weird. It must have gone bad." He said sadly

Tompa scratched the back of his neck and was nervously sweating "What? That's strange?" he then went on his knees saying "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that it was expired."

I knew all along that there was something suspicious about him but based off the rumors I've heard.

I get it now. Tompa the rookie crusher. "It's ok Mr. Tompa you don't need to apologize. Is your stomach ok?" The boy kindly asked.

 "Yeah, I'm fine," Tompa replied getting up from the floor.

"I have eaten all types of wild plants and herbs, so I can usually tell when something is off." The green haired boy said then turned to me, "how could you tell it was expired?"

"I guess I just have a really good nose" I sheepishly replied

"I'll be on my way then. I'm sorry again" Tompa waved while walking off. We all said bye.
"That's right! I never got your guys names. I'm Akari."

"I'm gon, this is leorio," he pointed to the tall one "and this is kurapika." he gestured to the blonde. They both waved hello to me.

"Jirririirririfiifififirifjrifirfiri" The bell rung making me jump a bit. We all turn out attention towards the examiner.

"The registration portion for the hunter exam applicants has ended. Now the hunter exam will begin! A necessary word of caution beforehand. If you lack the necessary ability for the exam you will end up seriously injured or even dead. Those who accept the risks please follow me. Otherwise please exit through the elevator."

There's no way I will go back, and apparently, everyone else seems to agree.
Satoz started jogging through the hallway and I smile. This is going to be easy.
"Hey, gon?" I ask "ya" "I'm going to run ahead. Is that ok with you?" I ask kinda feeling bad but push it aside. "Ya, it's ok." He gave a reassuring smile "Ok thanks" I pick up my speed and start heading over to the front to say hi to Satoz.
"Hey satoz" I smiled brightly at him

"Hello little one" he put up two fingers which is our way for him to tell me to speak telepathically to him. (AN-One of the powers that come with anima)

(AN- "bold" Is telepathy and "normal" is talking out loud, dialogue, and actions)

"What's up," I asked
"I believe it is better if we refrain from talking too much to each other. I believe that the other examiners might target you if they see that you are friends with me. Try to act as if I am only an examiner. If you want we can talk like this if you're ok with that." he explained. 

"Ok, thanks for the heads up, but before I go I wanted to catch up. You know?" I say

"That's fine by me" He replied.

"What have you been up to lately?" I asked curiously.

"Well I have been preparing for the exams and my team and I just finished restoring an ancient ruin west of here." He explained

"That's so cool! What type of ancient ruin was it?" I excitedly asked

"It was an ancient Mayan temple" 

"That's awesome I'm glad that you finished it. Weren't you working on it when we first met?"

"Yes we were, I'm surprised that you remembered that small detail after a year?" He responded 

"I guess I have a good memory." I laughed and mentally sighed. I remember too many things that I want to forget.

"Enough about me, what have you been up to?" He asked

"Well I trained in the forest a lot after I left you guys and met new people who I became friends with," I said remembering the amazing adventures I've had with my friends

"I did get stronger and more experience." I smile

"That's good" He replied

"How many do you think will make finish the run Satoz?" I ask out loud, so no one gets suspicious of why I have been silently running beside him.

"Well, this phase is meant to weed out about half of the applicants but I'm not sure" He replied

"Hmm... Ok, I'm going to head back to my friends now. Thank you." I say slowing my pace and ending the conversation.

I went back to gon and saw him with a white-haired boy.

"Hey gon, I'm back!" I say cheerfully "Whos that?" I ask, pointing to the boy beside him.

"He's my new friend killua. Killua this is Akari, I met her earlier." Gon said introducing us 

"Hey" he blandly said "hi" I responded. He seems distant I thought. "How old are you?" He asked.

"Ummm... I think... I'm 12... Yeah 12" I said still thinking.

How old am I? I have no clue when my birthday is but I'm pretty sure I was about 3 when I got kidnapped. I stayed there for about 7 years.

I brought out my fingers and started counting. Ok, so I was 10ish when I left that hell.

Wait so if I said I'm 12 then I spent two years on the run?

No that's not right. Its only been a year... I think. Wait satoz said after a year... I met him a year ago when I managed to escape.

I might be 11. I will have to ask Kumo sometime to see if he knows.

I hope he has been doing ok this past year. I wonder if he escaped yet?

Killua POV

How did she forget how old she is? I turn to look at her again and see her counting with her fingers. "You double checking?" I asked with a smirk on my face " Yeah do you have a problem?" She sassily replied. " Not really, but why with your fingers?" " Because I'm not that good at math ok!" She yelled and pouted.

"I think I might be 11... I don't know."

"Just say your 12 anyway because you need to be at least 12 to enter the exam." I heard gon say to her. "Ok" She replied

 Haha, I think the hunter's exam is not going to be that boring with Gon and Akari is it.

Akari POV

We ran for a bit longer when I noticed leorio was doing a lot worse compared to a while ago.

I wonder if he's ok? <thud> I heard him drop his briefcase and I stopped to see what will happen with gon and killua.

Leorio was having a tough time recovering but then after a few seconds, he yelled, "screw that" then he blasted off screaming.

Gon used his fishing pole to grab Leorios briefcase. It flew towards him and he caught it perfectly. "Wow that was so cool!" killua and I shouted in sync.

We kept on running and I wanted to make it more interesting "Do you guys want to do a race and see who will complete the phase first?"

 "Sure" killua agrees with me.

"Loser has to buy dinner for the other 2! Gon yelled as we all agreed and said in sync "Ready set go!" We all sped up but this is not at all close to the speed I want to go. I can go much faster than this for much longer too. Hehe with broken feet too. I mentally laugh then deadpan at myself.

I was starting to get bored again. All I want to do is turn into a wolf and run around a forest.

"I'm impressed you guys can keep up with me," Killua said interrupting my boring thoughts "really?" Gon said scratching his neck "Or maybe everyone else is too slow." Killua monotonously said.

"Yea I'm bored out of my mind. It's just mindless running there's nothing fun or interesting here." I added "hunter exam is going to be a breeze" killua put his head down and sighed.

"Hmm... why do you want to be a hunter killua?" gon asked, " I'm not really interested in becoming a hunter." "huh?" "I heard the exam is going to be really hard, so I thought it would be fun. This is disappointing though. What about you gon?"
"Well, my dads a hunter, so I want to be a hunter just like him." Gon said

"What's he like?" Killua asked "I actually don't know" gon admitted

 "Hahaha, that's funny. You want to be like him but you have no clue what he is like." 

"I was raised by my aunt Mito and when my dad was 12 he took the exam passed and became a hunter. I want to figure out why he wanted to become a hunter" Gon replied with no look of betrayal on his face.

Wait that sounds like someone I know. Hmm... Dad abandoned his son... Aunt Mito. Gon. Oh, sheet.
(An- that her version of cussing. She doesn't say the word but you know what she implies)

"What's his name?" I asked, wanting to solve the mystery going on in my head.

"Ging Freecss" he replied 

Damn it. It is him. Ging was right when he said I'll meet his son.

"Wow, he is a very famous hunter. I forget what about though."  I said thankfully I didn't show how surprised I actually am. I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner. Gon has the same color hair and last name. Ging even told me about Gon. How can I forget? I spent months training and hanging out with him.

"Hey, Akari whats your life like?" Killua asked stopping my thoughts once more.

Why does evreyone have to bring this question up? I don't like giving partial answers. I feel bad about it.

 Either way, I don't want to remember that part of my past. I don't want to remember the daily pain and suffering from years of torture Kumo and I endured. I don't want to see the flashbacks of my mom falling to the floor limp and dead. 

I want to forget that and move on. But I feel like I can only move on when I know my brother is safe and escaped them.

So instead I push aside my bad memories and tell them, "Its fine, I like to cook, explore the forest, and live my life to the fullest." I casually say then I look ahead of us and shout, " I see the exit! I'm going to win!"  I sprint away with a smile on my face while the boys catch up to me "GOAL!" we all shout. I look out in the distance and see a huge forest with many animals inside "Woah" I said in amazement while the other two argued over who won.

"Who got here first satoz?!" the two boys yelled at the examiner "I believe Akari got here first." he said "NO way!" killua said looking at me but I just turn and smile.

"Thanks, Satoz," I say to him

"No problem, but you did actually make it first by a hair." He responded truthfully

"Wait but who will buy dinner? Gon and I both tied." Killua asked

 "hmm?" I thought placing my finger on my chin right before Gon shouted, 

"I know! Killlua and I will pay for your dinner" Gon said pointing to me "Then I will pay for Killuas and killua will pay for mine." Gon said cheerfully

"That doesn't make any sense!" killua shouted

I sweatdropped at thier argument and said, "I'm going to go walk around ill see you guys later." I said turning away "ok see you" they both chimed right before continuing with their argument.

Killua pov

Akari left us to go walk around.

"Hey gon," I asked sitting down with him doing the same soon after. "huh?" "Did you notice that she purposely avoided talking too much about her life?" I asked watching as he thought about it.

"I guess, but why would she?" gon asked

"I don't know maybe she doesn't like talking about it" Killua replied

"I wonder why?" gon said, "I'm sure she will open up to us when we all get to know each other better!"

"Alright." I sighed


Hey, I hope you all liked the story so far!

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