Story time

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Akari POV

We have still had a lot of time left, I sigh. I have been laying down on the floor playing with my tail (Normal form) for a while and I was getting really bored. Maybe I can take a nap. I thought staring at the ceiling.

"Is the ceiling that interesting?" Kurapika asked me, taking his nose out of his book. "Not really..." I groan "I'm really bored." 

"Do you want to read a book with me?" He asked gesturing for me to sit next to him. "No, I'm good," I say, returning to staring at the ceiling. "You sure you just said you were bored staring at the ceiling, yet here you are doing it again," He said teasing me. I groan in frustration and flip over so my face meets the floor.

"You don't have to. You can just hang out with the floor. I see you two are getting along well." He smiled.

I got up and went closer to him and sighed, "It's not that I want to hang out with the floor" I took a moment to look at the carpet. "I don't know how to read very well, no one taught me properly. I can read enough so I can live. For example, food names on menus, peoples names, some random words, and uuummmmm yeah."

"Hmm I didn't know that." He said understandingly. "Who taught you to read those things?" He asked. 

"Satoz and netero taught me the basics and how to speak correctly in general, but after that, they gave up on teaching me it. Later on, some of my friends helped me out, but by what my past friends say is that most of the time I'm completely wrong." I finished and laughed.

"Do you want me to try and help you out?" He offered "Ok, but only if you want to. By the way, I'm pretty hopeless, so feel free to give up whenever." I said with a shrug.

I bet he's thinking: how hard can it be?

Kurapika took out some books for second graders in the shelf and handed them to me and said, "Ok to start off I need to know how well you can read on your own ." 

-time skip- 3rd POV

It was about 20 minutes later when Akari decided she was done with the title of the book and two pages. She asked Kurapika if she got it right, and he said absolutely not.

If looked closely his soul could be seen trying to escape from his body.

(AN- I'm going to write how she sounds it out on parenthesis. the dashes (-) are her pausing when sounding out the one word. For example: ( sweat-ish   fe-sh) is sweetish fish (man-age-re) is manager (es-k-book) is sketchbook. BTW she knows how to speak well but can barely read and can only write her name and a few food names.)

(Tip: It's more interesting when you read it part by part out loud )

"Ok," He recovered "You guessed the title page was :  (o-wow    tah-he   pl-a-keys  why-le   go  bee  dur. Sweets) and it was ''Oh, The Places You'll Go By Dr. Suess'' " He forcibly laughs with a pained face then takes a deep breath.

This is going to be a nightmare. He thought.

30 minutes later she finally said the title correctly with kurapikas help.

Another hour has passed and Kurapika was still trying to help Akari try to sound out the words on page 2.


Kurapika was exhausted. "I give in. You win. No more. Your impossible to teach" He sulked and by this time his soul was about to leave his body. "Yess!! I win! Haha, netero is gonna laugh when he hears about this." She cheered.

"Why are you cheering?" Gon asked while still trying his best to beat killua at Mario Kart and asked Akari. " I won! I killed kurapika!" She said laughing. "WHAT!?!" Killua shouted perplexed, thinking why would she kill her friend? 

Akari noticed his confusion and explained. "Baka, I didn't actually kill him. He was trying to teach me how to read correctly and he has up. We didn't even finish the book."

Gon listened to the conversation and walked up to kurapika and poked his head. "Are you ok?" The blonde still had his face hidden in his arms and said muffled, "She can't read the word ''the'' to save her life, and even if I correct her it's no use because she just forgets it after she attempts to sound out the next word." 

"It couldn't have been that bad." Gon said and killua agreed. "No its bad!"Kurapika loudly stated, grabbing the book they tried to read. "You see this book right?" He asked gon and killua. "Yes, we see it," Killua responded.

Kurapika handed them to book so they can inspect it. "There are around 35 pages with words on it right?" Kurapika asked. "Yeah," killua said. Kurapika painfully laughed and continued explaining, "We got this far." He pointed to page 3 "So what about it?" Gon asked. 

"We have been reading it for over the time you two have been playing video games. You mean Mario kart right? The latest game we played. I won 3 to 0?" He asked while gon pouted at the mention of his loss. "No. Since you turned on the TV." Kurapika said defeated 

"HOLY- " Killua got cut off by Akari who punched him harshly in the gut to shut him up. "Hey!" He shouted. "Keep your trash mouth shut! Keep him a cinnamon bun." She growled at him. "Oh... ok." He sighed and akwardly smiled at gon who was confused.

Killua then turned to face her and yelled, "But we started video games over 3 hours ago!!" 


"SHUT UP IM TRYING TO TAKE A NAP!!' Leorio yelled from the other side of the room.

"LIKE WE CARE!" Akari and Killua yelled at leorio who went back to minding his own business.

Gon just sat next to the moping blonde and wondered why can't she read? He then spoke up, "Hey Akari why can't you read? Did nobody teach you?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, Netero, satoz and sometimes menchi tried to teach me but they soon gave up and focused on physical training and speaking correctly in general." She explained

They all hummed in thought. "Wait for a second-" Kurapika stopped when he saw Akari who was now playing video games. "What was that?" Gon asked curiously. "She said that she lost her mom when she was about 3 and then she went to netero right after? I feel like we're missing something in her explanation." He said putting a hand on his chin in thought. "I'm sure she'll tell us when she is ready, so let's not put too much pressure on her." Gon smiled. "Alright"


Still 3RD POV

It was around midnight and Akari was sleeping in between gon and killua as a wolf pup. Kurapika turned her attention towards Killua. "Not tired?" He asked "No, it's just that I can go a few days without sleep" Killua replied 

Akari POV 

~Akari dream/ Flashback~

I was ganged up on again by some perverts who wanted to take me away and I simply took out a knife and sliced off thier hands and punched them into the wall which made a dent in it and now they were just unconscious on the floor. I smelt / senced another person but it was not pervy or bad like the others were. I turn to where it was coming from and asked them, "Why are you hiding?" 

He came around the corner and said "Your very interesting. Do you want to hang out?"

"Why should I trust you so fast?" I asked

"You don't have to. The offer still stands, but keep in mind that we can ditch each other whenever we please." He said leaning on the wall. "Fine by me" I shrugged.


Ging and I have been traveling together for about a month now and we were catching dinner before the sun sets.

I kicked the magical beast to the ground making it unconscious then dragged it to our camp.

I reached camp and found the wood for the fire nicely set in a pile. Thanks, ging.

I set up and got the fire started and cut up the meat and stabbed it into the sticks so the flames danced on it.

"I got some water Akari. You started cooking right?" I turned and saw him sniff the air. "It smells like it's going well." He smiled "Yup," I said as he sat down, opposite of me.

(An- The line above is it switching between the flashback/memory and the present PS when it's in the present (this portion) it will be 3rd pov)

Killua sat up and threw a pillow at gon who caught it and flung it back at him.
They threw it back and forth a few times and added a few more pillows in the battle. When they threw the pillows it slipped from thier grasp and the 3 pillows flew towards the sleeping puppy.

When Ging and I ate the meat I felt something odd in the distance. I turn my head and see cookie who had sprouted wings and was flew in immense speeds aiming at me. "Oh shoot!" panicked.

The first pillow was about to hit Akari but she unconsciously jumped and dodged it, but was soon hit by the two other pillows while half asleep.

I panicked and jumped up but somehow cookie learned how to teleport and had hit me anyway? How the hell-

Dream/memory end

The world began to fade and I saddened that ging disappeared again and that cookie beat me.

I look up and see familiar green hair and brown eyes. My eyes lit up. Ging is back? I thought excitedly but then my sleepy vision vanished a second later and soon realized it was only gon. Oh well. I mentally sighed.

I felt a soothing hand pet my head. Awww that's nice, my tail wagged.

"You ok Akari?" Gon asked and killua stopped petting me. I miss that.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied then turned back to my normal form.

"Yeah sorry, I threw pillows at you." He apologized rubbing the back of his neck. "Ooooohhhhhhhh, so cookie did not come back from the undead, sprout wings and attack me" I bluntly said.

"NANI?!?!/ EH!?!" Gon, killua and kurapika shouted confused.

"I already told you guys to shut up. You never listen, do you. Dammit, now I'm awake." Leorio walked over to us. "So what's going on?" Leorio asked and plopped himself down, sitting criss cross.

"Oh I just told them how cookie came back from the dead to attack me but it was actually gon who threw a pillow at me." I filled him in with a smile

"What!" He shouted

"You might as well tell us the rest of the story since you got us all hooked," Kurapika said.

"Alright, so I was hanging out with G..." I stopped myself before I could finish his name. I don't want to break my promise with him.


I was hanging out with Ging looking at the aurora borealis on top of a giant magical beast that we trained.

"Do you have any family?" I asked randomly cutting off the silence.

"Yeah, I have family on whale island. You remember mentioning that place right?"

"Yeah that's the place you grew up, isn't it?"

"Yeah. I had a son named is gon. I ended up deciding to leave him in the care of my cousin and that old lady. I was not cut out to be a dad, still not and never will be." He said

"Hmm. Because you wanted to explore the world right?" I asked.


We both stayed silent for a few minutes until he spoke up, "I need you to promise me something." He asked turning to me. I looked at him and I can tell how serious he is right now. " I have a hunch that you will end up meeting gon. When you do, don't tell him anything about me until he is a hunter. Don't even mention my name, and if he does change the subject. Can you promise me that?" He asked sincerely.

"Promise" I held up my hand. We clasped one another's hand and then brought it down with a bit of force to signify our promise.

Flashback end


"G...morio!" Akari said a forcibly. Hopefully, they won't notice or question it much.

3rd POV

Whos Gimorio? All the boys thought for thier own reasons.

"Anyway... Ya, I hung out with him in the past. The dream or you can call it memory took place when we were hunting and cooking dinner."

She filled them in on what happened all besides gings name and they seemed a bit out of it.

"Who is this Gimori to you exactly?" Leorio asked trying to cure everyone's curiosity.

"Oh him. He's a hunter that I randomly met. He basically saw me beat up some group of pervs and then we decided to hang out because we thought it might be interesting to see each other's abilities and hang out." She shrugged

"How old is he?" Kurapika asked while killua mentally sighed relieved to have someone ask the question.

"Oh, that umm..." The air got thicker as the protective boys grew tenser.

"He's around 25? 30? I don't know but he does already have a kid around my age." She tried to not let too much information slip out so they cant have the assumption that its Ging, Gons dad.

The three boys all sighed in relief because:

Leorio: He is like an uncle/ father

Kurapika: Protective and teasing mother and/or older brother

Killua: So far, protective of his close friend

Gon: in this situation, he is just confused and enjoying the funny story.
But so far he is a very close friend.

( AN- These listings are what I'm trying to have thier relationships be with her. Leorios and kurapikas are permanent while gons and killuas are just for right now. I don't necessarily know what is going to happen later on relationship wise *shrugs shoulders* ill figure it out. Also, she doesn't really have any experience with romantic relationships besides stories told by her past friends. )

Akari POV

There was awkward silence after I explained his age for some reason. I don't like it when it's quite like this.

Oh, yay and idea I thought and smirked. "What are you plan-?" Killua stopped asking his question when I threw a pillow into his face.

"Haha! Gotcha!" I yelled victoriously. Then took another pillow and hit gon.

A tick mark grew on Killuas head. He slowly turned to me and launched the pillow at me. It was too close to dodge. I fell down at the force and smiled once more.

I realized that there is an unused pillow near my feet. I put it on top of my foot unnoticed by the others because they were too busy throwing pillows or laughing.

I then launched it so it would hit kurapika.

 Haha it worked

The pillow fell down, all the boys shared a look and nodded. "Oh shoot" They're all going to attack me. I tried to escape by climbing over the couch but I was knocked down by the boys throwing pillows at me. I fell back on the couch and then they all circled around me and threw pillows at me. "Aahhh!! No fair! You're teaming up!!" I yelled but got hit by the fluffy pillows some more.

Wow, that was a long chapter, but yay. Now we know that she does not know how to read to save her life and she knew Ging.

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