Bonus Chapter: Happiness At Last

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(Edited) Author's Note: I've decided that this will be the last chapter, I've discarded the idea of individual special chapter for each character of the main 6 since I really can't find time to finish them all. So please bare with it. Play the song when told to.

Hunter's POV

"Hey Swift." We all greeted, she smiled then wagged her tail.

"So, what brings you all here?" Swift asked.

"Since it's our vacation time, why not have some fun?" Izzy said, excitedly, to myself, I couldn't help but smile unconsciously. She really does remind me of Shade by a lot of reasons. "I got it all planned out. We can go to Crystal Sands first to have some fun, maybe even go to the Summer Carnival, then when we're hungry we can go to a Dinner Party. After eating, we can just walk around with each other until the end of the day." She explained.

"Sounds like a plan." Jake replied, "Off to Crystal Sands we go, then!" He exclaimed, we all started walking to Crystal Sands, jammers would bow down to us as we pass by, by now we got used to it and just smiled at them. Swift walked beside me with Izzy in front of me, Jake and Kyle were talking beside Izzy while Laika walked alone. Izzy laughed at something suddenly, I couldn't help but chuckle silently.

"You like her, don't you?" Swift whispered to me, I jumped a little then shook my head rapidly, feeling a little blush forming. What's happening to me!? "Come on, I see the way you look and act around her."

I sighed in both slight irritation and realization, "She just reminds me of Shade, okay? I remember she told me if I find someone else like her, I should cherish her as much as I did to her." I mumbled, careful not to let Izzy listen, that would be the death of me. Swift nodded.

"They do have similarities, so does that mean.. you like her?" Swift asked again, quieter this time, luckily Izzy walked up to Jake and started a conversation. I thought for a while, do I like her? I'm.. not so sure, but she makes me unconsciously smile and feel warm inside..

"...Maybe.. I'm not sure.." I mumbled, "Feelings are confusing." I added. Swift suddenly snorted, "What?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Nothing, you just said the same thing when I asked if you liked Shade before." She laughed quietly. I remembered that time, heh, it's true though, feelings confuse you a lot. "You may not be sure, but to me, it seems you like her." Swift said, "Don't be worried about how you feel too much, Hunter." I nodded and we already arrived at Crystal Sands.

"We're here! Last ones to the slides are losers!" Izzy exclaimed and dashed to the slides, Jake, Kyle and Swift ran as well, but since Jake is a Lightning elemental, he got there first. "No fair!" Izzy pouted, I chuckled quietly to myself and went to join them. "Wheeeeee!" Izzy squealed as she slid down the slippery slides and splashed into the water, unfortunately I didn't get up there yet so I got drenched.

I blinked rapidly, the others laughed at me, I scowled at them.

"Whoops, sorry.." Izzy apologized, smiling sheepishly. I waved a paw dismissively at her to say it was fine.


After a while, the others wanted to play in the water, Izzy and I didn't really wanna join so we just stayed on the shore watching them. Swift splashed Jake, laughing after, Jake glared then ran around her in a circle with his speed, it created a small whirlpool then she got drenched. Jake smirked proudly of himself, Swift looked unamused. Kyle, Issa and Vivian were running around while Laika was chasing them like they were playing tag.

"Phew, it's pretty hot today, wanna go get a smoothie?" Izzy asked me, it's been a long time since I've drank one, so why not? I nodded, so we entered the juice hut, strangely nobody else was inside. I let Izzy get her smoothie first and just sat down somewhere, she couldn't decide what to get so she got a little frustrated.

"Do I want strawberry? Wait, no, banana sounds good.. Maybe grape? Ugh!" She rambled, clutching her head. I shook my head and went to her, "..What?" Izzy asked as I gave her a look.

"How about I pick for us?" I suggested, she thought about it, then shrugged. "Okay, wait there." I started ordering the smoothies, I picked for both of us banana smoothies, I hope she likes it. Izzy stared off into the window, looking out at our friends having fun. I didn't really wanna disturb her thoughts, so I just sat down waiting for her to say or do something.

"..How come when you tickle yourself, you don't laugh.. but when others tickle you, you laugh.." She said suddenly, I was surprised about what she said, she seemed a little sad. "Does that mean you need other people to find happiness?" She looked at me, her ears going a little down.

"Not necessarily.." I replied quietly and handed her smoothie, she accepted it and sipped from it immediately. "What I think is just.. certain people make life more.. worthwhile and less lonely you know?" I said, she looked at me while I spoke, "They say many jammers walk into your life, but only the special ones leave footprints behind." I stated, sipping some of my smoothie.

(I got that statement from a quote I like, I just changed the 'people' into 'jammers', credits to the person who said that quote.)

"..How many people left footprints in your life?" Izzy asked me, looking down at her smoothie. I thought about Shade, my little sister, my family..

"Not many.. or at least some did but their footprints disappeared." I said quietly, "But.. Shade's footprints still remain, and will probably stay permanently in my life.." My ears went down a little unconsciously, darn, she's really a touchy subject.

"What a shame, she's dead." Death laughed in my head. What?! He didn't even make any sound to say he was here in my head, "What's the matter, Hunter? Still haven't gotten over your biggest regret?"

Shut up. I growled in my head, another headache hit me hard, I winced a little and clutched my head. Izzy grew worried.

"Hunter? What's wrong?" She asked me, concerned. I shook my head at her to hopefully make her ignore me.

"You don't have much time left, if you let me stay longer, you'll-"

SHUT. UP. I'M NOT GONNA DIE! I yelled in my head, Death's laugh echoed into my head loudly, my headache grew worse and I dropped my smoothie, Izzy caught it in time. I clutched my head tightly and gritted my teeth, "MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled loudly, Izzy was very startled and worried about me. "S-Stop..!"

"Hunter!?" Izzy yelled worriedly, her paws around my shoulders, Death continued laughing in my head until it faded. I feel very lightheaded and dizzy, I clutched my head and groaned in pain, "Hunter..? You're m-making me worried."

"Sorry..." I mumbled, rubbing my temples, I really need to get rid of Death.. I looked at Izzy and she was trembling, I felt guilt wash over me so I held her paws. "Hey, I'm sorry for making you worried, it's just something in my head that's been bothering me for years.." I trailed off and looked away. "But I can't seem to get rid of it."

"What is it..?" She asked me.

"I-It's nothing important, don't worry." I lied, she was so much like Shade that I didn't want her to worry greatly about me, I can get rid of Death on my own but it's just not very easy. Izzy's ears went back as she stared at me, suspicious of my lying, until she nodded slowly. We were called from outside by the others so we took our smoothies and went out. Lying to her is killing me from the inside I thought.


We arrived at the Summer Carnival, and there were many jammers around, playing games and eating cotton candy. We decided on what to do, and since we have different decisions we decided to split up.

"Me, Jake and Issa will go to the darting booth." Swift said, "We meet up here after an hour or two then go to a Dinner party to eat when we're hungry. Got it?" She said, we all nodded. "See you guys later!" She hollered, we all went our separate ways. I was with Izzy and Kyle and Laika was with Vivian, we headed to the Phantom Ball with some gems.

"I'll go first!" Izzy said excitedly, she put some gems in a slot then grabbed one Phantom ball. She aimed for the 100 points ring and threw the ball, it went around the 100 point ring and she scored, "Yes!" Izzy exclaimed, and she grabbed another Phantom ball, she managed to score at the 200 ring and throughout the whole game she scored at least 19050 points. Wow.. I thought. "That was fun! Who's next?"

"I'll go." Kyle said, Izzy nodded and stepped out of the way for him. I didn't pay too much attention to Kyle's game and just stared off into the carnival, jammers were having fun playing and hanging out with friends, I saw Swift, Jake and Issa with tickets already. But when I glanced at a certain group of animals, my eyes widened and I felt myself freeze. Oh no, it's him I thought, I narrowed my eyes and growled quietly at him, he was talking to his friends.

"Hunter? You okay?" Izzy asked me.

"Yes." I said through slightly clenched teeth. Suddenly, our eyes met and he was shocked at first, until he smirked. He didn't come to me since I was the future Dark Magic Alpha, so he just walked away with his friends, but his smirk still made my blood boil with anger. I growled. "That-"

"Yo Hunter, you gonna play too?" Kyle asked me suddenly, I looked at him then shook my head. "Alright then.. where to next?" I lost my anger and shrugged nonchalantly, Izzy stared at me with a concerned look at my behavior.

"We could go to other games." I suggested, so we ended doing just that for the next hour.


We arrived at a Dinner party, we all sat in a group table and went to get food, I only got some soup then a drink while the others got more food than I did. By now it was already lunch time, it was perfect timing. I ate silently beside Izzy and Kyle, I didn't bother to converse too much since I wasn't too interested, but would occasionally talk to Izzy, Swift and Jake. It's funny how me and Jake used to hate each other, now we're.. okay I guess, we don't like each other a lot but we didn't hate each other either.

I wasn't the only one to notice how quiet Laika is, she ate slowly and didn't bother to talk too much, nor look at Kyle. So we suspected something happened between them, it looked like they had an argument of some sort. I didn't mind it too much since it's not my business, my mind wandered off to my family. My dad, since after the war, became unconscious because while he was being controlled, his life energy was being drained greatly. He's currently at the healer's place in Jamaa Academy nice since she knew what to do to help him wake up, he's been unconscious for a week now, and I miss my old dad. My mom, you may ask?

Well, she's still ignoring me, she never really liked me and my little sister too much. So we were only loved by our dad, sadly my little sister's gone, and I miss her. I looked up at the sky, thinking about Shade and our memories together, I smiled sadly. I miss her so much.. I felt tapping on my shoulder, Izzy was the source of it so I raised an eye ridge at her. "What?" I asked.

"You're zoning out, thinking about something?" She asked me.

"Well, yeah.. My dad's currently unconscious and possibly will fall into a coma.." I trailed, "Before he was controlled, he was the best dad ever.. better than my mom."

"What about your mom?" Izzy questioned, curious.

"She didn't like me and my little sister too much, she'd ignore us sometimes and even snap. So only my dad loved us genuinely." I answered, I was kinda bitter about my mom, we treated her nicely and yet she wouldn't care to do the same to us.

"I'm.. sorry, Hunter." Izzy apologized. "I kinda know what it's like." She added, I was surprised since she looked like she was raised in a loving family, "Instead, it's my dad who neglects us, my mom's been very hardworking so she's gone mostly. Me and my big brother are left with our dad most of the time, and we don't like it." Izzy mumbled, her ears going down a little.

"I'm sorry as well.." I mumbled to her, "I hope he'll change." I added, she smiled softly.

"Same for you, I hope your mom changes." Izzy smiled, some heat rushed up to my cheeks without me knowing, so I, again, unconsciously smiled. "You should smile more often, you know?" Izzy added.

"Maybe.." I mumbled, "I'm not very used to it nowadays, and only do unconsciously." I added. Especially around you I thought to myself, I wanted to say it but it'd be embarrassing.

"I see.." Izzy trailed, "Well you don't have to feel forced to smile, just smile when you feel like it." She smiled sweetly, I nodded. When we were done eating it was already around two in the afternoon, our last thing to do was walk around Jamaa until the end of the day. It was amazing to see how much Jamaa has changed since the great battle, plants were much healthier, the ground was more stable, and the jammers were more friendly to each other.

"Good afternoon, Magic Alphas." A group of jammers greeted us as we walked by, we nodded to them and gave them polite smiles. We're highly respected nowadays, and I, myself, appreciate it. We came a long way from where we started years ago, time really flies while you don't realize it.

Night Falls... (I know, many skips, I'm sorry.)

It was already nighttime and some of us decided to go home, but a few of us decided to stay still. Kyle, Laika, Issa and Vivian all went home after saying goodbyes, while me, Jake, Swift and Izzy stayed for a little longer, but we went separate ways. Me and Izzy walked to Crystal Sands, and just sat down on top of the tall little balcony. The water currents made calm sounds, the stars twinkled in the sky and the moon was bright. This is why I love starry evenings.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" I asked Izzy.

"Yeah, stars make me wanna reach out for them." Izzy replied, we were sitting down beside each other as we star gazed. "Nighttime is my favorite part of day because of the stars." She added.

"I agree.." I said, I felt Izzy shuffle closer to me, I didn't really mind but I felt my heart beat faster. "My dad always says that when our loved ones die, they become stars and watch over you at night.." I trailed, "Do you think Shade's looking down at me, now..?" I asked.

"Of course, you're very special to her, and she is to you too." Izzy answered, "I believe in what your dad says, do you think my grandparents are looking at me, too?" I nodded at her, she then yawned. "I'm getting sleepy.." She trailed sleepily, I brought my paw to let her head rest on my shoulder, she smiled in content and closed her eyes, I smiled a little and felt warm inside, which is a feeling I didn't feel for a few years now. "..C-Can you sing..?"

"W-Why..?" I slightly stuttered.

"I just wanna, at least, go to asleep after listening to your voice tonight.. Please..?" Izzy asked me, her eyes a little open. I blushed a little after she closed her eyes, I took a deep breath.

"..Okay, I'll sing a song I wrote for Shade before.." I trailed, I remember the lyrics still, I lost the papers but I remember it by heart, "Here I go.." I breathed in and out, it's been a while since I sung..

(Play the song now :3.)

"There goes my heart, beating..

And you are the reason..

I'm losing my sleep..

Pleas come back now..

There goes my mind racing..

And you are the reason..

That I'm still breathing..

I'm hopeless now.."

I paused to see her reaction, she smiled. So I continued.

"I'd climb every mountain..

And swim every ocean..

Just to be with you..

And fix what I've broken..

Oh.. 'Cause I need you to see...

That you are the reason..

There goes my paws shaking.. (If it was 'hands' that be kind weird)

And you are the reason..

My heart keeps bleeding..

I need you now.."

I paused again, smiling when I see her smiling in content.

"If I could turn back the clock..

I'd make sure the light defeated the dark..

I'd spend every hour..

Of every day..

Keeping you safe...

I'd climb every mountain..

And swim every ocean...

Just to be with you..

And fix what I've broken...

Oh.. 'Cause I need you to see...

That you are the reason..."

Izzy was now snoozing peacefully on my shoulder, I blushed a little more, smiled then did what I didn't expect myself to do.. I kissed her forehead, "Sweet dreams, Izzy..." I murmured. That night I knew and realized..

I found happiness at last...

End Of Book One..

Word Count: 2994 words

Wow this was longer than I expected XD I see a new ship that needs to be sailed! ouo Book two is in progress.

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