Thank You

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I just wanted to, wholeheartedly, say..

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

Not just for all the reads and what not, also for the support and time you gave to read this book I made. After more than a year, which I consider a pretty long journey, this book is now finished.

I give a big thanks to BanquetFox because of her 'Daughter Of Greely' books, if it wasn't for her creating them, I probably wouldn't have thought of ideas for this book before last year. So, yeah, thank you so much.

And especially, to all my readers who stuck until the end. I couldn't have done all this without you guys. But Swift and the others' first journey ends here. With a sequel in progress, you can be reassured that their journey will continue :) And maybe even a book three and other J.A related stories.

When the Jamaa Academy trilogy ends, I'd love to say that it'll be the best series I've ever made when I finish it. I'll never forget Swift, Jake, Izzy, Hunter, Kyle, Laika, Kiki and all the other lovable characters in J.A, and I hope you guys won't too.

Once again THANK YOU EVERYONE! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Completed: 7 - 14 - 19

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