Chapter 22

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Going Back


"I knew something ugly happened." Drake rolled his eyes at Izzy who had bloodshot eyes from last night, "Why cant you just tell me what happened, Iz?" Drake pouted.

"I.. don't wanna talk about it." Izzy sniffed and rubbed her green eyes, Drake's blue eyes narrowed. "It's complicated."

"I'm your best friend, and best friends comfort and support each other, no matter what." Drake said seriously, Izzy flicked her tail to the side, "Now, spill." Drake urged. Izzy sighed and explained everything.

"Then he walked away, leaving me.." Izzy finished quietly, Drake's eyes were blank and he was in deep thought. "Please, Drake, don't make it a big deal.." Izzy said tiredly.

"So.. you really don't want to be civil with him?" Drake asked. Izzy hesitated, her eyes started watering a little, but she held in tears. "Do you?"

I wanted to, but I rejected him Izzy thought, "No, I really just.. didn't want to. After all, he broke my heart."

Drake shook his head, "You heard him out, he gave you the reason why he cheated, so why didn't you want to?"

"I..." Izzy trailed.

"Look, you know I don't like him, but actually he was being reasonable. He sacrificed a lot for his parents, maybe you could've been civil so that he won't have too much weight on his shoulders." Drake said seriously. He's right but.. I just can't seem to process everything Kyle said that night.

My life is so.. complicated.


Swift's POV

"You guys all set?" Jake asked, we all nodded, Kiki was fast asleep on my back. "Let's go." Then we set off on our journey back.

The journey was rather quiet, to say the least. I guess we were all drowned in our own thoughts. Kiki moves a little on my back, reminding me that she was still on my back. I smiled a little. Though I wondered.. Where are her parents? What happened to them?

"Hang on guys.." Jake said and we all paused, Jake's ear twitched and he looked around. "I heard something.."

Then suddenly we heard a battle cry, and then a 'thud'. We all went to the source with caution, behind a bush, we all saw a Corruptor, dead on the grass with purple blood oozing out of its side.

But another one was still standing, it was majorly injured but it was bigger than the one dead on the grass.

"You guys are tough.. eh?" A familiar voice chuckled, "Then have a taste of this." Then a dark magic sword pierced the Corruptor's head, then it fell down, limp.

Hunter? I thought, What's he doing here? It's dangerous!

Hunter sighed in exhaustion and retracted his dark magic sword and rested for a while, his cape had more rips than before. He also had a few scratches and bruises. I suddenly remembered...


"H-Hunter?" I asked in a broken voice. "What happened..?"

Hunter was silent, "Swift.. I-.." He paused. "I.. Well-.."

"Was it your master?" I asked sternly. He hesitated. "Hunter." I urged.

"My master." He mumbled in reply.

End Of Flashback...

This was just like last time... I thought to myself and frowned a little.

"You guys gonna come out, yet?" Hunter said without looking at us, we all jolted in surprise. Jake narrowed his eyes at Hunter. "No need for that, Jake." Hunter added, flicking his tail at us. Jake scowled and we all went to Hunter.

"What are you doing here?" Vivian asked, "It's Corruptor infested."

"I heard about their arrival, so I came here to try and kill some before it gets any worse." Hunter said simply, "Besides, what are you guys doing here?"

"We were sent to inspect this area." Isabella said.

"Well you guys can go, you already know it's infested with these purple eyed freaks." Hunter said and stood up to leave. I stopped him, though.

"But you're hurt." I said sternly. Jake looked at me, surprised. Hunter stopped in his tracks and scoffed at me.

"I don't need your help." He mumbled simply and continued walking, I ran after him and blocked his path. He growled. "Get out of the way, Swift."

"No, not until I patch you up." I said, "Sir Viz taught me how to use healing water, but it takes a while to take effect." I added and flicked my tail, "Let me help."

"I said no." Hunter said stubbornly, pushing me away. "Just leave." He growled.

"I think you should leave him to bleed, Swift." Jake grumbled, Hunter glared at him. Jake rolled his eyes. Isabella and Vivian sat there, confused on what's happening.

"Jake, just let me handle this." I said to Jake and grabbed Hunter and started using healing water on his wounds, he winced but kept his posture. "Stay still." I grumbled to him. He stood still since he couldn't do anything anymore.

After a while, his wounds seemed to be disappearing, so I let him go.

"There." I said, "Feel better?" I asked.

"Yeah, whatever. Now leave me alone." Hunter grumbled and walked past me and into the forest, I shook my head and turned to the three. "Let's go."

"Why did you help that cold hearted fox?" Jake asked with slight irritation, "He didn't even want your help, Swift."

"I tried to, at least, help him. He would get infected if those scratches were left open." I argued, a little annoyed at how mean Jake is right now. "It was the right thing to do."

"Whatever. Let's go." Jake muttered and left first, we all followed him silently, Kiki yawned at my back and looked over my shoulder.

"W-Where going?" Kiki asked.

"We're heading to our school." I replied to her.

"Is it bad place..?" She asked, shivering a little. I shook my head as a 'no'. "Okie.." She mumbled and went back to sleep.

Why would she think it's a bad place? I thought.

To Be Continued...

I know. It's delayed. But I was focusing on other important things, I'll try my best to update more on this book from now on.

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