Chapter 23

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Beginning Of The End

A dark figure sat down in silence, clutching onto a glowing Gem in his paws. The light it was giving shone in his eyes, he squinted them slightly as he stared into the Gem.

What am I doing..? He thought. He put the gem into a sack, containing even more gems. He looked at the place one more time, before leaving it behind.


Swift, Jake, Isabella, Vivian and Kiki were silent once they reached the portal. One by one, they went in and Swift sighed in relief when she felt the school's floor once again after their mission. She glanced at Jake, who, still, had a cold expression on his face.

The four saw the teachers gathered in the room next door, and they knocked, stopping them from their tracks. The teachers glanced at the four, Sir Landon being the one who walked up to them alongside the healer.

"We're glad you came back safe, how was the area?" Sir Landon asked.

"It's a positive." Vivian said softly, "We almost got bitten by one."

"Does anyone have bite marks? I have a quick remedy just in case." The healer spoke, everyone shook their heads. "Good, but I'm afraid we have some.. news."

"What news..?" Swift asked nervously.

"The Gems have been.. taken." Sir Landon spoke. Jake's eyes widened as his cold expression disappeared.

"The Gems of Magic..?" Jake asked, his back fur bristling. The healer nodded fearfully. "Who stole them?"

"We still don't know, we're trying to find out." Sir Landon said, his tail clutching a scroll. "But so far, we only found.. this." He opened the scroll and several words and pictures were written, but a piece was torn out at the bottom.

"What is it?" Isabella asked curiously.

"It's a prophecy of some sort." The healer spoke, "An ancient one."

"What does it say?" Jake asked seriously.

"Well.." The healer started. "It goes like this.."


"Long ago, the Corruptors took over the land under the control of an evil king, nobody was able to save Jamaa that day. Until a mysterious group of animals showed up, with mastery of magic and skills of a true warrior, they fought the Corruptors and the king, banishing them from Jamaa."

"They returned peace to Jamaa, and they were finally identified as.. The Magic Alphas. They were the Alphas before the ones today, who gave their knowledge of magic to the jammers, and along with their battle skills, which became the Protector knowledge today.."

"They also showed everyone where they got their power, it is from five magical Gems that each control a kind of magic. The Lightning Gem, Water Gem, Earth Gem, Nature Gem and Fire Gem. They can only be obtained by true masters of magic who are also worthy of possessing its magic.."

"When all Gems are safe and protected, they keep the magic in balance. If even one was left unto bad hands, it could destroy the balance and wreak havoc."

"A mysterious Gem was discovered soon, a dark grey one. It was called the Dark Magic Gem because of it's capabilities. Not many possess dark magic, but those who do, are evil and have corrupted their magic."

"The Alphas all had apprentices and children who they passed down their places to, one fox, one lion, one giraffe, one arctic fox and one eagle. The fox's father sadly disappeared, but his mother remained. So, his mother gave life to Jamaa Academy, and made it a school for all.. but that didn't last long."

"Once she found out her son became evil, she had to banish him, and made the school only allow those who were given special invitations. She had a daughter after the school's one year anniversary, her daughter had a child, a female fox. After a few years, she found out she was being hunted, so she put her magical Gem in a special necklace and gave it to her granddaughter before disappearing.."

"It is still unknown of what happened to the other Magic Alphas, but the granddaughter's identity also still remains a mystery. She was predicted to be the next Magic Alpha who saves Jamaa from an upcoming, future crisis, using the magic of her necklace."

"The granddaughter is actually-"


"Then it, just ends here, on the torn piece." The healer said and closed the scroll.

"Who's the granddaughter?" Jake asked.

"Unknown. But whoever wrote the last part knows." Sir Landon said. "We also have been given news that the Corruptor count has significantly increased.."

"This is bad.." Swift mumbled, she looked over at Kiki, "Really bad.."

"All we could do is prepare you.." The healer said, "And probably protect you as much as we can.."

"What about our homes?" Isabella asked.

"As of now, the conditions for going home are a little risky. Be cautious if you'll go." Sir Landon said. "Because for all we know, you could get killed."

To Be Continued..

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