Chapter 24

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The Start Of The Storm Part One

Swift's POV

Things have been going not so well these past hours, everyone is so tense and quiet. I mean, who wouldn't be? The Corruptors are already starting to spread out to more areas, and that means danger for all of us.

When we met Izzy again, though, her attitude of being giddy and happy, changed. Her eyes, for some reason, looked like they became a darker shade of green. Her coat was also messy. I wonder what happened..

As for Kiki, the school accepted her in after a few minutes of convincing she's not evil, and were able to provide a place for her. Thank goodness for that.

Jake became colder than usual, after I helped Hunter, which I found kinda childish of him. No offense, but, I just helped him and nothing else. It's not like there are consequences for helping a fellow jammer..

And strangely, Trike disappeared..

"We haven't seen the young bunny for a while." An eagle teacher who teaches Trike spoke to me, "Are you his friend or?"

"Uh, friend. He's also in my class sometimes." I answered.

"Ah, I see. Please let me know if he comes back." The eagle said. I nodded and went back to my classroom. Jake had his head hung low when I got there. Izzy was quietly staring at him.

"Hey.." I greeted softly.

"Hey." Izzy greeted back, "How are you?" She asked.

"Alright, I guess. I should ask the same for you." I said and sat down beside her. She tensed a little and looked away.

"It's nothing." Izzy said in a soft manner and forced a smile. "Don't make it your problem, Swift."


"Don't. Please." Izzy said, she looked frustrated with her problem so I just gave in. Jake raised his head to stare blankly at the wall. "Jake."

"What?" Jake asked, without taking his eyes off the wall.

"What's gotten into you, today?" Izzy asked. Jake narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing." He muttered, "Don't ask." He said coldly.

"Al-right.." Izzy said, confused. Dang, why is there like a wall growing between us all of a sudden? Sir Landon entered the room with a few books.

"Good afternoon, class..." He greeted.

"Good after noon, sir." We all greeted, but in a less energetic way.

"Since we have all heard the news, you'll be dismissed early.." Sir Landon announced, "But the jammers who will be called, are needed to stay."

Some jammers groaned. As if they're gonna be called.

"Swift, Izzy, Jake, Ash and Isabella. You're the students from my class that will need to stay, others will join us shortly after classes." Sir Landon said, we nodded quietly. "Any questions?"


"Alright, you're dismissed."


Hunter's POV

"Excellent. We have everything we need." My master smiled evilly and grabbed the sack from my back. I rolled my eyes a little and sat down impatiently. "What?" My master asked, staring

"Just get on with explaining your plan." I said rudely. I didn't care if I sounded rude, I didn't care if I was gonna get punished for my attitude, I just wanted to know what my master's gonna do with the Gems.

My master scowled, "Hunter! That's not how you speak to your master."

"I'm not five. For your information." I snapped back. My master growled loudly and clawed me in the face, I winced a little at the scratch on my nose but I didn't care.

"You're becoming more and more disobedient. What's gotten into you?!" My master yelled.

"I don't care." I said simply, licking my wound. My master gave up and turned away.

He emptied the sack and gathered the Gems, then placed them in a necklace with corresponding holes for them, once every Gem was placed a bright glow surrounded my master.

I squinted my eyes from the brightness but my master only smiled more, the glow faded and the necklace started emitting a fainter one. My master took the necklace and stared at it.

"You see this?" My master asked me. I looked at it quietly. "This, and with only this, can bring Jamaa to its end."

"How?" I asked. Curiosity kills.

"Well." My master started, smiling even more. "With this, like in the prophecy, I can either protect Jamaa with it, or, destroy with it."

"You can't destroy Jamaa if they're all not corrupted." I muttered. "Plus, one Gem is missing."

"Did you even get all of them?" My master asked angrily.

"The Water Gem was missing. There wasn't even a chamber for it!" I shouted back. It's true, the Water Gem wasn't even in Jamaa Academy for all the years I've known it. "Heck, it's not even there!"

I got slapped. Great. My master was fuming.

"You must find it. Or else-"

"Just quit it with the 'or else' nonsense. It's getting old." I muttered coldly and walked out of the room. My master growled.

"You're useless."

Back To Swift...

"We have another mission." The healer said.

"We've heard some news from the Alphas, saying that there are Corruptors seen around Sarepia Forest." Sir Landon announced. "We believe you five are the best ones for the job."

"Why us? Why not others?" Laika said rudely. Kyle scowled quietly at her.

The healer rubbed her temples, clearly fed up with her attitude. "All other jammers are not ready. Please work with us."

"Will do, ma'am." I said respectively.

"Here are some weapons and armor, just in case your magic isn't enough." Ms. Jakarie said and handed us some special dual swords and elf tails. We all wore them but the elf tails felt a little heavy.

We looked out the window, where the sun was starting to set. The teachers all nodded at us.

"Good luck, jammers." The healer said.

To Be Continued...

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