Chapter 25

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The Start Of The Storm Part Two

Swift's POV

It was already night time when I last came to check on Kiki, she was having fun in her little spot and it's a relief. I looked out a window of the corridor and noticed the sky was a beautiful shade of blue, I smiled softly then remembered something Jake told me before..


"LightWings love night time, plus it's really fun to fly with them at that time." Jake smiled while petting Aurora affectionately. I nodded and listened more, "Their opposites, NightWings, like night time as well but they're not as gentle as LightWings."

"Why not?" I asked.

"They were rumored to be corrupted by evil spirits long ago, but it's just a myth. Though my experience tells otherwise." Jake replied.

End of Flashback:

I shook my head and looked at the direction of the Dragon Stables, I skipped over to Aurora's stable and saw her looking out the window.

"Hey, girl, miss me?" I called softly, Aurora turned around and wagged her tail happily. I pet her nose when she came close. "How about a little fly around Jamaa for a bit?" I suggested, smiling as she nodded and eagerly waited for me to put her saddle on.

I took out the saddle and opened her cage, I strapped it on and jumped on top of Aurora's back. We slowly walked towards the entrance of the school and looked up, Aurora growled softly as she looked at me, probably asking if we could fly now.

"Yes, Aurora. Let's go." I smiled, she immediately spread her big wings and took off to the ground. I almost fell from how fast and eager she was but chuckled, Aurora twirled in the air in excitement and did a few loops. "Woohooo!" I exclaimed happily and enjoyed the feeling of the wind against my fur.

Aurora did a loop going down until she stopped and started flying steadily, she had her tongue out as she navigated the skies with a contented look on her face. I sighed, relaxed and just enjoyed the view we had above Jamaa Township. Aurora looked up at the thick clouds above us, then flew upwards into them.

"H-Hey, Aurora-"

I was cut off when we came in contact with the clouds, after a while we got out and my fur was soaking wet from the condensation of the clouds. Aurora roared a melodic kind of roar, which I assumed was a laugh. I rolled my eyes playfully and gasped at the bright moon in front of us, but was very far. It was a very clear view as well.

"Wow..." I said in awe, Aurora smiled over her shoulder and just flew around some more, I laughed happily since this feeling was great, being in the air and all. Aurora suddenly blasted light blue fire and twirled towards the smoke from it, I coughed slightly and looked at her, amused. Aurora did it several more times until my face was covered in smoke.

Suddenly, Aurora stopped as her ear twitched. She looked back, growling softly at me.

"What is it?" I asked curiously and worriedly. We fell silent as we heard growls from below, Aurora growled and swooped down quickly. I nearly fell off her at the speed but I clung onto her saddle tightly. We were surrounded by clouds again and I couldn't see anything, but I trusted Aurora since she was great at navigating thanks to her senses.

Aurora stopped at a thin layer of clouds and growled again, I peeked down and saw a bright purple glow. Aurora looked at me then roared worriedly, I thought for a while before nodding.

"We have to be quiet." I whispered in her ear, she nodded then swooped down as quietly as possible, her large wings beating slowly as we descended. The glow became brighter was we came closer to it, we stopped at a cliff near the source and peeked. I was crouching while Aurora ducked down as she walked with me, we looked over the edge to see an animal walking towards the source of the glow. I squinted my eyes to get a better look, but I couldn't identify the animal.

They took out some things from a sack, I gasped quietly when I realized it was Jamaa Academy's stolen Gems. "The Gems!" I whispered in disbelief. The animal picked up the gems and then took out a necklace with six holes in them, I didn't know what it was, but the Gems could fit in the holes! One hole remained empty, however. The animal started speaking.

"All I need is the Water Gem, but there's no trace of it!" They spoke, their voice was deep and scary. Aurora growled quietly at them. "Not even mentioned in maps in the scrolls or the Prophecy! How could this be?" They asked themselves. True, from what I've been told, the Water Gem is nowhere to be found, though it still exists since Water elementals are still alive with their powers.

"I'll find that Gem. Even if it kills me." The figure spoke, in determination. I slowly walked backwards, Aurora looked at me curiously. I was suddenly covered by the mouth and dragged towards the forest downwards, Aurora scrambled after me as I was dragged by someone.

"MMMPH!" I thrashed around.

"BE QUIET!" The animal who dragged me shushed, I was dropped to the ground. "You'll get us killed, Swift."

To Be Continued...

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