Chapter 29

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Breaking Point


The sun shone on Jamaa Academy as it rose in the horizon, the sky was a nice shade of orange with a mix of yellow and pink, the clouds blended in with the sky's color. The sunlight passed through the curtains of the Quarters, illuminating the room where the group slept peacefully in, nobody got up just yet. Though, the warm atmosphere the sun's light made was enough to stir Jake awake.

He opened his yellow eyes slowly as he tried to adjust to the brightness, he finally opened them and looked around. The rest were still asleep, snoozing peacefully. Guess we were all exhausted He thought and sat up, he didn't exactly remember where he slept or who he slept with, but the light gray bundle of fur proves that he slept with Swift. Or.. did he?

Did she sleep beside me or did I sleep beside her? Jake thought, blushing a little. Swift stirred in her sleep and snuggled closer to Jake's soft brown fur, he smiled softly at her. He put his blanket over Swift and stood up quietly, not wanting to wake up the rest. He opened the door, it creaked as he did so, when it was wide enough, he walked out and shut the door behind him. The corridors were empty, since it was so early he figured no students would be entering anytime soon.

He yawned and stretched, trying to shake off his sleepiness. He shook his fur to try and make it less ruffled, and even blinked a couple times to wake himself up. Once he was satisfied, he walked towards the school's cafeteria, it was empty as well. He decided to grab a few snacks from the food fridge.


He almost jumped when he heard Sir Landon's voice, he turned around to see Sir Landon wearing a chef's hat. Jake calmed himself down.

"Yeah.. I guess I could eat." Jake said, sheepishly putting back the snacks. Sir Landon gestured for him to follow.

"Come on then, join us for breakfast." Sir Landon smiled, Jake suddenly remembered the others.

"Should I wake up the others first?" Jake asked.

"Sure, when everyone's awake come to Ms. Lilian's classroom." Sir Landon said and walked towards the kitchen of the cafeteria, "I'll be making breakfast for everyone." He said before closing the metal door behind him, Jake skipped back towards the Quarters, opened the door and looked over everyone else.

"Guys, wake up, breakfast." Jake called, nobody even flinched. "Guys. Breakfast time." He said, a little louder this time. He laid his ears back slightly in annoyance. "Guys. Wake up. Now."

"Go away.." Izzy sleepily mumbled and turned over her side, Jake huffed silently. Clearly, this wasn't working. He sat down and started thinking, then a sinister idea popped in his head. Heheheh... Jake laughed evilly and ran out the room with his lightning speed.


Jake smiled evilly as he was rubbing his paws together, looking up at his pet dragon, a Luminescent dragon he calls Nitro. His dragon looked at him curiously, obviously not knowing what's going on,

"You're going to roar to wake them up, Nitro. Got it? But not too loud." Jake whispered to his dragon, Nitro slowly nodded and prepared to roar. Jake covered his right ear, "Three.. two.. one.. go!" Then he covered both his ears.

Nitro inhaled then roared loudly.

"AHHHHH!" Everyone yelled. Izzy bumped into Vivian who was scrambling around, Kyle and Swift bumped into walls, while Isabella and Laika bumped into everyone else, creating a small pile. Jake couldn't contain his laughter at everyone's reactions.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Jake rolled on the ground, clutching his stomach as he laughed wholeheartedly. Everyone else groaned in both pain and annoyance at him, until Jake's laughter died down. He wiped an imaginary tear and exhaled. "That was priceless."

Nitro slowly stepped out of the room as angry glares were shot at Jake, his face paled.

"Oh, you are so dead." Izzy said in a dark voice. "Get him!"

"AHHH! PLEASE! I'M SORRY!" Jake exclaimed and ran out, and thanks to his speed, he got away from the angry animals chasing him. "IT WAS JUST A PRANK, YOU GUYS!"

Author's Note: Here's a picture on the situation (XD):

Another thing, they're not wearing some of their usual gear because it'd be uncomfortable sleeping with them.

At Breakfast...

"Did you sleep well, young ones?" The healer asked the seven jammers, Jake had his ears down as the other six glared at him. The teachers were confused.

"Yes, ma'am." Swift answered after shooting a glare at Jake, she returned to eating her food. The healer nodded and resumed eating as well. "What will we do, today?" She asked.

"Well, we're thinking of more investigation." Sir Viz replied, munching on a sandwich. "This time in Coral Canyons and Mt. Shiveer." He added, the jammers nodded. "But a little after 8:00 AM." He finished. The conversation ends, the animals continued to eat in silence. Swift reminisced her dream encounter with Kira, the Magic Alpha of legend, who was right in front of her. Though, strangely, she had an odd feeling of familiarity.

You okay? Jake asked in their link, Swift almost jumped, she nodded at Jake. I'm.. sorry for the prank.. Jake added, sheepishly.

It's okay Swift replied and smiled softly at him, Jake nodded and finished his food, but went to get some more.

"Wow, Sir Landon, you're a great cook." Jake complimented, "This is already my second plate!" He added and sat down in his spot. Sir Landon smiled at Jake.

"Why, thank you. My family always said I was a great cook." Sir Landon said proudly.

"Before he used to burn food." Sir Viz added, not really minding Sir Landon's glare. Some others chuckled.

"I don't need to remember those times." Sir Landon huffed and flicked his tail towards Sir Viz, Sir Viz just shrugged nonchalantly and went to get more food.

After Breakfast...

Everyone started putting on their armor and gear for their next investigations, after tidying the Quarters, of course. Swift, as she was putting her armor on, looked out the window that shows the school ground. She started reminiscing again.


"Jake! There you are!" Izzy exclaimed happily.

"Hehe. Hey Izzy." Jake replied.


"Psst.. Swift."

"H-Hunter?" Swift asked in a broken voice.


"Well, in that case, thank you." Hunter said sarcastically.

"Well, that's a start." Swift shrugged.

Back to Reality:

"Swift? We're about to leave." Jake shook her gently as she stared out the window, Swift shook her head and looked at Jake, who looked at her confusingly and worriedly. "Are you okay? You were lost for a minute."

"Yeah... Just.. remembering some stuff that happened here." Swift answered sheepishly, though she felt a little sadness. "Time really flies, huh?"

"Yeah." Jake agreed, "Should we get going?" He asked. Swift nodded and they all walked out.

The teachers stood by the entrance, waiting for the seven jammers.

"Everyone se-"

Suddenly, the ground shook with great force, knocking everyone off their feet. The jammers looked confused, then the ground shook again, knocking them over as they tried standing. The healer and the other teachers all looked very worried as the ground shook more times.

"What's-" Jake tried to say, but he kept getting cut off by the ground shaking. "Happe-" The ground shook again. "-ning?!" He finished. The healer ran towards the open, school ground then looked up.

"Oh no.." The healer said, worriedly and concernedly. The ground stops shaking for a few moments, which provided the rest to walk to the healer, confused and worried as well. "It's happening.."

"What's happening, ma'am?" Swift asked, looking up. Her face pales when she sees thousands of black figures over the sky, but was confused on why they weren't coming down. "W-What are.. t-those?"

"History's repeating itself." Sir Landon said in a worried voice, the ground shakes once more, but the seven jammers notice that there was a huge white circle in the sky that spreads towards, pretty much around the whole area of Jamaa. The ground also shakes along with the white circle.

"What do you mean?" Vivian asked, curiosity literally almost killing her.

"The Corruptors. They're breaching the force field the Magic Alphas left that kept Jamaa safe for thousands of years." The healer replied as the ground shook again, the seven jammers gasped. "If they break the force field, and Jamaa's left unprotected, this is the end."

Suddenly, Swift heard Kira's voice in her head. If you don't end this upcoming battle, everyone will die Swift looked up at the dots in the sky, trying to break the invisible force field. Swift, this might be Jamaa's last stand, you and friends are Jamaa's only hope Swift looked at her friends, who are quivering in worry. She suddenly felt a burst of determination and bravery overwhelm over her.

"Guys." She called, everyone else looked at her, worry in their eyes. She held her head high and her tail flicking with determination, "Let's fight for Jamaa." Swift put her paw out.

Surprised, the group looked at her. But Jake was the first to react, he put his paw over hers.

"I'm with her." He said, determined. Izzy followed and put her paw over theirs, Kyle, Isabella, Vivian and the teachers followed, they all looked at Laika.

Laika looked up, then back to their paws. Everyone looked at her. Laika suddenly smiled then put her paw over everyone else's.

"For Jamaa." She said, determination in her voice. Everyone smiled then raised their paws in the air.

"For Jamaa!"

To Be Continued...

Word Count: 1606 words (Longest, so far.)

This battle will be EPIC! :D

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