Chapter 30

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The War Begins Part One

Hunter's POV

I inhaled and exhaled slowly as I tried to relax, the wind blew gently against my dark gray fur as I sat down on the soft grass. My tail laid lifelessly on my side as only my chest and ears were moving. My ears twitched at the sound of a twig breaking, and my eyes opened. I looked to my side and just saw a bunny, I shook my head and tried relaxing again.

"You can't relax with me around~" A familiar deep, demonic voice echoed in my head.

Ugh, he annoys me a lot..

"You can't avoid me either! Hahahaha!"

"Just shut up already." I groaned while looking at my forehead, but a headache hit me but I got used to it. I heard him growl in my head.

"You know the circumstances, if you don't get rid of me, you'll die." That thought would make me shiver almost every time, but I can't really get rid of him.. easily.

"You think I don't know that by now?" I growled, annoyed, standing up from my position and caressing the rose I planted years ago, my ears drooped slightly.

"Her death was your fault, remember that." He laughed in my head. It was true, and it was the biggest thing I regret in my life. Probably before being born in this world. "Yeah, you don't deserve to live."

My paw clutched gently against the rose, in slight fear of accidentally killing it, this rose was the only reminder of.. her.

"You don't dare say her name, too? How cowardly of you."

"Leave me alone, Death." I growled, already feeling my paws glowing in dark gray aura in anger. Death laughed maniacally and demonically in my head, that laugh used to haunt me for years.

"Oh, I'll leave you.. FOR NOW! HAHAHAHA!" Then his voice faded. I sighed, feeling the familiar energy drain as I talk to him, he's literally taking more and more of my energy every time.

I stare at the rose in front of me again, "I-I'm sor-"

Then there was a huge shake of the earth, I almost was knocked down but I kept balance. I couldn't process what was happening before another shake came, until I slowly realized what was going on. He.. a-already did it?

Shoot I said in my head and stood up quickly, "I'll be back, Shade." I murmured to the rose and sprinted towards Jamaa Township where I already knew Swift and her friends will be.


With adrenaline pumping through their veins, mixed with fear and determination, the group sprinted towards Jamaa Township where frightened jammers were all around, screaming and panicking. The Alphas were already on duty as they tried to calm down the jammers.

"Jammers! Do not panic." The healer exclaimed, nobody listened, everyone was just filled with pure panic as the ground shook even more with greater force. Swift looked up at the thousands of black dots in the sky, trying to break the invisible force field that was more than a century ago.

"They won't listen. Now what?" Laika asked. Then suddenly, the shaking stopped and a loud crash was heard, everyone fell silent. The uneasy atmosphere was enough to make everyone nervous, everyone looked up. The dots in the sky all looked down at the jammers below them, then they started descending down, fast. "T-They're coming right at us!" Laika panicked.

"We need to send the jammers away to somewhere safe!" Sir Landon yelled, preparing his magic. Swift turned around and saw a familiar dark gray fox appear in the scene. "Hunter..?" Sir Landon asked.

"Yeah, yeah, it's me. Dramatic entrance, I know. Now, EVERYONE!" He hollered, all the other jammers looked at him, confused and worried, "Follow me! I know a spot where you'll be safe. If you want to live that is." Hunter added, jammers started scrambling towards Hunter's side. Swift looked at Hunter then nodded. "Come on! Quickly!" Hunter hollered again, the jammers followed him.

"At least they're gonna be safe." Jake mumbled.

"You're actually trusting Hunter for once?" Izzy mused, Jake scowled silently at her. Izzy was somehow pointing out that Jake never liked Hunter, which made Swift curious.

"There's no time for jokes, young ones. They're closing in!" The healer exclaimed. Everyone formed a circle and prepared their powers. Eyes filled with determination, courage and a hint of fear, they battled for their only home land.


Hunter gathered everyone in the cave he used to stay in, it was large enough and luckily he stored enough supplies, he sighed in relief. "Okay, everyone. Once everything's over I'll come back for you, don't step out of the cave or you'll die." Hunter said seriously, the scared jammers nodded. "I'll try and gather more jammers, stay here."

"No!" A female child voice spoke, everyone was confused, then they all gasped and stepped to the side as a small Phantom flew low on the ground towards Hunter. "Mama in danger!"

"..Kiki..?" Hunter asked, confused. Kiki nodded. "It's too dangerous, and your mom's not here, she's in.. the Phantom Dimension." Who's she talking about? Hunter asked himself.

"Mama Swift! She in danger! Me help!" Kiki squeaked, stubbornly. Hunter was surprised, both at the fact that Kiki's volunteering, and the fact that she considers Swift as her mom. "Pwease?" Kiki begged.

Hunter sighed, "Fine, but.. stay on my back." He added, Kiki nodded and flew over to Hinter's back and clutched tightly on his cape. "I'll be back everyone." Hunter hollered over his shoulder, and ran out after moving a big rock with his Dark magic. Well, looks like I'm on babysitting duty Hunter grumbled in his mind but appreciated Kiki's help.


"Where is she?!" Swift's dad panicked, looking outside their house's window, as chaos was all around. "She's in danger!"

"Loki, she'll be fine.. They were trained for-" Swift's mom was cut off by Swift's dad.

"This was what I was afraid about! She's gonna have to fight off the Corruptors!" Loki yelled angrily, "This was worst than the time I was trained!" Nora stepped back in surprise, Loki sighed deeply, catching his breath. "When I was her age, I was chosen to enroll at Jamaa Academy too. But the Corruptors were banished way before that time, so we only had to practice magic.."

"We were simulated at times to pretend we're actually fighting Corruptors, to get us ready for the time they might come back. I was a star student, doing perfectly every time. My old friend, Hakiro, was jealous but still remained my best friend. One day, after graduating, a huge pod of Phantoms attacked us during Hakiro's son's twelfth birthday party."

"It was my fault, I wandered off after and discovered a secret Phantom portal, it was a mistake turning it back on. So a pod of Phantoms chased me through the forest, ran after me until I reached the house. And then, it happened. Using all our training, we fought off the Phantoms, but.. Hakiro wasn't so lucky. He.. died, his son disappeared with his female best friend after being chased by a group of Phantoms, and.. I also l-lost.."

A tear was shed, Nora was surprised and felt very sad at the same time. "I-I lost my w-wife a-at that time, my poor, sweet Savannah..." Loki trembled, Nora hugged him tightly. "I couldn't let Swift remember that time.. s-so I.. put a spell on her to make her forget it.. I found Hunter in an open area near a cliff, and had to put the same spell on him.. I felt too guilty that he lost his father.."

"..Did you ever tell Swift that..?" Nora asked.

"No.. s-she'll be very devastated.. to also know.. you're not her real mom.." Loki stuttered, wiping his tears away. The truth was, when Swift's real mom died, Nora, Loki's old friend, volunteered to take care of Swift after meeting again. But, Loki loved her almost as much as Savannah. "I have to find her." Loki said seriously.

"W-What?" Nora quivered, "I-It's too dangerous.." She added, Loki nuzzled her and went to an old box he's been hiding, he put on an old wristband and necklace with an orange gem that resembled the Fire Gem. Nora looked at Loki in awe. "L-Loki?"

"I'm sorry. I have to." Loki said, and was about to leave, when a Corruptor bursted from the roof.

"AHHH!" Nora and Loki screamed, but Loki stepped in front of Nora and tried using his fire magic. But the Corruptor was stabbed by a floating, dark gray sword then it fell limp. Loki and Nora were confused, but Loki's face was planted with shock when he saw a too familiar, dark gray fox.

"H-Hunter.." Loki mumbled, Hunter looked at him silently. Kiki hid under his cape and only peeked shyly. "Y-You.. s-saved us.."

"It's only my pleasure." Hunter said seriously. Loki suddenly felt all the regret wash over him, "I know where Swift is, but you'll have to come with me to somewhere safe." Hunter added.

"No! I need to go to her!" Loki yelled, an explosion was heard outside, which startled Nora. "Please!"

"It's too dangerous, uncle." Hunter said in a softer tone, but was still serious. Loki froze, that was what it took for him to realize that the spell wore off. "Your spell wore off three years ago, and I.." Hunter trailed, "I.. don't blame you.."

"W-What? A-After all I've done..?" Loki asked. Hunter nodded.

"My dad didn't die, or.. at least I thought so. When he came to me one day after his supposed death, he was.. different. He became more demanding, and became.. evil." Hunter finished. "He became what he is now.. an evil fox, threatening to destroy the world."

"Wait, so he's the one who started this?" Nora joined in. Hunter nodded quietly. "How? And how will we stop him?"

"The only way.. is to retrieve the Gems and find a way to free them from Corruption." Hunter said, he looked out a window. "I'll lead you to the safe spot, but.. if you're up to it, you can come with me to Swift." Hunter suggested. Nora nodded quietly at Loki.

"Be careful, Loki." Nora said.

"I will." Loki replied and kissed her forehead, then looked at Hunter. "Lead the way."

To Be Continued...

Word Count: 1742

Welp, a bit of a plot twist and Hunter's backstory exposed. Didn't see that coming, huh? :p

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