Chapter 31

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The War Begins Part Two

Author's POV

Loki, Nora, Kiki and Hunter were silent most of the time during the walk. Loki, still, couldn't believe that Hunter forgave him after killing his father. He was drowned in his thoughts and looked down while walking, Hunter's back was facing him and Nora. Nora was a little more confused in the situation but didn't question too much.

When they reached the blocked cave, Hunter raised his paw, dark aura surrounding it, and lifted the rock to the side with ease. Where the other jammers were, Hunter looked back at Loki and Nora then gestured to the cave.

"Get inside." He said.

"I'll go with you." Loki said seriously, Hunter didn't bother to argue so he just nodded, "Nora, stay here." Loki added.

"O-Okay.." Nora stuttered, and slowly walked towards the cave, but before she entered, she turned to Loki and said. "Please keep her safe." Loki knew she was referring to Swift, so he nodded. Hunter closed the cave once again and turned around to the direction of Jamaa Township. "Where is she?"

"She's battling Corruptors with her friends and some teachers." Hunter answered, Loki grew more nervous. He was told how dangerous a Corruptor is and what they're capable of doing, "She's fine, uncle. Let's go." Hunter added, Loki nodded and with his heart beating quickly against his chest, he followed Hunter towards Swift.


Swift and her friends have fought off dozens of Corruptors by now, and they just kept coming. The jammers were growing tired, but they kept fighting, they couldn't back down now. Kira was right, Swift's magic was way more powerful and she even learned a new ability.

When she was cornered by two Corruptors, she was able to become water and move behind them, turning back to normal and killing them. That ability was found very useful when she was dodging attacks. They used power combinations to help mow down large groups, like Swift drenching them with water, and Jake zapping them all, Izzy wrapping vines to hold Corruptors in place, and Kyle burning them while they're not moving. Swift would see two floating, and faintly glowing figures in the sky, she wasn't sure what they were or what they were doing, but she had a bad feeling about them.

"Guys! I have an idea!" Jake exclaimed over the madness. Jake's eyes suddenly glowed yellow, "Laika! Give me a boost would ya?!" Laika obliged and summoned a rock to lift Jake up into the air, Jake's eyes and paws glowed yellow and he plummeted down with his paw sparking electricity. "EVERYONE! JUMP!"

Just as Jake's paw collided with the ground, everyone else jumped, the ground cracked, shook and electric bolts spread everywhere, killing all the Corruptors in the area.. for now. Everyone gasped in awe, Jake's eyes went back to normal again and he almost fainted. Izzy caught him in time.

"Are you okay?" Kyle asked, concerned but still in awe of what Jake just did. Jake panted.

"Yeah... I just suddenly felt a power boost.." Jake laughed tiredly, "Well, at least.. we could rest for a few moments." He added and sat down, everyone sighed in relief. There was still chaos in the others areas, but Jake's electricity is buzzing around the perimeter, which was working well as some sort of temporary force field. "This.. is new." Jake said. looking at the buzzing electricity.

"This is incredible.." The healer said in awe, "Jake, my young fox, what you just did was a Lightning attack that was only seen once. Told to be first done by the Lightning Magic Alpha." The healer finished, everyone else looked at Jake in awe, again. Jake was surprised, but he felt proud at the same time. "The buzzing electricity won't last long, young ones. We need a plan."

"Why don't we spread out to different areas?" Swift suggested, "If Jake could do that, then that might mean we all have hidden powers we didn't know we're capable of." She added, everyone nodded in agreement. "We can split up into pairs of small groups."

"Right." Everyone else said.



As Hakiro witnessed Jake's sudden power boost, he felt slight nervousness that his plan was going to fail, but he dismissed the thought. The Corruptor Queen hissed quietly to herself, her antennae's vibrating. They saw everyone split up, Hakiro smiled.

"This is great. Now that they're splitting up, it would be easier to take them down." Hakiro said. "Send more of your subjects, my Queen." He added, raising his paw, which was now glowing dark gray aura.

"My subjects are starting to question your ways, master Hakiro." The Queen hissed quietly to herself in Corruptor language, but ordered her subjects anyway.


"What was that?" Loki asked as he heard an explosion and loud thunder.

"I believe it's Jake, he's the strongest Lightning elemental I know. Looks like he found a hidden power." Hunter replied, they've already reached Jamaa Township and they both saw the dead Corruptors and the large cracks in the area. "Yup, they were here alright."

"Where are they?" Loki asked, looking around.

"Looks like they split up. We better follow some of them." Hunter said, Loki nodded and they both went to Coral Canyons.


Swift, Jake and Izzy all went to Coral Canyons where madness was all around, jammers were running away from the Corruptors, but they saw a few students from Jamaa Academy trying their best. Jake, Izzy and Swift used their magic to kill all Corruptors in the area, and luckily no jammers were harmed.

Suddenly, a group of four legged Corruptors jumped in front of the trio. They growled threateningly, Swift, Jake and Izzy we're slowly being surrounded by more coming.

"W-What are these guys?" Izzy stuttered.

"Messengers." Jake answered, "They're very fast considering they're the only Corruptors to have legs." He added, "Get ready.." Jake warned as the Messengers were coming closer.

Izzy's POV


Huh? Wh-Who's talking?

I'm Fauna, the Nature Magic Alpha..

What!? H-How are you.. in my head?

Oh, I'm not in your head, I'm just talking to you telepathically

O-kay.. Why are you talking to me then?

I'll be giving you a power boost, it'll help you in this raging battle

A-Alright.. How will I know how to use it?

It will come out naturally

Author's POV

Izzy felt a power boost as well, her eyes and paws glowed bright green like her eyes and she slammed her paw against the ground. The Messengers looked confused, as well as Swift and Jake, but the ground started shaking and then the next thing they knew was, large and long vines spewed out out of the Earth and grabbed the Messengers. They struggled against the vines, but it was useless. Then they were brought high into the air, them slammed hard against the ground.

Izzy's eyes and paws lost their glow as Izzy plopped down on the ground, the Messengers were all dead. Swift and Jake we're both surprised and relieved.


Swift turned to see her dad, and.. Hunter! Hunter was just standing still, his eyes were a little wide and his mouth was slightly open. She wasn't sure why, but she ran to her father immediately. Jake helped Izzy up.

"Dad! How are you with Hunter?" Swift asked, Loki grew nervous again, Hunter looked at him with a look that's saying something. "Dad?"

Loki sighed, "Swift.." He started, he raised his paw, then formed a fist, Swift suddenly felt lightheaded but then, her eyes widened.

Flashbacks were flashing through her eyes. She saw her younger self with Hunter, her uncle and aunt, and her dad and.. real mom, she saw the pod of Phantoms attacking Hunter's old home, her dad running away from the pod, her aunt angrily shouting at her and her dad after the madness, and her uncle and mom dying. When the flashbacks ended, Swift had a blank face. Loki's ears went down a little. Hunter sighed quietly. Swift's blue eyes looked up at Loki's.

"Dad.." She spoke in a low voice.

"..Y-Yes?" Loki answered nervously, by now Izzy was feeling okay now.

"You.. lied to me?" Swift asked in a low, but angry tone filled with betrayal and sadness. "All these years.. my real mom was dead!?"

"I-I had to put that spell on you! I-I knew you wouldn't see me as your dad anymore!" Loki replied, desperate and feeling remorseful. Swift closed her eyes, walked past her dad and reopened them, there was as if a shadow forming over her eyes. "S-Swift.."

Swift didn't talk, stop nor look back. She just kept walking, Jake and Izzy looked at each other, and to Hunter and Loki, then started following Swift. But Jake stopped beside Loki.

"I'm.. really sorry, sir.." He said quietly, Loki's ears were dropped down and his head was hung low. He walked towards the direction of Swift and Izzy, Hunter glanced at Jake silently.

"Uncle.. We have to continue.." Hunter spoke after the three were out of earshot. Loki didn't move, Hunter sighed deeply. "She'll get through it, I know because she told me how much she loves you and aunt Savannah.." Hunter added, starting to reminisce.

Flashback To 9 Years Ago...

"I'll love Daddy no matter what, Daddy's just so caring and loving, I'll do anything to save him if the time comes." Swift said to Hunter, "What about you?"

"I'd do the same. Same goes for my mom." Hunter agreed and they giggled amongst each other, clutching their gifts for their parents.

Back To Reality...

"We were only 6 at that time.." Hunter added, and for once in a very long time, smiling slightly. "She'll get to her senses, I promise."

"...Yeah.." Loki said quietly.

To Be Continued...

Word Count: 1637 words

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