Chapter 32

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The Truth Unfolds

Author's POV

As Swift was walking in front of the group, she couldn't help but feel betrayed and devastated at the same time. Firstly, she couldn't believe that her dad lied to her and tried to cover his tracks, and secondly she couldn't believe her real mom was dead. A shadow formed over her eyes as her head was hung low, her tail was hanging low as well. Jake and the others didn't speak to her, yet, since they knew she needed space, especially her father.

You can't look down on your father forever, young Swift Kira said in Swift's head, Swift let out a deep sigh. Your father never wanted you to feel this pain, that's the reason he covered it with lies

He couldn't even be honest with me.. Swift thought in her head, replying to Kira.

Your father loves you very much, he has his reasons for lying to you, just know he did it out of his love Kira explained, leaving Swift thinking very deeply after her voice faded.


Kyle, Laika and Vivian all went to Sarepia Forest where more chaos is happening. They fought off Corruptors and sent the jammers to a safe place, sweat was on their foreheads from all the action and when the area was clear enough, they sat down to rest. All panting heavily.

"How many do you think are there?" Laika asked out loud, looking up to see more black dots floating around the sky, heading to different directions.

"I'm guessing thousands.." Vivian answered tiredly, wiping her forehead. "And I'm estimating we've only fought around a hundred or less..."

"Wait." Kyle joined in, getting the girls' attention. "They have a Queen, right?" Kyle asked. The girls nodded. "So that means the Queen controls their every move, we have to take out the Queen, the Corruptors wouldn't know what to do next." Kyle explained.

"That's a plan, but.. how will we find and kill her?" Laika asked. Kyle started thinking, but they were cut off by new Corruptors surrounding them all, the three created a circle and prepared their powers for another battle.

"Let's think about that later." Vivian said, eyeing the Corruptors.


Swift, Jake, Izzy, Hunter and Loki arrived at Jamaa Township again where there were lesser Corruptors than before. They killed all of them in an instant, they scouted the area for any jammers, but luckily there weren't any.

"It looks like this area is a little safer now." Jake said, breaking the silence over the chaos. "But there's still much work to do. This isn't a walk in the park." He added. Everyone except Swift was listening, she was looking up at the sky again, still suspicious of the two figures in the sky. "Swift, you've been looking at the sky for a while, what's wrong?" Jake asked.

"Nothing.." Swift mumbled, looking down. Her ears dropped slightly, "Let's just keep going.." She murmured.

Suddenly, all the Corruptors flew up, going towards the two figures in the sky. Everyone grew suspicious and worried, when all the Corruptors were in the air, the two figures flew down, the animals prepared for the worst and eyed the figures suspiciously. As they were going closer, Swift noticed she, Jake's, Izzy's and the other foxes' paws glowed brighter. But she didn't give it too much attention. When the two figures landed, they finally got a clear view of what they were.

It's.. the Queen! And.. wait.. Swift exclaimed in their link, she saw Hunger move forward to stand in line with them. Anyone know who that fox is? Swift asked.

No.. but he has the Gems! Jake replied. He looks like the one behind all this!

"Well, well, well.. Look what we have here.." The fox said, obviously taunting them, his eyes looked at Hunter angrily. "Hunter, what are you doing with them?" He asked.

"You know him?" Jake whispered, slightly angry, "Does that mean you're helping him?!" He whisper-yelled. Hunter scowled.

"He's my father you idiot." Hunter growled, but there was a hint of betrayal in his voice, Swift's eyes widened.

"Wait.. h-he's uncle Hakiro..?" Swift asked, her ears going down again at how different her uncle looked. "How did he get the Gems..?" She asked as they grew closer, the Queen was menacing, her eyes went to her subjects who were slowly coming closer, she hissed at them, so they stopped. "U-Uncle?" The healer looked devastated.

"I'm not your uncle, anymore." Hakiro said coldly, smiling evilly. The Gems glowed faintly in the necklace, "You're probably wondering.. why? Out of all the jammers in Jamaa.. why me?" Everyone looked at each other, then back to Hakiro and the Queen. "Well.. let me explain.."

"When I and Loki, were both star students, he was getting all the attention, nobody appreciated my achievements. When it was my son's birthday.."

Hunter looked away, with his ears slightly drooped. Kiki looked at him curiously and caressed his cheek, Hunter didn't respond.

"Loki brought pod of Phantoms and killed his wife and myself.. that night. I thought I was gone for good.. but then, I saw black smoke when I opened my eyes, it was nothing but smoke, but it then took form of a wolf. Turns out, he was the same, evil king that caused Jamaa's first war with the Corruptors, he conquered my soul, controlled me.. manipulated me.. until I was nothing but a mindless slave, in his control." Hakiro finished, looking amongst everyone.

"So.. y-you're the evil king.. h-himself?" Vivian said in fear, Hakiro looked at her, then smiled evilly.

"You're right, young girl. Now that I'm back, I'm here to end Jamaa once.. and for ALL!" Hakiro formed a fist then the Gems started glowing, Hakiro's eyes glowed as well then he stomped on the ground. Magic auras spread all over Jamaa, nothing happened, but then the ground started shaking. Suddenly, jammers from Jamaa Academy surrounded the area, their eyes were now pitch black as well as their eyes and paws were glowing black.

"What.. what did you do to them!?" Swift yelled angrily. Hakiro looked at his glowing paws casually, then he looked all around him.

"Since the Gems are how Corrupted, I can use their power to manipulate all elementals if I wanted to.. Now.. they serve me." Hakiro finished in a chilling voice, everyone prepared for the worst, "Jammers!" He hollered, the controller jammers looked at Hakiro, "Get them." He said, then he and the Queen flew back up.

"NO!" Swift yelled angrily, "COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, Jake held her back.

"Swift, don't." Jake said calmly, "We have a bigger problem." He said and prepared his Lightning powers. The jammers closed in, and another big battle begun.


Hordes of Jammers had to be killed during the fight, when they die, they just disintegrate into black dust. As much as they didn't want to, they had to end countless jammers. Jake and Izzy used his powerful abilities and it helped a lot, but the rest started uncovering their won special abilities. Kyle was able to uncover a flamethrower like ability, Isabella was able to summon a snowstorm even though she's a Water elemental, and Laika was able to uncover an ability that could summon several rock spikes at a time. Swift hasn't found hers yet, though.

After a very long time, the animals managed to defeat all the jammers. Everyone was tired, almost severely fatigued. Suddenly, Hakiro and the Queen flew down and when they landed, they had angered looks on their faces.

"I see you have defeated the jammers.." Hakiro said in a low voice, the Queen hissed angrily at Hakiro in a way that sounded like she was talking, but nobody could understand their language as of today. "And still stand strong.."

Hakiro then raised a paw, the Gems glowed along with his eyes and paws, "You will now feel the TRUE power of the Gems!" Hakiro yelled, flew up then blasted magic with hints of black, yellow, blue, brown, orange and green. It was heading straight for everyone, Hakiro smiled evilly.

NO! Swift thought, scrambled to stand in front of everyone and just in time..

A bright blue shield appeared before anyone was hit, Hakiro's eyed widened but he persisted, Swift stumbled back because of the increase in power adding to her fatigue, but she stood her ground. Everyone stayed surprised and helpless, Hakiro growled and then increased his power more. Then, Swift's blue shield started to shatter slowly, cracks appeared, her necklace glowed a brighter blue glow and she felt an energy rush.

Blue aura started to surround Swift's body and her shield grew bigger while the cracks started disappearing, Swift walks forward and the blast of magic started to weaken, Hakiro struggled to hold it. Swift smirked, then she raised her paw, and forced the shield to hit Hakiro, he was sent flying into Jam Mart Furniture's walls. The Queen looked surprised.

Hakiro walked back out, with a few scars and bruises, but he used magic to heal himself. His eyes slightly widened when he saw how bright Swift's heart necklace was glowing, then his ears raised up with realization.

Hunter's POV

Shoot, please don't tell me he figured it out... I thought fearfully.

Author's POV

"You.." Hakiro pointed to Swift, "How..?" He asked.

Loki was a little tense, he walked to Swift's side, taking out a small key. Hakiro looked with hatred at him, but Loki ignored him.

"Dad.. What are you doing..?" Swift asked quietly, confused.

Swift, young one, I'm afraid your father is about to answer one of Jamaa's biggest mysteries.. Kira said in her head, worry tinted in her voice. Swift was confused.

I'm endangering the world by doing this.. Loki thought, but opened Swift's heart necklace. A bright blue glow emitted from it, everyone shorted their eyes, once the glow faded, everyone except Loki, Hunter, and Hakiro gasped.

There, inside of Swift's heart necklace, was the missing Water Gem.

To Be Continued...

Word Count: 1677 words

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