Chapter 5

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The Rebels And Bravery

"Rebels?! Who are they?!" I asked, confused and alarmed. The wristband's crystal started glowing again.

Jake bared his teeth at the growing black clouds, "We'll explain later, we have to make sure they don't see us."

I let my ears droop down, as I sat down I noticed that Izzy's green headdress feathers were glowing. "Izzy, what's up with your headdress?" I asked in curiosity.

"Well, students with headdresses like mine are part of a special protectors group. It glows when there's possible danger." Izzy said while looking at me, I nodded and stared at the window again.

"Izzy, go with the protectors, I'm staying with Swift." Jake said sternly and went closer to me, Izzy nodded with a serious expression and followed other animals with similar headdresses. To my surprise, Jake wrapped his tail around me.

"W-What a-are you doing..?" I asked nervously while reddening, Jake looked at me in the corner of his eyes and smirked.

"Comforting you." He said cheekily, I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.

"I could get used to this." I mumbled and leaned against him, he blushed at my action but continued to protect me.

Suddenly, thunder was heard outside. I flinched but Jake nuzzled me to say that it's alright, our classroom door suddenly bursted open and the students, me and Jake looked at it in surprise.

Jake growled, pulled me closer, and glared at the figure at the door. The figure had a black aura surrounding him while his eyes glowed red, Jake's paws started glowing a faint yellow glow as the figure goes closer.

The figure lifted its head and there it was, standing before all of us. I shivered in fear at his menacing glare, he smiled a scary smile.

"Looks like none of you changed." He said in a low tone, Jake growled louder at him. "All of you are just... still, cowards." He added, while laughing evilly.

"What do you want?!" Jake yelled, I hid my snout underneath his chin. The scary fox snickered.

"So, I'm not allowed to visit you all? Possibly meet the new comers?" He said, laughing. Trike suddenly hopped forward to our and his surprise.

"You can't just scare us all like this, who do you think you are?!" Trike yelled, the fox narrowed his eyes but smiled.

"You got guts, kid. I appreciate that, but..." He trailed, and took out a black sword, Trike shivered. "Not enough.." He stepped closer to Trike.

He raised a paw and black aura surrounded Trike and he was pinned to a wall, students near the area stepped back as the scary fox narrows his eyes at them then to Trike. I felt my fur rise and my teeth baring.

"I pity you, bunny. I used to be like you, all of you." He looked at all of us as he said that, "I was easily scared, but, I learned that fear is for the weak." He muttered harshly, Trike gulped in nervousness as the scary fox was closing in on him. I couldn't take it anymore when he raised the sword to stab Trike so I...

"LET HIM GO!" I yelled, Trike, Jake, the scary fox and everyone else were surprised at my sudden outburst. I walked a few feet away from Jake, close to the scary fox and glared.

He suddenly laughed. "Another one? Well, I might even have more victims today.." He said while moving the sword away from Trike, me and Trike sighed in relief.

"You can't just harm anyone." I growled, my wristband's crystal started glowing again, he narrowed his eyes at me.

"What if I do... THIS?!" He suddenly grabbed a young wolf with his dark aura and bared his teeth near the wolf's neck.

"Ash!" A female wolf cried, the scary fox growled at her.

"If any of you come any closer, say good bye to... Ash." He chuckled darkly, Ash whimpered.

I suddenly felt something in my body and I didn't know what happened next...

"Let... him... GO!" I yelled angrily and my crystal made me glow a blue aura and I unconsciously shot a water ball at the scary fox which freed Ash and took him by surprise. Jake's eyes widened, as well as the other students.

The fox groaned and gasped in shock when he saw my glowing blue aura, I growled at him as he stood up shakily.

"Hunter! Boss, we need to go!" A grey cougar suddenly appeared, the fox scowled and glared at me. But I could see something in his expression that I couldn't read,

"We will return, get that in your heads, idiots." He growled and disappeared with the cougar, the storm cleared up after a few minutes. The crystal stopped glowing and the aura faded away, I suddenly felt very exhausted so I collapse but Jake caught me in time.

"Swift! Thank you for saving us." Trike and Ash said as they went near me, I smiled weakly and closed my eyes.

"Swift!" I heard Izzy's voice, she ran up to me and looked at me worriedly. "What happened? Did Hunter and the Rebels hurt you?" She asked.

Jake shook his head, "No, almost, but we're fine. Most of us.." He trailed worriedly while looking at me, I take in deep breaths as I try to even my breathing.

"What happened?" Izzy asked with concern.

"Hunter got in, almost hurt Trike and Ash but Swift saves them. She seemingly used her magic to fight him off, and he left." Jake explained without taking his eyes off me.

"Whoa.." Izzy said in awe, "She's brave. How perfect." She said, smirking. Jake blushed again.

"Izzy!" He whined while Izzy shrugged innocently.

To Be Continued...

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