Chapter 6

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Wise Teacher


"Is she alright?"

"She will be fine, don't worry young ones."

"Her sudden outburst of magic must've worn her out."

"With rest, she will gain her energy back, in time."

"Thank you very much, ma'am."

I heard faint voices in the darkness, I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, I don't know why but my eyelids felt so heavy. I shut my eyes tightly and stirred, the voices I heard from earlier all gasp.

"SHE'S.. she's okay.." The voice of Jake said, relieved at the end but almost overwhelmed at first. I tried moving but my body felt exhausted, so I remained still and tried opening my eyes. "Swift, can you hear us?" Jake asked softly.

I stirred in response and exhaled deeply, "She still needs rest, young one. You can come back later to see her." The soft and gentle voice of the school's healer made me feel less exhausted, and made Jake more clam. I heard a smack later.

"OW! What was that for?!" Jake yelped, when I finally opened my eyes slightly enough, I saw Izzy roll her eyes at Jake.

"Stop being an over reactive idiot and just leave to come later." She huffed, amusedly may I add. Jake rolled his eyes. The healer smiled warmly at Jake and Izzy and held another bowl.

"You two can go along now, come back later and I can assure you that's she will be in better condition." The healer said in a soft tone, Jake took another glance at me.

I smiled weakly and gestured the door to him and Izzy, Jake sighed and smiled. Izzy shoved him forward, gave me a smile and left with Jake. I was left with the healer and the calm, gentle and warm atmosphere.

"How are you feeling?" The old fox asked softly, I raised my head a little to be able to look at her.

"I-I'm fine, ma'am." I said quietly, she nodded and proceeded to make something. I laid my head back down on the mat and closed my eyes again, I noticed my wristband's amulet slightly less blue than it was. Probably because I drained some energy from it.

"Drink this, young one." The healer said after a while, she handed me what looked like an herbal soup. "It will help you replenish your energy quicker." She added softly, I raised my head up again and started sipping the soup. It tasted a bit differently from the herbal mush that I was given last time I was here, but I didn't complain and drank all of it then laid down again. "Rest now, I will check on you later and send you back to class when you're in better condition."

"Thank you again, ma'am.." I said quietly, and closed my eyes to rest...


I slowly opened my eyes, my body felt less exhausted and more energetic. I sat up quickly and scanner the room, the healer was in a corner near the cherry blossomed plant. I flicked my tail from side to side.

"I hope you slept well." The healer said without looking at me, my eyes widened in surprise.

"H-How did you know I was awake?" I asked, she chuckled and finally faced me.

"I could sense it, it was a gift." She said softly, I nodded and walked up to her. "How are you feeling, young one?"

"I'm feeling better ma'am, thank you." I smiled, she nodded and faced the plant once again. "Ma'am, may I ask why do you have cherry blossom trees here?" I asked, I couldn't really help it.

"My mother showed me the beauty of cherry blossom trees, they make me feel calm and relaxed." She said. I took a glance at the cherry blossom tree.

I recalled what happened earlier, "Ma'am, do you know who the Rebels are?" I asked, she frowned.

"The Rebels are a group of forgotten, hated and expelled students." She said sadly, I suddenly feel bad for some reason.

"Do you know who Hunter is?" I asked, also recalling the scary fox who nearly killed Trike and Ash. She frowned even more and stared at me sadly.

"Hunter is their leader, they say he was hated by a teacher here who was his mother, and she expelled him for.. an.. accident." She said, ears drooping down. I folded my ears back.

"I-I'm sorry for asking ma'am.." I trailed, the healer smiled softly.

"It is alright, young one. I respect your bravery for protecting your classmates." She smiled, I felt warm inside with her words. "I see potential in you." She added.

"Thank you ma'am, I couldn't stand seeing Hunter almost kill Ash and Trike." I said while looking back to the cherry blossom tree.

"I see." The healer hummed. "You can go now, young one. The day is almost over." She said.

"Alright then, ma'am. Bye!" I said happily and trotted outside to my next class.


"So, you met the fox that the prophecy showed us?" A figure asked. The fox before him nodded.

"Yes father, turns out she's just a regular fox." The fox muttered, the figure glared.

"She can't be regular, she needs to have powers like you!" The figure yelled, the fox narrowed his eyes.

"She did have some water powers."

"That's it?" The figure grumbled unimpressed.

"I only met her. I'll know more about her, soon."

The figure suddenly sat up from it's throne, "Soon? SOON?! I need more information NOW!" It yelled angrily, the fox winced but doesn't move from his position.

"Very well, I will come back tomorrow to gain more information." The fox said, the figure gave a nod and at back down.

"Don't fail me... Hunter.."

To Be Continued...

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