Chapter 7

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Back At Home

"This is the worse time of the day." Izzy whined when other students started disappearing to go home, "Really the worse time."

"Yeah.." Jake trailed, letting his ears droop. I sighed and nodded sadly.

"It's been a fun yet rough first day, I'm sure tomorrow will be better." I said, glancing at my wristband.

"You'll come back?" Izzy asked, hope in her voice. I smiled.

"Of course! I already love the school, well, it's the only school I love so far.." I trailed, my mind wandering off to the schools I've been to before. "Before, I didn't get to meet much people like you guys." I said while looking at them, "Students hated me." I said with tears forming.

Jake gasped, "Hated?!" He yelped, Izzy rolled her eyes at Jake.

"Y-Yeah.." I stuttered, Izzy walked up to me and hugged me, I accepted the hug.

"You won't meet anyone like those students anymore, Jamaa Academy doesn't have bullies." Izzy assured, Jake nodded and joined the hug, I felt warm inside.

"Thanks guys.." I said and managed to smile, they pull away from the hug and smile back. "See you guys tomorrow." I said and waved.

"Bye!" Izzy chirped, waving while making her headdress sway slightly.

"Bye.." Jake said sadly, I smiled once again and went once again to the bus going back home.

At Home...

I finally made it back, pretty exhausted. I opened the door to my house and saw my dad pacing around the room.

"Did you hear the news?! The school was attacked!" My dad shrieked in panic while staring at my mom, he was sweating in nervousness. "What if something happened to Swift?!"

"Loki, calm down! I'm sure she's okay." My mom said, although she's as nervous as my dad.

"I don't even know is she's safe in that school." My dad muttered, "What if she's hurt? What if she was kidnapped? What if-"

"I'M OKAY!" I yelled, they both gasped, ran to me and hugged me tightly. "M-Mom? D-Dad?"

"Thank goodness.." My mom whimpered, my dad hugged me tighter.

"I don't know what I'll do if we lost you." My dad whimpered, I almost couldn't breathe in their embrace.
"C-Can't, breathe.." I slightly choked, they pulled away and nuzzled me. "I'm fine, mom and dad."

"Swift, what happened there?" My dad asked seriously, I stiffened when I remembered Hunter.

"We were being taught magic, w-when.." I trailed, my mom nuzzled me comfortingly. My dad suddenly growled and stomped to the window.

"They traumatised her!" My dad yelled, my mom went over to my dad and tried calming him down. "Nora, I can't be calm at the moment!"

"Dad-" I tried to say.

"Loki, calm down!"


"I cannot believe-!"

"MOM, DAD!" I yelled, they finally stopped and looked at me. I inhaled deeply. "I was fine out there, nothing to worry about." I said, slightly out of breath from yelling. My dad finally eased up.

"Are you sure?" He asked, double checking.

"Yes." I said and smiled, my dad and mom smiled. I yawned and noticed how sleepy I was from the day.

"Time for bed, sweetie." My mom said, I nodded and went to nuzzle my dad before following mom upstairs.

When we get to my room, I literally plopped down on my bed and almost dozed off at the comfort of my warm bed. My mom smiled at me.

"Good night, Swift. Sweet dreams." My mom said, turned off the night light and closed the door.

I grabbed Freddie and stared at him for a while, "What a day, Freddie." I sighed and remembered my new friends, and most likely best friends, and smiled despite my tiredness. "Well, what a great day." I added, hugged Freddie tight,y and finally went to sleep.

Author's POV(Hey! First time having an actual author's POV!)

Swift didn't know that someone was watching him the whole time, the figure flicked his tail and disappeared back to his master.

"She's home now." The fox said, huffing a little. The figure on the throne folded its ears back and narrowed its eyes at him. "That's all I could get." The fox grumbled, the figure on the throne slammed it's paw to make the fox flinch only a little.

"You'll have to report more about her, tomorrow. Befriend her and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Our deal only was to capture her and make her save our lives! Not for me to make.. friends with her!" The fox yelled irritatedly, the figure stomped down to him and choked him with his magic.

"Don't you dare, judge my plans!" The figure yelled and choked him tighter, by now the fox was almost suffocating.

"Y-Y-Yes, s-s-sir!" The fox choked, finally, the figure stopped choking him, making the fox gasp and breathe in and out deeply.

"You'll know more of your consequences when you judge my plans like that, Hunter. Make sure to report more and befriend her tomorrow."

"Y-Yes, sir..." The fox said while shivering a little, the figure laughed.

"I knew it, you were always weak.." The figure said in a deep voice, Hunter gulped. "You are dismissed, do not fail me tomorrow." Hunter nodded a little fearfully and teleported away. "Stupid fox." The figure grumbled.

To Be Continued...

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