Animal Squad is back!

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Luca (mumbling under breath): Come over to try and help sonic, ambush me, talking about a reboot...

Luca (mumbling under breath): think they can squeeze a dollar out of essentially nothing...He's the one that quit the show in the first place, I've been fine without it...

Luca: *sees a poster called 'Trolls; All together* Okay, that- that one looks pretty good

*Meanwhile with alberto*

*alberto was getting ready for the show*

Actor #1 (talking to the other actors): So weird, i mean it's like; 'What are you talking about?'

Alberto: Totally, hey guys you wanna hang after the show tonight? I know a great place for sushi

Actor #2: Oh, um, I'm sorry, man, but we got other plans, you know

Actor #3: Yeah

Actor #1: I think the ironic guest performer wants to be friends

*the other actors walk off while alberto sighs before his phone starts ringing*

Alberto: *picks up his phone and answers* Ciao you've reached al-

*the phone chatter interupts him and tells him something*

Alberto: Huh? O- okay okay calm down, don't worry i'll call luca as soon as i can...Okay bye *hangs up*

*Meanwhile at luca's house*

Branch (On TV): My queen, You can't going alone, i'm coming with you

Poppy (On TV): You don't have to do that

Branch (On TV): I know, *takes ahold of her chin* but i have to protect you, it's my job

*Then branch kisses her rough and passionate with her kissing him back*

Luca: Yes branch! protect your girl!

*Then luca's phone rings and he answers it*

Luca: Hello?

Alberto (on Phone): Hey it's alberto, don't hang up!

*transition to alberto*

Alberto: Look i just got a call from sonic and he said Meilin's been kidnapped

*transition to luca*

Luca: What?! are you serious?

*transition to alberto*

Alberto: Yeah, it's crazy

Alberto: The cops want a statement from the three of us since we were the last people she talked to, I'm gonna head back to his apartment, Sonic will meet us there, okay?

Luca (On phone): Don't worry i'll be there soon!

*Luca hangs up*

*At sonic's apartment*

*Luca and Alberto arrived at the apartment*

Sonic: Luca! Alberto! *hugs them tightly* You're here

Luca: Of course we're here

Sonic: Come on, the cops are waiting for us

*Sonic, Luca and Alberto walk over to captain putty*

Capt. Putty: So you three are friends of the victim?

Sonic: Yes that's us

Capt. Putty: You got anything for me? Any known enemies or threats? 

Alberto: Yeah actually, Sonic told luca she was in debt to the Valley Gang? She was afraid of being bootlegged since she was somewhat of a star in the early '80's

Alberto:...She was the muscle on the Animal Squad

Alberto: We were on the show together

Alberto: When you need help, just call--

Capt. Putty: Never heard of it

Sonic: What?

Luca: *ear fins droop and looks down sadly* This is my fault, I shouldn't have left...

*alberto looked at luca sadly*

Capt. Putty: Well, it eats me up inside to have to tell you this, but if she's been taken by the Valley Gang, I doubt we can help you

Capt. Putty: We've been trying for years to track those sleaze bags, A fella named Sweet Pete, runs the whole operation and he's always one step ahead of us!

Alberto: What?

Sonic: So, that's it? I thought that cops were supposed to serve and protect, not give up and move on!

Capt. Putty: Hey! I'd give anything to make a case against those scum!

Capt. Putty: Sweet Pete's got his fingers in every illegal business from bootlegging to making fake 4*town songs, getting rich while we look like we just fell off the turnip truck

Ellie: All done sir

*Captain putty exclaims startled*

Capt. Putty: Oh! You scared the beans out of me, Steckler

Ellie: I searched the perimeter, no clues

Capt. Putty: Yeah of course not, Why would there be? Six missing toons in a month and not one clue

Ellie: Well, maybe we should check in with the neighbors? See if anyone saw anything?

Capt. Putty: Oh, yeah. You think? Why don't you just leave the real detective work to me, okay? *laughs* sheesh

Ellie: Right sorry sir

Sock puppet officer: Chief, the press are outside waiting for a statement

Capt. Putty: *groans* Do i have anything on my back?

Ellie: Yes sir, It looks like a Monopoly game piece and Officer O'Hara

Capt. Putty: Officer! What the- Ugh, *placks off the monopoly piece and Officer O'hara* just want one day where my shirt stays clean

Capt. Putty: Okay, pack it up boys, Let's go

*Captain putty and his team leave*

Ellie: *notices Luca, Alberto and Sonic* Hey! *chuckles*

Ellie: I'm Ellie Steckler, Uh, I am a huge fan

Sonic (Amused): Really?

Ellie: I actually became a detective because as a little girl growing up in Albany, I wanted to help people, Just like you guys

Sonic: No way! We are so honored! namaste

Luca: You do know that was just a TV show, right? Not real

Sonic: Luca, Inspiration is inspiration

Ellie: Look, I heard what Putty was saying to you guys, But I don't think it's hopeless, I'm breaking some rules telling you this, but from everything that we know about bootlegging, the whole process takes about two days

Sonic: That's 48 whole hours!

*Luca sighs and rolls his eyes*

Ellie: The problem is, we don't know where Sweet Pete's bootlegging facility is, And every time we try to get a warrant, we get so bogged down in red tape that nothing happens, But if you guys can find that bootlegging facility, I think you'll find your friend

Alberto: Wow! Thank you, and thank you again for watching the show! It really means a lot

Luca: Ugh for real alberto?

Ellie: *chuckles* I'll be in touch

Sonic: You're amazing ellie!

*Alberto and Sonic chuckle*

Luca: What?

Alberto: You heard her! We should go find Mei ourselves

Luca: For real?

Sonic: Yes! Who better to rescue Mei-mei?

Luca: Literally anyone

Sonic: Really? 'cause from where I am standing, there's only one crime-fighting team that can solve this case

Luca: Guys no, We're as much real detectives as the Scooby-Doo gang

Sonic: Exactly! That's why we have to try

Luca: What?! no!

Sonic: Hey, i called you and alberto for help and we let meilin down, we can't just let her rot in some overseas studio, being forced to make bad movies

Alberto: Exactly! if she's gonna be making bad movies, she should be making them here with us

Luca: *sighs* Okay, even if we were going to help, we have no idea where to start! We don't even know what we're- *realizes something* wait a sec *jumps into the dumpster*

Alberto: What is he doing?

*Sonic shrugs*

Luca: *notices a fake 4*town record and picks it up* Aha!

*luca climbs out of the dumpster*

Luca: Meilin loves 4*town! so of course she'd be tricked into listening to a fake 4*town song

Alberto: Oh remember 'U know what's up'?

Sonic: Oh yeah! that was like our favourite song!

Alberto and Sonic: U Know what's up! U know it's us yeah!

Luca: Guys, focus!

Sonic: Sorry

Luca: Anyway 'Bjornson records, 44 main street'

Sonic: Uhh did you just sniff out a clue?

Alberto: Luca! you found a clue!

Luca: Look, we can go to the record shop, See what we can find out about this secret facility and Sweet Pete, then pass it along to the officer lady, but that's all we're gonna do

Sonic: So you're saying the Animal Squad is back?

Luca: NO! because there's no such thing as the Animal Squad, Case closed

Alberto: 'Case'?

Luca: *groans frustrated* No, this is not a case because we're not real detectives

Sonic: You're right, this is not a case...THIS IS A SECRET MISSION!

Alberto: SO case in point the Animal Squad is back on! Yes!

*Sonic and Alberto dance and sing about how the animal squad is back while luca face-palms and groans*

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