Chapter 3: Yakko's first day

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At his first day, outside the golden doors, Wakko and dot were waiting which made him realized.

Yakko: uh can you excuse me for a minute

He goes back outside to say goodbye to his sibs.

Yakko: ok sibs I got to go you stay with Lola

Lola wraps her arms around their shoulders.

Lola: don't worry they'll be safe with me, I'll be sure to give them a tour around toon town

Yakko: ok well ya sibs

As he goes back inside, Wakko walked up to him and tugged on his shirt, with something on his mind.

Wakko: Yakko wait there's something I have to tell you

Yakko: what is it Wakko

When he tries to talk he saw his brothers eyes and he lost his courage.

Wakko: oh never mind

Yakko: ok I'll see you sibs later, have fun in the big city

As he left Wakko and dot were left with Lola.

Lola: ok you two come with me, you'll be here until your dad is done with the interview

She grabs their hands and walked them to a nursery where all the children go.

Dot: but Yakko isn't our dad, he's our brother

Lola: oh well then come with still

As they were being dragged, Wakko was sulking sadly.

Dot: so when are you going to tell him

Wakko: oh I don't know

Dot: you're going to have to tell him eventually Wakko

Wakko: I know but I just looking for the right moment, every time I get the courage to tell him, I blank out and get scared

Lola then took to a room marked nursery, when they got inside, they saw baby looney tunes, little kids from Arthur, bubbles power puff girl playing blocks. When they walk in, Lola points to two chairs, they sat down.

Lola: ok you two wait here until your guidance comes to show you around toon town, have fun

She closes the door and the two we both stuck in a room with toddlers.

Dot: (harrumph)

Dot was board out of her mind and Wakko sulks deep into his seat, blast his music up high.

Meanwhile with Yakko, he goes to meet his coworkers.

Yakko: sorry about that

Bugs: it's ok doc

The person in the chair turned around to reveal to be no other then bugs bunny.

He was wearing a white suit with black shoes, he was holding a carrot in his mouth like a cigar.

He then gets up and they shake hands.

Bugs: I know what it's like I'm more of a family man too

He shows him a picture of he and Lola with their kids buster and two baby bunnies one boy and one girl.

Bugs: it is good to finally meet you and it is nice to meet a toon who puts his family first

Yakko: same here

Bugs: my name is bugs, I am going to be your assistant and that guy over there

He points out on the other side of the room, a pair of legs were on a furniture, they move to reveal to be the one and the only, Mickey Mouse.

Bugs: is Mickey Mouse he is going to be your advisor

Mickey: hi there

He was wearing a red suit with a matching fedora.

Yakko: but wait assistant? What job am I getting exactly

Bugs: well you see-wait nobody told what you were going to do

Yakko: no

Mickey and bugs looked at each other then back at him.

Yakko: what

Harry: perhaps I can explain

They all turned to see man rolling in a rolling chair, he had blond shot hair, black glasses wore a brown cashmere sweater underneath was a red long sleeve undershirt beige slacks and black shoes.

It was none other then the real Warner bros.

Yakko: (gasp) are you-

Bugs: yep Yakko meet the C. E. O. of acme co. And the one and only Warner bros pictures owner Harry Sam Albert Jack Warner

Harry: nice to meet you Yakko

Yakko was flattered as they shook hands.

Yakko: WOW but wait weren't there four of you

Harry: na we just told people that so we could be famous, don't read what you see on the internet

Yakko: ok but what those this have to do with me

Harry, bugs, and Mickey looked at each other and sat down across from Yakko.

Harry: Yakko listen you were brought here for a Reason, you were chosen to be the new C. E. O.

Yakko: but why me

Bugs: because toon town and acme co. Needs a strong and brave leader and you have what it takes

Mickey: we been watching you and your family adventures, we seen how strong you are

Yakko: oh gee I don't know

Harry: Yakko please this company needs someone to believe in, someone zany like you and it is becoming my time

Yakko: oh I'm so sorry I didn't know when is your last life due

Harry: huh oh no no no no, it's my time to retire so I need someone I can trust to look after the company someone independent, someone who can keep things into shape

Bugs: or at least can come up with new ideas that can keep us at top

Harry: that is why I chose you, after going through your resume, we see that your more then capable of controlling things

Yakko: oh gee I don't know

He rubs the back of his head unsure about the position he was offering then hugs placed his hand on his shoulder.

Bugs: please don't do it for the company or the town but do it for your sibs

He goes through his pocket and takes out a picture of him and his sibs. Then he looks up.

Yakko: alright I'll do

Harry/bugs/Mickey: yes, alright

Harry then gets up and holds his hand out.

Harry: well Yakko congratulations you are now the new C. E. O.  of acme co.

They shake hands then they walked into another room which was the executive office, Yakko's new office.

Yakko: WOW

he was amazed by it, it was big, it had a open bar, a desk with two chairs and a giant computer and behind his desk was a large bay window. It was so massive he could see the entire city below him as he walks over, presses his hand against the window and was taken by the beauty of it.

Harry backed his stuff, had a colorful lei and puts on a Luau Fedoras with Printed Band.

Harry: well it was nice meeting you again Yakko, congratulations and good luck president ceo

He salutes him then walks out to start his retirement as ge left Yakko felt something inside him, something bright and yellow.

He felt pride.

Bugs: ok President Yakko you excited on your first day but are your orders

He smiles then looks back at them.

Yakko: we celebrate, now let's get to work

To be continued....

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