Chapter 4: first day in town

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In the nursery room as dot was getting bored with being stuck in the baby room, Wakko took a little nap.

Then out of nowhere, a tour car jumped in front of them.

(Babies laughing)

Out of the car came shaggy and Scooby doo.

Shaggy: woo Hoo, alright now who's ready for a tour

They walked up to them and shaggy pulled out a clipboard.

Shaggy: ok now which ones are the Warner's

Dot then points at Wakko, he gets up and takes his headphones off.

Dot: he is

Wakko: huh?

Shaggy: your the the Warner's

Wakko: yep the only one

Shaggy: alrighty let's go then

He follows them and sits in the back of the seat and dot watches as they back out of the building.

They took a drive into town, showing Wakko the rest of the city.

Shaggy: and over there is disney street where all Disney characters live and work together to protect toon town, on your right you see Nickelodeon road where comedy scripts and action packed stories are written and shipped to acme co

Scooby: and down there Cartoon Network valley where the best food is scene

Shaggy: speaking of which

they take out two big sandwiches and start swallow whole.

Shaggy/Scooby: (gulp)

Wakko was surprised as he got closer to them.

Wakko: whoa you guys like to eat

Shaggy/Scooby: yep

Wakko: me too

Both shaggy and Scooby smiled as they look back at Wakko and handed him a meat lover sandwich.

Shaggy: well here help yourself

Wakko: (gulp)

He takes it and swallows it whole.

Wakko: you know people get disgusted for the way I eat and shocked to see how much I eat

Scooby: us too

Shaggy: yeah but hey if you want to see a really big food lover, you should meet chowder

Wakko: I think I meet him yesterday

Shaggy: say would you like to come with us to visit all the restaurants in here

He puts on a lobster bib and takes out a knife and fork.

Wakko: you had me at restaurants

Meanwhile with dot as she was grumpy and board, She then was greeted by lola as she felt her hand touching her shoulder.

She looks up at her.

Lola: excuse hi, would you like to the ladies room

Dot: (sigh) sure why not

She follows lola to a pink door marked, women's only room. And once she got inside, she saw every famous cartoon female empowerment character, from kids next door girls all the Disney princess, marvel superhero girls, star, Minnie Mouse and daisy, Star Wars rebel girls, Betty boob.

Dot: (gasp)

She saw posters about female empowerment, every girl sitting, drinking coffee and talking.

She then was greeted by Velma and daphne.

Velma: oh looks like we got another one


every girl stayed quiet and gathered around dot in a circle then as dot was confused, Lola pushed her deep.

Dot: uh hi, I'm dot

Girls: hi dot

Velma: welcome to our club dot

Dot: uh what is this place

Daphne: why this is the female empowerment club

Dot: what's the female empowerment

Girls: (gasp)

Wonder women: allow me to explain ladies

Every girl smiled then looked at dot, she felt a chill through her spine as she saw the voice coming from the dark side of the room, in a rolling chair.

Velma: dot we would like you to meet the leader and the woman who created female empowerment, Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman walk up from the chair, in her costume and up to dot, she bends down and wraps her arms around her shoulders.

Wonder Woman: this is a place where every women all shapes and sizes are welcome, I used to want to save the world. To end war and bring peace to mankind. But then I glimpsed the darkness that lives within their light. I learnt that inside every one of them there will always be both. The choice each must make for themselves — something no hero will ever defeat, There's something so special about a woman who dominates in a man's world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for a answer, Feminism isn't about making women stronger. Women are already strong, it's about changing the way the world perceives that strength." A FEMINIST is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men. Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them, THIS IS A PLACE WHERE NO MAN CAN MAKE YOU FEEL WRONG, THIS IS FEMALE EMPOWERMENT!!!!!!!

Everyone got up from their chairs and started chatting, screaming and cheering along, this has made dot very inspired and change her point of view on men.

Wonder Woman: in the female empowerment club no man can tell you want to do and you have the power to control your life, so what do you say dot, would you like to join in

Dot: would I!!!

Antsy, she looks around and sees every women looking and nodding at her, asking her to join.

Dot: count me in

Wonder women: exactly, you can be our new president now

Dot: yeah- wait what me but I just got here

Wonder Woman: ok we'll take a vote, all in favor of making dot the new president say I

Girls: I

Literally everyone in the room voted for her.

Wonder Woman: and do it's decided congratulations dot, and welcome to the female empowerment club

Velma: wow congratulations president dot

Daphne: yeah

This made dot feel more empowerment then ever as everyone clapped for her.

Dot: I love this place

Meanwhile back with Wakko, he, shaggy and Scooby, just came back from a all you can eat seafood restaurant.

Wakko: boy those lobsters were good

Shaggy: yeah

He then looked at his watch and realized the time.

Shaggy: oh boy Scooby we're going to be late let's go

Scooby: rikes

They grabbed Wakko, jumped in the car and took off.

They arrived at a park where ever Hanna barbera character were in.

Wakko: where are we

Shaggy: why we're at the music festival, a festival that celebrates music

Scooby: and free food

Scooby takes a deep strawberry cheesecake and eats it whole, as they head inside, Wakko was not only amazed by park full of food but also he was taken my the music, each stage had different characters playing different instruments.

Yogi bear and boo boo playing reggae music, quick draw McGraw playing the banjo, ranger brown, forester, and Jones playing punk music, the flintstones and jetsons playing jazz, and Tom and Jerry doing rap.

That at the biggest stage was a group called the snack pack, the Snack pack included Buster, Scooby, Louie, Huey, dewy.

Wakko: wow

Shaggy: the snack pack is the biggest and baddest and most popular band in toontwon

Wakko: awesome

Shaggy: I should now because Scooby is in the band

Wakko: really

He turns to see Scooby dressing like the 80s and smirking in pride.

Shaggy: he plays a great bass

Wakko: cool

Just then buster came down.

Buster: bad news you guys the band is being canceled

Scooby: huh

Shaggy: but why

Buster: because our lead drummer Louie quit and his brothers joined him

Shaggy: but we need a drummer, can't we get bambam to help us

Buster: he's with his family

He points over bam bam hitting drums at a different stage.

Shaggy: oh just great now how are we supposed to find a drummer at this hour

Wakko saw how stressed they were and in trouble, he looks at the drums and then gets a idea.

Wakko: say I can play the drums

Shaggy: you can

Wakko: oh yeah

Buster: can you play the drums

Wakko: of course I can

He jumps on the stage, gets behind the stage, picks up the drum sticks and plays a good solo, as the band became impressed, it then got the whole crowd attention.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Buster: whoa this guy is good

Shaggy: yeah and on his first try too

Scooby: reah

(Crowd chanting)

Buster: where did you get find this kid from

Plucky: who cares, we got a drummer let's band

Buster: oh right right, come on Scoob

Scooby: ok

He gets up and as the band got together, they played the song: yellow, and the performance was a crowd pleaser as begin to hit on every drum that he came across.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Buster: I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh, what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

Now the gang was really impressed as Wakko didn't stop nor he opened his eyes.

At the end of the song, he jumped in front of buster and when he threw the sticks in the air, he caught them on time.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When they landed the snack pack saw how what a crowd pleaser Wakko was, when he brought them out.

They looked at each other and it was decided.

When Wakko gets up and bows, he felt someone grabbing his shoulders, he turns around to see it was buster smiling at him.

Buster: say kid how would you like to be in our band

Wakko: would I?

He looks at shaggy and Scooby giving him thumbs up, he he excitedly smiled back at buster.

Wakko: sure man I loved to

They shook hands and at that time, dot and Wakko have finally learned to love their new home....but for how long?

To be continued...

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