The Spectator | Nanami Kento

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•Nanami Kento x fem reader fluff imagine

•Warnings: None

•A/N: You might've seen this on Tumblr & yes that was me! It's my undercover account lmaooo. Anyway enjoy :)


Nanami didn't think it would happen to him.

Of all people, he never thought he would be the one to end up in this situation.

He was always the onlooker. The observer. The spectator.

He was always too busy for indulging in such things. He was involved in a very busy company that would keep him at work past business hours. He would stay up late nights drinking coffee until the cup was empty, staring endlessly at a bright computer screen, his hands would begin to tire from typing on a keyboard.

He would every-so-often turn to the Jujutsu Highschool to help whenever he was needed. It wasn't often, but he'd lend a weekend to help out there once in a while.

Needless to say, he was certainly busy. He hardly had any free time to relax or catch up with people.

In fact, he hardly knew anyone to catch up with because he was so busy all the time.

That was until he met you, of course. As stupid as it is, he hated you at first.

Always nudging yourself around into his business, poking around and asking him questions about himself, offering to bring him a cup of coffee from the break room to his desk or a cup of water--it was entirely stupid, really, how he hated all of your advances. He despised it. He kept brushing it off, thinking you were an annoying little nat who kept trying to steal his attention away from his current work. He wasn't rude about it though, no, he could never be rude. Maybe that's what kept you coming back to him, was that maybe he was being a little bit too polite.

Eventually, it got to a certain point where he would just oblige and give you a quiet, sure, to just finally give you want you wanted. He never realized why exactly you were doing this until he was looking at you across from the office talking to another coworker.

You were just being friendly. Of course. You didn't want to annoy him on purpose, no, you were simply looking for conversation. You were looking for a friend. Nanami of course never picked up on this because he was always sucked into his work, never looking away unless he went for his lunch break, and that was it.

Within your next advancements, Nanami was sure he was going to continue the conversation you were trying to have with him, and certainly take your cup of coffee you'd offer him instead of brushing it off or giving you an unsure answer.

That is, exactly what happened. He found himself enjoying work just a tad more once he started talking to you. He never thought he'd admit it, but just the other morning he found a little bounce in his step as he was getting dressed for work. He remembered smiling to himself as he slipped on a gold watch, remembering one of the silly conversations you had with him the other day, just before he went to his lunch break.

It was strange, how making a friend in the workplace would lighten up your entire mood while being in such a demanding environment.

He'd enjoy going to work almost every day, getting excited just to talk to you, to see you, to hear you.

One day, you weren't at the office, though. You called in sick. It was a dull day for him. Other people that you introduced him to had approached him and offered up small talk--however, it wasn't the same. He gave them short answers and would nod or shake his head while keeping his head down between the gray sides of his cubicle. For a minute he hadn't realized that your absence had made such an impact on him.

He assumed that he'd be better on his lunch break.

Like any other day, he went to his local bakery and got himself a sandwich. He usually would drive back to the office to eat or would sit in his car to eat, but this time, he decided he'd opt for a patio table outside.

So he went and sat and ate his sandwich there. He scrolled through news articles on his phone for a few minutes, scrolled through ridiculous posts on social media, and responded to some emails before finding his device utterly boring and setting it down on the table.

Nanami looked up from his phone and looked at his surroundings.


A rather busy city, usually bustling with people and tourists rushing to their destinations; it seemed to be quite calm for some strange reason.

He found himself looking at people--people watching if you will--observing as he had done several times. People stared down at their phones before crossing the street, people kicking loose rubble along the sidewalk, someone buying something out of a vending machine, or couples holding hands...

His eyes seemed to linger a bit on the couple holding hands. Their smiles reached from ear to ear, their hands were swinging, and they couldn't seem to stop leaning away and then leaning into each other. They were laughing at something, Nanami wasn't sure what, but whatever it was, it must've been funny as the man clutched his chest with his free hand as he let out a big laugh.

Nanami smiled softly. They seem happy, he thought, taking a bite from his sandwich. His smile slowly faded and his eyebrows knit together when he felt a pang in his chest. He blinked, realizing, that this wasn't the first time he'd felt this.

Every time he'd see a happy couple, he couldn't help but feel a strong pang in his chest. Well, it actually felt more like a knot. It was a tight knot in his chest that would make him knit his eyebrows and clench his jaw before adverting his eyes so he wouldn't have to deal with this sudden emotion.

He'd always known this for a long time, but he'd simply chosen to ignore it.

Kento Nanami was alone.

As much as he hated to admit it, he wished he wasn't.

He's always looking, observing, spectating other people, wishing that maybe it could be him.

Until, it was.

He blinked, shaking away his thoughts of the past, he brought himself back to reality.

Here he was, looking at you, the most beautiful girl in the world. You were truly... Breathtaking. The environment surrounding you seemed to be nonexistent, as Nanami only found himself staring at you.

A rolling, grassy field, scattered with flowers and a glistening orange sky sat in the background behind you. Granted, the scenery was beautiful, but it didn't compare to you when you were sitting beside him.

You were on a picnic date, and you were sipping on a water bottle you had been drinking out of all day, claiming you were trying to stay more hydrated.

He admired how the sun kissed your skin perfectly, a soft, orange glow appeared on the apples of your cheeks. Your eyes sparkled like the dewdrops you'd see on the fresh grass in the morning, where the sun would hit them just right.

Kento couldn't help but think of you as a ray of sunshine as the star in the sky seemed to offer you its radiance for the afternoon.

He's leaning back onto his palms while you do the same, your head tilted back, eyes closed, taking in the fresh air--except Nanami's looking at you.

He's simply, totally, lost in thought about how much he's in love.

To think, he didn't think it would happen to him.

What a ridiculous thought.

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