Another Chance

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This time it's Bungo Stray Dogs! We have some happy ending Soukoku angst! There are details in here you know aren't canon. It's all for the drama. No fighting in the comments. Enjoy darlings! 😉

~Atsushi POV~

We followed Dazai-san out here since he was nervous the whole day. We were really worried, but he showed up at somebody's house, which turned out to be Nakahara Chuuya-san's. It seems that he's trying to apologise to Chuuya-san for something, but these responses... I think the mystery of Dazai-san's past just got a lot more important...

"Why?" he gasped, beginning to cry. Dazai stopped again, letting him speak. "Why now? Years of pain. I finally got over you after so long."

"Got over?" Naomi said, walking out and blowing all our covers. "You were a thing, Dazai-san? Out of everyone, a Port Mafia executive?"


"He was an executive at the time. He abandoned me and everything we had. He betrayed the Port Mafia. I can only hope for your sakes that he's actually on your side. He's prone to flip-flopping, you know," he said bitterly, turning a cold glare on Dazai.


"You left me," he said, at which a look of shame came onto Dazai-san's face, and he stared at his shoes.

Chuuya spat at his feet, digging his nails into Dazai-san's neck as he brought his face up to meet his eyes.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, you trash. You didn't bother to explain or anything, and you left me after I had put my trust in you. And, and... You bombed my car! I walked on clouds for days when I got it, I mean, you even bothered to put a bottle of wine and a sweet note in the driver's seat on my 17th birthday!"

"What did you need a whole bottle for?" Kunikida said. "You shouldn't drink and drive, and you probably weren't even safe about it!"

"That shouldn't even matter to me as much as it does, because you were always going to leave me! It was always too good to be true, and I knew that, but I, like the dumbass I am, let myself get comfortable, and then you left me! Didn't even bother to break up with me properly before you left, so I was left hoping for weeks that you still loved me--"

"That's a dick move," Haruno-san said.

"EXACTLY! 'There's a good reason,' I thought. That's what I thought! But you abandoned me AND Akutagawa-kun after you fucked him up in the head, because of the pointless words of a DEAD MAN like all those promises we made, all those emotional doors I so carefully bolted shut only for you open them effortlessly, all that happiness, all the trust we'd given each other, meant less than nothing to you! And I--"

"I know! I-- I know... And I am so, so sorry. I'm sorry I left you, after being the one to drag you into the Port Mafia in the first place, what I should've done is take you with me. I'm sorry Chuuya."

"Y-- You're kidding, right? You're actually-- FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! Take me with you?! To be saviors of the world and all that cheesy bullshit?! Hell no! What you should've done, is just not left! You and I both know that you couldn't give two shits about good and evil, so that dead guy must've told you something that made you flip a switch all of a sudden. He must've told you something-- No wait, I've got it. If you don't care about good and evil, then be on the side of good. That's what he told you, isn't it?! That's why you left me high and dry the way you did?!! You stinking mackerel! You-- You walking sin!! You awful, horrible, manipulative, plotting incarnation of terrible misdeed!! And all of this... is because he's the only one in the Port Mafia who you'd considered a friend. Only him, and no one else, not even me. Not even me after all I've lost for and because of you! That's-- That's why you would've done anything for him, and that's why you did what you did. I-- I can't even believe you. You're crazy... You're actually fucking crazy," he said, beginning to laugh as the tears streamed faster down his face. He began sobbing as he fell to elbows and knees on the floor, hands buried in his dull red hair as he pulled on it mercilessly, blood beginning to fall down his face.

"Chibi, stop," Dazai-san said quietly, kneeling beside him and laying a hand comfortingly on his back. When his grip only tightened, Dazai-san laid his hands on top of Chuuya-san's to gently tug them off.

"You're going to hurt yourself, Chu. You have to stop," he said, with the same gentleness, and a hand of guidance in his voice. 

Nakahara-san didn't seem to be able to hear it though. He laid his forehead on the floor, sobbing even harder.

"Never good enough...I've never been good enough for anyone, no matter how hard I try. And... it doesn't matter what I do. Nobody cares about me like I care about them, and it hurts... it hurts so much. Can anybody even see how much pain I'm constantly in, the stress I'm always under to be absolutely perfect? If they can, then why has nobody come to save me? Am I not even good enough to be saved? I swear I'm always trying my hardest! You!" he said, suddenly looking at me.

"Eh?!... Yes?"

"Look at the friends you have, and what do they ask from you, Dazai especially? You don't have to be perfect, you don't have to do exceptionally well, you don't even have to be good. They fucking love you. Now look at me. Look at what the Port Mafia ask from me, and what that shitty Dazai's done to me. I'm everyone's second choice, there's always someone who matters more than me. Kouyou-san cares more about that Kyouka girl next to you, Mori-san cares more about shitty Dazai even after he up and vanished! And Osamu's the worst! He went and abandoned me for a goddamn ghost! Perfect, exceptional, good even. You don't have to be any of them. But I do. I have to be all of those things at once. I have to be perfect, every second of the goddamn day. Hell, half the Mafia call me the 'Wine Executive' because I've got no friends that would even let me vent enough to be any more helpful than getting drunk and probably getting closer every time to killing myself. It's like that damn Dazai used to say. 'There is nothing worth pursuing at the cost of prolonging a life of suffering.' He was right. I really, really, really, hate it when he's right. I hate a lot of things. It stresses me the fuck out to do so much hating. Why is the world so despisable? It's tiring, I promise. I do actually want to like things. It's just that nothing's likable, and and everything hates me unless it wants to use me, and often even then. And Dazai Osamu... you are a horrible person. Whatever you are now, whatever kind of good guy you're trying to become, I hope you succeed. I hope you change so that no one ever has to suffer from or of you again. But you know what else I hope? I hope you suffer forever, knowing that Akutagawa-kun will probably never fully recover from his toxic admiration of you, or me from my toxic partnership with you. I hope that shit literally haunts you. I hope you hear my voice in the dark telling you this. I hope it gives you nightmares and anxiety. I hope you wind up so lifeless you actually do kill yourself. I hope you suffer as you die. And I hope you realize for yourself, in those last brutal seconds, that you've hit the end of the path you set me on. I hope with my very existence, that your life is a soul-crushing hell, because that's less than you deserve for how horrible you are. You are foul, evil, and despicable, and if somebody handed me a gun right now, you'd need a few more hands to count off how many times I'd shoot you, you goddamn hellspawn of a human being. I despise you more than I can say--"

Nakahara-san was then cut off his spiel by Dazai-san. Who had just kissed him. This could be bad. Very... very... bad...

~Third Person~

Chuuya made a long, strange sound, like he was having a mental breakdown. His face grew red and he started crying all over again, this time also repeatedly punching a calm and unflinching Dazai in the chest. After giving him a few seconds, Dazai carefully laid his arms around Chuuya, pulling him into a warm and loving hug, which was fiercely, and weakly, fought against.

"Let me go! Let go of me right now! Let me go, let me go! Let m..."

As his words were lost to tears, he stopped fighting, instead clinging desperately to Dazai, who at this point, felt so ashamed of himself that there were tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Chuuya..." he whispered, holding him tight.

"I know!" Chuuya said, still clinging to him. "I know you're sorry! I know you're fucking sorry and that's what makes it so hard to be mad at you! You're trying to change and you're succeeding! You've become a different, better human being! But me! What about me?! You dragged me into the Port Mafia in the first place, and now I've got hundreds of lives under my belt, but you get to be the good guy?! You simply have to see how that's just not fair! You're so selfish, and awful, and a goddamn flirt! Just... Just shut up and kiss me already!" he screamed with his eyes closed and a light blush on his face.

When Dazai tensed above him, he opened one eye to look at him. What he saw was Osamu looking down at him with confusion. Then he realised what he'd just said, and reeled back as if he'd been slapped, only speaking again after a few minutes of dumbfounded staring.

"Uh, that's not... what I meant wa--"

Once again, he was cut off by a kiss, but this time, Dazai didn't back off. After a few seconds, Chuuya kissed back, then pulled away, taking a deep breath before he spoke.

"I hate you, you know?" he said.

Dazai froze for a second before laughing out loud.

"But you see! That's just not true, and we both know it! I knew you couldn't resist my charms forever!"

"Shut up," Chuuya said, laughing just as hard. "You are literally the world's biggest idiot."

"The short gay redhead said to the 200+ IQ detective," Dazai said in a narrator voice.

"You know what, that's okay, that's fine, 'cause if you really want to play like that, then I'm sure I have a knife in one of my pockets somewhere--"

"No, no okay! Fine!" Dazai laughed.

After one final punch, Chuuya started laughing too, and they just sat there and chatted for a while, catching up and shit like that, because what the hell else are they gonna do?


Meanwhile, the forgotten ADA just sit and watch until Kunikida starts pushing people back in the general direction of the office, muttering all the while about 'damn Dazai', and 'ruined schedules', and how this was 'ridiculous' and 'time-consuming', until Naomi and Ranpo told him to shut up and admit it was cute, which he did, grudgingly, as they trekked their way home.

Of course, they got lost. But that's not my problem. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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