I'm Home ~ Sasuke x Naruto's Twin! reader

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This was requested by @AoiNanase18
I hope you like this one!

Sorry if Sasuke is OOC I'll try my best!

Also I  may or may not have almost cried while writing this.


By the way this is what your jinchūriki looks like. I do not own this I found it on google. Credit to the artist.

You were running through the forest, trying to escape your impending doom. Someone was hot on your trail and gaining speed. You were running out of stamina and they seemed to have an endless supply of it. Suddenly you were pinned to a tree with your hands being held above your head. You struggled to break free but the person holding you was not planning on letting go, so you just stopped trying.

"Got you. I win again, Y/n." Your friend Sasuke taunted, adding another win to his belt. You grunted as you broke free of his grip.

"I'm gonna get you someday SasGAY" You shot back, making him scowl at you. He hated it when you called him that.

"I told you, I'M NOT GAY!" He retorted, crossing his arms. You smirked and thought back to when your twin brother, Naruto, kissed Sasuke by accident.

"Alright fine. I'll call you Susk."

"What does that even mean?" He looked humorously confused.

"Just a nickname!" You stuck out your tongue at him and ran towards Konoha.

"I'LL RACE YOU!" You shouted back to him.

"How about no?"

"Ugh fine." You walked by his side for a while and suddenly, you felt a chakra so strong that you stumbled with the force of it. You looked over and saw that Sasuke had also stopped.

"So you feel it too?" He asks in a whisper.

"Hard not to..." You respond, wondering who could possibly have so much chakra.

This is stronger than Naruto's chakra...

You soon saw men in black and red cloaks step out of the trees. One of them looked like and older version of Sasuke...

Wait... this is his brother...

That thought stopped you in your tracks.

"Itachi." Sasuke growled, trying to control his anger.

"Family reunion... yay....." You made tiny jazz hands and looked around to see some other guys emerge from the woods.

"Hey Susk! We have a bigger problem here. We're surrounded by pretty boys." You snuck a glance at Sharkboy and rephrased your sentence.

"Well, mostly pretty boys." Sharkboy glared at you. You also saw a blonde girl among the group.

"Also... mostly guys." You mumbled. She reached to her purse thing and stuck her hand inside.

"THAT'S IT, TODAY YOU DIE!" The shark lunged at you, but some guy with a bunch of piercings held him back.

"Control yourself, Sharkboy!" You shouted at him.

"It's Kisame, jerk." He shook off the orange haired guy and walked back into the woods to sulk.

"I'm terribly sorry about him, but Kisame hates being called a shark, as you can see. However, we did not come here to be friendly, either." The guy with the rinnegan said, taking a fighting stance.

"Y/n, run. Now!" Sasuke yelled at you, afraid you might get hurt. However you didn't realize that a grey haired man was standing behind you. He grabbed you from behind and held his scythe to your neck.

"Good job, Hidan." The orange haired man praised, his voice monotone.

"Move and this b**** dies!" He yells, cutting into your throat a little, making you wince in pain.

"Y/n! Itatchi, let her go!" Sasuke attempts to punch Itachi, but I think we all know how that turned out. Sasuke ended up pinned to a tree, Itachi's hand around his neck.

"Sasuke, you still lack hatred. Hidan, let the girl go. We have no business with her."

"Well I have some business with you, so square up mate and fight me!" You yelled after Hidan reluctantly let go of you. You got into a fighting stance and everyone besides Sasuke and Itachi laughed.

"Pein, can you believe this puny girl thinks she can defeat us?" The trans Barbie asked The orange haired man in a joking manner.

"Silence, Deidara. You don't want to anger her. She will be harder to kill if she's mad." Pein said, making your blood boil.


"Susk...?" Itachi looked extremely puzzled for a good few seconds before understanding what you meant. "Oh, of course." He said before letting Sasuke cripple to the ground. You ran towards him and knelt by his side, helping him up.

"Just leave us alone, jerks!" You told the group.

"We can't. We have orders from onion eyes." Hidan responded, receiving a death glare from Pein. "Something about the the Eleven tailed Wolf Demon." This made you gasp. The wolf demon? It's the most dangerous tailed demon in the history of everything!

"W-well, what do you want with us, then?" You stuttered. Itachi came over to you.

"My dear, you are the wolf demon. Now kindly come with us and we will  spare Sasuke's life." He held out his hand, but you stood there  frozen in fear.

"M-Me!?! You must have the wrong person... is this a prank or somethin?" You look at their faces and realize it's true. You start to hyperventilate. Suddenly someone lifted you up and carried you away. 

You heard Sasuke's screaming voice fading away as he began to fight the other men, yelling at Itachi to bring you back. 

"I'LL FIND YOU, Y/N! I PROMISE I WILL!" Sasuke yelled, before you faded out of consciousness.

*le time skip brought to you by onion eyes*

You woke up in a dark room, your arms and legs bound to a pole with leather straps. You struggled to break free but stopped when you saw that one leg strap was going up your thigh.

Screw dignity and modesty right now, this is probably life or death.

You continued to try to escape when the guy named Hidan stepped into the room.

"Ah, it seems like our prisoner is trying to escape...I'm going to have to punish you for that..." He smirked and advanced towards you, seeing the leather strap already up your leg. He smirked even more and began to do sinful things to you as you shouted for help.

*le time skip brought to you by the trans Barbie and his partner, Pinocchio*

You were starting to lose hope. The Akatsuki was planning on extracting the wolf demon from you tomorrow, and Sasuke still hasn't rescued you. You suddenly heard voices from outside your prison cell.

"Hidan, give the girl a break. She's had to deal with you for the past three months, for every day. You're lucky she hasn't used the wolf demon to rip you to shreds yet." Itachi said, making your eyes widen.

WHY AM I SUCH AN IDIOT!?! I could have used the chakra from the wolf demon this whole time...

You were suddenly transported in front of a giant cage.

"What the- where the heck am I!?!" You yelled when a giant white and teal wolf appeared before you.

"Y/n, I am Ōkami, the eleven tailed wolf demon. I called you here to lend you my power, but we must do it with haste. We do not have much time before Hidan comes in the room. Will you let me give you my chakra?" She asked, in a sort of pleading manor.

"Uh... yeah sure why not?" You shrug and open Ōkami's cage, and she gives you a look of gratitude as she walks out.

"Thank you. Now let's get out of this hellhole." You felt a surge of chakra enter you as you were transported back into your cell.

"Hidan, stay back. Or I'll rip you to shreds." You ordered, but he laughed.

"I'm a bad b**** you can't kill me!"

"Watch me." You opened your eyes  and they were blood red. You Rasenganned him like nobody's business and kicked the door down.

"Y/n. Stay where you are. We don't want to hurt you." Pein said, slowly moving towards you.

"You don't want to hurt me? YOU DON'T WANT TO HURT ME!?!? Hidan hurt me. Did you guys ever try to stop him!? NO! So here's what I say about staying where I am." You grab Sasori's arm and snap it in half, leaving the puppet in shock.

"You broke my arm... That was my newest model..." He muttered, clearly angry. You bolted out of their headquarters and ran into the woods, as fast as you could to Konoha. With Ōkami guiding you it should be easy. 

You eventually made it to the village and stepped through the gates. You felt a surge of happiness that you haven't felt for three months. Suddenly a thought came barreling into your brain.


You rushed to Ichiraku's where you found a boy. You began to tear up.

"N-Nii-San...?" You whispered, tears streaming down your face. Naruto turned around and spotted you, but he didn't recognize you.

"W-Who are you?" He asked, scanning your face for anything familiar. His face suddenly lit up and he enveloped you into a bone crushing hug. He buried his face into your hair as his tears stained his face as well as yours.

"Umm, I'm going to leave you two alone for a second." Ramen guy said, stepping out of the shop.

"Where did you go Y/n? I though you would never come back..." He said with an uneven voice.

"I was captured... by the Akatsuki. They did such horrible thing to me Naruto..." You cried into his jacket, and he held you close.

"Like what?" He asked, concern in his eyes.

"T-They... well, one of them..." You couldn't't finish your sentence and continued crying in your brother's jacket.

"You wouldn't believe how worried we've all been, even Sakura. But Sasuke was devastated.  Or as much as me though, losing my little sister."

"Only by a couple seconds..." You sniffed and stepped back, studying Naruto from a distance.

"Let me guess, I've grown." He joked and you chuckled, nodding. You wiped the tears from your eyes and smiled at him.

"So. I'm guessing I haven't changed or..." You wait for a response and he laughs.

"I guess you've gotten a thinner." He said, making you laugh as well. His face lit up again. "Wait till Sasuke sees you! He's gonna be so happy!" Naruto grabbed you hand and led you to a house. Sasuke's house, you assumed. Naruto knocked on the door and a tall, black haired boy answered. He glanced at you for a split second and looked away, speaking to Naruto.

"What is it this time Naruto...? I'm fairly busy at the moment making more flyers for Y/n. She's going to come back. I just know it."

"Well, ya see Sasuke... Y/n is-" You interrupted Naruto.

"Hey, Susk. I missed ya." You smiled.

His eyes widened and you found yourself in his arms a moment later.

"Is it really you?" He asks, his eyes glistening with tears.

"It's me. I'm home." You said, tearing up as well. You suddenly felt something warm on your lips.

Sasuke was kissing you.

"Hey, heY, HEY! WATCH IT! I just got my sister back. Don't think I'm gonna let her kiss someone without my permission!" Naruto intervened, making you laugh.

"Stop being so protective of me, Nii-San." You joked, giving Sasuke a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I'm back Sasuke, so you can stop making all those flyers." You said, waving goodbye to him. 

Time to go home.



Hopefully no tears were shed, and please feel free to become grammar Nazis cuz I want to make these one shots as good as they can be!

Thank you for reading this and I hope you liked it!

Happy reading!

-Hedwig56 ❤️

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