You Got Me Helpless... ~ Bakugou x Shy! reader

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This was requested by AoiNanase18 

I hope you like it! And I apologize if Bakugou is OOC and if he is then he is only nice to you!

PS: there is a lot of Hamilton references so sorry if you don't like Hamilton


You didn't know how you fell for an explosive hedgehog, but you did. He was scary, rude, and don't get me started on his ego! But you fell for him. Hard.

You didn't know how to deal with it. You've never really loved anyone like this before, and you were too shy to actually talk to him. You were scared he might treat you like he does to your friend, Izuku Midoriya.

"Listen, Y/n... if you really like Kaachan, then just talk to him!" Deku encouraged on your way to class.

"I-I don't know... I don't think I could do it..." You looked down and smiled, knowing how pathetic you were being right now. Suddenly a body bumped into your friend.

"Hey, watch where you're going Deku!" A familiar voice yelled.

Oh no... What am I going to do...

 "Hey... Y/n, that's your name, right?" Bakugou asked you, in a gentler manner. You blushed like crazy, hiding your face from view.

"Y-Yes.....?" You stuttered, extremely flustered.

"Ok Y/n. Make sure Deku watches where he's going next time, ok?" He waited for your answer, and you blushed even more.

"U-Uhhhhh.... s-sure... H-Have a g-g-good day B-Bakug-gou..." You stuttered more, embarrassing yourself. He slightly chuckled at your voice.

Wait... Bakugou never smiles....! At least not in a kind way! (except like one time)

He suddenly had a look of slight concern.

"Hey, Y/n. Are you ok? You look like you saw me kill someone." Your eyes widened, noticing that your face had a look of fear on it.

"O-Oh! S-Sorry..." You hid your face and ran away to your first class. Bakugou shrugged and went back to being his grumpy self.

*time skip to class*

You rushed into class, and everyone turns to look at you.

"Y/n, you were almost late. Try to be earlier next time." Mr. Aizawa said, not even looking up. You turned red and rushed to your seat.

"S-Sorry sir..." You apologized and went to sit down at your desk. However, you found someone in your place.

"U-Umm, Kaminari, I don't know if you noticed... but that's my s-seat..." You mumbled, looking at the human pikachu.

"There's free seating today, sit somewhere else." Mr. Aizawa said, making your face go red again. All eyes we're on you. You sat down in the only empty seat left.

"Oh. Y/n. I didn't know you were in this class." Bakugou said. 

Is he serious?

"Um, B-Bakugou... You sat next to me during the entire first semester..." You looked down again. He suddenly face palmed.

"That's right... Sorry."

Bakugou.... just apologized. To me. What the actual frick is going on with him?!?!

"U-Ummm... Bakugou, are you feeling ok...?" You asked. He had a hint of confusion in his eyes as Mr. Aizawa got the attention of the students. He spoke in a tired voice and sighed.

"Today we'll be doing a class project. I will be choosing the partners so don't get your hopes up. Group one, Uraraka and Midoriya. Group two, Kaminari and Kirishima. Group three, Mineta and Momo. Group four, Todoroki and Iida."

He continued to drone on and on while you dozed off.

*time skip to when all groups are called*

Your head snapped up as he called the last group.

"And Lastly, Tsuyu and Mina. You all will be making a poster of the life of Alexander Hamilton. Good luck I guess." Your eyes lit up when he said Hamilton. You new every word of every song. Suddenly the bell rang. You stood up and froze as a voice called your name.

"Come on Y/n. We need to start. We can go to my house if you want to." Bakugou called out to you.

For what?!?!?! Start what?!? 

Bakugou noticed the surprised expression and his eyes widened.

"Oh gosh you idiot I mean start the project! I would never do... that.... with you." He half-Shouts and some people look your way. He then muttered something you didn't hear. "Not without your consent..." (what a gentleman)

"Oh... O-Ok..." You replied, relieved he wasn't saying what you thought he was saying. You made your way over to his house and you stared in amazement at the giant building in front of you.

"Come on in and make yourself at home." He muttered and opened the huge door.

"W-Wow this place is really nice!" You looked around in wonder and he smiled slightly.

"Thanks. Let's sit in the third living room, next to the indoor pool and basketball court." He said, as your eyed widened even more.

"Seriously?!" You asked in disbelief.

"Nope." He smiled even more.

It took you a few seconds to realize it was a joke, and you giggled. You could get used to this Bakugou. He was a lot nicer.

"So let's get started on the project." Bakugou said, leading you into the living room.

"O-Ok! I have s-some ideas for w-what we should do..." You mumbled softly.

"Ok, what are they?"

"W-Well, I know a lot about Hamilton's l-life and I was thinking we should do a..... timeline thing with d-different quotes from the m-musical." You knew Hamilton backwards and forwards, so this should be easy.

"Sure. Let's get started." Bakugou got a poster board and you two worked in silence for a while.

"Hey, are there any songs about how Hamilton met Eliza?" He asked, and you immediately thought of 'Helpless'.

"Uh, yeah." You smile and hum the melody in your head.

"Can you sing it for me?" He asked, and you froze, your eyes widening.

"Oh no I couldn't possibly.... I'm not that good of a singer... and I'm kinda shy..." You start to ramble on about how you won't sing it but stopped when he gave you a look.

"Please?" He pleaded, and you gave in.

"O-Ok... It's really cringy in the beginning though. Eliza is like an anime fangirl when her ship does something cute."

"I'm fine with that." He replied, making you die inside. You began singing 'Helpless'

"Oooooo I do I do! I doooooooo


Oooooo I do I do! I doooooooo

Boy you got me helplessssssss

Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit I'm


Down for the count and I'm drowning in 'em!

I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight.

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night.

Laughing at my sister as she's dazzling the room,

Then you walked in and my heart went BOOM!"

You kept singing the song and he just listened.  Once you were done he stayed silent, and you prayed that he wouldn't laugh at you.

"Wow that was good. And I think we should put "You got me helpless" on the board. Any other good songs?" You heard this and started smiling evilly.

"Very well then. I shall recite the entire musical." You took a deep breath but he stopped you, not wanting to sit there for two hours.

"I think you know what I mean." He stated, making you blush for no reason.

'Fine... Write down, "Immigrants, we get the job done." and "I come back with more guns, and ships... And so the balance shifts." Those are both from really good songs. OH and also "Wait for it" and "If you stand for nothing Burr, what'll you fall for?"" You started to ramble again, and this time you didn't stop yourself in time. 

"Wha...." He looked lost. You looked down in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry." You were shy Y/n again and blushed.

"Oh it's fine..." He said, trying to make you less ashamed. Suddenly his mom came in.

"Oh Bakugou! Your home! I see you brought a girl with you too! Do you two need anything? Water, snacks... Birth control pills?"

Ohhhhh gosh. Why god why?!?!

"NO MOM WE DON'T NEED ANYTHING RIGHT NOW!" Bakugou yelled, embarrassment lacing his voice.

"Sure... Not right now at least..." She smirked and walked out, leaving you and Bakugou as red as half of Todoroki's head.

"U-U-Ummm let's keep doing the project..." You  turn back to the table and write down some more dates on the timeline. "There... Finished...." You mumble, standing up to leave.

"T-Thanks for having me o-over Bakugou!" You smile shyly and walk towards the front door.

"Oh! Um... Y/n wait up." Bakugou walked over to you and plants a kiss on your cheek, making you feel lightheaded.

"Thanks for coming over today." He said, blushing like mad.

"I-I-I-It's n-not like I-I had a ch-choice... B-But th-thanks..." You stuttered so bad he didn't understand what you said so you had to repeat it. 

Bakugou smiled and leaned in once more, making you freeze on the spot. You felt his lips against yours and he pulled away after a couple seconds.

"See you tomorrow Y/n." He opened the door for you and you walked out, feeling one thousand times lighter. You walked home, singing to your self.




Hiya and I'm sorry for all the Hamilton references... if you don't like Hamilton.

But if you DO like Hamilton then I hope you liked it!

Happy reading!

-Hedwig56 ❤️

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