My New Assistant ~ Stein x Reader part 2!

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"Everything's perfectly fine. Don't worry about me!" You were more worried about him and his madness consuming him. You walked together in silence for a while, but his body heat suddenly vanished. You looked over and Dr. Stein was gone.


Suddenly your body felt as if a transformer suddenly came crashing on top of you as you fell to your knees, unable to breath.

"W-What's.... h-h-happening...?!?!" You managed to choke out as a strange yet familiar lady stalked towards you.

"My, my, my. It looks like little miss Y/n fell into my trap. I will be taking you to my lair now so if you will be too kind as to get over here, that would be great." She said in a sickeningly sweet voice that chilled you to the bone.

You noticed the pressure you were feeling has vanished, replaced with suffocating fear. You knew that voice. You were friends with this voice's owner. She helped you when a child fainted or was cut with a scalpel. This voice belonged to none other than Medusa, the school nurse.

"M-Medusa? Why are you doing this?!? I t-thought we were friends!"You gasped, and she smirked. 

"Poor, naive Y/n. Too trusting for her own good. I was clearly using you to get close to Professor Stein. I planted one of my snakes inside of you when you were close, so Stein's madness would consume him at a faster rate. It clearly worked, because look at him now!" She chuckled and stepped aside, revealing Stein. 

But this was not the Dr. Stein you knew. The man standing in front of you now was completely insane. The kindness in his eyes was completely gone, replaced by madness.

"S-Stein! Stop this! This isn't you!" You pleaded.

"Hahaha just stop trying Y/n, he can't hear you. He belongs to me now." Medusa taunted, moving closer to Stein and wrapping her arms around his neck. She leaned in closer, but stopped to look at your horrified face as she kissed him.

Ok that witch is gonna die.

Your fear was substituted by anger as you stood up and punched Medusa in the jaw. She flew backwards as you shook Stein by the shoulders. 

"Come on Stein, come back to me! Please..." You half-shouted, starting to lose hope. Suddenly a body slammed into yours and you looked up to see Medusa, back on her feet.

"Oh, now you're gonna pay you little b-"

"Excuse me, but LANGUAGE!" You yelled. 

"Um I was going to say butternut squash but you interrupted me. PREPARE TO DIE, Y/N" She summoned her snakes and was firing at you relentlessly. She aimed a bloody arrow at your heart and almost pierced your chest when someone jumped in front of you.

You screamed.

Sitting there was Stein, with an arrow going through his heart. He looked up at you with fading eyes.

"Y-Y/n..." He managed to whisper before he fell to the ground.

You too were collapsed on top of him, sobbing. You cared for this man, and he was gone.

He was gone.


You heard Medusa cackling in front of you, and she pulled you up by your hair. 

"Did you really think you could defeat me?" She smirked and threw you to the ground.

"Of course she couldn't. Not on her own at least." You heard a familiar voice slipfade away as you fell unconcious.

~ Le time skip ~

You opened your eyes to find yourself on a hospital bed, with some of your students around you.

"YAHOO GUYS SHE'S AWAK- OWW KID WHY DID YA HAVE TO DO THAT?!?!" You winced as Black Star practically screamed in your ear.

"She just woke up you idiot! Keep it down!" You heard Maka whisper, chopping Black*Star's head with a book.

You were slightly amused about the current events, but were overcome by worry. You shot up out of bed and looked around the room.

"WHERE'S STEIN? IS HE OK?!?!" You shouted, making the students all jump. 

"I'm right here. What's up, Y/n?"

You amlost gave yourself whiplash when you heard his voice. 

"H-How... How did you survive?" You asked, with tears in your eyes.

"Well, believe it or not, Medusa just barely missed my heart. I was able to recover just fine. You on the other hane, were out for years." He explained, making your eyes widen.

"Y-YEARS?!?" You yelled, making Stein laugh.

"No, you were only out for a couple about a month. I was just messing with you." He ruffled your hair and looked at you.

"Y/n, I don't know why the heck I jumped in front of you. To be honest, my body just moved on it's own." His face was inches from yours now, causing you to blush.

"But the madness..." You remembered how he was completely consumed by the madness

"The madness is gone. It must have been driven away when I was stabbed or something. The truth is, I have no idea how it left. But now it's gone, and all that's left is my love for you."

"W-Wait... are you joking?" You stuttered, your face redder than red. Stein looked confused at your statement.

"Why would I joke about something like that?"

You suddeny grabbed him by the collar and kissed him, causing the entire room to  take pictures. However, you recieved one gagging noise from Black*Star.


"Well then. That happened..." Stein muttered, extremely flustered.

"I love you Stein."

"I love you too."



Anywho thx for reading! Sorry it took so long to update I was recently on a trip and I couldn't really edit anything 😅

Have a happy day/night!

-Hedwig56 ❤️

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