My New Assistant ~ Dr. Stein x Reader

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PS this one is rlly long


It was your first day at the DWMA and you couldn't help but stare in awe at the magnificent structure towering over you.

"Wow... This is amazing!" You skipped into the building and turned a corner when you crashed into someone carrying what looked to be a cage. "I'm so sorry!" You bowed in apology, and looked up to a man in a white lab coat.

He looked startled for a moment, but smiled and replied, "It's fine. At least I didn't drop this endangered species. It would have been a shame if it went extinct before I could dissect it." There was an insane glint in his eyes, but it suited him.

"W-What is it?" You asked, slightly alarmed.

"It's a kaapori capuchin monkey. Extremely rare." He smiled sadisticly at the box. "Well, this has been a nice chat but I have to get to class. This monkey isn't going to dissect itself!" And with that, he walked off.

Ok what the heck...? Is that even legal? Probably not, but if Lord Death is ok with it then I guess it's fine...

You suddenly remembered something. You had to find your classroom. You saw a kid with stripes in his hair and speedwalked over to him. 

"Excuse me, can you tell me where this room is?" You asked the boy. He looked at you, and pointed to where the strange scientist went.

"It's right over there." He said in a mature voice.

You smiled. "Thanks!" You said and ran in that direction. When you reached the door, a kid with blue hair came rushing past you.

"WHY DO WE ALWAYS HAVE TO DO STINKIN DISSECTIONS?!?!" He yelled, making you wince at the noise.

"Well, what else would we do, Black*Star?" You heard a familiar voice ask.

"HOW ABOUT WE TRAIN SO I CAN SURPASS GOD?" Dang. Does this boy do nothing but yell?

Suddenly the door was opened by a girl with pigtails.

"I knew I sensed a soul nearby. Who are you?" She asked, her eyes drilling into yours.

"I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you." You nodded to her, going into the room. Your eyebrows shoot up when you see the man with the lab coat step towards you.

"Ah, so you're my new assistant? Great! Can you hold the specimen still while I make an insision? The children don't want to touch it. I'm Professor Stein by the way." He motioned over to a table where the monkey was sitting.

"IT'S STILL ALIVE? NO WAY AM I LETTING YOU SLICE OPEN A LIVE MONKEY!" You shouted, making everyone in the room jump. Stein shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the table with a knife.

"HECK NO! YOU ARE NOT KILLING IT! IT'S ENDANGERED SO THAT'S ILLEAGAL!" You yelled once more, causing Stein to drop his knife. He turned to you and smirked.

"Well how about we dissect you instead? Such pretty skin, it would be perffect to cut into~" He took your hand and caressed it, making you feel slightly uncomfortable. You pulled your hand away, making one student groan. 

"Come on! KISS ALREADY!"

"Shut it Liz!" Another student loudly whispered.

You blushed and turned to the students. "For the record, Professor Stein and I have only known each other for a couple minutes, so no. We will not kiss. And Second," You turned to Stein. "I will not be a test subject. I will help you with dissections, and any questions that the students might have. You got that?" He nodded, his face tinted pink for some weird reason.

"What should we do with the monkey?" The girl with pigtails asked.

"Well I guess I should give it some poison or something, since I'm not allowed to cut it open while it's alive..." Stein sulked over to a cabinet and pulled out some poison. 

Why does he keep poison in a cabinet...?

After the monkey... well... died... You helped Stein with the tools like scissors, scalpels, clips, pins, and more. The students observed and took notes while you explained what Profssor Stein was showing them.

"The stomach digests the food with acids, and then the food goes into the intestines, where the nutrients is extracted. Then, the nutrients is distributed throughout your body." You finished, and the bell rang. Time to go home. 


You had nowhere to stay.

Crap, that's right.... You got here today and didn't have time to find a temporary home.

"Hey, Y/n. Aren't you going home?" You jumped slightly at the sound of Stein's voice as you turned towards him.

"Well, you see... I don't really have anywhere to live currently.... It's kind of inconvenient at the time." You chuckled despite your bad mood.

"Why don't you come stay at my place? You can sleep in the living room," He proposed, giving you his hand. "Follow me."

"Do I have a choice?" You asked, a smile tugging at your lips.

"No, you don't. Now come with me before it gets dark." You let him tug you around Death City  and before you knew it, you two finally reached his house. It was white with grey accents, and stitches like the ones on his face and cloak. You weren't really surprised at this point, because you knew he was kind of insane. He led you inside, and you saw a couch with stitches on it, just like everything else.

"You can sleep here for the time being. I'll be in my room, right through that door." He gestured towards a door on the other side of the room. "Do you need anything? Water, food, extra blankets?"

You smiled at his concern. "Some blankets would be nice, thank you."

"Sure." He went to get some blankets. You looked around the room when you heard a crash.

"Stein? Are you ok...?" You called out, but no answer. You decided to head over to where the crash souded, and there you saw Stein, collapsed on the ground. "STEIN WHAT THE HECK? I'M GOING TO CALL THE DOCTOR!" You shouted, extremely alarmed. You felt him grab your hand.

"N-No... Y/n please don't tell anyone... I'm trying to control it, but it's getting more and more difficult to contain the madness...growing inside me..." He said through gritted teeth and you nodded, still scared for his safety and yours. You helped him up, and he handed you some blankets.

"We should... get to bed." He said, and you agreed, yawning. You walked over to the couch and got situated, and closed your eyes. You suddenly felt a presence above you and you opened your eyes again to see Stein standing over you.

"Um, Y/n. I can't sleep... sorry for the inconvenience, but may I join you on the couch?" He asked, his face dusted with pink. You face also reddened as you nodded, scooting over to make room for him. He lay down beside you and quickly fell asleep. You grinned lightly, staring at the sleeping Stein. He looked so peaceful, yet troubled at the same time.

Suddenly, his arms wrapped around you and your eyes widened, unsure of what to do. Stein mumbled lightly in his sleep.

"Soft skin.... Perfect for dissecting.... So beautiful..." He whispered, still asleep. Your face reddened. You tried your best to fall asleep, and you managed to get a few hours in before Stein's alarm went off, signaling morning.

"Mmmmmm..." He murmured, slowly opening his eyes. He suddenly realized he was using you as a human teddy bear and let go, blood rushing to his cheeks. "We should get ready to go..." He muttered, getting up. You nodded and got yourself ready. You chose a (favorite t-shirt) and a pair of bluejeans. You put your hair into a ponytail (if your hair is too short, you can keep it down) and went to see if Stein was ready to leave.

Little did you know he was in the middle of changing. You walked into his room, but immeadiately turned and walked out when you saw him shirtless.

Nope nope nope nope.... Why does he have to be so darn beautiful?

You blushed, slapping yourself as you got breakfast ready. You ended up making waffles with powedered sugar, and Stein walked in fully dressed. 

"Do you like waffles? They're fresh!" You exclaimed when he sat down, smiling.

"You really don't have to do this Y/n. I can make breakfast for myself you know. Although, I'm probably not as good as you are." Stein walked over to the counter and playfully ruffled your hair, making you giggle.

"I made waffles as a thank you for letting me stay here. Not to brag or anything, but I'm a pro in the kitchen!"

"Wow, I'm impressed. I on the other hand, am so skilled in  that I can burn cereal." He puffed out his chest in mock pride and sat back down. You placed a waffle stack in front of him and he took a bite. He closed his eyes and made a weird noise of what sounded like pure bliss. You smiled and helped yourself to a plate and began eating.

"Ok, I think we can both agree that you'll be in charge of cooking from now on." Stein said, his mouth full of waffle.

"Only if you let me stay!" You countered, making him grin.

"I think I can allow it. After all, I have been looking for a roommate." Stein stood up and walked over to the sink, where he put his empty plate. "We need to get going. The class can't teach themselves."

"Alrighty! Let's go." You walked out the door, following Stein.

*Time skip to after school cuz this one shot is already rlly long*

"Stein! I finally remembered everyone's names! The one with pigtails is Maka, the kid with the stripes is Death The Kid, the hyperactive bluenette is Black*Star, and the kid with the white hair is Soul! Oh yeah, and that one cinnamon roll is Tsubaki, to name a few!" You grinned from ear to ear while Stein looked at you with a hint of something in his eyes. 

What's that look in his eyes? It's the look my parents used to give me when I was little! That's not love in his eyes...

Is it?

"Y/n?" Stein asked, pulling you from your thoughts. "Everything ok?

You glance at him, seeing the glimmer replaced with slight concern. You smiled and waved it off.

"Everything's perfectly fine. Don't worry about me!" You were more worried about him and his madness consuming him. You walked together in silence for a while, but his body heat suddenly vanished. You looked over and Dr. Stein was gone.


Ok so I realized that this was getting way too long so I decided to cut it short.

lol jk there's gonna be a part 2 for u guys! Happy reading!

-Hedwig56 ❤️

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