Eli Ayase x Reader (Love Live! School Idol Project)

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A/N: So.. I'm being a douche for now. I know that you guys requested for Fairy Tail, Naruto, and such. Then I'm posting another Love Live..damn. I'm really sorry, it's just that, I've decided that I write one for each characters of this anime, they deserve equal love (not being dramatic here). And this particular girl, Eli Ayase, is my girl crush and I wanted to do something special for her. This note is taking too damn long so I'll shut up..

Enjoy..I guess...?

You entered the student council room, only to see a certain blonde president sleeping soundly at the table. Her head was resting on her arm, light snores escaping from her lips.

It took you all the energy to not snap a photo of the sight using your phone and sending it to her idolmates for your teasing pleasure, especially the vice president, Nozomi.

You simply stared at her sleeping figure, not knowing what to do or what to say since it's already half past five. She needs to go home and rest, right?

But why are you in the council room? Well, that's the other problem. If you wake her up, she'll pry more about the reason why you're there in the first place. Of course, you need an alibi as to not make her feel like you're some train maniac.

You ruffled your hair in confusion, frustration clearly taking over.

Suddenly, shuffling noises were heard, breaking you out of your reverie. Glancing over the source of the noise, you heard soft knocks on the door.

"Ayase-san?" A girl called out. Seeing there was no response, she repeated again. "Ayase-san..?"

You went over to the door, opened it a bit, and peeked at the intruder. She was carrying a pile of documents on one hand, obviously intruding for the president's consent about the upcoming budget meeting.

You looked back at the blonde, still dozing off peacefully. Back at the student, still waiting for the door to open wide enough for her to enter.

"She's taking a nap, I'll just give it to her. Anything else?" You asked, accepting the folder from the first year.

"Ah, nope, all clear, thank you very much." She replied, before taking a short bow and walking away.

You shrugged, then went to the desk and placed the agenda few metres away from the sleeping president.

Again, the blonde idol stirred during her slumber, mumbling incoherent phrases during the process.

Deciding that it was a good time to wake her up, you scooted closer to Eli, then crouching down to her level to get a good glimpse of her sleeping features. You poked her cheeks gently, earning a soft grunt from her.

"Eli! Time to wake up! It's almost six in the evening!" You whisper-yelled in attempts to make her jump up and fix the table, as the documents on top of the desk are sprawled all over the place, and some are even scattered on the floor. You clicked your tongue in annoyance.

'Jeez, what an unorganized president Otonokizaka Academy has..'

"Five...more...minutes, please?" She plead out, her voice raspy and sleepy.

You picked up the pen from the table and threw it against her, giving you a clear headshot.

"Ow!" Eli shot up from the table, "Alright Alright! I'm up.." she added, rubbing a certain spot on her head where the pen hit her.

"That's what I thought." You huffed, now picking up the papers on the floor.

"Wait, why are you here?" The blonde pried, still looking at your moving figure on the floor.

The piled up papers on your hand met her head again.

"Don't ask such obvious things, I've been your friend since the start of our senior year. And your groping best friend left hours ago. Idiot, you could've said you needed help, it's already past six! You still need to wake up tomorrow early. Hurry up, I'll wait for you to finish everything."

The Student Council President stared at you for a good minute, before you went away and fixed the paperworks. Truth be told, Eli was surprised at the sudden behavior you showed to her few seconds ago. She didn't expect for you to be so thoughtful since you were always passive. Your boiling point was very low, and you would go around and karate-chop people when you're in a bad mood.

Eli remembered that there was a time when you were really in an overly rage mode, then you went inside your room only to be ambushed by Nozomi. She jumped out at you, and for sure, she groped you breasts real hard there.

The blonde hissed at the pain you could've felt that time.

Since you were in rage mode, you shot back at the purplette by karate-chopping her torso using both of your hands and using a full forced energy, powerful enough to send the poor girl to the infirmary and stay there for the rest of the day.

Back to present, Eli was still dumbfounded by your actions. It feels like she was the only person who could see this kind of side you had, and she felt special for it.

Unbeknownst to the blonde, you were already infront of her, crouching. She was looking at free space while her cheeks are flushed a light hue of red.

"Oi. Eli? Still alive?" You asked, narrowing your eyes then waving your hand infront of her face.

'Is she having a fever?'

You leant in and placed your forehead on top of Eli's, who was still unaware and wandering off in her own little world-

That was quickly cut off by something warm over her forehead.

"H-huh?" Eli snapped out, "H-h-hey! W-Why are you so clo-"

"Stay still. I'm checking your temperature." You calmly retorted.

And the blonde followed, but still, she felt like she was about to combust from the close proximity of both of your faces. Her heart was pounding so hard, bludgeoning her chest and ready to escape.

'S-she's close! Too damn c-close! And her lips..!' It looked like Eli was calm on the outside, but inside, she was scrambling and panicking.

'Her lips are so close to me! I need to do something about this!'

Eli, whose mind was whirling, trembled even more when she found herself asking what kind of lip balm you use.

Just when you thought her temperature's normal, you began to speak up.

"Hm. Your temperature's normal, don't worry about- mmfh!" But you were cut off by something...


Alright, what was that?

Your eyes flew open, and it wasn't the one you were expecting. Thinking you were hallucinating, you closed your eyes again tightly this time.

When I open my eyes, I expect to see Eli looking calm and normal as usual.

And you opened your eyes, but Eli was still pressing her lips against yours. Your body was pressed against hers, completely immobilized by the action she was giving you.

Soon, you gave up and kissed back, dropping the papers in your hand and left them scattered on the floor again.

Minutes have passed until the call for air was needed. You both pulled away, panting and gasping heavily for air.

"What the hell are you doing, Eli?!" You yelped, entirely embarrassed by such actions inside the campus.

"Next time we do this, it's not at school, it's highly inappropriate." Eli implied.

"You started it!"

"But you were the reason why I did it."

"You're blaming me?!"

"It's your fault your face was close to mine."

"Dang it, Eli! I can't look at you straight in the eye anymore!"

"It's alright. As long as you can see my face, it's okay."

"Jeez. How uncute."


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