Kotori Minami x Reader (Love Live School Idol Project)

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A/N: Happy Birthday, Kotori-sama! I'm sorry this took long, it's nearly October and I haven't been active this past days. It's suuuupperr late for it but, I hope you enjoy it! :D

If there was one thing that you would pride yourself on, it would be self-control. It wasn't your decision really, it just so happened that your heart would take advance by itself towards others, feeling no emotions whatsoever. Even if the prettiest of women was there near you, it seems like no heartfelt emotions or nervousness was felt. After all, you were confident that love didn't exist.

Your senses were put under impeccable control, failing to see any flaws you had. Even though some remain, they locked themselves inside you, your heart turning cold and your own business being unminded. It felt great.

At times, you saw people had their hearts shattered, then failing to control their own emotions, breaking down into smaller pieces as their cries became shrill and ragged. It made you curious even, of what feels like if you fail to control yourself.

Are you even human..?

And then this girl came, right in front of you, twirling her pen as she stared hopelessly at her paper, slumping and uneasy at her desk, along with her friend who had different complications. They both looked cute, you admit, but still, everything remained the same.

And there's this other girl. "Psst..! Kotori-chan..!" She whispered. This 'Kotori', the girl in front of you, turned to the source of the voice, which is beside you, with droopy eyes and looked shaken up. "..E-Eh..?" She blinked, "What is it?"

Someone near you hushed as soon as she heard faint noises. You clicked your tongue and hushed her as well, attracting some attention before everything quietened up. Calming your nerves down, you sighed before going back to your paper.

"..Kotori-chaannn..!" That same voice from a while ago called again. The girl turned around slowly, "What's the answer to number four?"


"Communication during exams are prohibited. All students who fail to comply are subjected to suspension and a conduct grade of F."

All heads turn to the teacher who was currently residing infront, "Right, Kousaka-san, Minami-san?" The two friends gulped, while their other friend who had blue hair only sighed and continued her test. On the other hand, something irked you about that controlling teacher.

Yes, that controlling teacher. Another reason to keep your senses controlled.

Others would call her a disciplinarian, but you would call her a terror teacher. It ticks the hell out of you just by seeing that triumphant look on her face when she won over a debate with her student. It was wrong, after all, a teacher's job is to be friendly towards her students. Not the kind of teacher who would put you down even more after seeing your grades get bombed by her own subject.

And by the looks on Honoka and Kotori's faces, it seems like something was flipped, like a switch.

Are you even human if you can't control yourself?


"What's up with that lame punishments anyway?" You blurted out, stretching out your arms and yawing on purpose, just to provoke your teacher. The other students looked at you in disbelief, their mouths agape and gasps elicited from others. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

The teacher stood up from her desk,
removing her glasses then massaged her temples. "Oh boy, I must be hallucinating," she looked at you with eyes glimming with seriousness, "A brave soul here, I see." You stared at her with blank expression.

Kotori and Honoka were both looking at you too, knowing the risk you had put yourself into. It didn't mind you though, as not all teachers have to abuse their powers as authorities. Well, it still ticked you when their blue-haired friend was still going on on her own paper, not minding the ruckus around her.

"Well, I think its you teachers who were wrong." You implied. "Like how the way you say it, you too had undergone the same cycle. So don't act like you're an angel." You added, yawning once more, but even louder.
You looked at Kotori, who was blushing and quite fidgety on her seat. Upon seeing you looking at her, she turned around and returned to her business, which is her test.

"It's true we've underwent the same situation, and I have to admit, it's quite shameful. But don't you realize that you're making no sense, regarding the fact that you were siding with those kind of students?"

"I think you're missing the point here, miss. I'm not siding with anyone." By now, it looks like Kotori's heart twisted a bit, knowing you just went off on your own and bantered with your teacher with no reasons whatsoever.

"If I think you're right, then I should've let you continue your little
sermon on these two. But if I think you're wrong, then I'm opposing you, be it a teacher or not, I don't care." You added.

The brunette slammed her fist on the table. "You are being disrespectful against the authority! Take those words back or you'll regret it,missy."

Your bottled up self-control broke loose, standing up abruptly gazing at your teacher with fury dancing around your eyes. You sighed.

"You know why students cheat, miss?"
You asked, picking up your paper then waved it as your teacher raised a brow.

"And why is that?"

You crouched at Kotori's level and patted her head lightly, sending her a soft smile before standing back up and glaring at the so-called disciplinarian.

"Because you teachers only care about our grades, not how well we understand the topic." You stated. It felt so good just by saying that sentence, especially upon seeing the stressed look on her face. "And you know that our poorly-made grades reflect on how well you teach, right?"

Back on the recent topic about self- control, it can't be helped that you were being quite affectionate towards Kotori. You even asked yourself why you had put yourself in this mess even though it was the two's problem.

And then you remembered that down look on Kotori's face when the teacher mentioned about suspensions and such. She was almost close to crying, as a shameful act such as cheating being complied by the principal's daughter.

Then, for no apparent reason, you felt yourself shake and palms became sweaty. Nervousness coursed through your veins, sending shivers down your spine. Your heart felt...warm?

"Little miss, you are subjected to an automatic grade of F on your exam for putting on such insubordinate actions against the authority."

You slammed your hands on your desk, "That is bullshit! Don't abuse your powers as being a part of the faculty-"

"Sit. Down."

And the next thing you knew, you found yourself staring at your exam results with a big red "F" written on the upper right corner. Little transcripts were written as a side note coming from that terror teacher, saying that she was always right and students should comply to her decisions. Truly a terror teacher she is.

You sighed.

"Kotori-chan!" That same, familiar voice returned. "What's your score?"

"94 percent." Then the girl in question stood up from her seat, moving to the vacant space beside you. She crouched to your level, with you staring back at her with steam coming off from your head.

Your heart felt warmth again, as no words tend to escape from your throat. Just by seeing this girl infront of you, having her face so damn close to yours, it made you realize that this ash-haired beauty was the only one who could break through your walls. Again, the reason why to restore your destroyed self-control.

"Hehe~ thanks to this brave heroine right here~!"

And then a light, short peck of a kiss was felt on your cheek.

I was wrong all along. Maybe love did exist after all.

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