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WDNDIHDNDWHIFNWDC----*Author-sama was taken to the hospital due to some technical difficulties*

(Take 2)

*composes herself* *smiles groggily* Thank you so much for reading my book! I have been busy lately with upcoming chess competitions, leaving me no time to spare on writing another chapter. I was very tired (like, dead tired) since I'm a part of every co-curricular activity at my school but when I saw I had 200 followers (**** yeah!) and a whopping 74k reads, I don't know what to do, it's either cry or laugh. ('cause I suck at reality) (lol suck ahahaha *lenny face* ) *throws bible*

On a more SERIOUUUUSSS note, I would like you (yes, you readers,) to ask me any question. ANYYY QUESTION. (Except for my name pls I'm hiding my identity 'cause I made a crime by putting up all these gay one shots and giving birth to an EVEN MORE GAY yuri fandom.)

So, yeah, that's what I like you to do, if you'd like, this is a 200 follower special (AISHITERU BANZAAII~ Love Livers know this~) then.....

That's it, lol I got nothing to say now ahahah.

I'm really thankful for appreciating my book, we know Yuri would prevail in terms of gayness (though I'm not saying I hate yaoi, in fact, I'm a quarter fujoshi lol) And I thank you for staying with me until the end. It was a nice 2015 (OMG I FORGOT TO GREET YOU HAPPY NEW YEAR HAHAAH) spending time with my internet friends. I like you so much more than my real friends who tend to put on a facade then break shits afterwards lol.

Thank you, for being there for me when I needed you. ;)

Anyways, ciao!

Kanon signing out :)

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