Hanji Zoe x Reader (Attack on Titan)

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Yohoo! It's been a while since I wrote something none Love Live hahaaa... But anyways, Happy New Year!


The titan clashed its claws against the varmints it came across its way, sending every soldier flying towards the tree and snapping their heads in half.

"Advance! Squad 2 switch for offense! Hanji, prepare for capture!" Erwin yells as he maneuvered his gear to a nearby treetop. "Levi, hold him back and give us some time!" He adds.

Levi nods and went his way on the other direction, his face stern with his squad lagging closely from behind.

"Kirstein! Join up with Cadet Arlert! Braus! Don't throw in the fucking potato inside the canon!"

You, who was quietly sitting at a tree branch beside Hanji, chuckled at Sasha's reaction upon hearing her surname called.

"You enjoying this scene?" A deep but excited tone of a voice came from behind. You turned your head and saw it was Hanji, smiling down at the soldiers as they tried their attempts against the titan, never letting him cross the boundaries from the deep forest within.

You smiled, "Yeah, it's kinda sadistic, and masochistic."

Hanji's turn to laugh came up, "Ah, I see my younger self in you," she says as she sat beside you, but not before reminding her assistant to pull the lever once the titan's weakened and vulnerable.

"Hanji! What the fuck are you doing?! You're supposed to-"

"Relax, I'm just chilling here with my student, does it matter?"

"This is no time for petty conversations and pathetic contemplations!"

"As I was saying," Hanji turns to you, obviously ignoring Shadis's extemporaneous speech, "how come have you thought like this, despite living in a world full meter-talled beasts that roam and eat people for pleasure?"

You shrugged as you watched Sasha clinging onto her dear life while the wind gushed through her face. She returns to normal when she figured out it was just an eagle.

"If you think my parents died and I was just putting all of these facade to hide my dark past and let myself take all the blame for letting them die, then no, it's not my reason."

You winked,

"I was just simply having fun while I help humanity at the same time."

You gazed downwards and saw the other squad rush out to lure the titan. "Lookie here, there's my cue." You chirped.

You took another glance at Hanji and wholeheartedly grinned before maneuvering your gear to the opposite tree in front.

Erwin cuts in, "Hanji! Prepare for capture!"

Hanji perks up and immediately readied her hand atop the mechanism's lever.

"You!" Erwin points at you,


You smirked as you walked beside the mechanism, just beside Erwin.

"Roger that."

As you slowly waited, you could've sworn you saw Hanji smiling at your direction.


"Jesus Christ Hanji!" You yelled as you yanked Hanji away from the titan, despite chains binding him from getting closer. "What were you thinking!?"

"I-It..." Hanji's eyes were wide open, staring at the varmint with utmost awe and amazement.

"It... It's GLORIOUS!"

Hanji praises once more as she rushed back into the tent to hug the titan. But luckily, your arms are long enough to snatch her suit, yanking her towards you again.

"Hep-hep-hep-hep! Don't approach it!"

But your words fell on deaf ears. Hanji shifted all her weight towards the tent's direction, reeling your feet whilst dragging you alongside her.

"So you wanna play a game huh?" You grinned as you tugged her suit even harder, countering her strength.

"M-My babies are waiting for meee!!"

"You're putting yourself at risk for those goddamn beasts?!"

"Hey! I don't care about that! If you want, just go with me!" Hanji yells as she literally shifted every strength, power and endurance she had, finally moving almost an inch closer to the tent.

You now used both your hands to prevent Hanji from going further. And as if on cue, or miracle of some sort, Mikasa gingerly walks into you, stopping dead in her tracks and staring at the both of you, forever disinterested.

You took your chance, "M-Mikasa! Help me push her towards me!"

Oh my Kami-sama, if it isn't just the perfect day for you. Mikasa came towards you and pulled a clattering Hanji close to her with no efforts whatsoever, turning her around so you can face her.

"Ah! Thanks a bunch!" You turned to face Mikasa but instead you saw Hanji with her arms behind her back, Mikasa holding her obviously.

"W-Wait wh-what are you--"


You and Hanji screamed in unison, your back feeling the hard ground, the weight and force from above you made you wince.

You just realized that Mikasa also literally did what you had said moments ago.

Basically, Hanji was on top of you, hugging your slim body as she felt as if the ground was consuming her.

"What the heck was that for!" You shouted at Mikasa, who was crouching and made fun of you by ignoring your petitions.

Hanji's hold became tight. "H-Hanji! M-Mikasa! You're ch-choking me!"

Your day was later ruined even more when you heard another set of footsteps.  "Hanji! I brought tea for you and-- Oh my!"

You immediately turned your head towards the source of the voice. It was Petra.

You, Mikasa, and Petra were caught up in a painful awkward silence, Hanji hugging you even tighter and tighter, clenching your muscles.

"Uhh, haha, err, umm... H-Hello there!"

You felt the ground swallow you when Mikasa suddenly ran towards Petra and made their way out of your sight.

Both of you and Hanji were still there, showing no signs of movement nor shifting. Your face was covered in deep red, redder than the most vibrant red you could ever see.

At the first five minutes, you thought that one of them would return and unlatch Hanji from you. After five more minutes, you tried prying Hanji off of you, but t'was no use, this woman's like a fucking Koala.

It was nighttime, the moon was out, the soldiers were inside the barracks. You two are still on the floor, Hanji was unconscious but held her iron grip.

Out of desperation and humiliation, you tried to call for help.


No response, but you swore you heard Sasha and the rest of the gang stifling their laughter behind the temporary wall, but out of your sight.


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