Dr. Arjun's Weakness!

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Thane, Maharashtra, India

Dr. Arjun's Pov

I'm visiting India after many days. I visited India last when I just passed out high school, when Kabir, my best friend took me to his place in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. But this time he is busy with his Dad's business so I'm here with a travel guide. So it's Thane, Maharashtra. I like this place. I had Vada Pav for the breakfast and I'm planning to have Pav Bhaji for the lunch as Dad told me about the specialties of Maharashtra. I will try them all one by one. We went to a restaurant and sat there. I suddenly heard a lady's voice from the washroom and noticed another lady rushed out from the washroom in a haste. I informed the manager and opened the washroom door. I found a girl about 22 years old lying there, who was bleeding very badly by her head. I said, "She needs to be taken to hospital immediately." We all took her to the hospital. I had to fill up the admission form. I randomly filled up the form as Komal Shrivastav. Komal was my sister whom I lost when we were too young. She was bleeding by her head and this girl is also bleeding through her head,I found a connection of this girl with my dead sister. If Komal was alive now, she would be 22 years old only. My thoughts were disturbed by a call. I took out my phone see mom calling. I picked up the phone

Me: Hello Maa!

Maa: You call me everyday after having lunch? Did you have your food?

Me: Maa.. No! 

Maa: Do you ever know what's the Indian Standard Time now? It's 2.30 P.M. there! Have your lunch now!

Me:  Good Morning! Maa! Come on Maa It's only 10 A.M. according to London! 

Maa: You are in India! So follow that time and have your lunch! now!

Me: Maa I was at restaurant for lunch! I heard girl screaming from washroom! And another girl left the washroom in a haste. I informed the manager then opened the washroom to find a girl around 22 years old, bleeding extremely from her head that made me remember of our Komal! I took her to the hospital. I'm in hospital right now.

Maa: I hope she will get alright. Take her to her home when she recovers. I don't want any mother to lose her daughter! 

Me: Yes Maa even I don't want any brother to lose his sister! I will ask her about her home when she recovers.

The Doctor comes out and said, "We need to operate her now! But our Brain surgeon is struck in traffic! She is losing blood continuously, and if it gets late, we might lose her!" I said, "Maa I will operate her and call you back later!" I hung up the call. I said, "I'm a brain surgeon, a pass out from London. I don't have the license of practicing here! But I need to save my sister at any cost." The Doctor agreed, without having any choice left to him. We headed to the operation theater with that girl. I started the operation. After an hour the doctor reached there. He was admiring my work. He let me carry out the operation successfully. Komal, I mean the girl was out of danger now! The other doctors congratulated me. May be my sister Komal is very happy to see her brother from the heaven! I called up Maa as I went to the hospital canteen for a late lunch. 

Maa: Hello Arjun! Is she alright? 

Me: Maa you've to see the doctor who operated her! Of course she is fine!   

Maa: Okay take her to home whenever she recovers!

Me: Yes Maa! I will!

She hung up the call and I started having lunch, with other doctors in the OT with me. After waiting for few hours at the hospital. I soon received the news that the girl regained her senses. I rushed there. She was blank after seeing me, yeah it's obvious because I'm a stranger to her. I went sat near her. I said, "What's your name and why someone attempt to murder you?" She said, "I don't know! Who am I? What am I doing here? Where is it?" Oh crap! She lost her memory! Oh no how will I take her to her home? Oh no! The other doctors advised her to sleep, so she slept off. Some of the reports came of the tests that were done after the operation. I keenly studied the reports. The other brain surgeon told me not to force her to remember anything as it may be harmful for her. She might go to coma if she is forced to remember something. If she remembers something naturally then it will be fine, but we can't force her. I wanted her to take to London with me. Dad can help her with this memory loss problem. I called up Maa.

Me: Hello Maa, she forgot everything, of her past!

Maa: Oh my! Come here with her! From today she is our child, Komal!

Me: I was also thinking of doing that Maa!

Maa: Very good, your Dad will help her with that memory loss problem.

Me: Yes Maa, Dad is a genius!

Maa: I know it's 11 P.M. there so now go to sleep, we will talk later!

Me: Okay Maa! Bye!

I hung up the call. I went to the hotel and slept off. The next day I woke up and rushed towards the hospital as Maa told that from now she is our Komal, my lovely sister! I reached the hospital soon. I went to her cabin, she was still blank, I went near her and said, "You don't remember anything, right?" She said, "No I don't remember!" I said, "You are Komal, Komal Shrivastav, daughter of Dr. Aditya Shrivastav, a brilliant psychiatrist and Radha Shrivastav. And you are my sister. And my sister is my biggest weakness because I love her very much." She said, "And you are?" I said, " I'm Dr. Arjun Shrivastav, a brain surgeon! We live in London and we are here for visiting India." She said, "When you knew about me then why did you ask my name?" I said, "I'm a doctor, it's a part of my treatment little sister!" She gave me  a weak smile. I got my sister back. I went back to the hotel, I was not in a mood to travel anymore. I got her new passport and visa done by my travel agent. She is officially my sister Komal Shrivastav now. After 2 weeks her wounds recovered to some extent and then we decided to leave for London. 

Hey people did you like this chapter? If yes then keep supporting, commenting and voting. Who is this girl, who's named Komal from now on?  And who attempted to murder her, but failed for Dr. Arjun's brilliant treatment. Well we will come to know in the upcoming chapters.  

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