Battle in the Snow

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See the final designs for the Expedition Team. See if you can guess which character is which!

(Since Ranko is so highly associated with Natsu from Fairy Tail, I figured Fairy Tail themes would best suit his battle music)

"Ahhh.. much better." Anna said pleasantly, smiling as she sipped her small cup of specially made gourmet coffee.

Back in the main room of the Clandestiney, everyone held a steaming cup of Anna's homemade coffee, sipping the hot liquid carefully.

"This is amazing!" said Muse as she took a sip. "I see Ranko got a pretty good Sous Chef.. to be honest I'm rather glad he has you looking after him.. I'm afraid he's rather reckless in the kitchen.. even if his food is good.."

"No kidding, he throws knives like they're plastic forks." said Anna. "Hey Ranko, you enjoying your coffee?"

"Ohmygosh, thiscoffeeissogood! HeydoIsoundlikeImtalkingfastrightnow? Nowway! GIVEMEMORECOFFEE!!!!" Ranko roared at hyperspeed as he held an entire coffee pot in his hands, twitching like a schizophrenic.

"Oops.." Crank said. "Guess we forgot to mention that Ranko and caffeine aren't a good match.."

"SOMUCHENERGY!! SOLITTLETIME!!! IMAGOFINDABACONMUFFINFORGOKU!!!!!!!!! GOTEAMFOURSTAR!!!!!!" Ranko screamed, before shooting off super fast, exploding out of the airship.. and dashing off into the snow.. leaving a flaming trail in his wake.

"Uhh.." Anna stammered.

"He'll be fine." said Crank. "So.. now that we're actually warm, can we get to the real business?"

"Awww.. guess flatter chests means flatter sense of fun.." Muse said.

Crank took a deep breath, trying to keep her grouchy side from emerging, her left eye twitching.

"Alright alright," said Muse waving a hand, chuckling. "So.. we've discovered several ruins to the south of here, describing Shangri La in detail.. only this time, unlike the other ruins we've found, they were written in pure Grasielian.

"Gra.. what?" said Anna, blinking with confusion.

"Alien language." said Geist. "Though I do believe the more well known term is Martian."

"That's how we knew it was the real deal." said Muse. "The aliens themselves describe how humans referred to their colony as Shangri La.. and some respected humans were allowed to stay with them, live with them, work with them.. it seems these Martians were very friendly aliens.. "

"So.. go on.. " said Geist. "How are we going to find this lost colony?"

"It's simple. The texts describe an ancient transport device buried somewhere around her, like the alien's version of a city tram or greyhound, something to get em from place to place.

"They ride on dogs?" Anna muttered, as Pebbles mewed with confusion too.

"That's a bus company from the 21st century." said Crank. "What Muse is saying.. is that this device is a transport these aliens used to travel the planet and then get back home.. "

"It seems, before this place was covered in snow and rock, that it was like a bus station for them." said Muse. "I think I'm close to finding it.. however, me and Shura are only two people, and Shura's  meditating half the day, so excavation is going painfully slow.. I need helping hands.. And Horner said the Expedition Team, AKA you guys, would be happy to help."

"Well, we've got all the equipment, the seismic graphers, the Earth Sonar too. though our drill drones are rusty and out of date thanks to Cuddlepuppy's recent lack in equipment, I've tuned them up.. so when Ranko get's back we'll be ready to go." said Crank.

"I hope he comes back soon." said Anna worriedly. "He might catch a cold out there.."

"He may feel like he's freezing, but trust me, an Alpha Rex's blood runs pretty hot, I doubt Ranko's ever had a cold in his life." said Muse cheerfully. "Though I can't help but wonder.. what is he doing out there?"


"GUH!? Ow.. my head.."

Ranko sat up, groaning and rubbing his head, sitting in a Ranko shaped hole in the ever thickening snow.

Ranko shook his head. "Man.. that's the last time I have any more caffeine.

Ranko looked around. "Eh? How far did I-"

Ranko's eyes widened as he stood up.. and stared at the flaming trail that ran vertically down the side of an incredibly steep cliff..  "Whoa.... I'M SPIDER-MAN!!!"

Ranko laughed and jumped onto another cliff face, attempting to stick to the flat surface, only to fall back on his back. "Ouch Brrrrr.."

Ranko shivered hugging his shoulders as his nose began to drip. "Aw man!? Do I have to walk ALL the way back in this cold? Damn.. eh?"

Ranko stopped complaining for a second, and forgot the cold as he saw somebody else at the edge of the cliff.

He was a bald monk, dressed in Buddhist yellow and red garb (or as I like to call it.. AIR BENDER GARB!)

He was moving slowly, taking on odd stances, as if he was doing Kung Fu in slow motion. 

Ranko blinked. "Eh? Who are you?"

The man didn't answer for a minute. "Ah.. an interesting question..  but I think something more interesting.. is asking who YOU are... you are an odd one to see so far up in these mountains."

"I'm Ranko." said Ranko simply.

"An odd name as well.." said the man, continuing his exercises. "Or perhaps the times have passed, and that is now a normal name?"

"Uhh.. what?" Ranko muttered, tilting his head in confusion.

Now that he observed the man, Ranko realized the guy was more of a kid than a man, and actually around his age.

"Curious about these movements?" said the boy. "This is called Tai Chi.. it's a Chinese technique that's much like yoga in a way.. care to try it?"

"Looks boring." said Ranko. "I just keep in shape by punching things."

"So, what are you doing here?" asked the boy.

"Eh, I'm just looking for Shangri La.. But for now I'm a bit lost.."

"Shang... gri La..?" The boy's eyes turned wide, and he glared at Ranko as if he had just spoken some sort of blasphemy. "I see... well then..."

"Eh?" said Ranko. "What's the matter?"

The boy turned towards Ranko, and took up a stance, as he pulled his fist to his side and began to breathe in.. steam starting to hiss off his very skin, his body glowing. "DIVINE TIGER FIST!!!"

The boy sent out a martial arts style punch, that hurled out a shockwave of intense heat as he attacked, the shockwave blasting snow into the air and sending Ranko exploding into the side of a cliff with a boom.

"I apologize stranger." said the monk. "But I cannot allow those who search for Shangri La to find it.."

"BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!" There was an explosion of snow, and Ranko shot out of the cliff face, hacking up snow and shaking his head. "JEEZ! Cough! What the hell man!? Give a guy a warning!"

The monk's jaw dropped. "Wha... HOW DID YOU SURVIVE!!?"

"I don't know." said Ranko with a shrug. "I'm just pissed I guess, I can't imagine myself dying angry... "

"Is he some sort of super man!?" the Monk muttered. "No normal person could ever survive a quick killing blow like that!!"

"Awe well!" said Ranko as he stretched and wound up his arm. "Guess I'm gonna have to teach ya some manners!!! ANKYLO TANK ROLL!!!"

Ranko leapt into the air and rolled up his body, as he did, an aura shaped around him, turning into a Ankylosaurus's spiked and studded back armor, which rolled up around Ranko, turning him into an armored sphere..

The armored ball spun at high speeds as it shot at the surprised monk, who leapt out of the way, somehow managing to stand vertically on one of the cliff faces.

The armored sphere blasted half the cliff face apart with a tremendous boom, before it bounced out of the snowy cloud and slammed into the cliff face the monk was clinging to, right after he barely dodged again, displaying inhuman speed.

"What is this man!?" the monk stammered. "What was that power!?"

Ranko unrolled and landed on his feet, his Ankyosaurus armor disappearing. "Heh! Guess killing me for whatever reason ain't so easy right!?"

The monk glared at Ranko, gritting his teeth. "Don't count on it.."

The Monk's eyes glowed with an eerie light as he dashed at unusual speed, suddenly disappearing and reappearing behind Ranko. "TIGER'S CLAW!!!"

The monk sent a vicious palm strike at Ranko, which he parried aside with one fist just in time.

"TIGER'S TITAN STRIKE!!!" The monk began moving his fists and palm strikes at incredible speeds, moving so fast, that each and every attack, his arms broke the very sound barrier, creating multiple shockwaves.

Ranko jumped back as the monk moved forward, his arms glowing with aura shaped like Velociraptor talons, using the Raptor Speed to parry each attack just barely.

"How does it feel? Strange demon! To face this much speed and power in an ordinary human!?" said the monk as he attacked. "Do you feel fear?"

"Darn! Fast!" Ranko stammered as the monk continued to wear him down. "RAPTORACER!!!"

Ranko moved at blitz speed, disappearing and reappearing behind the monk, just as quick as the monk had done before.


Ranko's fists were enveloped in an aura shaped like two large Brachiosaurus feet, he began ramming the giant strong dino legs against the monk.

The monk's arms moved with quick precision, like an expert martial artist, somehow the glowing aura in his arms allowing his very skin to become like hard iron, taking even the incredible strength of a mutant dinosaur.


The monk's right fist suddenly turned silver as a stange armor covered his arm, and he rammed the fist into Ranko's jaw, throwing him into the air.

Ranko flew over a 300 feet before exploding into a nearby mountain side.

"PAAAHHH!!" Ranko spat out snow as his head popped out of the white blanket of ice. "What the heck!? Shouldn't there be an avalanche by now!?"

"This peak is sacred to us." said the monk. "Even in the midst of a great storm.. it will not waver.."

"Good!" said Ranko with a grin. "THAT MEANS I DON'T HAVE TO HOLD BACK!!!"

"You forget, neither do I!" The monk roared as he leapt into the sky, the dim sun at his back as snow flurried around his form which began to glow gold.

"A Thousand Suns, A Thousand Phoenixes... A thousand Dragons, A Thousand Moons..." The monk chanted as he twirled in the air. "LET THE RAIN OF THEIR POWER BATHE EVILDOERS IN THE LIGHT OF BLOOD!!!"

The monk shot down, his fists becoming enveloped in blue flames. "THOUSAND YEAR TURMOIL!!!!!!"

The monk's punches broke past his normal supersonic speed, becoming so fast, that the only thing that could be seen were the flaming impact points of his punches that shook the very mountain with extreme power..

To those who stood at a distance and heard the impacts of the attacks, they would've thought lightning was assaulting the peaks with rage.

Every punch impacted Ranko's chest, every attack sent a powerful light ripping through the sky.. the very  peak of Martial Arts perfection...

When the smoke cleared however, the monk couldn't help but be astounded, because now, his fist was being held in place by a scaly clawed hand..

"TYRANT MODE!!!!" Ranko roared, his eyes wide with fury as a powerful red aura burned around his newly formed scales.

Ranko rammed a fist into the monk's face with all the strength of an Alpha Tyrannosaurus, and blood flew from the monk's face as he flew into the sky.

"TYRANT STORM CHASER!!!!" Ranko jumped into the sky and rammed an elbow into the monk's gut, causing him to cough up blood.

"TYRANT HEADBUTTTTT!!!" hardened scales formed over Ranko's forehead as he rammed his head into the monk, slamming him down into the snow below with a booming impact.

"URRRGGHHH!!!" the monk got up, looking up furiously at Ranko who was coming down from the sky above. "I WON'T LOSE TO YOU DEMON!!! SKYWARD LOTUS PIERCER!!!!!"

The monk shot into the air, a great orange aura blasting from his fist like a spiraling cyclone as he made to punch Ranko.

"TYRANT STOMP!!!!!" Ranko lashed out a kick, and a massive aura shaped like a tyrannosaurus's giant red clawed foot enveloped his foot.

A tremendous shockwave and wind blasted out as the two attacks connected with each other.

"RRRRAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Both fighters yelled at the top of their longs as they pushed against each other in mid air.

"GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!" Ranko's rage grew and grew.. and as it grew, his muscles began to grow larger, and his eyes began to glow red with a Rex's strength.

There was an explosion of energy, and the T-rex foot disappeared, as Ranko's foot blazed straight through the monk's aura, past his arm, and into his face.

A shockwave exploded out from the impact, as the monk was sent blasting into side of the mountain.. creating a large crater.

He coughed up blood as Ranko approached him, unable to move. "You... you.. have bested me... strike.. true... and finish me.. and grant... me the warrior's death... young... fighter...."

Ranko glared down at the monk.. and then.."

"HEEHEEHEEHEE!!" Ranko giggled, his eyes sparkling innocently. "I have no idea what you just said!!!"

The monk sighed. "How can such a fierce warrior.. be such an idiot? Anyways, it matters not.. I will not allow you to find Shangri La.. even at the cost of my life..  So do with me as you wish.. I won't talk.."

"Jeez, just what is your problem?" Ranko muttered.

"Zen! Wait.." A voice spoke out.. and a very old looking monk with a long wispy beard seemed to shuffle out of nowhere, leaning on a long oaken staff.

"Master!" the monk exclaimed. "It's not safe here! Run!"

"Fear not Zen.. I sense this boy has no evil intent.. " said the old monk. "He doesn't seek power.. but knowledge.. he and his friends..."

"Knowledge?" said Zen. "That's foolish master! Since when does one only seek knowledge!?"

"Uh.. since we own the largest Library in the world." said Ranko.

"Library?" said Zen.

"I apologize for my student Zen." said the old monk. "My name is Lanis. And my student here, while trained to protect the secret of Shangri La from those who would abuse it, knows not of the outside world.. he has slept for nearly a thousand years, only to wake now.."

"Wha?" said Ranko. "Seriously old guy.. I really haven't a clue what you're talking about.."

"Perhaps.. this would be better explained if your friends were present.." said the old monk.


"WHOA!! ACTUAL TEMPLE KEEPERS!!?" Crank shouted with glee, clapping her hands together like a giddy child who had just gotten a new toy. "I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY EXISTED!!!!"

The two monks were seated on the couch in the main room of the airship. The old monk was drinking tea as Anna tended to Zen's wounds, bandaging up his arm.

"This.. machine.." Zen muttered. "This metal house can really fly?"

"Yep." said Anna.

"Can somebody enlighten me on what a Temple Keeper is?" said Geist. "I don't believe I've ever heard the term.. which is surprising for me I must admit.. "

"Temple Keepers are the descendants of the humans that were allowed to live with the martian colony." said Muse. "Before the aliens left.. or died.. I'm not sure which happened, they entrusted the humans to become temple keepers, pilgrims who would journey around the land, gathering the resources necessary to keep the facility running, while protecting the power of the place from evil forces... or at least whatever the aliens deemed to be evil."

"So the humans froze themselves in some sort of stasis.. " said Crank. "or at least that's how the theory goes.  Every hundred years, two humans, a Master and his Student, would unfreeze, and watch the place until they died, at which time, two more would unfreeze to watch Shangri La.

"And what happens when they run out of frozen humans?" Anna asked.

"Shangri La dies."  said the old monk.  "As it should.. the Old Ones left Shangri La to us upon their untimely demise because they saw how it healed our kind of the most detrimental diseases, they left it to thank us for letting them stay on our world, to use in case a great plague came upon mankind.. and we did cure ailments throughout the thousands of years... the Black Death, Small Pox, they were wiped out or weakened by the power of Shangri La.. and humanity limped on.. "

"But others will seek to use the power for evil.." said Zen. "So.. when humanity finally has developed resistances to disease, or at least developed the proper technology for healing it.. Shangri La will destroy itself.."

Anna felt uncomfortable about this statement... they really didn't know about how much the outside world had changed.. they probably had some record of what diseases Shangri La was used to cure.. but the thing that they probably didn't know was that currently humanity DID have the technology to heal all diseases.. powerful nanobots able to instantly remix the RNA of any virus, to obliterate bacteria by their very atoms..

But only the upper class were allowed these miracle cures, because Octavas used biological weapons sometimes to keep his rule under control. How would biological weapons work if everybody had a miracle cure right?

It was because of Octavas that Shangri La was probably still around to find.. what a depressing thought..

"Please, I must know." said Zen. "I don't think you are evil souls.. now that I see how kindly you've treated my wounds.. but, what strange power does that boy possess? Several times.. he seemed to take the form of a monster.."

"He's called a Genos." said Geist. "Genos are beings that imbibe the power of Knowledge into our bodies, and bring out that knowledge in the form of physical powers. Ranko has the power of the knowledge of Dinosaurs."

"Dino.. saurs?" said Zen.

"They lived 65 million years ago." said Anna as she put a bandage on Zen's forehead. "They were the largest land animals to ever walk the earth, and some of the most diverse."

"They are referred to as real life dragons in many cultures." said Geist. "The Chinese term for Dinosaur literally means 'Scary Dragon'. They died out before humans ever appeared in the world, but they were brought back to life as augmented weapons during a particularly wore torn era of our world... now they inhabit world as wild and almost untamable creatures."

Drani, who had remained silent until now, spoke up. "You might see a few here in the mountains. There are many that dwell up here in the mountains.. including a formerly non-native species called Giganotosaurus. It's best you're extra careful..though..."

Drani narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "You claim that besides your abnormal lifespans.. you're ordinary humans.. yet no normal human is ever capable of lasting more than a few seconds against my brother.. forgive my distrust, but I'm finding it hard to avert my suspicions."

"Hmmm.. yes.. what Ranko witnessed during his fight with my pupil.. is the art of Qi.." said the old monk.

"Intriguing. The life energy that dwells within all things? I figured it was more of a metaphorical concept." said Geist. "Are you saying that this is actually a physical property?"

"Few know of Qi's true nature." said the old monk. "Only the most dedicated of all martial artists ever discover it. It is the ability to exert the energy, and control your body's natural aura.. with it.. you can make your skin like iron, create heat, control the mind.. even sense the presence of others.. it is what allowed the Temple Keepers to surpass our distant cousins, the Shaolin Monks, even though there was only ever 2 of us at a time when they were active..  Please.. allow me to give you a demonstration.."

The old monk took a deep breath, and held up a hand... "Hhhhhhh... HYAAAAHHHHH!!!"

The man's hand became covered in metallic armor.

"WHOAAA!" said Ranko, his eyes sparkling.

"I have taken the iron in my blood, and coated my skin with it, while multiplying the amount of iron to thicken the armor.." said the old monk.

"But.. that's impossible." said Geist. "the Law of the Conservation of Matter clearly states-"

"Ah.. I see, you're confused.." said the monk. "You see, Qi, is a trancendant art that goes above the laws of physics.. it relies on two primary arts, Control, and Creation. Firstly, the ability to control all the potential of your body, and manipulate it at will.. secondly, the ability to create... The Old Ones made us aware of this Science that matter cannot be created or destroyed, merely combined and broken down.. but Qi transcends that, able to copy any material, any object, given that one has the necessary strength and concentration.."

"A most unusual technique indeed." Drani said.

"Try and do too much though.." said the monk. "And you will kill yourself.. the potential others have in Qi varies from person to person.. and only those with the greatest potential, even ever succeed in unlocking it.."

"Not to be a downer here." said Crank. "But we need to get back to the real subject. We know that there's supposed to be some sort of transport system to and from Shangri La.."

"OH PLEASE!" Zen stood up, folding his arms. "None of you are worthy to even step one TOE into the sacred kingdom! I care not of your intentions!!! You will not shame our ancestors by wiping your filth over it!"

"HEY!" Ranko exclaimed. "Alright pal! I don't get what your problem is! But we're also trying to save your silly little Kingdom from a stupid dictator! So shut your trap!"

"Oh?" said Zen, grinning. "Do you wish for a rematch? Dinosaur Boy?"

"Any time Saitama Knock-off!!" Ranko growled, pointing at Zen. "I'll take you and your shiny bald head anyday!!"

"It's SHAVED!!!" Zen roared, a veing pumping near his forehead. "NOT BALD!! SHAVED!!!"

"SHINY SHINY BALDY BALDY!!" Ranko stuck out his tongue.


Crank hit both Ranko and Zen over the head with a giant wrench. "KNOCK IT OFF!! JEEZ!! YOU'RE BOTH ANNOYING!!"

"What.. a terrifying 5-year old.." Zen groaned from on the floor.

"5 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!?" Crank screamed, grabbing Zen by the throat. "I'M 14 YOU ASS!!!!!"

"EEEEEEEE!!!" Zen squealed.

"My apologies for Zen once more." said the old monk. "He's quite brash and impatient.. but he is correct in one thing.. our oaths as guardians of the city forbid us from revealing it's location to you.. or the means to get there.. you must find that on your own.."

"Very well.." said Muse, bowing to the monk. "Then we respect your wishes, we'll resume this journey on our own, but feel free to intrude on our hospitality if you must, since we're technically on your land."

"Ahh.. if there were more respectable people in the world like you young ones.. I thank you for your honorable natures." said the old Monk. "In return, feel free to continue your investigation of the area.."

And so the conversation with the Old Monk adjourned, and the Excavation of the site began..

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