Liza Momo

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List of Dinosaurs available for vote: Rajasaurus, Argentinasaurus, Therizinosaurus, Saurophaganax, Carcharodontosaurus, Megalosaurus, Sinraptor, Eoraptor, Tarbosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus and Allosaurus.  Non Dinosaurs available: Dimorphodon (Pterosaur), Helicoprion (shark), Kronosaurus (Pliosaur)

4 years ago...

A 10 year old Crank sat at the workbench built into the wall of her room fiddling with a small remote control car, a screwdriver in one hand, and a bag of batteries in her teeth. At her current age, everybody thought Liza Momo was the most adorable thing ever.. and it was easy to see why.

Her pink hair, her cute sparkly eyes.. her short height, how she tried to act tough. The little mechanic's outfit and skull decorated hat.  it was frustrating to Liza though, so she spent her time with machines, the only things that didn't acknowledge her as 'cute'.

No, she wasn't cute! She was a rough and tough mechanic!! Eyes on the prize! Make em contraptions! YEEEEAAAH!

"Ah? hello?" a voice interrupted Liza's work, she looked up to see a girl peeking into her room. She looked around her age.

A younger Muse stepped in, going pink and looking away, seeming quite embarrassed, blushing. "I'm new here.. M-my name is Muse."

"Oh?" said Liza grumpily returning to her work. "Well great, now buzz off.. I'm working."

Muse walked over to the work bench. "What exactly are you working on..?"

Liza pouted, sure that she was about to be made fun of. "None of your business."

"It looks pretty cool though." said Muse. "I wish I could build things.. music is all I'm good at though.. I-I'm afraid that Cuddlepuppy doesn't need somebody like me.."

Liza looked at Muse. "Are you just going to keep standing next to me all day or are you going to give me some privacy?"

Muse stepped back awkwardly. "Oh.. er.. sorry.. "

Muse made to leave, but before she could step out the door.. Liza spoke.

"Liza Momo..."

"Wh-wha?" Muse stammered.

"My name is Liza Momo." said Liza.

"That's such a cute name!" said Muse cheerfully. 

"I KNOW!! That's why I hate it!" said Liza. "Someday, I'm going to have an awesome tough sounding name.. like Crank or somethin'.. but for now, I'm just stuck sounding like I should be a stuffed animal.."

"Cute isn't bad though." said Muse. she walked over and hugged Liza, much to her surprise.

"Wh-whoah.. p-personal space.." said Liza.

"I really like cute.. I think you're the best kind of cute." said Muse.

Liza blushed, pink patches appearing on her cheeks. "O-on second thought.. y-you can keep hugging me.."


Present Day

"Okay. So here's how it stands." The Main Room of the Clandestiny was currently filled with all six members of the Expedition team, with Crank sitting at the head of the table, since she was the one who was leading this expedition.  "We have discovered a way to the Lost City of Shangri La.

Crank paused, waiting for a massive reaction... however, she did not receive it.

Ranko and Anna both just stared with confusion, Geist nodded as if just accepting the fact that was before him, Bon continued to chomp on her Stegosaurus steak, and Drani just blinked stoicly like she usually did.


"I am excited Liza." said Geist. "Most excited in fact, this is surely a very impressive breakthrough."

"Sorry Liza." said Anna, bowing her head apologetically. "I've never actually heard of this place before.."

"Neither have I." said Drani. 

"Does it taste like bacon?" Ranko asked.


"Then I'm out.. goodnight!" Ranko slumped back in his chair and began to snore.

"WAKE UP YOU GODDAMN REX BRAIN!!" Crank yelled, using her power to pull out a socket wrench the size of a refrigerator and smacking it right into Ranko's jaw. 

Ranko hurled into a wall, which he stuck to, groaning for a minute before falling down. "F-fine.. ow.. I'm awake."

"Now.." said Crank. "To explain, the lost city of Shangri La is a mythical city, it was once described in a fictional work by the author James Hilton. Supposedly it's a city in the Himilayas that was created as a secret utopia, imbibed with the ability to grant somebody eternal youth.. and in turn.. eternal life.. and.. it's been my life's dream to find that place.."

"That sounds quite huge." said Drani. "A city said to grant eternal life..."

"Yeah.. except that's not what I'm after.. there's a particular piece of tech I want.. and it's in that city.. " said Crank. "And that's the catch.. the city isn't of Earth.. it's an abandoned Alien Colony."

Ranko's jaw dropped. "ALIENS!?"

"yes Ranko... aliens." said Crank.

"HehehehehehHAHAHAHAHA!!! YES!! FINALLY!!" Ranko said, rubbing his hands. "We're going to be able to make SPACE FOOD!!!!"

"RRRUHHH (SPACE FOOD)!?" Bon perked up.

"YES!! SPACE FOOD!" Ranko exclaimed.

Bon and Ranko held hands and began jumping up and down, laughing insanely.

"Oh brother.." Crank muttered. "Ranko.. not everything is about food."

"NO!!! DON'T UTTER THAT BLASPHEMY!" Ranko yelled. "There are three things that make life worth living!! Food, Anime, and Batman!!!"

"Normally I'd agree with you regarding Anime and Batman." said Crank. "But please don't mess this up for me.. This.. this is my dream.. the one I've been striving for.. "

Ranko's expression turned serious. "Okay.. whatever you say."

"So an alien colony, abandoned.. and now.. found.." said Geist. "Intriguing, there are sure to be sediments of extraterrestrial origin just waiting to be studied, I can't wait.."

"This will also be important because it's going to be a learning trip for Anna." said Crank. "Its this Expedition team's first Archaeological dig.. so Anna, you're going to be learning the ropes, you too Drani now that I think about it.. "

Drani and Anna looked at each other and nodded. "We'll do our best."

"Okay. we're about 15 minutes away from Muse's camp.. so get ready to bundle up for some cold weather.. Himilayas aren't really the most hospitable set of mountains weather-wise." said Crank.

"Muse.. is she one of us?" Anna asked Ranko as the two of them headed back to the kitchen.

"Yeah! She and Crank have a long history." said Ranko as he threw some dishes to Bon, who caught them in her jaws like a frisbee and put the dishes into an overhead cabinet. "Used to be best friends."

"Used to be?" Anna asked.

Ranko shrugged. "They grew apart.. I don't know why.. I never asked. "Oh, hey Drani.."

"HYAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!?" Anna went red covering her eyes. 

Drani was grabbing something fromt he refrigerator.. however, she was dressed in nothing, and she had a towel slung over her shoulder and a toothbrush in her mouth.

"AGAIN DRANI!?" Anna stammered. 

"I was just going to take a shower in a moment." said Drani, blinking with confusion. "I don't see what the problem is.. you say it's not decent to do this, yet you have seen me naked before, and both me and Ranko have bathed with each other as children... 

"B-but I saw you in a Girl's locker room! Th-this. is.." Anna sputtered.

"Come on Anna, it's no big deal. " Ranko said, continuing business casually as usual.  "So she's naked."

"SHE'S YOUR SISTER!!!" Anna squealed. "What if it were ME naked instead!"

Ranko's eyes widened, and blood began to trickle out of his nose. "Whoah.. surreal.."

Bon shook her head. "Rssshhh (Pervert)."

"When I think about it.. the only one in this entire ship who would have a problem with seeing me naked, would be Geist." said Drani. "So.. it can't be an issue can it? Hmm.. and since we've only got 15 minutes.. perhaps a shower isn't required.."

"No no no no no!!" Anna fussed like the motherly person she was. "You are taking a shower!!"

"B-but it's not required-" Drani began before Anna grabbed her hand, and dragged her off. The next thing Drani knew, Anna had thrown her into the bathtub and was scrubbing her back.

"I-I can do it myself!!" Drani stammered, going red with embarrassment. 

"Says the girl who sometimes treks mud OUT of the bathroom!" said Anna. "You're going to use soap properly this time.. then afterwords, you're going to keep your clothes ON!"

"HAHAHAHA!" Ranko peeked into the bathroom. "YOU'RE GETTING WASHED!"

"SHUT UP REX BRAIN!!" Drani squealed.

"PRIVACY!!!" Anna threw a bar at Ranko's head hard and then kicked him out of the room before closing the door and locking it. She then resumed scrubbing Drani relentlessly. 

A few fervered minutes of scrubbing later, Anna was adjusting the little green bow tie on on the black Sailor Uniform Drani was wearing.

Drani's expression was at the epitome of embarrassment. "L-look, I can dress myself too."

"And yet you don't!" scolded Anna. "You've got to learn to take responsibility for your well being."

Meanwhile, just outside the bathroom, Crank, who was sipping a juice box, suddenly heard Anna's voice.

Sweating slightly, and still sipping her juice, Crank began to tiptoe away, before Anna's sour face peeked out of the bathroom and glared at Crank. "Where do you think you're going?"

"PFFFFFFFFFFTTT!!" Crank spat out her juice in fright as Anna suddenly grabbed her shoulder.

"COME ON!!" Crank cried right as Anna tore off her clothes and threw her into the bathtub, "MY OILY MUSK IS PART OF MY ESSENCE AS A MECHANIC!!!"


The snowy base camp was high up in the mountains, surrounded by a whiteout of wind and snow.. when the ship landed.. and it's ramp hit the snow, the moment everybody walked out, dressed in their snow gear, they began huddling together, shivering.. everyone except Geist, who seemed excited.. well.. excited for how he usually was anyways.

"Remarkable!!" Geist adjusted his glasses, taking out a computer tablet and typing on it. "This entire mountain range is a testament to the incredible forces of Plate Tectonics! I have been meaning to come here for some time! But never have I imagined it would be so soon! REMARKABLE!! JUST REMARKABLE!!"

"H-how are you not.. c-cold!?" Ranko stammered. "Are you a mutant or somethin'!? The Hell!?"

"I did grow up in Alaskan regions, perhaps I am merely used to this weather." said Geist. "Oh? I think that's it over there."

Geist pointed a finger at a large tent hooked up in the snow accompanied by a campfire.

"Hey there!" Muse poked her head out, greeting everyone in a musical voice. "It's great you could make it!! Get over to the fire, we have food cooking!"

As soon as the crew trecked up far enough, Muse jumped out and hugged Ranko and Geist. "it's good to see you two again.. and..Heehee! Helooooooo Cranky Hanky!"

Muse tucked Crank into an arm hold and began giving her a noogy.

"Stop it!! Oh please!! Damn you!!" Crank growled. "GEROFF!! GEROFF!! GEROFF!! GEROFF!!!"

"Teehee! aww!!" Muse said, grabbing Crank's chest. "Lookie lookie still all so small down here.. but I guess you've grown a couple of inches.."

"WHAM!!" Crank knocked Muse off with a massive socket wrench. "Piss off."

"Nobody I know has shame anymore.." Anna muttered. 

Everyone gathered around the fire and Muse cheerfully ran her fingers through her silver hair, somehow dressing pretty light and not being affected by the cold at all. 

"I bet you're wondering how I'm comfortable in this weather huh?" said Muse, giving Anna a wink. "Well, I'm a Musical Genos.. and music comes in many natures.. flaming hot, chilling cold.. flowing fast.. and etc. Because of this, I'm able to survive and resist many kinds of weather.. it's why i was chosen for Cuddlepuppy 51's Himalayan outpost. So... you must be Anna right?"

Anna nodded. "I-i-it's g-g-g-good to meet you.. M-Muse."

"Hold on.." Muse stoked the fire a bit and brought Anna closer. "Come on everyone.. don't be shy, huddle up."

"C-couldn't we just go inside and build a fire?" Anna asked, her teeth chattering.

"Not now." said Muse. "Shura is meditating.."


"Cuddlepuppy number 29." said Geist. "He has the serum on the ancient japanese arts of Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu.. it's best he not be disturbed when meditating.. In fact, when he's back at base, he rarely ever assumes contact with the outside world.. "

Anna stared at the tent for a minute.

Crank hugged Anna, quivering. "U-u-uh.. I'm going to borrow your body heat for a minute.. "

"H-help yourself.." Anna chattered. 

Bon wriggled her way out from where she was digging into the snow, wearing an eskimo hat, earmuffs, and a scarf on her scaly raptor body. "Rrrrr (Didn't you say you had Dinner)?"

"Sorry to say.. the only grub we have is chili." said Muse. "But don't worry, we'll get used to the cold and the lack of food sure en-"

"Wait.." Ranko said, blinking. "Why don't we all just go back in the ship where it's warm?"

Muse stopped, and her jaw dropped. Everybody all stared at each other for a second.


Everyone screamed with relief, and went rampaging back up into the ship.. all except Muse and Geist.

"I don't get what the problem is.. it's quite refreshing out here." said Geist.

"Eh.. whimps." said Muse with a wink before following everyone up into the ship.

Information on Drani Rostellar

Favorite Food: Anna's Apple Pie

Favorite activity: Hugging cute furry animals (Namely Pebbles.)

Favorite Dinosaur: Giganotosaurus and Ankylosaurus (She loves them both equally.)

Favorite Anime Character: Wendy Marvell

Personality: Drani is often now described as a cool beauty. Despite her estranged past and misguided morals, she has become a more level headed member of Cuddlepuppy 51's 6 member expedition team. Her more careful fighting style thanks to a Rage Mode Giganotosaurus's more technical ability, has helped this, so in some cases , she's more resourceful even than Horner. Her coolness however, hides a deep set girly side. She loves cute things, the color pink, has a thrill for 21st century Anime, especially Fairy Tail, and has a loli side that when revealed, make boys around her suddenly start crushing on her, and girls all around just want to squeal with delight and hug her. Drani also possesses an Erza-ish trait where she isn't all that self conscious about exposing herself in front of friends, having no qualms about sharing the hotsprings at the same place as the guys (much to Geist's chagrin).

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