Chapter 121: SCP-939 ''With Many Voices''

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Here we see you and the others heading to the Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 and we see you giving everyone pulse monitors and hazmat suits.

(Y/N): "Alright SCP-939 is a species of anomalous fauna that are endothermic pack hunters that display atrophy in various similar to troglobitic organisms. Their skin is highly permeable to moisture and translucent red owing to a compound chemically similar to hemoglobin. On average SCP-939 are 2.2 meters tall standing upright and weigh 250 kilograms on average and covered in setae for climbing. They have elongated heads devoid of vestigial eyes or eye sockets and doesn't contain any brain casing. Their jaws are lined with red fang like teeth and encircled by heat sensitive pit organs. The Eye spots are sensitive to light and dark and their backs are lined spined dorsal ridges and the spines are 16 cm long. They don't possess many vital organs systems like central and peripheral nervous systems, circulatory system, and digestive tract are all absent-"

Lindsay: "Can you get to the important details?"

(Y/N): "Right, they lure in prey with voices that sound like someone's in trouble, they exhale traces of an aerosolized Class C Amnestic which we all AMN-C227 which causes anterograde amnesia which is colorless, odorless, and tasteless."

Leshawna: "Oh boy and are you sure we need these things?"

(Y/N): "We made a deal with the Chaos Insurgency to get instances of SCP-939 to them, along with getting some old acts of Icky's circus and samples of 610 for the Sarkic Cults."

Leshawna: "And it includes the amnesia breathing monsters in there?"

(Y/N): "They also use voices that they haven't heard before and it's hard to tell the difference between an actual person and a 939 instance and they go for the next or brain for when they kill their prey."

Leshawna: *Sarcastically* "Well that's reassuring."

Heather: *points to Chicago, Theresa, and Lindsay*"I bet these two would be safe from them trying to attack their brains."

Chicago: "Thank goodness."*realizes*"Hey!"

Lindsay: "That wasn't nice."

Theresa: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "I got help for this job."

We then see a car pull up and Theresa sees her father come out of the car along with her uncle.

Theresa: "Dad, what are you doing here?"

Jimmy: "Your boss told us that some kid took over his SCP Whatchamacallit and now he and anyone who has any relation with him is on the run, which includes you. I got my family on the run from the mob and I ain't letting a kid whack you as well."

Cheech: "Plus he's paying us a hefty check."

(Y/N): "Alright get your hazmat suits on and put on the pulse monitors to keep track of everyone's vitals."

Jimmy: "You told us we're bagging some animals, what animals are we talking about here?"

(Y/N): "You know it when you see them. Just keep an eye on your pulse monitors to make sure anyone is alive. And if you hear any cries of help from anyone else just ignore them."

Jimmy: "Why?"

(Y/N): "They will be expecting you to follow them."

Jimmy: "Okay, we'll try not to follow the cries of help for whatever reason."

We then see you and the others get into the site and we see you and the others see that the site has been through a containment breach which is filled with numerous corpses.

(Y/N): "We need to go to the security room and see what happened."

We see you and the others head to the security area and you look through the cameras. You all saw the footage has Mandy now a clockwork cyborg telling the staff they are all fired by releasing all instances of SCP-939 and putting the site on lockdown and then blood went all over the cameras.

Jimmy: "Damn..."

(Y/N): "After she was infected with 217, she went nuts."

Heather: "And her with that robo virus is bad?"

(Y/N): "She was smart enough not to be a mindless clockwork cyborg, but now she can't think straight. And she caused mass murders everywhere."

Heather: "Well that's just great, how are we gonna stop that littlepsycho?"

(Y/N): "We need all the help we can get. Now let's catch some 939s."

We then see you and the others then look around the area and we see Jimmy and Cheech looking at their pulse monitors.

Cheech: "Am I looking at this right, it says I have no heartbeat."

Jimmy: "You didn't turn it on you idiot."

Cheech: "Oh right."*turns on the pulse monitor*"There we go."

Jimmy then hears screaming and he recognizes it as Cookie's voice.

Jimmy: "Fuck! Cookie is in here!"

We see Jimmy and Cheech follow the screams and by the time they got to the source they see 2 instances of SCP-939.

Jimmy: "Aw shit."

We then see them run away as we see the 939s chase after them and then we see nets fall on the 939 instances and both Jimmy and Cheech saw it was Theresa who threw the net.

Jimmy: "You saved us!"

Theresa: "I could have left you both to die because you wouldn't let me be a stripper."

Jimmy: "You're my daughter!"

Cheech: *looks behind him and sees a 3rd 939 instance*"Jimmy...."

Jimmy: "1. Your mom would have whacked me if you were a stripper!"

Cheech: "Jimmy...."

Jimmy: "2. You're my daughter."

Cheech: "Jimmy...."

Jimmy: "3. I'm tired of kicking your boy toys out of the house!"

Cheech: "Jimmy!!"

Jimmy: *to Cheech*"Don't you see I'm lecturing my daughter here?!"*realizes*"There's another one of those things right behind us isn't there?"

Cheech: "Yeah."

The falcones then stepped back and the instance was about to attack but it stopped and the Falcones were confused until they see Dawn walk in between then and they see her petting the 939 instance.

Theresa: "Thanks Dawn."

Dawn: "Your welcome, I asked them if they want to help us and they agreed."

Cheech: "What kind of hippie voodoo are you using here?"

Dawn: "I am simply one with nature, that's all."

Jimmy: "Then what are we doing here?"

Dawn: "(Y/N) just needed a getaway driver."

Cheech: "I told you we were getaway drivers."

Jimmy: "Shut up and let's load these things into the truck."

After loading the truck with instances of SCP-939 we see Jimmy and Theresa giving each other the stink eye and you see this as well.

(Y/N): "Let me guess, your daughter wanted to eb a stipper but you burned down your own strip club so that she won't be a stripper right?"

Jimmy: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Look I know you want to protect your daughter but she needs to get some work experience, sometimes a strip club can be a good place to get some work experience."

Jimmy: "Hey I am not having my oldest daughter be a stripper."

(Y/N): "But the SCP Foundation is a better option than a strip club?"

Cheech: "He has a point."

Jimmy: "What?"

Cheech: "Who knows what kind of freaky shit they have in store?"

Jimmy: "I thought the SCP Foundation was a pizzeria not a sci-fi lovecraftian nightmare office."

(Y/N): "That's just a cover name, the initials are easy to forget once you put in words. It works but I am not gonna tell you how it works because it's classified information."

Cheech: "Why is it classified?"

(Y/N): "Why don't you get a whiff of 939 gas and you'll find out."

Cheech then looks into the back of the truck and a 939 breathed on Cheech's face and Cheech inhaled the gas and then he forgot as we see Dawn closed the door.

Cheech: "What were we talking about?"

(Y/N): "Nothing."

Sometime later, we see you all arrived to the Chaos Insurgency and we see you giving the insurgents the 939 instances.

(Y/N): "Remember our deal?"

Insurgent: "Give them back to the Foundation once Mandy is out of the picture."

(Y/N): "We got you the 939s, now you meet up with our end of the bargain."

Insurgent: "Right, we'll help you in taking the brat down."

(Y/N): "Thank you."

Sometime later, we see Jimmy and Theresa arguing with each other in the Wanderer's Library and we see you watching the events unfold as we see some of the Serpent's Hand see this as well.

(Y/N): *sees what's happening* "What's going on here?"

Theresa: "I'm telling my dad about how much of a control freak he is!"

Jimmy: "Only because I love you and I want you to be safe!"

Theresa: "Bang up job there fatty!"

Jimmy: *gasp*"That's it you're grounded!"

(Y/N): "Enough! I got your family into the Wanderer's Library because you have a target on your backs because of me. Mandy wants me and she would do anything and everything to hurt me with any method possible, including seeing you guys get tortured or killed. So if you ask me you got yourselves into this mess because you thought having Theresa working for the Foundation would be a better job than a strip club."

Jimmy: *realizes*"Oh fuck... you're right. This is the mafia all over again."

Theresa: "You just realized this now? I've been doing a good job here ever since I started working with (Y/N), and remember he's autistic so he wouldn't touch my goods if I wanted him to."

(Y/N): "It's true."

Jimmy: "Seriously? My daughter got her looks from her mother and you're not gonna touch them even if she lets you."

(Y/N): "I'm trying to stay professional here."

Theresa: "Yeah there's a time and a place and this is neither of them."

(Y/N): "Exactly."

Jimmy: "Christ, my own daughter has been with who the fuck knows how many guys and you're the only one who didn't even lay a finger on her."

Later on, we see the rest of the Falcones reading in the Wanderer's Library and Jimmy explains to them why they didn't lay a finger on Theresa.

Cookie: "The fuck? I have to fend off men trying to touch my girls with a baseball bat and pepper spray when I was her age."

Gina: "I find that hard to believe."

Cookie: "Is he blind? Or gay? Or have a bad taste in girls? Or gay."

Jimmy: "You already said gay."

Cookie: "There are a lot of gay people."

Theresa: "Ma, he's autistic remember?"

Gina: "So what, he's stupid like Cheech?"

We then see Cheech walk into the room and he's covered in scratch marks from Ji-Hu's claws.

Cheech: "That broad has some manicure."

Cookie: "No he means he sees the world differently."

Gina: "Like this world?"

Gina gestures to the infinite-size space that is the Wanderer's Library.

Pete: " It means he has a developmental problem and impaired communication and social skills."

Gina: "In english you jack off."

Pete: "He thinks differently."

Jimmy, Cookie, Gina, and Cheech: "Ohh..."

Jimmy: "That makes sense."

Later on, we see you looking for files you got from the Foundation that are related to the Circus of the Disquieting and you were going over them with Icky the Clown.

Icky: "Soo, anything useful?"

(Y/N): "Well I got files on the SCPs we contained that we got from your circus. So that you can bring back old acts, remember?"

Icky: "Ooh of course."

(Y/N): "So which SCP do you want to pick out to become your act again?"

Icky: *reads through the files*"Lets see, eanie, meanie, mighty, moe, catch the clown by the nose!"*grabs a file on SCP-2094*"This one!"

(Y/N): "Motormouth?"

Icky: "You have taken care of the other old acts, I think they deserve some retirement like Madame Rezarta and Virtuoso because of Herman's abuse towards them. But Motormouth chose to be the best clown the circus ever had. And I want him back."

(Y/N): "Okay, you want him back because your number 2 put him in a box and left him with us as punishment suitable for him because he was helping special kids out of the circus and Manny was recruiting new acts because he was around with Herman correct?"

Icky: "Bingo."

(Y/N): "Okay then, you should really fire him because he thinks that the circus will fall apart if you don't recruit more acts."

Icky: "Well you guys could put him in a cage."

(Y/N): "We could, but who would be your number 2?"

Fizzaroli: *burst his head out of the book shelves*"Why not me!?"

(Y/N): "Gah! Fuck! Fizz! Wait, were you listening to us?"

Fizzaroli: "Duh, and I hear you got an opening spot for your circus And I can't waste my talent after quitting my last gig."

Icky: "Got skills of a clown?"

We then see Fizzaroli balance on a ball juggling pins and balls at the same time and then jump off of the ball and then land in a giant pie and jump out of the pie and then hit you in the face with a pie as well.

Fizzaroli: "How's that clowning?"

Icky: "Very impressive."

Fizzaroli: "And my friend Blitz and his crew can be security for your circus in case Miss Essie P Foundation who is being runned by a psycho child or any other unwanted guests."*hands Icky a card*"Here's his number."

Icky: "Thanks, now let's get us a clown."

Next: Chapter 122: SCP-2094 "Motormouth"

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