Chapter 122: SCP-2094 "Motormouth"

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Here we see SCP-2094 aka Motormouth practicing his juggling with small rubber balls and we see him toss them into the air and then swallow them instantly.

Motormouth: "Tada!"

The camera then pan around and we see pillow replicas of his audience as we see one of the pillows fall down on the floor.

Motormouth: "Man, I wish I was back in show business."

Just then we see the door bust down and we see a small clown car drive into the room and we see two hands come out of the clown car and one of them have against sack and we see the hands put Motormouth into the bag and then we see the hands take Motormouth out of the facility.

Sometime later, we see Motormouth come out of the bag and he sees his old circus troupe and Icky the Clown herself.

Motormouth: "Fellas! You came to rescue me!"

Icky: "Glad to have you back, Motormouth."

Motormouth then sees the Glam sisters and Fizzaroli in the room along with you.

Glitz and Glam: "You must be Motormouth!"

Fizzaroli: "Nice to meet a fellow clown."

Motormouth: "Who's the new acts?"

Icky: "From the underworld, these guys are Glitz and Glam and Fizzaroli. They used to work with Mammon and-"

Motormouth: "(Y/N), I'm glad to see you again buddy old pal!"

(Y/N): "Glad to see you again Motormouth."

Glitz and Glam: "You know each other?"

Motormouth: "Yeah he's the guy who found me when Manny left me in a crate and he's my only audience to practice my art of clowning."

Fizzaroli: "Wow, you watched his acts while he was in prison?"

(Y/N): "He needed an audience."

Glitz: "Icky told us about you."

Glam: "Did you really swallow a whole car?"

Motormouth: "Sure did, that's how I got the stage name Motormouth, and I got the power to prove it."

Motormouth opens his mouth inhumanly and then he spits out an anvil, weights, gasoline tanks, noise makers, and a giant RV as the demons were shocked and amazed by this as we see the IMP crew were in the room and they saw this.

Motormouth: "Ta da!"

Blitzo: "Woah not bad for the big MM himself."

(Y/N): "Motormouth's second stomach is a spatial anomaly that can hold in a lot of items and doesn't negatively affect his weight or body shape and he can stretch his mouth which at a maximum width of 2 meters in any direction."

Blitzo: "I bet he can give Asmodeus' giant dick one hell of a blow job."

Fizzaroli: "Seriously Blitz!"

Blitzo: "Hey you're curious too, he swallowed an RV."

Fizzaroli: *about to say something* "Touche."

(Y/N): "Hey Motormouth, may I speak to you alone."*to the others*"Immediately."

Motormouth: "Sure thing."

We later see you and Motormouth in a private sound proof room as we see everyone else outside of the room wondering what you and Motormouth are talking about.

Motormouth: " So what's the situation?"

(Y/N): "Grim told me about Mandy's future and how she used a crystal ball to ensure her future is absolute. She would merge herself with a worm to become immortal, among other life extending anomalies and powerful superpowers. So I need your help."

Motormouth: "How can I help?"

Meanwhile outside of the room, we see everyone curious about the conversation between you and Motormouth.

Charlie: "What are they talking about in there?"

Husk: "If I know (Y/N), he knows something about Motormouth that we don't know."

Pyrrha: "Like what?"

Angel Dust: *to Penny*"Don't you have super hearing?"

Penny: "Actually (Y/N) requested to have this room to be made specifically for me so as not to hear anything in there for maximum privacy."

Blitzo: "I bet he's fucking Motormouth."

Fizzaroli: "Blitz!"

Blitzo: "What? I read Motormouth's file and he likes to fuck men and women so it would make sense if he's fucking (Y/N) cause have you seen this guy? He scored dozens of hotties without even trying. His girls can't last a shit length of time without his dick in their pussies."

Fizzaroli: "Good point."

Caboose: "Or they're having a super secret conversation about something only O5s and the Administrator should know."

Tucker: "Why the fuck would they talk about that?"

Church: "Guys there's a weapon out there that can kill gods."

Adam: "Yeah, my lance, duh."

Church: "Oh do you know where it is right now?"

Adam: *laughs a bit**with a straight face*"Absolutely not."

Blitzo: *to Kara*"Can you hear them? or see what's going on in there?"

Kara: "Nope."

Blitzo: "Why? Don't you have x-ray vision and super hearing or

Kara: "It's too soundproof for my ears and the room is probably lined with lead."

Blitzo: "Great."

Frenchie: 3 hours later.

Diana: "It has been 3 hours, what are they talking about in there?"

Kara: "I don't know, he made it so that I can't eavesdrop on them."

Babs: "Lead lined?"

Kara: "Yep."

Babs: "Zee?"

Zee: "There's this telekill alloy around the room as well so I can't use my magic to see what's going on in there."

Kara: "Tele what now?"

Jessica: "it's a metal that protects people from memetic and telepathic powers, including magic."

Babs: "Soo... magic kryptonite?"

Jessica: "Pretty much."

Asmodeus: "What's even going on in there?"

Frenchie: 10 hours later.

Alastor: "I'm sure he has a reason for his conversation being so long."

Chloe: "It's been 10 hours, this is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

Marinette: "Let's all be rational about this before we do something we might regret."

We then see Adam go nuts and try to break the door down but his axe shattered to pieces upon impact to the door.

Adam: "Fuck!"

Lute: "The whole room is also lined with Vibranium sir."

Adam: "No shit."

Chloe: *to Alastor* "Soo... why does your voice sound like a radio?"

Marinette: "Yeah why?"

Alastor: "Because I'm the radio demon of course."

Frenchie: 4 days later

Adam: "That's it! We need someone to bust that door down!"

Vox: "And how the fuck are we supposed to do that, first man."

Adam: "Call Omni-man and tell him we kidnapped his son and he's in that room?"

Blitzo: "Oh you want us to call him and say hey Omni-man-"

Moments later.

Blitzo: *while talking to Omni-man over the phone*"-so your son came by to the Wanderer's Library to look for ways to beat up a Viltrumite and ended up in a room that who the fuck knows what's going on and we have no idea how to get in there and we have no hope to getting him out of there so byeeee."*hangs up on Omni-man*

Chloe: "...Did it work?"

Blitzo: "Well I guess he took it better than I thought."

We then see numerous giant spiders getting thrown around and we see Omni-man burst out of the bookshelves in a rage and he sees Blitzo and the others.

Omni-man: "Where?"

Blitzo then points to the room and then omni-man punches the door but it actually hurts his hand and then he tries to punch the door down numerous times until he stops because the only damage he's doing is to his hands and not the door.

Blitzo: "Fuck! It didn't work!"

Marinette: "You okay?"

Omni-man: "My son is not in there isn't he?"

Blitzo: "I only said that so we can know what the fuck they're talking about in there."

Omni-man: "Do you have a medkit around here because my hands are broken."

Blitzo: "Can't you heal fast or something?"

Omni-man: "Yes, in a few weeks."

Kara: "Zee?"

Zee: "On it."

Zee then uses a healing spell on Omni-man as he looks at his hands.

Blitzo: "So uh, how are things at your place?"

Omni-man: "Well I cheated on my wife with a thraxan after I left Earth, I almost got executed by my own kind, got rescued by a Unopan named Allen, and now I'm in the coalition of planets."

Blitzo: "What the fuck is a thraxan and a Unopan?"

Serpent's Hand member: *comes in*"If you want to know that, that kind of info is in the Interstellar fauna section, just follow the signs."

Blitzo: "The fuck does that mean?"

Moxxie: "It's a library sir, the Wanderer's Library has all the knowledge in the multiverse. In fact I have the book from that section right now."

We then see Moxxie open the book and open the section about Unopans and sees a picture of Allen the Alien.

Blitzo: "Oh shit, this guy is buff. Is this the guy who broke you out of jail?"

Omni-man: "Yeah pretty much."

Moxie: *turns the pages and found thraxans*"What the-Ew fuck why did you sleep with one of these people?"

Blitzo: *sees a picture of a thraxan*"Meh, I dated worse."

Verosika: "Hey!"

Blitzo: "You dated worse too you know. Same goes with you Stolas."

Stolas and Verosika: "Eh you're right."

Tucker: "Yeah me too."

Washington: "Didn't you have an alien baby?"

Stolas: "What?"

Tucker: "Touche."

Stolas: "You had a baby with an alien?"

Tucker: "Fuck yeah!"*shows Stolas a picture of Junior's basketball team*"Check out his basketball game picture."

Verosika: *Sees the picture* "Well shit, he has his eyes.....I think"

Stolas: "And his... armor color? Or is it his skin tone?"

Verosika: "Isn't he black?"

Tucker: "Hey!"

Frenchie: 3 weeks later.

Alya: "They've haven't left that room in weeks!"

Chloe and Paulina: *Groans* "I'm bored!"

Theresa: *reading a book*"Read a book then, it's the Wanderer's Library, all the knowledge of the multiverse is in here."

Pyrrha: "I've been reading a lot about different holidays, did you know that there's a whole planet where holiday creatures hang out and spend their time off from their holidays? And that there's a whole universe filled with cat people?"

Chloe: "Who would want to read about that?"


Chloe: "I stand corrected."

Marinette: "When are they gonna come out of there?"

We then see you and Motormouth come out of the room and you and Motormouth see everyone in the room.

Motormouth: "Hey whatcha doing standing here?"

Adam: "Fucking finally! What were you two talking about in there?!"

(Y/N): "A weapon made to kill gods."

You then stick your hand into Motormouth's mouth and you pull out the Spear of the Non-Believer out of his mouth as Adam instantly recognizes the spear as his old lance from his days as king of his own city.

Adam: "What the fuck?! That's my old lance! Where did you get that?! How long was that in there?! What the fuck are you doing with that?! And also what the fuck?!"

(Y/N): "Before I get to that, I have to tell you all about the Ouroboros which correlates to SCP-001. Which means...."

Emily and Charlie: "IT'S STORY TIME!!!!"

Stolas: "Ohohoho! I love story time!"

Lucifer: "Me too!"

Blitzo: "Fuck another SCP-001, I thought we were done with those things?!"

(Y/N): "Well this proposal is made up of four SCP-001 proposals."

Blitzo: "Oh god damn it!"

Next: Chapter 123: SCP-001 "Ouroboros"

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