Chapter 135: SCP-1370 ''Pesterbot''

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Here we see Venessa dressed as a MTF Soldier and she is at the front entrance of the site that is containing the girls.

Vanessa: " Okay, remember what dad taught you before breaking someone out of jail."


Doof: "Carry the little Pesterbot with you."

Pesterbot: "Foul smelling giant, I shall destroy you!"

Pesterbot then try kicking Dr. Doof until he falls over and Dr. Doof felt insulted while Venessa laughed at Pesterbot.

Dr. Doof: "I get beat up by a platypus everyday but this is pathetic."

Vanessa: "I think he's a cutie."

Pesterbot: "How dare you gothic vixen! I, DoomBot 2000, will destroy you! Surrender or die!"

Vanessa: "Okay DoomBot, don't get your gears in a twist."

Dr. Doof: "Okay, it's crucial that when it comes to busting people out of jail, always have bail money. And if that doesn't work, just smash and grab will do or blast and grab or slash and grab or smash and grab-'

Vanessa: "You already said smash and grab."

Dr. Doof: "There's a lot of smashing and grabbing."

Vanessa: "How much smashing and grabbing?"

Dr. Doof: "A lot of stuff like guards, vases, picture frames, computers, bank accounts, wind chimes, robots, guards-"

Vanessa: "You already said guards."

Dr. Doof: "There's a lot of guards."

Vanessa: "Ok, so what's the plan?"

Dr. Doof: "Go in with the tiny robot who looks like a 2nd grade science fair project who got a participation award, distract the guards with a talk by the water cooler or something, and then when no one's looking shut down the cameras and let the guys in and they will do the rest."

Vanessa: "Perhaps I could use my feminine wiles to distract the guards if there's no water cooler."

Dr. Doof: "Good plan, but your feminine charm is not enough at its current state. Which is why I made this."*pulls out a ray gun*"The Femininenator! A single blast of this baby will boost your feminine wiles by 5000 fold."

Vanessa: "Dad, why do you even have a inator that does that?"

Dr. Doof: "it was your mother's idea, she thought it would help you to 'get with the boys' or whatever. The point is she wants grandkids, and I was against it but she really insisted on it. Well the point is, this will help you distract the guards as a plan B."

Charline: *offscreen*"You're welcome!"

Vanessa: "Ugh!"

End of flashback

Vanessa: "My mom can be so embarrassing."

Pesterbot: "Giant vixen of darkness! Join me and together we will overthrow the tyranny that is your parents!"

Vanessa: "Uhh... maybe some other time, right now you're my ticket in here."*picks up Pesterbot*"Come on little guy."

Pesterbot: "Unhand me you vixen! You and I will be king and queen of the world and have mortals bow to your feet and kiss your boots."

Vanessa: "No way, I don't want kiss marks on my boots."

We then see Caboose and Tucker come out of the doors and Tucker sees Vanessa.

Tucker: "Woah a goth chick."

Vanessa: "Oh great, you're one of those guys."

Tucker: "Hey baby, I heard you're a goth, wanna-"

Vanessa: "I'm 16."

Tucker: "-come inside which is something I was gonna say next, definitely not gonna pull a move on ya."

Caboose: "Where are your vampire fangs?"

Vanessa: "I'm goth not a vampire, though I wish I was one."

Caboose: "Yeah I wish I was best friends with Church."

Tucker: *sees Pesterbot*"Oh sweet, a tiny robot! Score us another SCP."

We later see Vanessa inside the site and we see Griff and Simmons looking at Pesterbot or SCP-1370.

Griff: "Hey Simmons, is it just me or is capturing SCPs becoming easier and easier. It's like they showed up at the front door."

Vanessa: "Yeah, it's that easy."

Washington: "So what is your badge number?"

Vanessa: *gulps in fear*"Uh....I'm new?"

Simmons: "Yeah, very suspicious."

Vanessa then shot herself with the Femininenator but instead of increasing her feminine wiles, it instead gave her a face full of gigantic zits.

Simmons: "What the fuck?!"

Girff: "Woah!"

Tucker: "Aw man I need to bleach my eyes!"

Lopez: *in spanish*"THAT IS HIDEOUS!!!

Vanessa: "What happened?!"*sees her reflection*"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Meanwhile with Dr. Doof, we see him with Charline and he sees the real Femininator and he picked it up.

Dr. Doof: "Uh oh."

Charline: "What is it?"

Dr. Doof: "I think I gave her the Acnenator instead of the Femininator by accident. Man, I should label these. It superchargers the part of the body that releases hormones when people go through puberty and increases the puberty by a 5000 fold. I hope Vanessa is okay."

Meanwhile with Vaneesa, we see everyone there in a panic because they are running away from the now mutated Vanessa via supercharged puberty she's going through as she lets in the Chaos Insurgents and Serpent's Hand members with you leading the charge.

(Y/N): "Nice work Vanessa."*sees Vanessa*" Christ on a stick! What happened to you?"

Vanessa: *with a very deep voice*"Super charged puberty, oh great now I sound like Candice when she's around Parsnips."

(Y/N): "Wasn't that inator supposed to increase your feminine beauty?"

Vanessa: "I think my dad got the wrong inator, again."

(Y/N): *grabs the inator and sees the reverse button*"Found the reverse."

You then zap Vanessa with the inator and she is back to normal.

Vanessa: "So how do I look?"

(Y/N): "Back to your normal self again."

Vanessa: "When we are done with this, I'm gonna tell off my mom and my dad, and tell him to label his inators."

You and the others then found D-Class containment and you break open the door and you see the girls who were horribly traumatized for life including Lauren aka Scary Girl as you saw what kind of SCP did to them.

(Y/N): "Gary Cranston used the spongebob watches on all of them."

Vanessa: "What's so bad about watches?"

(Y/N): "I'll explain on the way back, now we need to get them out of here, don't suppose your dad has anything for de-traumatization?"

Vanessa: "I think he might do more harm than good by accident, trust me."

Sometime later, we see all of the girls sitting silently in their hospital beds as you explained what traumatized them to Vanessa.

(Y/N): "Gary used them as his toys with SCP-1808 aka SpongeBob Watches."

Vanessa: "You mean those watches that have that annoying laugh after an hour passes?"

(Y/N): "Yep, only these ones can torture you physically and psychologically by making you listen to spongebob's laugh in your head and make your bones grow to the point they pierce out of your fingers. MC&D treat their employees like they're D-Class, we learned that the hard way because one of the Foundation's agents was used as a test subject for these watches. We managed to contain these watches before they were sold to the public."

Vanessa: "Yikes."

(Y/N): *to Leshawna*"You okay?"

Leshawna: "........Make it stop...........make the laughing stop!!!"

Vanessa: "Oh they are not okay."

(Y/N): "If only 999 was here."

You and Vanessa heard chattering teeth and you both turned to see Perry who brought in SCP-999.

(Y/N): "999, you're a sight for sore eyes."

Vanessa: "Uh, (Y/N) all I see is some small blob creature."

(Y/N): "999 is the blob creature and he can help the girls by giving them tickles."

Vanessa: "You're the expert."

We then see 999 go to the others and start tickling them as you turn to Perry as he then chatters his teeth in distress.

(Y/N): "He what?!"

Vanessa: "What did he say?"

(Y/N): "He told me what Gary was doing to the SCPs."

Flashback montage.

We see Gary beating up Mr. Fish for answers about Dr. Wondertainment.

Gary: "Where is your master!"*punches Mr. Fish in the gut*"Talk!"

Mr. Fish: *in pain*"Ow! I don't know where my master is!"

Gary: "Either you talk or I'll be having fish sticks for dinner, and I don't care where the fish sticks come from!"

We then see Gary beating up Able brutally as we see Cain being forced to watch his brother being killed numerous times.

Gary: "Either you tell me where the crown is or your brother is history!"

Cain: "I do not know!"

We then see Gary force 30 D-Class into SCP-3008 and they are unarmed.

Tucker: "This is fucked up!"

Gary: "Really? Cause this is a normal day at the office."

Tucker: "Dude, (Y/N) makes it sound better when he say-"*gets choked by Gary*

Gary: "Be glad you're one of the essential staff you waste of flesh!"*throws Tucker at a wall*"And for mentioning my brother. I will punish one of your own."

Church: "Who?"*sees Gary looking at him*"Oh son of a bitch."

We see electricity emit from Gary's hand and then he electrocutes the mainframe that has Church in it and we see Gary torturing him and created 10 million Ai fragments from Church.

Gary: "Why waste time making AICs when we can just fragment existing ones."

Caboose: "Church!"*to Gary*"You will pay for hurting my best friend!"

Caboose then charge at Gary and we see him form a blade from his hand and impaled Caboose.

Tucker: "Caboose!"

Gary: "Say bye to your blue oaf!"*pulls Caboose off of his blade arm*"And clean up his mess."

Sarge: *points his shotgun at Gary*"If anyone is gonna be painting the blues red, it will be me!"

Gary: "Great idea."

Gary then snaps his fingers and starts controlling Sarge's actions and make him fight off both Red and Blue teams as we see Lopez and Griff tackle Sarge as he bonk his head on the floor as we see Gary leave the area.

Griff: "Sarge what the fuck was that?!"

Sarge: "What happened, I was gonna fight Gary but then I can't control my own limbs for a second."

We then see Gary beating up SCP-682 as he damages 682's body more than he can adapt as 682 roars in pain.

Gary: "Wanna know what will happen if you cross me again you beast!?"*ferociously kick 682 in the face*"The same thing will happen to (Y/N)!"

Gary then continues to beat up the Hard to Destroy reptile as 682 roars in pain.

End of flashbacks

Vanessa: "Woah....that's harsh."

(Y/N): "Yeah, my brother makes everyone's lives miserable just by being around them. He's petty and cruel to everyone around him."

Vanessa: "And How are we supposed to stop someone like Gary?"

(Y/N): "Well we can't kill him because that would get the other O5s to attack us back and right now he has a counter for everything. And I got word from Perry that he was promoted to Administrator cause and now he's unstoppable. In order for everyone to be at peace, I have to turn myself in."

Girls: "What?!"

Vanessa: "You just escaped prison now you want to go back??"

(Y/N): "None of this would be happening if I went along with the execution. The girls would be alive and well working with the Foundation and other Killsquad would kill off Gary along with the rest of the current roster of the O5 Council."

Gwen: "But they're too scared to do it, considering Gary is batshit nuts, and he might use anomalies to do things that not even the Chaos Insurgency wouldn't steep so low."

(Y/N): "We have no choice, I'm gonna turn myself in. So no one stop me, are we clear?"

Vanessa: "Then I'm coming with you."

Dr. Doof: "What?! You?!"

Vanessa: "At least he wouldn't die alone."

Dr. Doof: "But-But-"

Vanessa: "If by some miracle Gary gets killed in an experiment he planned for us. I'm getting that Summer Job at the Foundation."

Dr. Doof: "Fine, just be safe."

Gwen: "(Y/N) don't go."

(Y/N): "You guys are in no condition to fight, your muscle memory still remembers the torment from SCP-1808, and I don't want you all to pay for mistakes I made. If I don't make it back, take care of Kendyl for me."

Leshawna: "And you think Gary is actually gonna get offed?"

(Y/N): "Not sure, either make a pact with a god or a deal with the devil."

Perry: *chatters his teeth*

(Y/N): "Are you willing to do that?"

Perry: *chatters his teeth*

Leshawna: "What's he saying?"

(Y/N): "He wants to come along as well."

Dr. Doof: "What?! Noo, first my daughter, now my nemesis!"

Leshawna: *looks at Dr. Doof and then looks at Vanessa*"How is she your daughter?"

Dr. Doof: "What you don't see the resemblance?"

(Y/N): "Anyways, we need to turn ourselves in and deal with what is coming to us as D-Class inmates."

Gwen: "And we are not letting you go."

(Y/N): "In that case."

You then fire tranquilizer darts at the others as you turn to Perry and Vanessa.

(Y/N): "That will hold them down for a while."

Vanessa: "Was it necessary?"

(Y/N): "They would have gone to try to save us anyways no matter how much we tell them not to save us."

Vanessa: "Yeah that tracks, don't want another puberty overload monstrosity the sequel."

(Y/N): "Come on, let's go."

Later on, we see you and the others arrive at a Foundation site and you immediately surrender to them as we see the guards take you into the site. Later on, we see you, Venessa, and Perry now in D-Class uniforms and we see Gary come into the room and you see he was covered in blood.

Gary: "Sorry, the maid service was awful so I have to fire them from life."

(Y/N): "You have us, now what experiment do you have planned for us?"

Gary: "Well I do plan to have a family reunion."

We then see Kendyl and Charline now in D-Class uniforms.

Vanessa: "Mom!?"

(Y/N): "Kendyl!?"

Charline: "They caught me by surprise."

(Y/N): "I get why Kendyl is here but why Charline?"

Gary: "Ever heard of the phrase, two sides of the same coin?"

(Y/N): "You mean Dr. Doof from the 2nd Dimension, the only reason why he's more dangerous than his main universe counterpart is that he-"*realizes*"-lost the thing that is important to him."

Perry: *chatters his teeth*

(Y/N): "If he lost his Ex wife, daughter, and nemesis, he will become even more dangerous than his 2nd dimension counterpart."

Gary: "Exactly, and I know just the SCP for the job, I hope you all like a trip to nowhere."

We then see guards take you and others onto a transport and take you all somewhere.

Next: Chapter 136: SCP-1983 "Doorway to Nowhere"

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