Chapter 25: SCP-261 ''Pan-Dimensional Vending''

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Here we see you head to a containment room and you see Lindsay waiting for you to work with SCP-261.

(Y/N): "Hey Lindsay, good to see ya again."

Lindsay: "Good to see you too."

(Y/N): "So you ready to work with the SCP?"

Lindsay: "Yep, so what is it?"

(Y/N): "Well this is SCP-261 the Pan-Dimensional Vending Machine."

Lindsay: "It's a vending machine that loves anyone no matter what their sex or gender is?"

(Y/N): "Um no, it's a vending machine that dispenses random things by using Yen which is the japanese currency either with or without a plug. But it can't operate when the door is open or when there's recording equipment inside of it. It dispenses snacks that have questionable safety for human consumption when it's not plugged in."

Lindsay: "Ooooooh."

(Y/N): "So wanna get started?"

Lindsay: "Sure."

You then get a roll of yen and you pull out 800 yen and you put the money into 261 and then plug in the machine into the nearest outlet. You then put in the code and it dispenses a can of pepsi and you pull it out and read the label.

(Y/N): *reads the label*"Pepsi: Dragon Twist?"

Lindsay: "I didn't know they made that flavor?"

(Y/N): "They don't. Wanna try it?"

You then open the can and pull out two plastic cups and pour the drink into each cup. Both of you then drink the soda and you taste it.

Lindsay: "Mmm, dragon fruit."

(Y/N): "Not bad."

Lindsay: "Do another one."

(Y/N): "Sure thing."

You then put in 800 yen and the machine dispenses a can called Darkside Cola. You then pour the can into the cups and you see the liquid turn from clear to black when exposed to the air. You both then drink the drink and you both taste it.

Lindsay: "It's like cola but spicy."

(Y/N): "Yum."

Lindsay: "Does it have any other snacks?"

(Y/N): "Enough with the drinks, let's get something that we can munch on."

You then put in 500 yen and a shirt made out of bacon came out of the machine.

Lindsay: "A bacon shirt?"

(Y/N): *eats the shirt*"Yep definitely bacon."

Lindsay: "Can I put the money in this time?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

Lindsay then put in 500 yen into the machine and then put in the code and then it dispenses of a milk chocolate penis as she then bring it to the table as Dr. Rights come into the room.

Dr. Rights: "I brought in more yen so you-"*sees the chocolate penis*"Pfft, (Y/N)'s is 2x longer and thicker than that."

(Y/N): "What?"

Lindsay: *blushed a bit*"Really?"

Dr. Rights: "Yep."

Dr. Rights then grab the chocolate penis and then eat it.

Dr. Rights: "Milk chocolate shell with a white chocolate center. Delicious."

(Y/N): "Why would you eat that like a normal person?"

Dr. Rights: "Because I know how to please a man~."

(Y/N): "What?"

Dr. Rights: "Huh, too innocent for a bit of risque times. If you want me over to your place I'm just one phone call away."

We then see Dr. Rights leave the room as you and Lindsay turn to each other.

Lindsay: "I think we should continue testing."

(Y/N): "Like an unpowered test?"

Lindsay: "I don't see why not, oh we should put in 261 yen like SCP-261."

(Y/N): "Good idea."

You then pull the SCP's plug from the outlet on the wall and then you grab 261 yen and then you put it into the machine and then you put in the code and both you and Lindsay then wait for a second and then you see a small chocolate version of SCP-261 and you took it over to the desk.

(Y/N): "It's like SCP-261, but in chocolate form."

Lindsay: "Do you think it works?"

(Y/N): "Only one way to find out."

You then dial a code on the chocolate 261 and then a smaller replica comes out of it and you and Lindsay keep on dialing the code until the 5th one dispensed a small candy that looks like a skittle.

(Y/N): "I wonder if the chocolate statues are edible?"

You then take a small bite of one of the chocolate statues and nothing happens to you. You and Lindsay then eat the skittle and the chocolate statues.

Lindsay: "Yum this is really good, let's try some more unpowered snacks from SCP-261."

Meanwhile with Corey, we see him at the breakroom and he was angry about you and Lindsay being assigned to SCP-261 and not him.

Corey: "Man, I wish I was assigned to SCP-261, cause I would want some snacks from that vending machine too."

Krystal: "Don't worry about it Corey, you'll get your turn sooner or later."

Corey: "I'm sure they're having fun in there without me."

Meanwhile with you and Lindsay, we see you have a bag of powdered milk and you put it on the table.

(Y/N): *reads the label*"Powdered milk with extra spiders, just add water."

Lindsay: "Yeah no thanks."

(Y/N): "Do another one?"

Lindsay: "Sure."

You then put in 500 yen and dial in the code while SCP-261 was unplugged and then it dispenses a caramelized spider and you took it to the table.

Lindsay: "That doesn't look appetizing."

(Y/N): "I wonder if it's safe to eat."

You then take the candy spider to Dr. Buck and she see the caramelized spider.

(Y/N): "Uh Dr. Buck, is this edible?"

Dr. Buck: "I'll take a look at it."

Sometime later, you brought the spider back to the table with Lindsay.

(Y/N): "Not edible because it has deadly spider venom."

Lindsay: "Yikes, glad we didn't eat it."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Lindsay: "Hey what do you think Ms. Sweetie is doing right now?"

(Y/N): "Now that you mention it, I wonder what she's doing right now?"

Meanwhile with Ms. Sweetie, we see her thinking about something as we see some of the researchers notice it.

Researcher: "SCP-2396, what's on your mind?"

Ms. Sweetie: "I was thinking, since (Y/N) is the only boy that is immune to my effects on boys and he respects girls' toys of all kinds and he ate a ton of my candies and he didn't transform into a candy unicorn. Maybe I'm his Barbie and he's my Ken, maybe he's....the one. I hope he is safe."

Later with you, we see you went to bed and you get some sleep and then you start having a dream. In your dream, you see your brother Gary in the Senate's office and he was choking both Darth Sidious who was Chancellor Palpatine at the time in one hand holding him into the air helplessly.

D. Sidious: *while being choked*"I sense great power within you, greater than mine. Why did you come to me?"

Gary: "I only kill off monsters like you, first you then the monsters called Jedi."

Gary then absorbs all of Darth Sidious' power and reduces him to nothing but dust. We then see a montage of Gary slaughtering anyone and everyone he considers a monstrous freak like every Jedi in the temple on Coruscant, to every Spider-Man in the multiverse like Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Miguel O'Hara, the heroes of One Punch Man like Puri Puri Prisoner, the entire Tank Top army, Sweet Mask, Atomic Samurai, and even Saitama himself and monsters like Boros, Garou, Beefcake, and even Armored Gorilla. In the universe of My Hero Academia, we see Gary slaughtering heroes and villains from left and right including the SS Class Villain All For One and the Symbol of Peace All Might. And then we see The Avengers fighting Gary and they were defeated and brutally slaughtered by Gary and you see the lack of humanity in his eyes and signs that his body can't handle all the powers and abilities he stole and looks towards a direction and you see him make a I will kill you gesture. You then wake up and you were scared for a minute and you look around and see that it was a nightmare.

(Y/N): "Oh man, it was just a bad dream."

You then walk outside and you grab your mail and you look around to see that there are giant blob monsters and you look at the sun and see what has happened.

(Y/N): "Oh boy."

Next: Chapter 26: SCP-001 "When Day Breaks"

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