Chapter 26: SCP-001 ''When Day Breaks''

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Here we see you wandering around the ruined city and you see the sun has changed and you see a lot of people have turned into blobs of melted wax like flesh.

(Y/N): "What happened here?"

You then head to a library nearby and you head into it and you see people in clothing that covers all of their skin.

(Y/N): "Uh hey guys, what happened to the sun and what are those blobby monsters outside?"

Random guy: "You came from outside unprotected and you're not like those monsters outside."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Random guy: "We're scientists of the SCP Foundation and out there is SCP-001."

(Y/N): "The Factory?"

Random guy: "No, the sun."

(Y/N): "How can the sun be an SCP?"

Random guy: "SCP-001 uses light from the visual light spectrum and this effect is present under moonlight as well. If you are exposed to its effects you begin to melt any organism like a wax candle but the organisms don't die. These creatures are called SCP-001-A and they are able to mimic anything that normal fauna can do when they're not in a collective of them and they move around similar to that of an amoeba. Any biological anomalies of any kind will have their anomalous properties nullified."

(Y/N): "That's bad."

Random guy: "In the first 24 hours there were 6.8 billion casualties and it has been described as a XK-Δ-Class "Solar Singularity" Scenario."

(Y/N): "That's almost everyone on the whole planet."

Random Guy: "We have to head to Site-46."

(Y/N): "I'll go there."

Random guy: *hands you a tracker*"Here take this, it will take you to Site-46, watch out for -As."

(Y/N): "Gotcha."

Sometime later, you arrived at Site-19 and you went into the site and you see that it's a mess there.

(Y/N): "Yeesh, the place is a mess, what happened here?"

You then look around the area and you see a large pile of clothes on the floor at a nearby corner.

(Y/N): "Huh that's a lot of clothes."*sees a pair of glasses on the ground*"Hey, what's this?"*picks up the glasses*"These are Kendyl's glasses, she would never go anywhere without them."

You then turn to the computer monitor and you go through some files and you see video files made by Kendyl.

(Y/N): "Video files made by Kendyl, maybe they will tell me what's happening?"

You then play the video file and you see Kendyl on the screen from the monitor.

(Y/N): "Kendyl?"

Kendyl: *on video*"Hello and I am Kendyl Cranston and I'm here to record a video."

(Y/N): "What happened to everyone?"

Kendyl: *on video*"Many of our researchers Dr. Clef, Dr. King, Dr. Rights, Dr. Buck, and Dr. Collingwood, all gone and we lost a lot of SCPs when they breached containment. All there is left is me, Corey, and Dr. Bright and Corey have been keeping my spirits up ever since SCP-001 happened."

You then see the video log end there and you go to another one.

(Y/N): "Where are you guys, this is the room the video took place in, what happened?"

You then play the next video and you see Kendyl in distress and being hysterical.

Kendyl: *on video*"Dr. Bright.....he.....didn't make it. Corey and I were just talking and.....he went mad and he just burst out into the light and try to shoot down SCP-001.....and then we lost his amulet out there and what's worse is that the -As uses the voices of our friends and family to convince us to get out there."

(Y/N): "Weird, when I got here none of those things were here. Did they leave when there's no one left?"

Kendyl: *on video*"Corey is trying his best to keep me sane and I don't know how long he can keep it up. But at least it's just me and him here."

You then see the video log end and you look at the files.

(Y/N): "Oh man, I hope you guys are okay."

You then play the next video log and you see Kendyl crying on camera and looking at the camera.

Kendyl: *on video**while crying*"I.....I don't know how it happened.......they came in..... Dragging Corey into the light....."

(Y/N): "Oh no....not Corey...."

You see Kendyl crying in the video until she hears the voice of Corey on the video log.

SCP-001-A: *on video**over coms*"Kendyl?"

Kendyl: *on video*"What?"

SCP-001-A: *on video**over coms*"Kendyl? Where are you? Come on the sunlight is great out here. I miss you Kendyl, now come on outside."

Kendyl: *on video**throws the coms to the wall*"Go away!"

You then see Kendyl crying in tears of sadness for a few minutes until the video log ends.

(Y/N): "I hope she's okay."

You then play the next video log and you see that Kendyl has lost what's left of her sanity.

Kendyl: *on video*"I can't take it anymore, the voices they keep calling for me. This is my video log, goodbye."

You then see Kendyl run out of the room and head outside and then expose herself into the light of SCP-001 as the video ends.

(Y/N): "Kendyl....Oh I all that is left?"

You then look at the monitor and you see the video feed has you in it and you see SCP-001-As coming in to attack you.

(Y/N): "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"

You then close your eyes waiting for the doom until you feel a gentle hand and when you open your eyes you see Kendyl, Sam, Alex, and Clover and you are in your apartment.

Clover: "(Y/N), you okay?"

(Y/N): "I-I saw...... .the sun......SCP-001 ... .the day...... .When Day Breaks. I need to tell the others. Because it felt so real."

Kendyl: "Is that all?"

(Y/N): "No I saw Gary, he was taking the powers of heroes and villains across the multiverse like those powers are a drug to him. It was horrible and he looked at me and wanted me dead."

Alex: "That's awful."

(Y/N): "But let's worry about him later, for now let's get this information about SCP-001 to the O5 Council."

Clover: "Alright and when you come back you have another SCP to work with. It's an old giant robot in the Aralkum desert."

Next: Chapter 27: SCP-2406 "The Colossus"

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