Chapter 40: SCP-2935 ''O'Death''

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Here we see you and Markiplier in a car heading to Joppa, Indiana and we see you eating cheesy dibbles.

Markiplier: "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and (Y/N) and I are given a special mission that was given to us from the O5 and we're gonna be mission control on an exploration mission in a cave that is also a space-time anomaly cause we got a radio signal from a graveyard in Joppa, Indiana."

(Y/N): "I can't believe we're gonna be on mission control this time."

Markiplier: "We're heading to a graveyard next to a cave that we got the radio signal from, great."

By the time you and Markiplier arrive at the area, you and Markiplier then head to a tent where you see Amelia in it.

(Y/N): "Hey Amelia, glad to have ya back."

Amelia: *smiles slightly*"And I'm glad to be with you again."

(Y/N): "So Amelia, what's the hub ub?"

Amelia: "Right, we are dealing with the initial discovery of SCP-2935. Upon arrival at the source of the signal which led us to the SCP in question, we discovered the cemetery has a gravestone dating back in 1908 which is the latest as of this time."

(Y/N): "Wow, that far back? Can we hear the message?"

Amelia: "Of course, we managed to remove any and all distortion to make it understandable, allow me."

Amelia then turns on the radio and it plays the message.

Radio: "This is an automated emergency broadcast from the SCP Foundation and your national government. One or more of our sites is experiencing a communication breakdown, likely due to a containment breach of unknown magnitude. All citizens are ordered to stay in their homes as containment teams work to secure the breach. This message will broadcast from April 20th, 2016 until—"

The radio then cuts off the message and then repeats it.

Amelia: "It's been playing that message for 8 straight days and it's from Site-81, but not our Site-81 but a different one from another universe."

Markiplier: *to you*"100 bucks says it's us pranking us."

(Y/N): "Make it 600 plus you pay for pizza takeout."*to Amelia*"How come I'm not on the mission?"

Amelia: "Well last time you were on a mission like this we could have lost you....I could have lost you.....which is why you and Markiplier are on mission control."

(Y/N): "Oh, okay."

Markiplier: "What mission were you on last time?"

(Y/N): "SCP-1730, Site-13."

Markiplier: "Ooooh, glad I was not on that mission."

Amelia: "MTF Epsilon-13 also known as Manifest Destiny will be deployed into the anomaly."

(Y/N): "What was on the other side of the cave?"

Amelia: "We sent a drone into the cave and on the other side is a mirror image of this area, we come to a conclusion that on the other side of the SCP is a different universe that is exactly like ours."

Markiplier: "That's not so bad."

Amelia: "Except everything is dead."

Markiplier: "That is very bad."

(Y/N): "What happened there?"

Amelia: "We'll find out once MTF Epsilon 13 is deployed into the anomaly."

(Y/N): "Gotcha, let's get to work."

Amelia: *pecks you on the cheek*"Good luck."

You and Markiplier then sit in some chairs and you speak into the microphone.

(Y/N): "Alright team mics check."

Juno: *over coms*"Mics on."

Devon: *over coms*"Check."

Kael: *over coms*"Check."

Underwood: *over coms*"Check."

Markiplier: "Check."

Devon: *over coms*"Command we know your mics are on cause one of you was eating cheesy dibbles into the mic."

(Y/N): *while munching on Cheesy Dibbles*"Sorry, I got hungry, I can work while I eat."

Meanwhile with the MTF team.

Juno: "Alright team, let's move out."

We then see the MTF team head into the cave and by the time they enter the other universe they see it's all dead.

Kael: "Holy shit."

(Y/N): *over coms*"What do you see?"

Juno: "We just left this area, everything here is dead. No plants, no animals, nothing alive."

Markiplier: *over coms*"It looks like it's 24 degrees celsius."

Juno: "And it's very cloudy."

(Y/N): *over coms*"Look for any structures you come across."

Juno: "Roger that."

The 4 man MTF team then head deeper into the mirror universe until they come by a road.

Kael: "Found a road."

(Y/N): *over coms*"Follow it and see where it goes."

The MTF team then follows the road and then they head to a farmhouse.

Juno: "Command, we found a house. Permission to go inside."

(Y/N): *over coms*"Granted."

The team then headed into the farm house and they found 4 corpses, 2 women, 1 man, and a child.

Devon: "Oh my god!"

Juno: "Command, are you seeing this?"

Markiplier: *over coms*"We see it and we don't like it."

(Y/N): *over coms*"They're dead but have no signs of decomposition or cause of death."

Markiplier: *over coms*"How can you be calm about this (Y/N)?!"

Devon: *sees a newspaper*"Sir, I found a newspaper article."

(Y/N): *over coms*"What does it say?"

Devon: *reads the newspaper*"April 19th, 2016."

(Y/N): *over coms*"That's 8 days ago, huh. Check the food."

Kael: "Chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans."

(Y/N): *over coms*"They're stale but no signs of rot. Is there a calendar or a clock that shows the date and time on it?"

Devon: *sees a clock*"Found it."*sees the date and time*"Mother fucker....."

(Y/N): *over coms*"What is it Devon?"

Juno: *sees the clock*"April 28th, 2016 is the date and 9:45 is the time."

Markiplier: *over coms*"Oh my god, that's not possible!"

Kael: "Everything here is covered in dust sir."

(Y/N): *over coms*"Grab samples from everything from the food to people. Hair, skin, fluids, anything. Are there any electronics?"

Underwood: *grabs a laptop*"Found a laptop sir."*grabs a cellphone*"And a cellphone from the woman's pocket and it has a dead battery on it."

We then see Juno turn on a TV and see a shopping channel on and it has dead people in it.

Juno: "Yikes."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "Team build a camp there, we'll send in another squad of MTF soldiers to make it better for ya, we'll even send in Roy as a secondary commanding officer."

Juno: *over coms*"Yes sir."

Markiplier: "We are?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I got orders from the O5."

Sometime later, we see you look through the samples that the drone brought back and you put them through the microscope.

(Y/N): "Whoa, 100% cell death, no bacteria, the lice are dead, and they're all dead. Even the cells of the human body are dead. Same goes for the plants and the dust doesn't have any microbes or biological material."

Markiplier: "What killed these guys?"

(Y/N): "Not sure, we'll figure it out on the next mission."

Sometime later, the MTF team received help and now there's 16 of them.

(Y/N): *over coms*"Alright team, head to Site-81, see what you can find."

Roy: "Roger that Command, on route now."

We then see the MTF team head to Site-81 and they go into Site-81.

Markiplier: *over coms*"Okay if everyone is dead in that universe should the alarms be going off."

Roy: "That's a good point command, the alarms for containment breaches should be going off like crazy."

(Y/N): *over coms*"Roy, Juno. Split into two teams to cover more ground."

Juno: "Roger that."

(Y/N): *over coms*"Remember, whatever killed all of those people might kill you guys. That is why each member of both squads is equipped with vitals trackers."

Roy: "Roger that sir."

Sometime later, we see the MTF Team arrive at Site-81 and they head into the Foundation Site and they turn on the lights and they look around and they see the corpses of multiple foundation staff.

Roy: "Dear god."

(Y/N): *over coms*"What do you see?"

Roy: "It's just like the farmhouse command."

(Y/N): *over coms*"Keep looking around, go through the computer's Ais, see if they're active."

Keller: *going through the computer*"Sir the monitor says the AI Alexandra is running but there's no response from her or any one of them, it's like they've gone silent."

Olmann: *offscreen*"Hey boss, you might want to see this."

The MTF team then head into the weapons lab and they see corpses of themselves.

Roy: "Dear god."

(Y/N): *over coms*"What's going on, what are you seeing?"

Roy: "It's us sir."

???: "Hey what's up guys?"

The MTF soldiers then turn around and point their weapons at the only thing that is alive in the mirror universe.

Roy: "Holy shit!"

(Y/N): *over coms*"What's going on?"

Roy: "We found the only thing still kicking."

Indigo: "It's you sir!"

M. (Y/N): "What's up?"

Roy: *sees Dr. Bright's necklace on Mirror (Y/N)*"Dr. Bright?"

M. (Y/N): "Nope still (Y/N), I'm just wearing this because it looks nice on me. Also Dr. Bright is dead like for real. You should see the other anomalies here, they're all dead."

Roy: "Let us see."

The MTF soldiers then take a look at the containment cells and they see numerous anomalies dead.

Roy: "My god, they're all dead."

Ali: "Wait sir there's SCP-682, I remembered that overgrown gecko being here."

M. (Y/N): "Oh I know where he is, follow me."

We then see the MTF team follow your mirror dimension counterpart and they enter a room where they find SCP-682 dead in his acid tank.

Indigo: "Oh my god!"

M. (Y/N): "Well I thought the big guy was gonna survive this one but SCP-2935, rest in peace you overgrown lizard."

Roy: "SCP-682 is dead! How can that be possible!?"

M. (Y/N): "Wanna grab some stuff and get it back to your home dimension?"

(Y/N): *over coms*"Yeah, bring in the stuff to our side and let's continue on to the next mission to Site-19."

Sometime later, we see the MTF Team at Site-19 and they were looking around and they finished sending samples and artifacts back to base until we see Mirror Dimension (Y/N) activate the onsite nuke as the whole site locks down.

Juno: "What's going on!?!"

M. (Y/N): "Sorry guys."

We then see Site-19 get blown up as you and Markiplier see the explosion from your side.

(Y/N): "Why did I do that?"

Markiplier: "There were 16 people in there and they're dead."

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure there's a reason why that happened."

Sometime later, we see you, Markiplier, and Amelia are listening to an encrypted message.

Message: "Alright, here we are. My name is... you know-"*laughs*"it doesn't really matter. I'm on... was... on staff at 81. If you're hearing this, then you've probably got some idea what the deal is here, so I don't need to explain the Foundation to you. But this, everything else... I mean, it's pretty self-evident, isn't it? Fuck me... as of my recording this, it is... 2136 hours, EST... on April 26th. I've managed to get back into 81, even with this lockdown bullshit that got triggered, and... I guess this is it. I wish I had an explanation. I... if I didn't still bleed, I would think I was dreaming. I've had dreams that I was dreaming, but I wake up and I'm still here. Still here... alone... and everyone is gone. They sent me to check this signal they had picked up near Joppa, just off of 70. Quick little exploratory mission, I was the closest. I pop in there and find this... cave... and on the other side is the world I just left, but— But it's this one. This is the world I ended up in. The grass, the birds, things dropping out of the skies and dark things floating in the water. People everywhere, lying where they stood. And the silence, god the silence. Not even... not even birds, or— or bugs... just wind, and nothing else. I came back to report on what I had seen, and... I don't have any answers. I don't think there are any. I don't even have the right words to say. This world is different from the one I saw in the cave. People are moved around, the date is different, things are different... because it's my world! This is the one I left! This is— my family is here, and my friends, but now... It's all gone. Everything is dead. There's no evil magic, there's no supernatural stars, there's no futuristic ray gun or false vacuum device or... nothing. None of those things mattered. Nothing we did mattered. It's all gone. Something... something must have been in that cave... something must have followed me out of there. Needed me to go in there. Needed me to bring it out. Let it loose. Let it do to my world what it did to... to that... Maybe it's me. Maybe I was the reason. Maybe I... am Death. If it was in there and I brought it back, then I am Death. I've got myself... in a containment cell. Jammed the goddamned door shut. I'm going to put a bullet between my eyes. Everyone else is dead. What's one more? You know, it occurs to me... if you're listening to this...You're Death, too."

Amelia: "The automated drone brought back this message from that universe, and we made a discovery, there used to be a 3rd universe similar to the one we've been working on?"

(Y/N): "So that means whatever killed everyone in that reality follows anyone out of that cave on our side?"

Amelia: "Apparently so."

Markiplier: "We're screwed."

(Y/N): "How about we plug it up with concrete and cement and keep an eye on it and call it a day."

Markiplier: "Yeah and never go into that."

(Y/N): "Yep, so what SCP is next Amelia?"

Amelia: "Well it's a toy from The Factory, which are small dolls."

(Y/N): "Oh boy."

Next: Chapter 41: SCP-693 "Knotty Stalker"

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