Chapter 41: SCP-693 ''Knotty Stalker''

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Here we see you taking a look at an instance of SCP-693 aka a Knotty Stalker as Amelia and Dr. Collingwood is with you.

(Y/N): "Man these things are cute, I can't believe something like this was made by the Factory."

Amelia: "SCP-693 are a series of 18 cm humanoid dolls made from a single strand of string and onyx beads for eyes wearing various clothing like shirts, pants, cloth headbands, and hats."

(Y/N): "Okay what can they do?"

Dr. Collingwood: "Well they are normal string dolls until you put a piece of hair into the doll and then it activates it's primary function."

Amelia: "The doll will be moving on it's own and mimic movements and voice of the person it got the hair sample from."

(Y/N): "What if the person was dead?"

Dr. Collingwood: "Same effect."

(Y/N): "So it's a toy made for a stalker."

Amelia: "Yes, however it becomes unreliable after 9 days both in action and speech. Base on the color of the base string it will drive the current owner to their death by making inaccurate depictions of the attuned individual."

(Y/N): "So that do the colors do?"

Dr. Collingwood: "Red makes people angry, blue makes people depress and get them to commit suicide, yellow makes the owner engage in acts of unreciprocated lust, and black makes the owner do increasingly dangerous situations."

Amelia: "Once the owner is dead, a new instance of SCP-693 will be found on the owner's body. And right now there are seven red instances, ten blue instances, five yellow instances and one black instance."

(Y/N): "What makes you think these little guys came from the Factory?"

Amelia: *gives you a sheet of instructions*"This does."

(Y/N): *reads the instructions*"Congratulations on your purchase of a genuine Knotty Stalker! Do you love someone, but they won't give you the time of day? Do you wish you could hear what they say about you behind their back? Well wonder no more! Using this fantabulous product, you can keep track of your loved ones' every move, their every word! All you have to do is get a single hair from the head of the object of your desires, slip it under a loose string on our Knotty Stalker, and see what you're missing! Another wonderful product brought to you by The Factory."*stops reading*"I still can't believe that The Factory is still operating and making stuff like this."

Amelia: "Yes, while both Dr. Wondertainment and The Factory make toys with anomalous properties, there is a difference between them. One wants to hurt people while the other wants to bring joy to children."

(Y/N): "Guess that's the reason why they're so different. So we're not gonna test these things?"

Amelia: "No, we should head to lunch. Why don't you stand guard of SCP-693 for a while, Markiplier will be with you to guard them."

(Y/N): "Can I see what they do when they're in action? To see if they still work?"

Dr. Collingwood: "Of course. We recorded the SCP-693 experiments."

Dr. Collingwood then pulls up a video of the experiment with SCP-693 and you see SCP-693 moving around on its own mimicking the D-Class from the cell next to them.

(Y/N): "Woah, so lifelike, good thing we record everything. I prefer the recordings than actually using the SCP on people."

Amelia: "I know you want to see them in action, but I think the recordings are sufficient data for you."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

We then see Dr. Collingwood and Amelia leave the room as you see that there's a hair in one of the Knotty Stalkers.

(Y/N): "Huh, someone left a hair in one of these, I'm sure no one will notice."

You then put the knotty stalker back into the box with the others. Sometime later, we see you and Markiplier in the research lab and you are just drinking some water. Markiplier then opens up the Knotty Stalker locker he sees all the knotty stalkers were gathered around one attuned doll and it was crucified upside down and nailed to the wall.

Markiplier: "Uh (Y/N)...."

(Y/N): "Yeah Mark?"

Markiplier: "The creepy dolls are doing something really creepy."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"*sees the Knotty Stalkers*"Woah."*pulls out a walkie talkie*"Someone bring Dr. Buck and Dr. Collingwood to the containment locker of SCP-693 immediately."

Sometime later, we see Amelia and Dr. Collingwood looking at the Knotty Stalkers and what they're doing.

Amelia: "And you left an attuned SCP-693 instance in the locker with the other Knotty Stalkers?"

(Y/N): "Sorry."

Amelia: *sighs*"It's alright, you are forgiven. SCPs can be unpredictable."

Dr. Collingwood: "We normally assign D-Class for SCP-693 testing."

(Y/N): "Should we put cameras in the locker? To catch them in the act."

Amelia: "I don't see why not."

Sometime later, we see you and the others watching footage of the Knotty Stalkers moving around and reenacting the last 30 minutes of their previous owners' lives.

(Y/N): "Woah is that how the people who used these things die?"*looks at a yellow knotty stalker*"Wait, is one of them jerking off?!"

Markiplier: "That is so disgusting dude!"

Amelia: "Yes, it seems like overstimulation might have caused a heart attack of one's previous owner."

Dr. Collingwood: "Well after seeing this, I think we should put SCP-693 into the Euclid Classification."

(Y/N): "Good riddance, those things cause a lot of trouble for anyone."

Amelia: "The O5 wants to talk to you about a database, they'll set up a meeting."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Next: Chapter 42: SCP-001 "The Database"

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