Chapter 45: SCP-1007 "Mr. Life and Mr. Death"

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Here we see you heading to the containment cell as we see Kim coming with you.

(Y/N): "Thanks for coming along with me Kim."

Kim: "I know how excited you get about a Little Mister or any toy anomaly."

(Y/N): "Yep."

You and Kim then head into the containment cell and you and Kim see SCP-1007 aka Mr. Life and Mr. Death.

Kim: "He's dead?"

(Y/N): "The thing about Dr. Wondertainment, he always has some weird play features."*holds up a key*"Watch and take notes Kim Possible."

Kim: *Holds up a pencil and pad* "Noted."

While Kim was taking notes, you then put the key into the keyhole on Mr. Life and Mr. Death's back and you turn the key as Kim sees Mr. Life and Mr. Death ages backwards to a baby and the baby wakes up.

Mr. Life and Mr. Death: *crying like a baby*

Kim: "Woah uh explanation?"

(Y/N): "Well the file did say that Mr. Life and Mr. Death goes through the human life cycle in a span of 75 minutes, one year per minute."

16 minutes later.

Mr. Life and Mr. Death: "Everything hurts!"

Kim: "What's wrong with him!?!"

(Y/N): "Seems like the bones and muscles are changing shape rapidly which violates the first law of thermodynamics and he doesn't need energy input for cellular growth."

Kim: "I've aced my classes back in high school so I know what you're talking about."

4 more minutes later.

Mr. Life and Mr. Death: "Ah, yeah I think the pain stopped."

Kim: "Okay now that they're not hurting anymore, we have some questions."

(Y/N): "Do you come in a set? Like you're Mr. Life and someone else is Mr. Death?"

Mr. Life and Mr. Death: "No, I don't even know there were other Little Misters."*age to 21*"I just know the names of the other Misters, but I don't know them personally."

Kim: *sees Mr. Life and Mr. Death age to 22*"Man you are aging really quick."

(Y/N): "Yeah he does, let's make every minute count with this guy."

Sometime later, it was minute 74 with Mr. Life and Mr. Death and he was a minute away from dying.

Mr. Life and Mr. Death: "I am glad we had this time together."

(Y/N): "You do know we can use the key that came with your packaging to rewind you back to a baby or during your awkward years."

Kim: "Yeah which means you can always relive your lives again."

Mr. Life and Mr. Death: *Ages to 75*"Thank you (Y/N) and Kim, now if you excuse me, I'm gonna die from natural causes. Hurk Bleh."

We then see Mr. Life and Mr. Death collapses onto the floor and you see that he's dead now.

(Y/N): "Welp he's dead."

Kim: "Yeah, um do we use the key on them now?"

(Y/N): "Sure it is his play feature, also he's a male, not Non-binary."

Kim: "Right."*turn the key and rewind Mr. Life and Mr. Death's age to 18*"There we go."

Mr. Life and Mr. Death: "Woah, I feel like I'm 18 again!"

Kim: "You are 18."

Mr. Life and Mr. Death: "Oh yeah."

(Y/N): "Anyways, there is someone I would like you to meet Kim."

Kim: "Who?"

Sometime later, we see Kim at the mess hall and she sees Shego eating a sandwich.

Kim: "Shego!? What are you doing here?!"

Shego: "Thanks to (Y/N) saving me from a death planet, I became a new soldier for the MTF team Sixteen tons."*points to the explosive collar on her neck*"See the collar."

Kim: "Yeah but why are you wearing an explosive collar?"

Shego: "I'm a prisoner of the Foundation and they want me and other bozos from other Groups of interest to do missions otherwise they kill me."

(Y/N): "What the Sixteentons lack in loyalty in the foundation, they make up for it in having skill sets that make them vital to the mission of containing anomalies, which include people like Shego. Sorry."

Shego: "Eh it's fine, I made some new gal pals like Linda from the Chaos Insurgency and Jackie from the Serpent's Hand. They both know a guy named Ted because he captured them."*to you*"Right Ted?"

(Y/N): "I was assigned to kidnap them when I was working for the Front runners."

Kim: "You kidnapped them?!"

We then see Jackie and Linda come into the room and they see you.

Jackie: "I invited you to my birthday party!"

Linda: "I brought you to my cousin's wedding!"

Kim: "(Y/N) what did you do?"

(Y/N): "It was part of my mission to acquire certain people of interest to be part of Sixteentons"

Kim: "And did they want to be part of it?"

(Y/N): "Well I did ask them to join a secret club."

Linda: "And that secret club is Mobile Task Force Sixteen Tons made by the SCP Foundation!"

(Y/N): "You didn't read the fine print, no one reads the fine print at all."

Jackie: *Sighs* "Point taken, but we're still peeved that you tricked us into being part of a suicide squad!"

Linda: "Yeah, I know we didn't read the fine print but did you really have to knock us out and put handcuffs on us and put a potato sack on our heads?"

(Y/N): "Yes and I apologize for my method of obtaining you two."

Jackie: "It's fine, so I'm guessing we can't leave otherwise you'll kill us or something?"

(Y/N): "Well here's how Sixteentons work, each member of the team has a collar on them. If you try to take it off it will explode, if you stray away from the mission assigned to you it will explode, if you disobey an order given to you from site command it will explode, if you-"

Shego: "We get it, collar goes boom when we go."

Linda: "Damn you to hell (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "I'll just get some enchiladas."

You then leave the area as the girls talk to each other.

Linda: "I know he's part of the Foundation and he kidnapped us and forced us to work with the Foundation but he's a good looking guy."

Jackie: "I guess, but it's moments like these I regret not reading that fine print."

Shego: "There's gotta be a way to leave without going boom."

Linda: "That's what Gina said when she tried to bust out of here and when she got out she got blown up."

Jackie: "Guess we have no choice but to pledge our loyalty to the Foundation."

Shego: *to Kim*"I can't believe you signed up to the SCP Foundation, what happened to the Freelancing secret spy gig? And your sidekick boyfriend?"

Kim: *Sighs* "First of all, fighting bad guys like Drakken has gotten stale so I thought I would sign up for the SCP Foundation. Second, me and Ron had a... falling out, relationship wise, so we had a mutual break up."

Shego: "Let me guess, he was more like a brother than a boyfriend."

Kim: "Yeah pretty much." *sighs* "And honestly, it felt kind of weird kissing him."

Shego: "You're just realizing that now?"

Kim: "Yeah."

Shego: "Just so you know, (Y/N) is mine."

Kim: *blushes*"What!?"

Shego: "You heard me, he's gonna be my boyfriend."

Kim: "Are you challenging me to get with (Y/N)? He's my mentor, you realize that right."

Shego: "And my soon to be boyfriend."

Kim: "Funny, I thought Draken was your boyfriend?"

Linda and Jackie: "Oooohh..."

Shego: "Well we are more work friends than boyfriend and girlfriend."

Linda: "Uh Shego."

Shego: "What?"

Linda: "The remote for our collars is in her hands."

The girls then see Dr. Amelia Buck holding the remote triggers their explosive collars.

Amelia: "Detonating your collars would be an act of mercy, being playthings for The Old Man is even worse than those collars."

Linda: "Meaning?"

Amelia: "The Old Man is an entity that enjoys torturing its victims, and trapping you in its pocket dimension. Lucky for you that anomaly is currently in containment, for now. (Y/N) is my boyfriend and you think you can take him, think again."

Girls: *gulps in fear*

(Y/N): "Amelia what's going on?"

Amelia: "Nothing my dear."

Shego: "Nothing my foot! She was threatening to kill us!"

(Y/N): "Really Amelia? Again?"

Amelia: "Just because these women and other members of Sixteentons provide excellent skills and service for the Foundation, doesn't mean they are free to do what they want especially when it comes to someone's love."

Kim: "He's my mentor, plus he's nice, and I had a mutual break up with my ex-boyfriend/childhood friend."

Shego: "And I had a work relationship with my old boss."

Amelia: "I am just ensuring (Y/N)'s safety."

Shego: "More like being a full blown yandere."

Amelia: "That would be only from mental sickness for no reason, I have a reason to protect (Y/N). The Foundation has a history of some of the researchers, agents, guards, or MTF soldiers doing things in the Foundation not out of loyalty to the Foundation but out of their own selfish needs or some personal vendetta."

Shego: "That still sounds like yandere to me, and again, you threatened to kill us."

(Y/N): "She has a point, Cory was given the designation of SCP-4000 by Professor Otis because he doesn't want him or his friends to get in the way of making a quick buck with our SCPs. Hooper was turned into a cyborg programmed to take down Cory at any cost and he turns good and loyal guards and soldiers into D-Class because they fail to contain Cory. Some of his friends defected to the Serpent's Hand because of that."

Jackie: "He's right."

Kim: "Really?"

(Y/N): "I've never been around in the Foundation long enough to experience any of those events but I do know how it feels to be seen as a monster and be treated as something that is less than human and it wasn't just Otis either some past members of the O5 Council are either members of other Groups of Interest or just do things for their selfish needs. Some of the O5 members came from other Groups of Interest like the Children of the Scarlet King, the Serpent's Hand, and even the Chaos Insurgency."

Kim: "You make a good point."

Amelia: "Indeed, that's why I have to be on my guard in case the Foundation makes the same mistake again with (Y/N)."

Shego: "Well we weren't gonna do anything to him, we just love him, is that so much of a crime?"

Amelia: "I wouldn't take it as a crime, but the O5 would say otherwise, the O5 have a tendency to have their own ulterior motives and they would like to find a scapegoat for their plans."

Shego: "What does that mean?"

Amelia: "It means that if their plan goes wrong they would have someone to blame like you Shego. If that happens they might feed you to that monstrosity that is SCP-682."

Shego: "Great, finally found a guy I liked and now I can't date him because not only does he have a girlfriend but also coworkers will kill me."

Kim: "Trust me, you're better off being an operative for Sixteentons than being a D-Class."

Shego: "Why?"

(Y/N): "There are 50 D-Classes that are likely to get shredded, torn to pieces, burned alive, or suffer a fate worse than death by now."

Shego: "Oh......"

(Y/N): "Yeah... sorry about that, I do use D-Class for experiments. I just don't enjoy seeing them getting killed by SCPs."

Shego: "Yeah no, It's-it's fine, I understand."

Kim: "You sure gonna be okay Shego?"

Shego: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Trust me, O5-01 told me a lot of messed up things the other O5 of the past have done. They just don't want to take any chances in accomplishing their goals due to the fact they work outside of the normal jurisdiction of the Foundation."

Shego: "And I'm guessing it's not legal?"

(Y/N): "We're the SCP Foundation, we break the law on a daily basis since we exist in the shadows and maintain the secrecy of the Foundation and the anomalous world at the best we can."

Shego: "And guessing one of them is recruiting people with certain skills?"

(Y/N): "From other groups of interest for the MTF team Sixteentons? Yes, and you and Kim have fought a lot yet you're both equal in skill. With enough training you two can become great Foundation officers."

Kim and Shego: "Me working with her, no way!"

Amelia: "It's either that or get eaten by 682 or have your neck snapped by 173."

Kim and Shego realized the doctor was right.

Kim: *Sighs* "You're right."

Shego: "You gotta be joking?

Kim: "Shego, unless you wanna get eaten by a giant reptile rat thing, we gotta work together."

Shego: "Fine, whatever."

(Y/N): "Well I can be your mentor Shego since you're new around here. In fact, ever heard of the story about Cain and Abel?"

Next: Chapter 46: SCP-076 "Able"

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