Chapter 46: SCP-076 "Able"

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Here we see you and Shego at Containment Area 25b and Shego sees numerous security measures made for SCP-076.

Shego: "So what is this place?"

(Y/N): "This is Containment Area 25b, it's constructed to contain SCP-076 or Able, we have guns, a killing corridor, and if we need to fill the entire room up with seawater to drown him down."

Shego: "What does he, err, do?"

(Y/N): "SCP-076 is made out of two things, a powerful immortal swordsman that is able to be reanimated from the dead like nothing happened and a stone cube that holds him. Able himself is strong enough to rip a steel security door after 4 minutes of sustained assault, summon weapons from small portals, ignore pain and shock, and fight on while having debilitating wounds that would be too much for a normal human."

Shego: "Yikes, that sounds bad."

(Y/N): "You tell me, he's a beast."

Shego: "Can't you lock up his box or something?"

(Y/N): "We can if we have the keys to it."

Shego: "Do you have them on you now?"

(Y/N): "Nope and get this, the carbon dating on the box is estimated at 10,000 years old."

Then you and Shego hear the alarms go off which is a containment breach and both you and Shego hear sword swings and Shego sees a decapitated head rolled to her feet.

Shego: "Gah! Head!"

???: "You think you can keep me locked up here."

You and Shego then see SCP-076-2 aka Able walk out of the doorway holding a bloodstained sword.

Able: "You're wrong."

(Y/N): "Howdy Able, massacring my colleagues again I see."

Able: "I will finally have the satisfaction of staining these halls with your blood!"

You then charge at Able and then you fight him off as Shego was shocked and surprised to see you are giving a 10,000 year old blood thirsty immortal warrior trouble. We see you pull out a shotgun and you fire it at Able's right arm to blast it off and make him drop his sword. Able then use his left hand to summon another sword and then charge at you as you then throw a flashbang at the immortal warrior and it went off and it stunned him as you then quickly attach C4 on Able and you pull out a remote and you press the button that detonates the C4 and instantly destroy Able.

Shego: "Woah, is he dead?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, for now, he will come back and when he does he will lose again. Just like the last 50 or so times."

Shego: "You fought this guy before?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, he always comes back and tries to kill me, but like everytime, I win."

Shego: "How?"

(Y/N): "My autism."

Shego: *Remembers* "That's right, he can't predict your next move because of the way you think."

(Y/N): "Yep, you know he would be helpful if he didn't have the act of killing everyone he sees."

Shego: "Yeah, don't suppose you have a plan to stop him from killing anyone?"

(Y/N): "All he wanted was to kill his rival, which is me. What if I'm already dead?"

Shego: "Then he'd have to find a purpose, he'd move on to someone else who can beat him like you."

(Y/N): "Or he would offer his services to the Foundation."

Shego: "That too."

(Y/N): "The question is, how?"

Shego: "Hm, well you can hop into dimensions right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Shego: "Well how about you take some time off and have everyone think you died on a mission somewhere. When Able thinks you're dead he'll move on to offering his services, and you don't have to kill him anymore."

(Y/N): "Well I will miss giving him a run for his money, but I guess a secret vacation is in order. But first a permission from the O5 Council."

Sometime later, we see you and Shego enter a dark room and when the lights come on you and Shego see the silhouettes of the O5 Council themselves.

Shego: "Okay first I thought there were 5 of them and not 13 since they're called O5 Council."

(Y/N): "They're just 13 people with Level 5 clearance and the overseers of the Foundation."

Shego: "Gotcha."

O5-09: "What do you request from us (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "A secret vacation into another universe and you guys telling everyone that I'm dead."

O5-12: "Why?"

(Y/N): "It's about SCP-076, he keeps coming back again and again just to go after me because I'm his rival."

Shego: "And each time he does fight him, it's always 076 getting killed."

O5-13: "Hm, what would be the purpose of this vacation?"

(Y/N): "Well one of you and I'm not saying which one did want to make a MTF team composed of SCPs."

O5-07: "That would be disastrous."

O5-10: "Although a Mobile Task Force composed of SCPs does sound like it has its own merit. Some MTF teams utilize SCPs to assist them on their missions but having a team of them would be useful."

Shego: "And what if one of those SCPs tries to kill any mtf members?"

O5-03: "If the first attempt fails we'll learn our mistakes and make a replacement for that team."

Shego: "Gotcha."

O5-01: "All in favor of this secret vacation for (Y/N)?"

10 of the O5s raise their hands for the vote for the secret vacation.

O5-01: "All in opposition?"

3 of the O5s raise their hands for the vote against the secret vacation.

O5-01: "Well then it's unanimous, the meeting adjourned."*slams the hammer on the table*"However we can't just send him on a vacation just yet, he has 2 more assignments for 2 more SCPs."

Shego: "Like what?"

O5-02: "We have a new anomaly named Iris Thompson."

Next: Chapter 47: SCP-105 "Iris"

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