Chapter 50: SCP-2030 "Laugh is Fun"

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Here we see you walking down the halls and you then see the employees were shocked to see you alive.

(Y/N): "Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm back."

Girls: "(Y/N)!"

We then see Sam, Alex, Clover, and Kim then give you a group hug as you then hug back.

Kim: "How are you alive!? We thought you were dead! I saw you died!"

Clover: "You had us so worried!!"

Alex: "We went to your funeral!"

Sam: "We mourned for months!"

(Y/N): "Okay I'm sorry, I was on a secret vacation with Amelia, we went across the multiverse and met some new people."

Clover: "Why didn't you tell us?!" *Realizes* "Oh right, secret vacation."

Sam: "But-but I don't understand we saw you die, we went to your funeral!"

Kim: *Realizes* "Gustav predicted your death!"

(Y/N): " Actually, I-I faked my death to convince Able to offer his services to the Foundation and now we have Mobile Task Force Omega-7 aka Pandora's Box."

We then see Able come into the room and the girls see him wearing MTF combat gear and an explosive collar around his neck.

(Y/N): "Hey Able."

Able: "Very clever (Y/N), I would be furious but I respect your cunning and intellect."

(Y/N): "And that's why I'm on the team selected by you. And thanks to your combat training I am a better fighter now."

Sam: "Well, it is nice to have you back."

(Y/N): "It's good to be back, now I am on my way to the group meeting about SCP-2030."

Clover: "Oh no way we're heading there too."

(Y/N): "Cool, and me and Amelia have some news."

Sam: "What is it?"

(Y/N): "We are in an open relationship."

Kim: "Wow congrats (Y/N)."

Clover: "Wait, does that mean she's okay with other women being with you?"

(Y/N): "Yep, why?"

Sam: "Well uh, no reason."

(Y/N): "Alright, let's get to the meeting, Amelia is gonna present SCP-2030 to the group meeting."

Alex: "Gotcha."

You then left to the meeting room leaving the girls to themselves.

Sam: *Whispers* ""Girls, he's in an open relationship."

Clover: *Whispers* "And you know what that means right?"

Alex: *Whispers back* "A lot of wedding gifts for the groom and brides?"

Clover: *Whispers* "That and we can tell him how we really feel. But we have to get Amelia's permission."

Alex: *whispers*"Oh yeah, wait-"*to Kim*"What about you Kim?"

Kim: *whispers*"Well, he's my mentor and it would be weird for me to date my own mentor."

Sam: *Whispers* "Ohh, well guess Shego might get to him first before you."

Kim: "................Oh not in her life."

Clover: *Whispers* "Wait, are you gonna-?"

Kim: "Compete against Shego, yes I am."

Alex: "What is your problem with her? I mean I know you were arch enemies but you're working with her now."

Kim: "You mean forced to work with her cause she's in the MTF Sixteen Tons team remember?"

???: "You mean Pandora's Box?"

The girls then see Shego come into the room wearing a MTF officer's uniform wearing the Omega-7 insignia on her shoulder.

Kim: "Shego."

Shego: "Princess."

Kim: "Pandora's Box suits you considering you live in a box for jail birds."

Shego: "Not anymore, ever since Omega-7 was made, I got reassigned to the team and now I'm in the big leagues princess."

Kim: "Who's the moron that made you part of that team?"

Able: *with an angered glare at Kim*"That would be me."

Clover: *nervously laughing*"Kim don't make the 10,000 year old bloodthirsty swordsman angry."

Able: "If you must know, I chose Shego among others myself cause I want a capable battalion of soldiers that I want to personally train myself, (Y/N) is one of them considering my history with him. Both him and Shego have potential."

Sam: "Oh congratulations Shego."

Able: "I've read about you child, you and Shego have fought each other like equals. If one of you is gone, then the other can't live without their other half."

Shego: "Okay buddy, you don't know me and princess well."

Able: "I've seen people like you two before, you two will find a reason to battle each other to find out who is the superior and the failure. Your fates are tied to each other, if one of you were slain by someone else's hand then you will lose your will to fight because what is the point of your existence if your rival is gone?"

Both Shego and Kim then think for a minute and then they realize it.

Kim: "He does have a point, I've been fighting you for so long that you're the first one I fight."

Shego: "Yeah, same here."

Alex: "So what you're saying is, they're dating but instead of a romantic dinner it's a battle of good vs. evil?"

Shego and Kim: "What?!"

Shego: "Woah, woah, me and Possible!? Dating?!"

Kim: "Me dating Shego?!"

Clover: "You know that does make sense."

Sam: "It does?"

Clover: "Yeah, they always fight each other every time Drakken does one of his evil plans."

Both Shego and Kim were about to say something until they realized what Clover said.

Kim: "Oh my god..."

Shego: "You don't mean...."

Both Kim and Shego then blushed bright red and they crouch onto the ground and they scream into their hands.

Shego and Kim: *In their hands* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

(Y/N): *offscreen*"Hey girls, the meeting is about to start, let's go!"

Sam: "Coming!" *To Shego and Kim* "Come on, we have a group meeting to go to."

Shego: "My entire life is a lie!"

Kim: "Me and Shego as girlfriends!?"

Alex: "I think we broke them."

Sam: *Facepalms* "Ugh, come on let's drag them to the meeting, Clover you grab Shego's legs."

Clover: "Why am I getting the heavy parts?"

Alex: "Well your theory did break them."

Clover: "Fair enough."

Sam: "That and you're physically the strongest out of all of us."

Clover: "I thought Alex was the strongest?"

Alex: "Hey I may be an athlete but I can't keep up with you. Your shopping sprees have helped you be super strong."

Clover: "Huh, shopping doubles as fitness training. Neat."

Later, at the meeting, we see you sitting in a chair next to Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef as you see the girls dragging Kim and Shego to the meeting.

Dr. Clef: "What's with those two?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, what happened to them?"

Alex: "Clover broke them when she came up with a theory that all of the fights between Shego and Kim are them dating each other."

Shego: "We've been Bisexual the whole time?!"

Kim: "How did we not notice this?!"

(Y/N): "Hold on."

You then slap both Kim and Shego in their faces as they snap out of it.

Shego and Kim: "Ow!"

(Y/N): "There now you two are back in the game."

Kim: "Thanks."

Shego: "Yeah thanks."

Amelia: "Attention everyone, eyes up here."*sees everyone looking at her direction*"Thank you, now then we are going to go over SCP-2030, my name is Dr. Amelia Buck and today this meeting will inform all of you on how to properly contain this SCP. And I'll have a long time survivor of this phenomenon up here with me, (Y/N) Cranston if you please."

(Y/N): "Gladly."*walks up to Amelia*"Alright, let's go over what the SCP is."

Amelia: "SCP-2030 is an anomalous phenomenon that manifests as a television series."

Sam: "A television series? What's it about?"

(Y/N): "Well, it's a show that me and my folks watched back when we were kids called Laugh is Fun."

Shego: "Why are you a survivor?"

(Y/N): "Save all questions until after the presentation."*to Amelia*"Doc, if you please."

Amelia: "The medium that SCP-2030 manifests on changes depending on the most popular format that is currently in use."

(Y/N): "Like VHS tapes, file sharing websites, streaming services, video rental kiosks, rental stores, you name it."

Alex: "Like Blockbuster or Netflix?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Amelia: "So far there was no reliable evidence that SCP-2030 manifestations took place prior to the year 1993 has been discovered."

(Y/N): "Since the show has 38 seasons we have to guess it first aired in 1976. It used to be called "Laugh is Life" or "Laugh is Laugh"."*sees Markiplier raise his hand*"Yes Mark?"

Markiplier: "What kind of show is it?"

(Y/N): "A hidden camera comedy, like prank shows or reality tv."

Amelia: "Each episode in the show itself has a runtime of 10 to 12 minutes featuring candid responses of various people to bizarre, disturbing, and often anomalous situations."

(Y/N): "SCP-2030-1 is a guy named Laughy McLaugherson and he's the show's host providing intro and closing commentary as well as appearing to victims to reveal they are being filmed. He is dressed in a royal blue 3 piece suit with black and white wing tipped shoes. Due to the scenes being filmed, he's only been seen from the neck down."

Clover: "So no one ever saw his face?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Amelia: "Individuals appearing on the show often react to the events that they witness with panic or distress, but appear immediately calmed upon the appearance of SCP-2030-1. This is true even when the individual in question has sustained significant bodily harm or witnessed a particularly traumatic event."

(Y/N): "Well the people on the show claim that they are fans of the show and if Laughy is using his viewership as a way to snatch victims is still ongoing as we speak."

Sam: "Yikes, what kind of pranks is it doing to people?"

(Y/N): "From mundane stuff like pets, candy, or the beach to violent themes like mail fraud, arson, terrorism, and tax fraud and Laughy delivers an end speech for each of these."

Clover: "Woah, so can you give us an example of each of these episodes?"

(Y/N): "Alright, let me read outloud of some of the episodes."

Amelia: "Start with the one titled Swelling."

(Y/N): *reads scene description*"An elderly woman sits on a park bench, feeding nearby pigeons with seed from a bag. Gersham and Parker, a couple, walk down a park path and approach the woman. Once the two come within approximately 1.5 meters of the elderly woman, a swarm of pigeons fly into the elderly woman's mouth, causing her stomach to become severely engorged and quickly rupture. The couple express great distress at the event until SCP-2030-1 emerges from the elderly woman's open stomach cavity, at which point Gersham and Parker appear relieved."

The girls were a bit disturbed by this, even Shego.

Shego: "Yeesh, that's horrifying."

Amelia: "Squirrels."

(Y/N): *reads scene description*"Mrs. Englund lies in bed next to a male figure, presumably Mr. Englund. A series of high-pitched squeaking noises are heard, and Mrs. Englund is awakened. She tells her husband to wake up, but he does not respond. She places her hand on his shoulder, but quickly draws it back with a shriek. His skin begins to undulate, as though something is moving underneath. A multitude of squirrels then burst from various places on his body, quickly filling the bed and crawling onto the woman. She rises to leave the room, but SCP-2030-1 walks in and turns on the light. He is accompanied by Mr. Englund, who has been skinned from head to foot but gives no indication of feeling any discomfort. All three share a laugh and the segment ends."

Everyone in the room was horrified by what they heard, even Shego while you were unphased by this.

(Y/N): "Man, I love that episode."

Markiplier: "Wait, how much of the show did you watch?"

(Y/N): "All 38 seasons, why?"

Shego: "Jeez, how have you not been traumatized?"

Amelia: "(Y/N) is capable of withstanding high amounts of physical and psychological trauma."

(Y/N): *to Amelia*"Can I choose the next one?"

Everyone(Except Amelia): "No!"

Amelia: "Of course."

Kim: "Oh no..."

(Y/N): "This next one is about politics, it's called Margaret Thatcher."*reads scene description*"Mrs. Carter walks into her kitchen and opens a cabinet door, out of which falls a large mass of flesh. As Carter screams, the mass grows and shapes itself into a severely disproportional facsimile of former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher, with its head twice as large as its torso. Carter rushes to leave the room, but the Thatcher creature leaps onto her before she can escape. It extends its tongue into the woman's open mouth, and Thatcher faces of various sizes begin appearing across Carter's skin. The faces proceed to recite Thatcher's April 1986 speech on the bombing of Libya in perfect unison. SCP-2030-1 climbs out of a nearby cupboard and points to the hidden cameras; Mrs. Carter smiles, the creature's tongue still extended down her throat."

The girls were horrified by this and Shego was about to throw up and then she swallowed her own vomit.

Shego: "That's disgusting, please no more!"

(Y/N): "Sorry, but I do love the show."

Leshawna: "I thought Total Drama was bad but this is even worse."

Kim: "Yeah, this is just messed up."

(Y/N): "Should I read one more?"

Everyone(Except Amelia): "No!"

(Y/N): "Alright, we contain this SCP through an operated web analysis bot called Delta-09 aka Laughstop and we have to keep it in top shape and the people who can do that have to have a Level 2 security clearance. If that gets a hit on the show's manifestation and removes it."

Shego: "And that's how we contain it?"

(Y/N): "Yep and it's a keter since we don't know where the show is being broadcasted from so that's our top priority. Here's the End segment of Printers on a closed network set up by us."

You then pull down a theater screen and you turn on the projector and play the video.

Laughy: *video*"Ha! What a ride, eh, folks? We've seen printers that eat, eaters that print, and everything in between! Makes you appreciate the old clunker you have back the office, doesn't it? No, printers may not always work when you want or need them to, but they sure make for some excellent comedy. And that's what we're about here: comedy. We're here to make you laugh. We hope you laughed. Thank you for laughing with us. That's what we're about here, doesn't it, folks? Come laugh with us again next time! And remember: LAUGH ... IS ... FUN! Good night! And laugh! And laugh! Just laugh! We love the make laugh. Make more for laughter so as to for laugh. Laugh with us. Laugh with us. (Studio audience joins in unison) Laugh with us! Laugh with us! Laugh with us! Laugh with us! Laugh! Laugh! Laugh and let us in!"

To say that the girls were disturbed was an understatement after seeing the video. Once the video ends, you see that there's some time left before the meeting ends.

(Y/N): "Alright, any questions about the SCP in question?"

Alex: "How do we defend ourselves from its influence?"

(Y/N): "Well so far the only person who has a defense against Laugh is Fun is me."

Sam: "Okay but how do we defend ourselves from Laugh is Fun?"

(Y/N): "Well you can't and the only person who survived the show is Lindsay."

Leshawna: "She stayed at my place for the night."

Lindsay: "I was bored and I was scrolling through Netflix."

Sam: "But how did you survive?"

Lindsay: "Well, I went home one night and-"

(Y/N): "I'll read the scene description, she was in the episode called Lindsay's Early Birthday Surprise."*reading the scene description*"Lindsay came into her apartment and it was dark and then when the lights came on, she was at a birthday party celebrating her birthday. She was so happy that it was a surprise birthday even though it was early. She then blow out the candles of her cake and then she took a slice of cake and see it was filled with spiders and then she wasn't hungry for spiders and then she opens up her presents and all of them were filled with internal organs from humans like lungs, hearts, brains, and even human male genitalia. Lindsay was screaming in terror from the sight of the party when it was revealed that the decorations were made out of human body parts until Laughy burst out of her shoe closet and then they both laughed. Lindsay and Laughy turn to the camera and say: Laugh is fun! And then Lindsay congratulated Laughy on the props for the prank and then Laughy said: Oh thank you, we used 10 actual people for this set up and now they're dead. Lindsay then screams in panic and then runs out of her apartment. And then Laughy turns to the screen and says: And that is how you prank a celebrity from Total Drama. The screen fades to black."

The girls, except Lindsay, were horrified from what they heard as we see Leshawna hugs and comforts Lindsay.

Lindsay: "I think I lost my appetite for birthday cakes, forever."

Leshawna: "Who's idea was it to traumatize poor Lindsay?!"

(Y/N): "It was Laughy McLaugherson's idea, he's the host of the show."

Leshawna: "Well no one's gonna hurt you now girl."*hugs Lindsay*"I got ya."

(Y/N): "We have a therapist for anyone who suffered traumatic experiences down the hall to the left, his door is always open."*to everyone*"Alright, we got some time to kill, how about we finish this meeting with some-"

Kim: "Don't say fun facts."

(Y/N): "Fun Facts! Alright, the dot on a lower case I or a J is called a tittle, that's my fun fact now does anyone have a fun fact?"

Girls (Except Lindsay): "No."

(Y/N): "What about you Lindsay?"

Lindsay: "Well back on Total Drama, I used the confessional as an outhouse without even knowing the camera was there, until I noticed it."

Clover: "Oh yeah, I remember that, I can't believe you did that."

Shego: "I guess some blonds aren't as bright."

Clover and Lindsay: "Hey!"

Lindsay: "In my defense, the confessional was an outhouse, that was an accidental tinkle, three times."

Shego: "Three?"

Kim: "In TDA in the horror movie challenge, she peed in the porta potty."

Shego: "Oh yeah."

Clover: "And I can be smart when I want to."

(Y/N): "Does anyone else have a fun fact?"

Girls: "Nope."

(Y/N): "Alright, the meeting is adjourned and you all get back to your normal duties."

Sometime later, we see you come home and you then sit down on the couch..

(Y/N): "Ah, what a day."

We then see Jessica sit down next to you on the couch and you feel Jessica's butt by accident.

(Y/N): "Is this a couch cushion?"

Jessica: "Um, not exactly it's my butt."

(Y/N): "Oh uh, sorry. I thought you were sitting on a couch cushion."

Jessica: "It's okay, we are dating so it's fine that you can feel my butt."

(Y/N): "Like this?"

Jessica: *feels your hand groping her butt*"Mmm, yeah like that. Did Medaka teach you that?"

(Y/N): *While groping Jessica's butt* "Apparently so, she thinks if I'm gonna date a lot of women then I have to please them both emotionally and physically."

Jessica: *Moans* "Mmm, yeah I think she knows what she's doing~."

(Y/N): *While groping Jessica's butt* "You think the other girls have a thing for me?"

Jessica: *Moans* "Well, you are not a jerk to the girls, you don't take advantage of them, and you genuinely care about everyone so I would say yeah they would have a thing for you, and I know for a fact that some of the girls have a thing for you, like Sam, Alex, Clover, Leshawna and Lindsay."

(Y/N): *while groping Jessica's butt*" That makes sense, well I better get ready for tomorrow. Iris and Able are gonna race each other."

Jessica: "Cool, where can I sleep?"

(Y/N): "Wait, sleep? Don't you have your own house? You can enter and exit my reality through the closet in the bathroom of my apartment."

Jessica: "I can?"

(Y/N): "Don't you remember? Medaka set up an interdimensional portal in the bathroom closet that is a gateway back to your world."

Jessica: "Oh yeah, I forgot about that, sorry I thought I would be sleeping with you."

(Y/N): "It's fine, although if you want to sleep with me it's your call."

Jessica: "Thanks. Hm, I think I'll sleep with ya, let me call my moms and I'll let them know."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Jessica then pulls out her phone and calls her moms.

Siobhan: *over the phone*"Hello?"

Jessica: "Hey mama Siobhan, remember that nice guy I've been telling you about?"

Siobhan: *over the phone*"Oh the nice gentleman in uniform? You are so lucky to have a man like him, sweetheart."

Jessica: "I'm gonna be staying with him, is that okay with you two?"

Siobhan: *over the phone*"It's okay, but remember to take birth control."

Jessica: *Blushes* "Mama!"

Siobhan: *over the phone*"Sorry sweetie but when I met your mother we were going at it after our first date, it's a good thing I took those pills otherwise I would have been pregnant with twins."

Jessica: "Mama, he's not that kind of guy, he doesn't watch porn or hentai like some perverted freak. He watches documentaries about history, science, and how different snacks are made. Plus, he's autistic."

Siobhan: *Over the phone* "Oh yeah, that reminds me, my high school crush was autistic herself and we made out with each other for awhile and then we-"

Jessica: "Mama!"

Siobhan: *over the phone*"Sorry, and to answer your earlier question, it's okay to stay at his place but remember sweetie, get to bed at 10pm, nothing with sugar before bed, no scary movies, and don't eat cabbage before bed or you will gas up your boyfriend's home like last time at our house."

Jessica: *Blushing and embarrassed* "Mama, he's right next to me."

(Y/N): "Wait, cabbages make you fart? Also-"*speaks into Jessica's phone*"I have an emergency gas mask just in case she eats cabbage."

Siobhan: *over the phone* "Good to be prepared."

Jessica: *blushes bright red in embarrassment*"Ugh! Mama!"

Siobhan: *over the phone*"Sorry hun, remember be safe and don't have any early babies." *Hangs up*

Jessica: *Sighs* "I am so sorry about my mama, she really needs to know how to stop talking."

(Y/N): "It's okay, also I have to ask, and don't be offended but is one of your moms trans or were you born via sperm donation?"

Jessica: "Okay I'm not offended and to answer your second question my mama Siobhan is my futa-mother and mama Angela is my girl mother."

(Y/N): "Oh neat, we don't have futanari in my universe and you have 2 moms and I have 1. Well I used to have 1 mom."

Jessica: *Realizes* "Ohh I... I'm sorry for your loss."

(Y/N): "And I lost my dad."

Jessica: "Yikes sorry to hear that."

(Y/N): "It's fine, my brother Gary killed them when we tried to reveal his crimes to the court and he killed mom and dad right in front of me and Kendyl. And the worst part of it is that he enjoyed killing them, that's why me and Kendyl had to make a run for it and we work in different branches of the Foundation."

Jessica: *Hugs you* "That's awful, I'm sorry to hear that."

(Y/N): "It's fine, knowing my brother he would do whatever it takes to get what he wants even if it means lifting the veil of secrecy that the Foundation, the Surgency, and other groups of interest worked so hard to maintain."

Jessica: "Yikes, that's horrible."

(Y/N): "Luckily I turned him into a pattern screamer so that he won't hurt anyone."

Jessica: "That's a relief, by the way you think it's possible for a girl who was born from a futa-mom and regular mom to be futa?"

(Y/N): "Hm, I guess it depends on if you inherit the gene from your mother's side of the family then you could be a futa, or you could be a late bloomer or being a futa might be a recessive trait."

Jessica: "Gotcha, I mean I don't want to be a futa I was just curious, because I don't think I could handle being futa since they have a large sex drive."

(Y/N): "That is true, imagine your life as a futa."

Jessica: "I'd probably do it to all my friends and I would be the futa-mother of a child from each of my friends."

(Y/N): "Yeah and you would be a teen mom, which your moms won't be so happy about, I mean maybe happy and mad at the same time."

Jessica: "Sheesh, they really wanted me to have grandkids."

(Y/N): "It could be worse, you might get yourself pregnant with your own sperm."

Jessica then imagines herself getting pregnant by her own sperm and then shivers in discomfort.

Jessica: "That would be uncomfortable, and more importantly doesn't seem physically possible."

(Y/N): "Not with that attitude."

Jessica: "But the average... phallus isn't even that long, they only do that in hentais."

(Y/N): "How do you know that?"

Jessica: "I....watched some hentais."

(Y/N): "Let me guess you need something to help you rub one off?"

Jessica: "Yes."

(Y/N): "Well I'll ask your mom then."*calls Siobhan*"Hey Mrs. Cruz, I have a question for ya."

Siobhan: *over the phone*"Yes?"

(Y/N): "Is it possible to use your own sperm to impregnate yourself?"

Siobhan: *over the phone*"Oh don't be silly, of course we can. Well it was back in my sleepover and my gal pals dared me to put my own penis into my own pussy and it felt amazing."

Jessica: *blushes bright red*"You seriously tried that on a dare?!"

Siobhan: *over the phone* "In my defense, I did it because it was a dare and Idid cum into my own pussy but I was on birth control just in case. And I've been doing that ever since whenever your mother was busy."

Jessica: *Blushes* "Mama!"

Siobhan: *over the phone*"Oh come now you would do the same sweetheart if you had your own penis."

Jessica: *blushes*"Point....taken..."

Siobhan: *over the phone*" Anyways, have fun kids and remember no early babies. Bye sweeties."

Siobhan then hangs up as you see Jessica blushing a bit.

Jessica: "I hope you're happy with your answer."

(Y/N): "I am, now let's get to bed."

We see you and Jessica head to bed and we see both of you go to bed at the same time. The next day we see you in a room with Iris and Able.

(Y/N): "Iris and Able, thank you for coming here today."

Iris: "We had no choice."

(Y/N): "Noted, anyways we have a contest for both of you, we set up a series of 20 switches that are a mile apart from each other."*points to the switch in the other room*"That switch is the final one, first one to get all the switches wins."

Able: "Child's play, there's no point in this competition considering the child has no means of competing with me."

Iris: "Hey!"

(Y/N): "Don't count her out just yet Able, she might beat you. Alright everyone, on your mark get set go!"

We then see Able run out of the room as Iris pulls out her camera and then takes pictures of the switches and then she puts the pictures on the table and then she flips all of the switches in the pictures.

Iris: "I win."

(Y/N): "Nice Able got 3 and you got 17."

Sometime later, we see Able and Iris shaking hands with each other and you see them getting along.

(Y/N): "I guess brains beat brawn again Able."

Able: "You have bested me child, I'm impressed."

(Y/N): "See, I told you she can beat ya."

Able: "I underestimated her, she is now part of Pandora's Box."

(Y/N): "Congrats on the promotion Iris."

Iris: "Thanks man."

(Y/N): *to Able*"Now I know that Iris isn't the deadliest SCP around but she has heart, so keep her safe."

Able: "Of course."

(Y/N): "Also I forgot to mention she will be in charge of the button that activates your explosive collar."*hands Iris*"Here you go."

Able: "You cannot be serious."

Iris: "Teehee."

Later, we see Able at a Wendy's and he's at the counter.

Able: "Listen to me you worthless human!"

Employee: "Sir this is a Wendy's restaurant, inside voices please. You said 2 chocolate frosties and some chicken nuggets, anything else?"

Iris: "Nope, just those."

Employee: "Okay we'll have them ready in a few minutes."

Able: "This is demeaning."

Next: Chapter 51: SCP-2535 "Printers that Eat and Eaters that Print"

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