Chapter 51: SCP-2535 ''Printers that Eat and Eaters that Print''

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Here we see you in a building adjacent to SCP-2535 which is a Hewlett-Packard branch office building in Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou, China watching for anyone who comes into the building as we see Shego eating a bag of potato chips.

Shego: "Why are we watching a building owned by a company that makes office supplies? In China."

(Y/N): "You will see and find out."*sees the light ding*"Welp time to clean up."

Shego: "Clean up what?"

(Y/N): "You'll see."

Later, we see you and Shego enter SCP-2535 and she sees numerous USB sockets on the walls and then sees electrical cables covered in optic nerves.

Shego: "Oh my gosh..."

(Y/N): "I know, the place reeks of sulfur and Ozone."

Shego: "Were there people here?"

(Y/N): "Of course, follow me to meet the Branch Manager."

You and Shego head to the bathroom and you both see a man with his head stuck inside the feed tray of a printer and is moving around like he's in pain.

Shego: "How can someone fit his head in that?!"

(Y/N): "Poor Mr. Pingping, that's how printers get ya. Come along."

You and Shego then head to the Employee's pantry and see a man named James Gu Yongsun secured on the wall with 92 USB cables with a HP Deskjet all in one printer secured on his lower jaw by 5 USB cables and see a ink cartridge on the man's throat attached to actuating unit.

Shego: "Does that run out of ink?"

(Y/N): "It's been pumping ink for a year and hasn't run out."

Shego: "Woah..."

(Y/N): "Let's head to the human resources."

You and Shego then head to human resources and SHego sees a woman named Angel Li Huimin the head of human resources secured on the wall with 89 usb cables with another cable inserted into her abdomen as Shego sees the woman vomit out a stream of thermal receipt paper from her mouth.

(Y/N): "This one went from head of the human resources department into a human resource."

Shego: ".........not...a.....good..........joke...."

(Y/N): "I thought I lightened the mood."*sees there's a lot of receipt on the floor*"Come on, let's clean up the receipt stream."

You then rip off the receipt from the woman's mouth as the thermal receipt paper keeps coming out of the woman's mouth.

Shego: "Is that thing gonna run out of paper and ink?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Shego: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, it keeps printing and printing from the human resource. Eh get it?"

Shego: "Not really." *realizes*"Oh she used to be the head of human resources and now she is the human resource, I get it now."

(Y/N): "Welp onto the next one."

We see you and Shego clean up the receipt thermal paper and then leave the room and then head to another room with a water cooler and a Shego then sees Wang Liang on the wall with 37 USB cables keeping him on the wall and she sees 12 HP Scanjet 200 scanners in continuous operation and she can hear the poor man screaming constantly.

Shego: "Woah, okay what's with him?"

(Y/N): "That's Wang, he used to be the head of the IT department until this happened and now a printer prints out this."

You then grab a sheet of paper that is not paper but rather human skin that is in the same skin tone as Wang's skin as you gave it to Shego and she was horrified to see it.

Shego: "Jeez that's awful! How is he still alive?!"

(Y/N): "We don't know, now grab the rest."

Shego: "Alright."*sees 400 sheets of Wang's skin coming out of the printer* "Oh boy."

Shego then grabs the sheets of skin and puts them in a trash bag, and then she sees the printer print out more of the poor man's skin.

Shego: "This is all kinds of wrong."

After gathering all the sheets, she then follows you to the Branch Manager's office and she sees you with Chen Youpang who is inside of a HP Laserjet Pro 500 printer as she sees only the head of the poor man while the rest of the body is in the paper tray and backup paper try of the printer.

(Y/N): "Man this poor guy is in this printer that is printing out copies of the Diagnostic page and repair manual for printers."*grabs the sheets of paper*"Welp, the place is clean."

Shego: "Yeah, so what exactly do we do with these people papers? Recycle or throw them away?"

(Y/N): "We throw them away of course."

Shego then takes the papers and then put them into the trash bag along with the receipt and skin paper as she then head down the halls next to a janitor's closet where we see Shego hear something printing and then she opens the door and then sees a printer covered in human teeth marks, corrosion, and chemical damage from bleach and she sees it trying to print out a 91 page document on it that is in a paper jam and sees blood coming out of the printer. You then went to Shego and you saw her watching the printer trying to print.

(Y/N): "The blood came from the creative consultant named Yan Shaoxia and she was reported missing on the same day as the others. We told their friends and family are dead."

Shego: "Why?"

(Y/N): "It's better than them knowing they're like..........this."

Shego: "Make sense."

Sometime later, we see Shego trying to process what she saw in SCP-2535 as we see Kim walk by and see her.

Kim: *to Shego* "What happened to you?"

Shego: "I can never unsee what I just saw or see Hewlett Packard the same way again."

Kim: "The office supply company?"

Shego: "Yeah....."

Kim: "Yikes, do I even want to know?"

Shego: "Probably best you don't know."

We then see you walk in with a lunch box and you then sit down with Shego.

(Y/N): "Man cleaning up a building filled with HP employees that were given fates worse than death gave me quite an appetite. Cleaning up receipts, skin paper, and paper paper from a bunch of poor souls really get ya."

Shego: "Yeah, it really works up an appetite."

Kim: "What happened there?"

(Y/N): "I'll tell ya."

One explanation later

Kim: "They were what?!"

(Y/N): "The good news is that their families and friends were told that they're dead and we can clean up after those people."

Shego: "How is that good news?!"

(Y/N): "It's better than them knowing that they suffered fates worse than death."

Kim: "Why did you say that like it's a normal thing to say?"

Shego: "He's autistic remember?"

Kim: *Remembers* "Oh yeah."

(Y/N): "And it's our job to know secrets that the world cannot know and if they know the they would go into a panic about a giant omnicidal lizard, rampaging demigods, a talking nuclear bomb, or even a alien ship in Jupiter's Red Spot."

Kim: "Right."

(Y/N): "And because normal people wouldn't comprehend the things that we comprehend."

Kim: "Like how can anyone comprehend how much weight Shego has gained?"

Shego: "Hey!"

(Y/N): "You know from all the intense training Able puts the Pandora's box team through muscle can be added weight."

Shego: "Meaning?"

(Y/N): "It means you got gains."

Shego: "Oh."

Kim: "lAnd yet you got a little chubby Shego."

Shego: "Hey!"

(Y/N): "Well you're not as thin as a twig yourself Kim Possible."

Kim: "What do you mean?"

Shego: "Your bubble butt has gotten bubblier."

Kim: "What?! It can't be that big!" *Brief pause* "Is it?"

Shego: "Only one way to find out." *Spanks Kim's butt*

Kim: *After being spanked* "Eep! Watch it!"

Shego: "Yep, it definitely got bubblier and besides hasn't your boyfriend ever done that before?"

Kim: "Uh, no Ron is too skittish to do that."*gets spanked by you*"Eep!"

(Y/N): "I just don't overthink it."

Kim: *Rubs her butt* "Okay seriously? Is my tush that interesting? It has to be spanked?"

Shego: "Have you ever been spanked before?"

Kim: "No, I mean not unless if you count-'*remembers*"-wait no that never happened."

(Y/N): "What?"

Kim: "I was gonna say I was spanked by my dad for a bad thing I did when I was a kid but I just realized I never did anything bad when I was a kid."

(Y/N): "Huh, sounds to me you were never spanked."

Shego: "Seriously?"

Kim: "Seriously."

Shego: "Well I did hear that Jessica's tush could be on par with your bubble butt."

Kim: "Jessica, the green lantern girl right?"

Shego: "Yeah, her butt made the couch shake from what I heard."

(Y/N): "And it's occasionally mistaken for a couch cushion."

Kim: "You touched her butt thinking it was a couch cushion right?"

(Y/N): "Yep. Has that ever happened to you?"

Kim: "Hm, my mom thought I was sitting on a cushion."


Here we see Kim at home sitting in the living room as we see Ann come in and she sees Kim.

Ann: "Hey Kim, why are you sitting on a cushion?"

Kim: "Um, mom I'm not sitting on a couch cushion."

Ann looked over to see Kim was right.

Ann: "Oh I... sorry dear, guess I must have mistaken your bubble butt for a couch cushion."

Kim: *Blushes a bit* "W-what? My butt can't be classified as a couch cushion, can it?"

Ann: "Uh well, I think you've gotten that from me Kimmy."

End of flashback

Kim: "I knew that would come back to haunt me."

Shego: "Wait so you got your butt, from your brain surgeon mom?"

Kim: "I guess I did, I never thought I'd get it from her but I did, and I can't believe someone would mistake my butt for a cushion."

(Y/N): "It does make sense considering she looks like you but with different hair and is taller than you."

Kim: "Huh, good point."

(Y/N): "Speaking of your mom, is it okay if we have her part of the Foundation too as our neurosurgeon?"

Kim: "Oh sure."

(Y/N): "Thanks, I'll head to her house and tell her the great news. I'll bring Markiplier along."

Kim: "Can I come along, I haven't seen my folks ever since my high school graduation."

(Y/N): "Sure, I think you're overdue for a family reunion, what about you Shego? Wanna see Drakken again?"

Shego: "Uh, no, not really, cause I got training to do with Able. Priorities dude."

(Y/N): "Alright, suit yourself."

We later see you, Markiplier, and Kim head to the Possible Family house and park in their driveway and then you knock on the door.

Ann: *Opens the door* "Yes who's -" *sees Kim* "Kim?"

Kim: "Hi mom, I'm home."

Ann: *Hugs Kim* "Oh it's good to see you Kimmy!"*sees you and Markiplier*"And who are these fine gentlemen? Friends from work?"

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) Cranston and this is Markiplier, we're from the-"*looks around and sees no one around*"-SCP Foundation."

Ann: "Oh how nice." *Whispers to Kim* "Is one of them your boyfriend?"

Kim: *Blushes a bit* "Mom please, not the time or the place."

Ann: "Of course, please come on in."

You and the others head into the house and you see how nice it is.

(Y/N): "Nice home Mrs. Possible."

Ann: "I didn't have time to prepare anything so have a seat on the couch, I'll get some snacks for you and your friends."*to you*"Oh and no need for formalities, please call me Ann."

(Y/N): "Alright ma'am err I mean, Ann."

Markiplier: "So you're a brain doctor, what's that like?"

Ann: " Oh you know, just opening up people's skulls, seeing what's going on in them and try to fix them and remove some brain tumors."

Markiplier: "Huh, neat."

Kim: "So where's dad?"

(Y/N): "Yeah we do need the rocket scientist in our organization along with the best neurosurgeon such as yourself."

Ann: "Oh he's at the space center making another satellite for Jupiter so he can take a look at it."

(Y/N): "Well when he comes back, tell him the Foundation needs his expertise."

Ann: "I'll tell him when he gets here."

(Y/N): "Good and Ann, you are hand picked by the Foundation to be a neurosurgeon due to your expertise and experience in the field."

Ann: "Well I'm honored, so what do you do?"

(Y/N): "Well it's our job to maintain the secrecy of the Anomalous World."

Ann: "Like zombies and ghosts?"

(Y/N): "Those are only two of many things we deal with on a daily basis."

Ann: "Will the creatures you bring in have bodies that normal humans don't have?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Ann: "Okay then."

???(Bonnie): "Hey Mrs. Possible I finished washing the laundry is there anything I can-"

Everyone looked to see it was someone Kim was all too familiar with.

Kim: "Bonnie?"

Bonnie: "Kim?"

Kim and Bonnie: "What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "You know her?"

Kim: "Yeah, unfortunately, (Y/N) this is Bonnie."

Bonnie: *Sees you* "Do I...know you from somewhere?"

(Y/N): "I have one of those faces."

Bonnie: "Hm alright." *To Kim* "Hey... Kim, nice to see you again."

Kim: "Yeah... uh, what are you doing here?"

Bonnie: "My sisters are visiting my mom and you can imagine how that goes."

Kim: "Oh gotcha, wait I thought you would have been with Senior Senior Junior?"

Bonnie looked down, actually a bit sad and annoyed.

Bonnie: "I actually dumped Junior, apparently being a popstar is more important than me."

Kim: "Oh uh, sorry to hear that."

Bonnie: "Yeah and there's something I've been wanting to say since you and Stoppable drove off into the night at the beach. Uh.... I'm sorry that I've been a huge jerk back in highschool, you were so much better than me and well I was kind of jealous of you."

Kim: "Oh."

(Y/N): "It's kinda easy to feel jealous of Kim because of her line of work as a world class spy."

???: "Hey sis, time for you to go home."

You and the others then see Bonnie's sisters Connie and Lonnie come into the room and they see you, Markiplier, and Kim.

Markiplier: "I'm guessing those two are your sisters?"

Bonnie: "Yep, Connie and Lonnie, my two, older sisters."

(Y/N): "Ladies, please exit the premises, you have no business here."

Connie: "Who's the boy scout, your loser boyfriend Bonnie?"

(Y/N): "Ladies please leave immediately before I have to use lethal force."

Lonnie: "Oh please like you would actually hit us hotties."

Markiplier: "Wait, you two are women?"

Bonnie and Kim tried to suppress their laughter but failed as they laughed at what Markiplier said as you then placed a hand on the gun in your holster.

(Y/N): "Last warning, leave the premises."

Bonnie: "You heard him."

Connie and Lonnie then reluctantly left, leaving you and the others.

Bonnie: "Sorry about my sisters."

(Y/N): "It's alright, I know what it's like to deal with bad siblings. They're tamed compared to my brother, he killed my parents and tried to kill me and my sister."

Bonnie: "Yikes, I thought my sisters were evil but your brother is a monster."

Kim: "And my brothers may be troublemakers but they didn't kill anyone."

Bonnie: "Other than your social rep."

Kim: "That too, but I'm over it."

Bonnie: *to Kim* "So uh, is your buddy seeing anyone or is he in an open relationship?"

Kim: "Bonnie, you do not need to go down that road, take it from me there are some things that can't be unseen."

Bonnie: "Is it his tiny wiener?"

(Y/N): "My what?"

Ann: "Kimmy, Bonnie, both of you should be friends now, plus if you think about it you two have a lot in common."

Bonnie and Kim: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "Well for one you two have annoying siblings and are good at a lot of things."

Bonnie: "That is true, plus I did have fun when me and Kim were stuck together, until we were captured by that Demented guy."

Kim: "Demenetor."

Bonnie: "Yeah him."

(Y/N): "Well you can have an internship at Kim's job and be her intern."

Bonnie: "Awesome, but are you-"

(Y/N): "Yes I'm in an open relationship to answer your question."

Bonnie: *hugs your arm* "Nice." *Sees Kim's look* "Give me a break, I had a dry spell."

Ann: "It's true, she went through a lot of ice cream and chocolate."

Kim looked over to see the garbage can was full of empty boxes of chocolate and ice cream.

Kim: "Yikes, okay Bonnie you can date him."

Bonnie: "Yay!" *to Kim* "So do you know how big he is?"

Kim: *Blushes* "Bonnie!" *Brief pause and whisper* "I guessed 10 inches."

Bonnie: *Whispers back* "More like 10.5."

Kim: *Whispers back* "He can't be that big."

(Y/N): "Well it looks like they're bonding."

Ann: "Yeah, it's so nice to see those two being friendly with one another."

Later on, at your apartment, we see you reading about Mount Everest at home as we see Kim and Bonnie talking and catching up.

Kim: "So who's the new cheer captain?"

Bonnie: "Well some girl who is dressed up like a Gyaru girl."

Kim: "What now?"

Bonnie: "Gyaru, it's an anime thing." *Sees Kim's confused look* *sighs* "Okay in short, it's a girl who has blond hair, tan skin, and dresses in revealing fashion."

Kim: "Oh gotcha."

Bonnie: "You should really watch more anime."

Kim: "Yeah, who is she?"

Bonnie: "A new transfer student from Japan, her name is Kyouka Shiraishi, and she's very... endowed."

Kim: "How endowed are we talking?"

Bonnie: "K. Cups."

Kim: "...What?!"

(Y/N): "Keep it down, I'm trying to learn about Mount Everest in case I'm assigned there."

Bonnie and Kim: "Sorry."

Kim: *Whispers* "She's that big?"

Bonnie: "Yep, she moved to Middleton to rethink some decisions she made in her old life."

Kim: "Like what?"

Bonnie whispered in Kim's ear as she was shocked to hear what Kyouka went through and did.

Kim: *Whispers* "Yikes, she did that?"

Bonnie: *Whispers* "Yep, and I actually feel bad for her, no one should ever do that, even I wouldn't do that."

Kim: *Whispers* "Yeah, I bet she needs a real boyfriend and not some guy trying to do you know what."

Bonnie: *Whispers* "True, and (Y/N) is the definite guy, although that is his choice and his girlfriend's choice."

Kim: *Whispers* "Right."

Bonnie: "Hey (Y/N), can we ask you something?"

(Y/N): "Sure what is it?"

Bonnie: "There's this girl at school and she is rethinking her choices and-"

You then hear the phone ringing and you answer it.

(Y/N): "Yes? I'm on it, Dr. Bright."*hangs up*"We have a series of serial murders in Middleton and the police called us to investigate."

Kim and Bonnie: "Oh boy."

Next: Chapter 52: SCP-617 "Pet Rocks"

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