Chapter 52: SCP-617 ''Pet Rocks''

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Here we see you and a group of field agents arrive in Middleton and you all head to the house and you all head into it and you and Markiplier then see a lot of scraps of food both store bought and homemade all over the floor.

Bonnie: *Peeks through* "Geez did a food fight happen here?"

Kim: "What kind of serial killer eats all of this food and leaves scraps everywhere?"

Bonnie: "One with no manners that's for sure."

(Y/N): "Or probably someone who is morbidly obese."

???: "Feed me."

Everyone looked around to follow the source of that sound and you all see a rock with a zipper on it sitting next to a human skeleton with all the bones picked clean of it's meat.

Bonnie: *stands back* "What the heck is that thing?!"

(Y/N): "That would be SCP-617, seems like our friend here figured out the hard way that 617 makes people feed it food and themselves to our little Pet Rock. And to stop its feeding frenzy."

Pet Rock: "Feed-"*have it's mouth zipped up by Bonnie* "Mmm!"

(Y/N): "Is to zip their mouths up."

Kim: "Wow, nice job Bonnie."

Bonnie: "Thanks."

(Y/N): "But how did you know that to stop 617's feeding frenzy was to zip up it's mouth?"

Bonnie: "It seemed kind of obvious, plus that thing is creepy."

Kim: "I prefer googly eyes over zipper mouths anyday."

Bonnie: "Same here."

Sometime later, we see field agents gathering up all the evidence from the crime scene as we see a woman who is dressed like a Gyaru walk by and see the crime scene and she comes closer to the area as you then stop her.

(Y/N): "Ma'am, this is a crime scene. Authorized personnel only."

Kyouka: "Hey let me through, I wanna see."

(Y/N): "Ma'am please, leave the crime scene."

Kyouka: "Officer please, I live there."

(Y/N): "So you live with a man named James Cameron?"

Kyouka: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Well he's dead, the killer picked the meat off of his bones and reduced him to a skeleton, sorry for your loss."

Kyouka: "But, I just moved to Middleton and I don't own a house here. I was staying with him until I found a house and he's my real estate agent. Where am I gonna stay now?"

(Y/N): "Don't worry ma'am, there is a nice hotel not far from here."

Bonnie: "Or she could stay with me at Kim's house."

(Y/N): "Wait, don't you have your own house."

Bonnie: "Sisters."

(Y/N): "Oh right."

Kyouka: *Sees Bonnie* '"Why is she here?"

(Y/N): "She's my intern."

Kyouka: "Oh."

(Y/N): "Bonnie, can I talk to you for a second?"

Bonnie: "Oh sure."

With you and Bonnie.

Bonnie: "It's a bad idea isn't it?"

(Y/N): "It's very bad, Kim's parents are giving the Foundation their support for containing anomalies and you are an intern at the Foundation, I don't think they can handle another guest and your friend will see what kind of work we're doing and possibly expose us and cause a broken masquerade scenario"

Bonnie: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "I know you're trying to do the right thing and your heart is in the right place, but you just need to find another place to put her. I know you can't get back to your house because of your sisters, but do you know a place that's safe for her and doesn't lead her to her... past life? And prevent her from lifting the veil of secrecy."

Bonnie: "Hmm, well there's that new all girl's hotel that opened in Middleton, it's super nice there and the prices are fair."

(Y/N): "Great, send her there."

Bonnie: "But what about your place?"

(Y/N): "What?! That's wildly unsafe."

Bonnie: "Well it's better than not having her tell our secrets."

(Y/N): "True, but we have to send her to that all girls hotel, what's the name of that hotel?"

Bonnie: "It's called the Venus Hotel, I'll drive her there."

Sometime later, we see Bonnie arrive and she drops Kyouka off.

Bonnie: "Here it is, you remember what to do Kyouka?"

Kyouka: "Yep, see ya Bonnie."

We then see Kyouka leave the car and head into the hotel and Bonnie then drives off.

Later on, at the Foundation, we see you bring in two more of those Pet Rocks and you place them next to the one the Foundation has.

(Y/N): "There we go little fellas."

You then leave the room and you head out into the hall and you see Bonnie.

(Y/N): "Hey Bonnie, how was Kyouka?"

Bonnie: "I dropped her off and she's at her hotel room, but I know you said we can't tell her about you know what, but can you watch over her, I don't want her to fall back into her old life."

(Y/N): "I'll have field agents keep an eye on her but what was her old life?"

Bonnie whispered it into your ear as you were surprised to hear that.

(Y/N): "Wow, no one should have to be a prostitute, and she was blackmailed too?"

Bonnie: "Yep, and she didn't have a choice, she was short on cash and well, she did what she had to do."

(Y/N): "Yikes, I feel bad for her."

Bonnie: "Say, you brought back more of those creepy Pet Rocks?"

(Y/N): "Yep, and remember to be careful around them, they emit a sound that makes you do what they want you to do like feed them food and eventually feed them you. Make sure you zip up their mouths."

Bonnie: "Noted, anything else I should know about?"

(Y/N): "Well we ran some tests and underneath their rocky exterior is a digestive system that is as functional as a human's digestive system."

Bonnie: "So they eat like people?"

(Y/N): "Well they do eat people when their owner is desperate enough, anyone affected by the sound from SCP-617 will be violent and unpredictable."

Bonnie: "Wow, that's nuts."

(Y/N): "Tell me about it, now then we need to re-contain one of the more Safer SCPs, which is a tattoo of a dragon."

Next: Chapter 53: SCP-021 "Skin Wyrm"

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