Chapter 59: SCP-446 ''Human Mannequin''

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Here we see you heading to a testing room and you see a woman in the room standing in the room with Lindsay and Heather.

Heather: *snaps her fingers in front of the woman's face* "So what's the deal with her?"

(Y/N): "That's SCP-446 and she's a human mannequin."

You then make a touch cue on SCP-446's shoulder and then she holds up her hand in the air.

Heather: "Gah! She's one of those people who disguise themselves as a mannequin to psych people out."

Lindsay: "No she isn't."

(Y/N): "Not even close, she has all the requirements as a living human female, she's been remade into a mannequin by Marshall, Carter, and Dark."

Heather: "So she's like a mannequin with human parts?"

(Y/N): "More like a human turned into a mannequin according to the autopsy report. And if she was faking being a mannequin."*pushes SCP-446 onto the ground*"She would be trying to stay standing up or get up on her own and punch me in the face."

Heather: "Is she dangerous?"

(Y/N): "Well not really, she's a safe class SCP, she's perfectly harmless."

Lindsay: *Puts SCP-446 back on her feet*"What else should we know about her?"

(Y/N): "Well in all of her orifices was a metal plate that we cannot remove, in the mouth, nose, ears, and other orifices."

Heather: "Wait, so she can't like... go to the bathroom?"

(Y/N): "No, they removed her organs and replaced them with metal boxes."

Heather: "Oh that is all kinds of wrong."

(Y/N): "Didn't you read a girl's diary out loud on public TV awhile back? And pantsed her too?"

Heather: "Touche."

Lindsay: "Um, (Y/N), why is she staring at us?"

(Y/N): "Oh she does that sometimes, although during the autopsy she was talking silently which might prove she is still sapient though there was no other conclusive evidence."

Lindsay: "So she can talk and look, but not as well as she did before?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much, she is a mannequin. You girls can play dress up with her."*looks at Heather's and Lindsay's outfits*"She has your size."

Heather: "What about chest size?"

(Y/N): "Well we only do measurements on female anomalies on height and weight but never chest size."

Lindsay: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Because we contain anomalies to study them, not put them into a brothel or a strip club. If we did, Iris wouldn't be in a mobile task force but rather on the receiving end of relieving some dumb as a rock moron jock."

Heather: "Makes sense."

Lindsay: "Yeah, turns out the jocks are not as smart as they think they are."

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure that learning about what child support and intercourse are is not their fortes either cause Iris would be taking care of 5 kids as a single mom."

Lindsay: "Which is why me and Tyler had a mutual break up."

Heather: *Surprised* "I thought you forgot about him again?"

Lindsay: "No I still remember him, he was sweet but he wasn't really my type, and I would just like to point out that I dyed my hair blond."

You and Heather: *slightly surprised* "What?"

(Y/N): "You dyed your hair?"

Lindsay: "Yep."

Heather: "How did I not realize that?"

Lindsay: *sees SCP-446 looking at you and sees a smile on her face*"Why is she looking at you like that?"

(Y/N): *Notices* "I don't know, 446 have never done this before to anyone."

Lindsay: "Even you?"

(Y/N): "Not really, this is my first time meeting her, better report this to the Site Director."

Heather: "What can we do?"

(Y/N): "Play dress up with her, she is a mannequin after all."

You then leave the room as the girls then turn to SCP-446 and come up with some ideas. Sometime later, we see SCP-446's clothes as Lindsay was wearing SCP-446's red dress.

Lindsay: "Well MC&D may be the worst company around, but they do have good taste in fashion."

Courtney B: "Too true, what about the Khaki Barn?"

Lindsay: "Ooh them too."

Heather: *sees a tattoo on SCP-446's back*"Ugh, do they have to tattoo their logo on her like she's property, I mean c'mon, she used to be a person."

Leshawna: "Can't argue with you there, this girl has gone through a lot."

Heather: "Yeah, it's not like that she had a choice to become what she is now."

Lindsay: "Well we can dress her up in some clothes."

We then see a montage of SCP-446 going through some clothing changes, some good, some not so good, and some only not fitting her. Meanwhile with you, we see you talking to the Site Director along with Dr. Patience and Dr. Gears.

(Y/N): "That's what happened, she was looking at me and smiling at me."

Dr. Patience: "I see, hmm, I think that SCP-446 making that expression while looking at you does confirm that she has some remnants of herself before she became the human mannequin."

(Y/N): "So she's not entirely the human mannequin she is now."

Dr. Gears: "Exactly, if she has some semblance of her humanity left in her."

(Y/N): "She caused a ruckus when she was wearing the D-Class uniform, talked silently during her autopsy, and now she's smiling at me when I'm in the room."

Dr. Gears: "Then it is true, she has some semblance of humanity in her."

Dr. Patience: "Yeah she does."

(Y/N): "So what do we do?"

Dr. Patience: "We could update her file, since it's incredibly sparse for a really long time."

(Y/N): "In light of the new evidence, Mya should be treated like a person now."

Dr. Gears: "Mya?"

(Y/N): "That's going to be her name."

Dr. Gears: "Right, you prefer to use their real names rather than their designation."

(Y/N): "That's right, I wonder what the girls are up to with her."

Meanwhile with the girls, we see Mya in Leshawna's clothes and Leshawna was wearing Mya's red dress.

Leshawna: "Hm, not bad, these MC&D guys can make clothes that can fit any girl. It feels like I'm not wearing anything at all."

Heather: "Well it does fit you."

Leshawna: "Whatever supernatural fabric they use to make this dress, it's working with me."

(Y/N): *comes into the room*"It's actually fabric made from manticore hair soaked in Unicorn tears and dried under a solar eclipse."

Lindsay: "Why unicorn tears?"

(Y/N): "Because they represent purity and innocence, they force unicorns to watch sad movies to harvest their tears so that they can soak the fabric and they make the fabric on the dress really comfy and elastic."

Leshawna: "No wonder this fits so well."

(Y/N): "Well they don't want their female clients to feel like they're restrained in their clothing so they made this fabric and they say that they're wearing practically nothing when wearing those clothes."

Leshawna: "Too bad we don't have clothes like these."

Lindsay: "Yeah, these clothes would be so nice for people who are a bit top heavy."

Courtney B: "Or for people who have a large butt."

Leshawna: "Amen sister from a white witch mother."

(Y/N): "I wish I could buy some MC&D branded clothing but I don't have the cash to get it."

Heather: "Don't you get paid for your job?"

(Y/N): "Yeah but the prices from Marshal, Carter, and Dark these days, it would destroy my wallet and my bank account. You have to be a 1st class citizen to buy something from those guys."

Lindsay: "That makes sense, I mean with what their clothes are made of it's gotta be expensive."

(Y/N): "Yeah, anyway I'm gonna go check on Kyouka."

Lindsay: "Okay."

We later see you at the Tenderloins and you see Kyouka pole dancing as the lesbians in the club were excited as you head to the stage and take a seat.

(Y/N): "Hey Kyouka."

Kyouka: *Sees you* "Hey (Y/N)."*does a pivot turn and poses upside down with the pole between her butt cheeks*"It's been awhile, how have you been?"

(Y/N): "Doing great, so how is your new job?"

Kyouka: "Amazing, I'm a big hit in the lesbian community and I've been getting paid well enough to keep the lights on at my house."*slides down from the pole to the floor and moons at you and does a upward split*"And from all the dance lessons from Erotica, Giselle, Persephone, and Catt, plus some exercise and change of clothing I can wear."

(Y/N): "Have you decided to date a lesbian?"

Kyouka: "I never actually dated someone before, plus with what I did back in my old life... I'm not sure if someone wants to date me." *slides up the pole with the bar between her breasts*"Who would want to date a girl who used to bang 400 men for a living?"

(Y/N): "Let's see."*to a lesbian*"Hey she went through a life of blackmail that forced her to bang 400 men for a living and she's trying to get out of that life, would you date her?"

Lesbian: "I don't care what she did in her past, I'm the kind of girl who cares about the things that are happening now. So yeah I would date her."

(Y/N): "I rest my case."

Kyouka: "That was pure coincidence."

(Y/N): *to the lesbians*"If you want to date this girl who used to bang 400 men for a living because she was blackmailed to do it, raise your hand."*Sees the lesbians raise their hands*"That's a lot of hands."

Kyouka: "Well I'm not looking to be in a relationship, not right now at least, plus I did have a thing for my brother, I thought he felt the same way, turns out I was wrong."

(Y/N): "Really?"

Kyouka: "Yeah, he was banged by Leo with a strap-on and it didn't end so well for him, he couldn't sit for weeks and we just remained brother and sister since then."

(Y/N): "You actually had sex with your bro?"

Kyouka: "Yeah I did, it was on his birthday, Erina was gonna do it with him and I didn't want her to and one thing led to another. I was banging him."

(Y/N): "So are you and him...?"

Kyouka: "No, we're not in a relationship, not anymore, we're only brother and sister, that's all, and I'm done with dating for a while."

(Y/N): "Okay, maybe you should see a therapist about the topic of dating."

Kyouka: "I'll get back on the saddle soon, I just need some closure that's all."

(Y/N): "Maybe a therapist might give you some of that closure."

Kyouka: "I guess, don't suppose you know a therapist?" *grinds her butt against the pole*

(Y/N): "Hmm, there is one person I know."

We later see Kyouka talking to Harley Quinn from her universe explaining her life and the bad decisions she made.

Harley: "Okay let me get this straight, you were blackmailed into banging like 300 men to make money and you are trying to get out of the old life and now you're not sure if you should be dating someone cause you had a crush on your brother and banged him which by the way it's gross if you two were blood related but it's kinky if you were adopted siblings. Anyways, that's all?"

Kyouka: " Yeah...that pretty sums it up, you must think that's pretty messed up huh?"

Harley: "Blondy, I've done worse, and take it from me, your brother got off easy, I almost killed my ex like a dozen or so times."

Kyouka: "Why? If he was such a jerk to you, then wouldn't you have killed him by now?"

Harley: "Well yeah, but that would prove that I'm like him in every way and he would have a hold on me, even when he's beyond the grave."

Kyouka: "Can't argue there, uh no offense."

Harley: "None taken."

Kyouka: "So any suggestions on what I'd do to get back on the saddle?"

Harley: "Well if you're swinging one way, find a guy who's not your relative and is not a complete perverted asshole who wants to stick his dick into every orifice in your body, if you're swinging the other way then find a girl who would like you even if you fucked your own brother and if she's a cousin who doesn't have a dong between her legs then incest is wincest, and if you're swinging both ways then both pieces of advice of being straight or gay still apply. Like that guy who brought you to me."

Harley then points to you and Kyouka sees you talking to Poison Ivy.

(Y/N): "So you wanted to make the Earth into your own Garden of Eden by unleashing a plant apocalypse."

P. Ivy: "Yeah the zombie apocalypse if was not part of the plan but it would've worked if Harley didn't took a hit that nearly turned her into a tree."

Harley: "And I'm still picking splinters out of my ass by the way."

P. Ivy: "I said I was sorry hun, how many times should I say it until you forgive me?"

Harley: "I'll let you know. Preferably with some apology sex."

Kyouka: *Glaces at Harley's booty shorts* "Nice shorts."

Harley: "Thanks. You don't think it's like too revealing?"

Kyouka: "No way, it looks great on you."

(Y/N): *to Poison Ivy*"Does she need to wear that everywhere she goes? With her organs exposed and her butt hanging out?"

Harley: "Hey what I wear is fine, it's better than lugging around kevlar clothing."

(Y/N): "My undies are made out of kevlar."

Harley: "Exactly, plus my old outfit made my ass itch like hell."

Kyouka: "Was it a onesie?"

Harley: "Yeah and don't get me started on how I go to the bathroom."

Kyouka: "The little flap in the back? A lot of them have that."

Harley: "That and I had to take off all of my clothes just to take a dump."

P. Ivy: *to you*"And seriously, kevlar underpants?"

(Y/N): "It's not that bad once you get used to it."

P. Ivy: "Yeah, plastic isn't my thing, I'm more of a cotton and leather girl."

Kyouka: "Seriously? The whole outfit?"

Harley: "Yeah, it was fucking nightmare, every time I had to take a dump."

Kyouka: "Wouldn't it be easier to use the flap in the back?"

Harley: "Eh yeah, but I'm not as that flexible back then."

Kyouka: "How flexible were you?"

Harley: "Hehe, ask Ivy."

P. Ivy: *Blushes* "She's very...flexible."

(Y/N): "Let me guess, you test her flexibility by having sex with her?"

P. Ivy: "Yes...."

Harley: "And I'm amazing at it, what about you?"

Kyouka: "Well I wouldn't say I'm flexible cause..." *points to her K-cups* "My boobs, and my butt."

Harley: "Dang, well what you lack in being limber, you make up for it in bulk."

Kyouka: "Heh, thanks it's good for the club, but bad if old guys are trying to go after me."

P. Ivy: "Huh, that's why you prefer showtimes for lesbians, you're trying to get away from any guy that wants to stick their dick in you."

Kyouka: "Yeah."

P. Ivy: "Well if you're up for dating a guy, how about one who has autism?"

Kyouka: "Like who?"

P. Ivy: "How about the guy who wears bullet proof everything who has a toy gun that fires real bullets in his holster."

(Y/N): "She's talking about me."

Kyouka: "Oh, well he is a friend of my boss and he did get me this job, plus my friend visits sometimes and we do have sex."

(Y/N): "Wait you and Bonnie?"

Kyouka: "Yeah, whenever she came over to visit we'd finger each other or eat each other out."

Harley: "Huh, nice."

(Y/N): "Well why do you two do it?"

Kyouka: "Old habits, that and she needed stress relief from some old guy named Barkin, her principal."

Harley: "Why?"

Kyouka: "He's annoying from what she told me."

(Y/N): "I thought she graduated from high school?"

Kyouka: "No, she told me she skipped the last week of school and then got into summer school by Barkin, all because she missed one test."

Harley: " What? That's it? She missed one test and she got summer school."

(Y/N): "I sent her a memo to Barkin that her time in Summer school is over cause we have her promoted at her new job due to her new education plan."

Harley: "Nice, what did he say?"

(Y/N): *sees the reply* "He said he reluctantly accepted the memo."

Harley: "Wait, reluctantly?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, he wants to teach Bonnie about not skipping a test."

P. Ivy: "Wait, so that test never really mattered?"

Harley: "No, everyone knows the last week of school is when they finalize all the grades for classes so I guess that test mattered to him."

(Y/N): "Yeah, from what Kim told me he's a militaristic principal, and teaches every class, plus he's a strict teacher, and sometimes a jerk to Ron."

P. Ivy: "Damn, sounds like my dad."

Harley: "Sounds like a Joker, minus the insane part."

(Y/N): "Yeah, well anyways thanks for the help. We'll be heading out now."

Harley: "Anytime."

Kyouka: "See ya."

Sometime later, in your universe, we see you drop Kyouka off at her house.

(Y/N): "Well hope you feel better now."

Kyouka: "Yeah, I am feeling a bit better now."

(Y/N): "Cool, so you have plans?"

Kyouka: "Hm, well I'm probably gonna rub one out soon and take a nap."

(Y/N): "How many times do you have to rub one out?"

Kyouka: "Whenever I'm bored, or just get the urge to do it, why?"

(Y/N): "Given your history, how often do you rub one off?"

Kyouka: "Hm, mostly on Tuesdays and twice on the weekends."

(Y/N): "I think you should take a break from that, too much masturbating can make you black out."

Kyouka: "I take breaks, I know there's a time and place when to masturbate."

(Y/N): "Okay but you need to cut back, try not to overexert yourself."

Kyouka: "I won't."

(Y/N): "Alright, see ya."

You then head to your car and drive off as we see Kyouka head into her house and then she sits on her couch and thinks of something.

Kyouka: "Maybe I should start dating (Y/N)?"

Kyouka then reaches in between the couch and pulls out a vibrator before remembering what you said.

Kyouka: "Not tonight." *Puts it away* "Not, gonna overexert myself." *grabs the remote* "Guess I watch what's on the tube."

Kyouka then turns on the TV and she sees it's on National Geographic and it has a documentary on Bigfoot.

Kyouka: "Huh, a documentary on Bigfoot, neat."

Next: Chapter 60: SCP-1000 "Bigfoot"

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