Chapter 60: SCP-1000 ''Bigfoot''

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Here we see you and Bonnie in a room and she was glad that you helped Kyouka.

Bonnie: "Thanks for helping Kyouka out the other day."

(Y/N): " Anytime and I gave her amnestics so that she doesn't know that I'm a dimension hopper."

Bonnie: "Makes sense, I don't think she could handle you being a dimension hopper."

(Y/N): "At least her therapy visit didn't go away."

Bonnie: "Yeah, so what are we doing now?"

(Y/N): "We're gonna capture SCP-1000 aka Bigfoot."

Bonnie stopped for a moment and then laughed her butt off but it died down when she saw you weren't joking.

Bonnie: "Ohh, your not joking are you?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Bonnie: "Okay (Y/N), I know you're an anomaly hunter keeping anomalies where they should but, even I know Bigfoot is just a myth and something people made up for tourist traps and other stuff."

(Y/N): "Then we have a file on SCP-1000?"

You then pull out a file from the filing cabinet and you put it on the table and then you open it up and show Bonnie the file.

Bonnie: "So Bigfoot is real?"

(Y/N): "I prefer SCP-1000, but to answer your question, yeah Bigfoot is real."

Bonnie: "Oh my god, Kim is gonna flip when she hears this, wait is she on this mission?"

(Y/N): "Of course, she had the same reaction you had."


Kim was seen laughing her butt off after you explained the mission she looked to see you weren't laughing.

Kim: "You're not kidding are you?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Kim: "Bigfoot isn't real."

You then show Kim the file and then she reads it and she was shocked to see what's in it.

Kim: "What?! But-but-"

(Y/N): "I know it's real, and surprising to you."

Kim: "Can't be any worse than dealing with Monkey Fist."

(Y/N): "Monkey Fist? You mean that guy with the bio-engineered monkey hands and feet?"

Kim: "Yep, that's him."

End of flashback

(Y/N): "And that's what happened."

Bonnie: "Okay so we're capturing Bigfoot then?"

(Y/N): "That's what MTF Zeta-1000 is for."

Bonnie: "That's the team that deals with any Bigfoot related stuff?"

(Y/N): "Yep, we have an eye witness report of one SCP-1000 instance in Canada awhile back."

Bonnie: "Well that is where most Bigfoot sightings were found."

Just then we see Bonnie get a text message from Kyouka.

Bonnie: *Sees the message and reads it* "Just watched the news, people are going nuts because they saw Bigfoot, weird right?" *Replies back* "Yeah super weird, at work right now." *Sends message* *to you* "Sorry Ky, texted me about Bigfoot."

(Y/N): "It's okay, and if she saw it on the news, we need to set up decoys quickly."

Meanwhile with Kyouka, she's watching the news and she sees an update on Bigfoot.

TV: "It seems the Bigfoot in Canada turns out to be a drunken fat man walking around in the woods, yet another hoax on the legend of Bigfoot."

Kyouka: "Aw man, I thought that was real for sure. Ah whatever."

Meanwhile with you and the others, we see you help up a fat italian man due to him drinking a lot of beer.

(Y/N): "Thank you Mr. Mcdougal for the service you gave us."

Jimmy: *Burps* "It was... nothing... what did I do?"

(Y/N): "You got yourself drunk, put on a fur coat, and faked being Bigfoot, but you're too drunk to remember that in the morning."

Jimmy: *Drunk* "Ya got that... McCool."

Bonnie: *Whispers* "Are you sure we should be using this guy? What if he remembers in the morning?"

(Y/N): "Then we give him an amnestic."

Sometime later, we see Jimmy wake up with a really bad hangover.

Jimmy: "Ughh, I'm hung over like fucking crazy. What happened?"

Cheech: "You drank too much and ended up on TV dressed up in a fur coat and a ski mask and people thought you were Bigfoot."

Jimmy: "Ugh, crap, my fucking headache has a headache. Where's the aspirin?"

Cheech: "Gina sold all of it at school."

Jimmy: "Goddammit!"

Meanwhile with you, we see you and the others containing the SCP-1000 instances.

Kim: "Soo, this is Bigfoot?"

Bonnie: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Well that's all of them in the area."*to the MTF soldiers*"Take these things back to base, the girls and I will check on our drunk friend."

MTF Soldier 1: "Yes sir."

You and the others arrive at the Mcdougal household and you knock on the door and a girl in an orange outfit answers it.

(Y/N): "Ma'am, is Jimmy Mcdougal around?"

???(Theresa): "You mean my dad in a fake Bigfoot costume on the news? He's here."

Theresa pointed over to her father Jimmy who was sitting on the couch.

Kim: "Yeesh, how many drinks did he have?"

Theresa: "1 really old unopened bottle of beer."

Jimmy: "It tasted like 60000 beers shoved into one bottle and I was drunk like fucking crazy."

Bonnie: "Yikes, even my sisters couldn't handle that."

Theresa: *Looks at Kim* "Say, you look like that Kim Possible girl that saves the world everyday."

Kim: "Oh uh, I guess I just have one of those faces."

Gina: *comes into the room and sees you*"Who's Captain Jackass here?"

(Y/N): "Watch your tongue missy or you're gonna be in time out."

Gina: *Gulps a bit* "Sorry..."

We then see Gina leave the room as everyone in the household saw it happen and was shocked to see that.

Cheech: "Marone..."

Cookie: "We put her in a straight jacket to put her in time outs but you showed her who's boss."

(Y/N): "All I did was just scold her."

Theresa: "Yeah but the way you did it, you showed her who's in charge."

(Y/N): "I have a little sister at home, and comparing her to my brother, she's a lot more tamed."

Jimmy: "What's that supposed to mean?"

One explanation later.

Jimmy: "WHAT THE FUCK?!!"

Theresa: "That is all kinds of fucked up!!"

Cookie: "Your own brother killed your own mother and father?!"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Petey: "Why would he do that?!"

(Y/N): "That's the thing, he didn't have a reason."

Gina: *comes into the room*"I heard the whole story and I would like to say one thing. THAT FAMILY KILLING JACKASS!!!"

Kim: "Well (Y/N) compared you to his brother."

Gina: "Hey ma ain't so perfect and my pop ratted out the mafia to save Cheech's blabbing ass but you don't see me whacking them."

Bonnie: "Whacking?"

Kim: *Whispers to Bonnie* "She means to kill them."

Bonnie: "Oh."

(Y/N): "Ratted out?"*realizes*"Hey I know you guys, you're the Falcones. They did a documentary on you and it wasn't accurate."

Jimmy: "You watched that too? Ah fuck, now everyone knows."

(Y/N): "Don't worry about the Gambini mafia in your old town, we took care of them."

Meanwhile, in D-Class containment, we see the Gambini mafia in D-Class uniforms and they're in the mess hall eating slop.

Mobster: " So, we welcomed Ted into the mob and then he gassed us and had us locked up in a place even worse than jail."

Mobster 2: "Pretty much."

Monster 3: "That bastard is dead when we find him.'

Back with you.

Cheech: "What happened to them?"

(Y/N): "That's classified information."

Gina: "That's good, this guy can't keep his trap shut."

(Y/N): "That's why you are all here in the first place."

Gina: "Yeah, he never shuts up."

(Y/N): "I see."

Cheech: "Well at least we didn't tell that guy about Jimmy's-"

Jimmy: "Shut the fuck up Cheech!"

Gina: "I will staple your mouth shut old man!"

(Y/N): "Man, you all need therapy."

Petey: "Welcome to my world."

(Y/N): "Well anyways, I came to check up on you sir and you seem to be fine right now."

Jimmy: "Yeah well thanks uh..."

(Y/N): "(Y/N), (Y/N) Cranston."

Theresa: "Ooh, that's a nice name."

Bonnie: *Whispers to Kim* "Is it weird that she sounds like Courtney?"

Kim: *Whispers back* "Right? It's uncanny."

(Y/N): "Well anyways we better get going, we have places to be."

Theresa: "Hey can you give your number, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Oh sure."*hands Theresa your number*"Here ya go."

Theresa: "Great thanks."

Kim: "Good luck everyone."

Later, with you and the girls, we see you putting the SCP-1000.

Bonnie: "How are we still alive, don't these things have a death aura or something?"

(Y/N): "We made that up."

Bonnie: "Oh."

Kim: "Are there any other lies about Bigfoot we should know about just in case?"

(Y/N): "Well they are as smart as us and they were the ones who dominated the Earth before us before we nuked their city and turned them into mindless apes."

Bonnie: "That's a lie right?"

Kim: "Or is that true?"

(Y/N): "It's true, they've been around for 15,000 years, right around the time proto humans existed."

Bonnie: "Wow."

Kim: "Wait, was that during the time of cavemen or after?"

(Y/N): "During, they've evolved alongside us."

Kim: "So that means Bigfoot is the missing link?"

(Y/N): "More like we have a common ancestor."

Bonnie: "Great, so what happened to them?"

(Y/N): "Like I said back in the day, we took their weapons and nuke their home and turned them into mindless apes. But overtime they're getting their smarts back."*pulls out a slip of paper*"This is their way of communicating to us."*reads the paper*"We forgive you, given choice for now, not forever, let us back in."*to the girls*"That was their message to us."

Bonnie: "Wow."

Kim: "So they know what we do, and after all that they still forgive us."

(Y/N): "Well they want to get their world back from us."*to the SCP-1000s*"Sorry fellas, just doing my job, hope we become friends one day."

SCP-1000-1: *Nods*

(Y/N): "Well we better leave now."

Later on, we see you all at the mess hall and Bonnie got texts from Kyouka.

Bonnie: *reads the texts*"The bigfoot sighting turns out to be some drunk fat guy in a fur coat and a ski mask. I really wish that was Bigfoot."

Kim: "Guess she bought the fake news."

Bonnie: "Yeah, she really wants to meet a Bigfoot in real life."

(Y/N): "But she can't know about the foundation, especially Bigfoot, and remember what happened when she tried fighting Madhu and how she got the Skin Wyrm on her?"

Bonnie: "Oh yeah, she definitely can't stand having that awful tattoo on her. But you took it like a champ."

(Y/N): "Yeah, but it hurts like hell, and I had to kiss Kyouka to get the Skin Wyrm off of her."

Kim: "Wouldn't it have been easier to shake her hand?"

(Y/N): "With a cut on our hands, yes but kissing was the best method of transferring 021 from her to me. Still hurts like hell."

Bonnie: "Makes sense I guess, but Kim's right, a handshake with a cut on your hands would be easier but kissing works too."

Kim: "I wonder what Kyouka is up to now."

Meanwhile with Kyouka.

We see her helping Ann with laundry and she was folding some towels.

Ann: Thanks again for helping with the laundry Kyouka."

Kyouka: "Oh it's nothing at all Mrs. Possible. it's the least I could do after all the help you gave me."

Ann: "Well it was a busy day at my new job, so thanks for the help."

Kyouka: "New job? I thought you worked at that hospital."

Ann: "Oh I am a neurosurgeon at a different facility, which I can't tell you about."

Kyouka: "Oh gotcha, working at a top secret military facility and you can't tell anyone."

Ann: "Yeah, that's right."

Back to you.

We see you grabbing some lunch from the mess hall as we see Bonnie and Kim show up too.

Bonnie: "I still can't get over how much Theresa sounds like Courtney."

Kim: "It's uncanny, they sound the same."

(Y/N): "Really? I can't tell the difference."

Bonnie: "They sounded exactly alike."

Courtney: *Coming in* "Who sounded exactly alike?"

Kim: "We met this girl who sounded exactly like you."

Courtney: "Really? Huh, small world."

Bonnie: "It's uncanny, you and her sounded so alike."

(Y/N): "I couldn't tell the difference."

Courtney: "Well anyways, the bigfoot creatures are getting a bit smarter, but other than that they're doing fine."

(Y/N): "That's good to hear."

Courtney: "I still can't believe Bigfoot exists, then again there was a Sasquatch on Camp Wawanakwa."

Bonnie: "There was?"

Courtney: "Yeah, there was."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah I saw that and we put that guy into containment."

Kim: "Was he an anomaly too?"

(Y/N): "That and he's an instance of SCP-1000."

Bonnie: "So he's like a descendant from SCP-1000?"

(Y/N): "No,he is an Instance of SCP-1000, which means they come in colors like we come in colors. They evolve alongside us, remember?"

Girls: "Ooooooh."

Bonnie: "Oh yeah, they have races like we have races."

Kim: "Man I bet they went through the same stuff we went through."

Flashback, when SCP-1000 dominated the planet.

We see two instances of SCP-1000 in the Grand Canyon standing next to each other.

SCP-1000-1: *in Yeren*"Hey."

SCP-1000-2: *in Yeren*"Yeah?"

SCP-1000-1: *in Yeren*"You ever wonder why we're here?"

SCP-1000-2: *in Yeren*"One of life's greatest mysteries isn't it? Why are we here, are we a product of some kind of common coincidence or is there really a god watching everything, you know for the plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, it keeps me up at night."

SCP-1000-1: *in Yeren*".... What? I mean why are we out here in this canyon?"

SCP-1000-2: *in Yeren*"Oh uh yeah."

SCP-1000-1: *in Yeren*"What was all of that stuff about God?"

SCP-1000-2: *In Yeren* " Nothing."

SCP-1000-1: *in Yeren*"Want to talk about it?"

SCP-1000-2: *in Yeren*"No."

SCP-1000-1: *in Yeren*"You sure?"

SCP-1000-2: *in Yeren*"Yeah."

SCP-1000-1: *in Yeren*"Seriously though, why are we out here? As far as I can tell, it's just a boxed canyon in the middle of nowhere. No way in or out."

SCP-1000-2: "Mhmm."

SCP-1000-1: "The only reason why we have a base here is because the Fae set up a base there and the reason why they have a base there is because we have a base here."

SCP-1000-2: "Yeah that's because we're fighting each other."

SCP-1000-1: *in Yeren*"No no, I mean if they pull out today and we took over their base, we would have two bases in the middle of a boxed canyon. Would you fucking do?"

SCP-1000-2: *in Yeren*"What's up with that anyways, I've signed up to fight some humans and then the next thing I know Makhane and Yaldabaoth created Adam and then he made a second kingdom dominating the world and now I'm stuck here fighting a bunch of nameless guys."

Meanwhile on a cliff we see two Faeries watching two SCP-1000s from afar.

Fae-1: "What are they doing?"

Fae-2: "What?"

Fae-1: "I said what are they doing now?"

Fae-2: "Goddamn I'm so sick of answering that question."

Fae-1: "You have the fucking scope, I can't see shit. Don't bitch at me because I'm not going to just sit up here and play with my dick."

Fae-2: "Okay, okay, look... they're just standing there and talking, okay?"*getting angry*"That's all they're doing. That's all they ever do, is just stand there and talk. That's what they were doing last week, that's what they were doing when you asked me five minutes ago. So, five minutes from now, when you ask me, "What are they doing?" my answer is gonna be, "They're still just talking, and they're still just standing there!" "

Both fall silent.

Fae-1: "...What are they talking about?"

Fae 2: "..You know what? I fucking hate you."

End of flashback.

Bonnie: "That's exactly what they might talk about."

Kim: "I thought it would have been something else."

Courtney: "At least they didn't have to deal with bad relationships and a crazy game reality TV show host."

Bonnie: "Bad relationships?"

Courtney: "Yep."

(Y/N): *whispers to Bonnie*

Bonnie: "Oh wow, man you had bad taste for boyfriends."

Courtney: "Tell me about it."

Bonnie: "I thought for sure you and Gwen would be going out."

Courtney: *Blushes* "W-what do you mean me and Gwen?!"

Kim: "Well back in All-Stars, you two almost looked like a cute couple together."

Courtney: *Blushes* "We weren't a couple, I mean just because I think Gwen's hair looks amazing because she double-conditioned it and she said she never let anything happen to my hair. It is touching and nice, but that doesn't mean we weren't a couple."

Bonnie: "You realize that's not helping your case right?"

Courtney: *Blushes* "I wouldn't say I love her makeup and her gothic outfit to her face and I would like to dress up goth to get into her face."

(Y/N): "I'm sure she would like that."

Courtney: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Because she's right behind you."

Kim: *Notices Gwen behind her* "Hey Gwen."

Courtney then turns around and she sees Gwen who was blushing and surprised from what Courtney said.

Courtney: "Uhh.. hey, Gwen..."

Bonnie: *Notices the tension between them* "I thought you two were on good terms?"

Gwen: "We are...sort of, I'm still mad about her making a list of people to eliminate."

Courtney: "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry to you?"

Gwen: "Are you gonna make a list on that too?"

Courtney: "Maybe?"

Kim: "Now you know how Gwen felt when she tried to apologize to you for Duncan kissing her."

Courtney: *Realizes* "Oh... yeah."

Bonnie: "And dude, she didn't steal your boyfriend if he kissed her."

Gwen: "Thank you!"

Courtney: "Okay, okay, you made your point."

You then grab a pen and then toss it into the air as we see it hit a faulty air vent and then it falls apart and knocks Gwen over and makes her fall on Courtney. When Gwen opens her eyes, she sees that she's kissing Courtney on the lips, and when they release they are blushing bright red.

Gwen: "Sorry sorry!"

Courtney: "No, no, it was just a faulty vent and......I kinda liked it..."

Gwen: "Oh... uh, okay."

Courtney then grabs Gwen closer to her and they kiss each other again and then they release.

Gwen: "You think we can make this work?"

Courtney: "I don't see why not."

(Y/N): "And that's how you bring Bisexual lovers together."

Bonnie: "It would have been better if they just talked it out you know."

(Y/N): "Sometimes an accident can work wonders."*to Gwen and Courtney*"If you two are planning on having kids then work from home until you give birth."

Gwen: "We just started dating, weren't not ready for kids yet."

(Y/N): "Then why is Courtney making plans for parenthood?"

Courtney: "No I'm not."

You made a deadpan expression and pointed a binder in her hands that says Parenthood plans.

Courtney: "It's important to be prepared."

Bonnie: "Wait, hang on, how are you two gonna have kids since you're both girls."

Courtney: "Oh yeah, I haven't thought of that."

Kim: *Gets an idea* "Oh hey, what Zee."

Gwen: "The magic girl? She can make one of us pregnant?"

Kim: "Well no, but she does know a spell that can turn a girl into a futa."

Courtney: "A what?"

Gwen: "A shemale."

Courtney: "Ohh, well."

(Y/N): "No way, if the foundation found out that any of you girls have a male part that would be categorized as anomalous, cause Futanaris only exist in fictional media in our universe. If the Foundation discovers that, you all would be going through experiments."

Gwen: "Okay how are shemales and transgenders considered anomalies? They're another gender."

(Y/N): "Because we don't have those in real life, the only way to get trans is through surgical procedures."

Gwen: *Sighs* "Figures, a universe where anything isn't real is considered an anomaly."

(Y/N): "If you're gonna have a baby, get a sperm donor."

Courtney: "Fine..."

(Y/N): "Good."

Gwen: "But why do we have to work from home if either of us are pregnant?"

(Y/N): "You do not want to know."

Courtney: "It makes sense, if one of us is pregnant we have to have at least someone there to help us out."

Gwen: "And if one of us gets into labor?"

Kim: "Then we'll have one of us take you to the hospital."

Everyone then looks at you and you see them looking at you.

(Y/N): "Me?"

Courtney: "Well we are girlfriend and girlfriend but..."

Gwen: "We want to share a boyfriend so that means..."

Kim: "They wanna date you."

Bonnie: "And have a baby in the future with your help since apparently transgenders are considered mythical here."

(Y/N): "Well surgically modified ones yes, but natural born futanari that's an anomaly."

Kim: "Isn't that a bit offensive, just because they're born that way they're considered anomalies?"

(Y/N): "Hey I don't make the rules, I enforce them."

Kim: "Well who makes the rules?"

(Y/N): "The O5 Council, the Ethics Committee, and the Administrator."

Bonnie: "Should we ask them then?"

(Y/N): "No! They have other things to do, you can't get a meeting with them."

Kim: "Okay, we won't."

(Y/N): " I'm sorry but like I said I don't make the rules, I just enforce them. Anyways, I'm gonna head to Site 24, they need me to catch a deranged teddy bear."

Gwen: "What did it do?"

(Y/N): "I'm about to find out."

Next: Chapter 61: SCP-1048 "Builder Bear"

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