Chapter 79: Hazbin Hotel

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We see you and the girls get into the hotel and you ding the bell as we see Vaggie appeared.

Vaggie: "Welcome to the Happy Hotel what are you here f-" *sees you and the girls are human* "Woah!"

Lindsay: "Woah is right, your skin is, like super amazing. What kind of lotion do you use, also love the moth look. It's cute."

Vaggie: "Um, thanks, who are you all and how did you die?" *While pressing a button under the desk*

Lindsay: "Oh we are on a road trip vacation across the multiverse."

(Y/N): "And don't worry about us ma'am, we're from the Foundation but we are off duty right now. And are you pressing a button under the table?"

Vaggie: *Stops* "No?"

Just then we see Charlie come in.

Charlie: "Vaggie, what's going-" *sees you and the girls* "Woah! Humans!"

Gwen: "Ah! Demon!"

(Y/N): "Before you say anything, yes we are from the SCP Foundation and yes we have dealt with demons before and no we're not here to cause trouble because we're on a vacation road trip."

Charlie: "Um, ooh okay, sorry it's just we never really had any humans before, or ever."

Courtney: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Well we came here cause this place had a great Yelp review from a guy named Angel Dust."

Charlie: "Aw, see Vaggie told you Angel was starting to change."

Vaggie: "You were right." *sees you* "But I'm not sure about this guy."

(Y/N): *looks around*"Are you talking about me?"

Courtney: "Now hang on, I can vouch him and (Y/N) is a good guy, plus he isn't a perv."

Gwen: "That and he's autistic."

Vaggie: "Did he have sex with you all before?"

(Y/N): "I did cause I said what do you want to do now and then the next second we are having sex."

Vaggie: "Wait? Hold on, you asked them what they want to do now and they have sex with you?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

Vaggie: *to the girls* "And your sure he didn't drug you or blackmail you? Or your families."

Gwen: "What? No, no he didn't do any of those."

Charlie: "You're gonna have to forgive my girlfriend, she has issues with trusting guys, it's not a sexist thing, it's just she had a complicated life before she died and ended up here."

Courtney: "Oh gotcha."

(Y/N): "Well I did deliver blackmail to rich people to get funding for the SCP Foundation, but I didn't make the blackmail myself. Plus when I lie to people it's to protect them from things like sentient Ais, rampaging gods-"*points to a picture of Lucifer*"This guy."

Charlie: "My dad?"

Vaggie: "Wait, you know Charlie's dad?"

(Y/N): "We have a very cooperative demon and he told us everything about how to contain demons and demon adjacent entities. We call him SCP-4357-J."

Charlie: "SCP-4357-J? Hm, SCP Foundation, where did I hear that name before?"*remembers*"Wait a second, you're the guy who caused trouble for Demon Dan's Discount Homunculus Depot by containing him."

Vaggie: "Wait, that's the guy?!"

(Y/N): "Oh man that takes me back with Mobile Strike Force Kappa-11 the Baphomet Bashers."

Husk: *Comes in* "Shut the fuck up, I'm having a hang over for fuck sake."*sees you*"Who the fuck are you?"

(Y/N): "We're here to check in our rooms."

Husk: *Groans* "Fine."*gives you the keys to your room*"Just get the fuck out of here."

(Y/N): "Thank you."

Lindsay: "He's like one of those grumpy cat memes, but with a more colorful language."

Charlie: "That's Husk, he's grumpy all the time."

(Y/N): "To our room gang."

You and the others head upstairs and you all end up at the penthouse suite and you all set your stuff down.

(Y/N): "Alright gang, what should we do first?"*sees a map*"Hey, a map of Hell."*opens up the map and looks at it*"Man there's a lot of things to do here. We should stay here for 7 days, that's 1 day per ring of hell."

Courtney: "Hm, well which Ring is the most safe?"

S. Beth: "None of them are safe cause it's Hell."

Lindsay: "Gwen?"

Gwen: "Well like Space Beth said none of them are safe, but why don't we start with the one we are in right now?"

Courtney: "Which is..."

Gwen: "The Pride Ring."

(Y/N): "Well let's explore the place."

We later see you all exploring the Pride Ring and we see you walk pass Verosika and her posse as they were at a coffee shop.

(Y/N): "Hey there Ladies, gents, and gender neutral."

Verosika: "Hey."

As you all leave, it took a minute for them to process until they realized that they just talked to humans.

Apple: "Are they...?!"

Coco: "Humans?"

Vortex: *checks his coffee* "What the fuck did they put in this coffee?"

Milky: "Are we high right now?! Please tell me we're not high!"

Kat: "I don't think my shrooms kick in yet."

Verosika: "Okay, everyone we're switching to decaf from now on cause I feel like they drugged people's coffees."

Kat: "Aw man, I didn't take my shrooms yet."

Josh: "I don't think it's the coffee."

Meanwhile with you, we see you and the others walk past a woman with red hair and she's with her entourage.

(Y/N): "Hi there."

Rias: "Hello there."

As you all left, it took a minute for them to realize that they saw humans and they did a spit take and we see Rias choking on a spoon and we see Koneko punch her in the gut to make her spit it out.

Rias: "Thank you."

Koneko: "You're welcome."

Later, we see you all at a taxidermy shop and you look at the statues and we see you standing next to Octavia.

(Y/N): "Man, they really poured a lot of elbow grease into these."

Octavia: "Yeah."

It didn't take long for Octavia to do a double take to see you.

Octavia: "Holy shit! Y-your all human! How are you all here?! And alive!"*looks at the cup of coffee in her hand*"And what the fuck do they put in the coffee?!"

Gwen: "Woah chill, we're just from out of town."

Octavia: "How... How are all here and not dead? That's impossible. I need to go home and call a therapist."

(Y/N): "Yeah we're gonna bounce too, we're just here to browse anyways."

We see you and the others leave the store as Octavia throws her coffee away. Later, we see you and the others walking down the street and you see that the IMP crew are having trouble with their van and Blitzo is trying to fix it.

Blitzo: "Someone give me a wrench 1/10ths in metric?"

You then hand the wrench to Blitzo and he takes it.

(Y/N): "Here you go sir."

Blitzo: "Thanks ma-" *sees you and the girls* "Holy shit!"*looks at his watch*"Did my shrooms kick in just now?!"

(Y/N): "Happy to help sir."

You and the others then leave as the IMP crew were all just as shocked as their boss.

Loona: "Are... are they..."

Millie: "Uh...."

Moxxie: *looks at his coffee and throws it into the trash* "I am switching to tea."

Loona: *Looks at her phone*"Have my shrooms kicked in just now?"

Millie: "I don't think either of us took shrooms."

Meanwhile with Octavia, we see her still in shock as Stolas notices this.

Stolas: "Via, what is the matter dear?"

Octavia: "I need a therapist for today."

Stolas: "Why? Did you see someone having public intercourse?"

Octavia: "Worse than that, I saw... humans. That are.........alive."

Stolas: "That's impossible. The only way mortals can come here if they commit a sin and die."

Octavia: "Well I saw them and they were all alive dad, I'm not making this up, one of them even had a large buttocks."

Meanwhile with you and the girls, Courtney sneezes.

Gwen: "You okay babe?"

Courtney: "I think someone was talking about me and my butt."

You then see Riser's peerage having tea with Riser and you waved to Yubelluna and when she saw you she spit her tea into Riser's face.

Riser: "My eyes!"

We then see you and the others walk by Alastor and both of you look at each other.

Alastor: "Hello there (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "How does it feel being contained by us in the past?"

Alastor: "I have to admit you have me on the ropes my good man, and I see you and your friends are on vacation. Have fun now."

You and the others then see Alastor teleport away as the girls are confused.

Heather: "You know that guy?"

(Y/N): "We contained him in the past and I made a deal with him that if I win in a game of chess, he goes back to Hell and if I lose, he roams free on the living world and I won the game."

Gwen: "Huh neat."

Lindsay: "So, can we go to the other rings?"

(Y/N): "Hm, well Rick says the Hell Pass can allow any human to go to any ring in Hell. So how about tomorrow we go to the Lust Ring?"

Courtney: "Sounds good to me, but are you worried that people might talk about humans being here?"

(Y/N): "I'm sure it'll be fine, besides they might think there's something in the coffee or drugs or whatever."

Meanwhile somewhere else we see Stolas and the sins having a meeting with Stolas explaining what Via saw.

Asmodeus: "Stolas tell me your fucking with us?"

Beelzebub: "Yeah, I think your daughter saw something because of what's in her coffee."

Stolas: "I assure you all it wasn't the coffee, Via saw undead humans, in Hell."

Mammon: "What, like zombies?"

Stolas: "Not that kind of undead you moron, they have a pulse."

Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Mammon: "What?!"

Asmodeus: "Bee, I swear to Lucifer if you did something to the coffee-"

Beelzebub: "Woah woah, don't go blaming me. I didn't do anything to the coffee. How do we know this isn't your doing Oz."

Asmodeus: "And what makes you think that I did something to the coffee?"

Stolas: *Aggravated sigh* "Well this might take awhile."

Later, with you and Alastor, we see you both laughing at the same time as everyone else was shocked to see Alastor fine with this until we see Angel Dust come into the room and sees you with Alastor.

Angel D: "Who's the guy with Alastor?"

Husk: "Those guys go wayback, saying that (Y/N) and his coworkers contained Alastor or whatever the fuck they did."

Angel D: "Huh, neat."

Meanwhile back with Stolas and the sins.

Asmodeus: *To Beelzebub* "Well why don't you take your fat ass and-"

Stolas: "Okay! If everyone cares to listen, we need to make sure that Lucifer doesn't know about the living breathing humans in Hell or we're all utterly fucked."

Beezlabub: *Sighs* "Stolas is right, so any ideas on not telling Big L about the-"

Stolas: "NO! We're not gonna tell him about this."

Mammon: "You can't be bloody serious about this, you have any idea what he'll do to us?"

Asmodeus: "He won't do anything to us if he doesn't know."

Stolas: "So we're all in agreement then?"

The sins looked at each other and then nodded.

Asmodeus: "Yeah."

Beelzebub: "Sounds fine to me."

Everyone waited to hear what Mammon had to say.

Asmodeus: "Mam..."

Mammon: *Aggravated sighs* Okay, okay fine whatever."

Stolas: "Good, and remember no one tell Lucifer about this."

Beezlebub, Asmodeus and Mammon: "Right."

The next day, we see you and the others exploring the Lust Ring

Courtney: *Covers her head* "Is it always this rainy here?"

Gwen: "Well we are above the Envy ring so yeah."

(Y/N): "Man this is a big place, how about we split up this time and meet back at the elevator, sound cool?"

S. Beth: "Yep, I switch my penis to human and I wanna test it out."

Beth S: "Just try not to get laid too much."

S Beth: "Gotcha."

Later on, we see Courtney going around town where she went to a store filled with sex toys.

Courtney: "Wow."

Meanwhile with you, we see you and Lindsay are at a club and you two were in a seat behind Verosika and you see how stressed out she is so you pinch her shoulder and she feels like she calmed down.

Verosika: "Phew thanks for the pinch, I really-" *sees you and Lindsay* "I think that pinch is messing with my eyes, I think I'm hallucinating."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

You and Lindsay then see Fizzoroli on stage and he's making an announcement.

Fizzoroli: "Hello everyone! Welcome to Ozzie's today, and we have a special show for you all! Hit it!"

As the show progresses, we see Verosika slowly realizing that seeing you and Lindsay, humans in the Lust Ring, was not a hallucination.

Verosika: "Oh shit..."

(Y/N): "Something wrong?"

Lindsay: "Is it Fizzoroli's look? Cause it looks like it needs a makeover."

Verosika: "No, you two are humans that are alive, in the Lust ring. Sinners can't travel between rings, how did you get here?"

(Y/N): "We used a Hell Pass to get around Hell."

Verosika: "Wait, that's a thing?"

Lindsay: "Yep, and (Y/N) has it."

Verosika: "Well what are humans doing here?"

(Y/N): "We're on a road trip across the multiverse. And we stopped by the Happy Hotel cause Angel Dust left a great review on it."

Verosika: "Huh, okay then."

Lindsay: "Hey are you that pop star Verosika Mayday?"

Verosika: "Yeah, yeah I am."

(Y/N): "I've been listening to your music with Lindsay and you are very poignant with your lyrics."

Verosika: *Blushes a bit* "Um, thanks." *In her head* "What was that? Did I blush, no one ever made me blush before ever since I dumped Blitzo."

Meanwhile with Courtney, we see her looking around in the shop as she sees a variety of strap ons made by Asmodeus and pills that can turn girls into futas.

Courtney: "Huh, not bad."

Succubus: "Something I can help you with ma'am?"

Courtney: "These pills, can they turn a girl into a futa?"

Succubus: "Well we have a variety of pills that can give you any kind of penis from any animal on Earth and in Hell."

Courtney: "Um, that's nice, but I think I'd rather have a normal human penis."

Succubus: "Oh gotcha not into animal dicks huh, well don't worry, we all have our kinks."

Courtney: "Thanks for understanding." *Hears a vibrator* "Do you have a vibrator in you?"

Succubus: "Yeah, it's part of the job. The lucky employees get to test the products, especially the vibrators~." *Moans* "Oh yeah that's the stuff."

Courtney: "Well if you really wanna shoot like a geyser, try putting the vibrating butt plug inside your butt so you'll get double the pleasure."

Succubus: "Oh my Satan, that is an excellent idea!"*to the manager*"Get Asmodeus on the phone, he needs to hear about this."

Manager: "Yes ma'am."

Courtney: "So you come up with a new kink, you send it up to your boss?"

Succubus: "Asmodeus is the Sin of Lust, it's his job."

Courtney: "Huh neat, well what about fondling a futa's balls? Is that a kink?"

Succubus: "How do you think Futa pills became a thing?"

Courtney: "Fair enough." *Checks the pills* "So are the results different or unpredictable? I mean I want a cock that's large but not too large."

Succubus: "Well if you want a trial run then we can give you a temporary 2 hour trial dick."

Courtney: "Okay then."

Back to you, we see you and Lindsay sitting next to Verosika.

Lindsay: "So in one of your songs, you were talking about having a bad boyfriend right?"

Verosika: "How did you know?"

Lindsay: "A hunch, that and your obvious tattoo of his name is X'ed out."

Verosika: *looks at her tattoo*"Right."

(Y/N): "If you want, I can get you laser tattoo removal."

Verosika: "That'd be nice."

Lindsay: "You wanna talk about it?"

Verosika: "...Well..."

(Y/N): "Talking about it often resolves people's issues in the past."

Verosika: "Hmm, alright I'll talk."

Lindsay: "Yay! I sure hope the others are doing well."

(Y/N): "I'm sure they're fine."

Back with Courtney, we see her sporting a trial run futa cock which was around 10 inches long, 5.5 inches wide and came with a set of balls too.

Courtney: *Eyes her cock* "Ooh, not bad."

Succubus: " Yep, when it comes to penises, Asmodeus never fails to surprise women who love his products."

Courtney: *Strokes her cock* "Mmm, it feels nice too, wanna feel it yourself~?"

Succubus: "Sure~."*strokes Courtney's cock*"Ooh, you have a nice dick, good length, nice girth, and the jewels are quite large too, so wanna give it a test run~?"*points her butt at Courtney*"My treat~."

Courtney: *Smirks* "Don't mind if I do~ hope you like anal~."

Meanwhile with Leshawna, we see her wandering around in the Lust Ring until she sees a poster for free erotic dance lessons.

Leshawna: "Erotic dance lessons? Huh, better check this out."

Leshawna goes into the dance studio and she sees that it's for succubi strippers learning how to be exotic dancers.

Leshawna: "My dancing has been rusty, so a few classes ain't gonna hurt."

Succubus S: *Sees Leshawna* "Oh wow, slow your roll girl, you can't dance here."

Leshawna: "Why, is it because I'm black?"

Succubus S: "What? No, proper attire." *Points to the rules on dress code* "It's the dress code here."

Leshawna: "Ohh heh, right, my bad for assuming."

Succubus S: "It's all good, we provide some exotic dancing attire in the back. We might have some for your size."

Leshawna: "First time teaching a plus size stripper?"

Succubus S: "Well yes actually, let's see what I can do with you." *examines Leshawna* "Hm, sassy, triple D, and a booty as luscious as an apple~."

Succubus S 2: "Ooh, I like her already. Let's teach her how to be a stripper."

Leshawna: "School me baby."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "Man, this Blitzo guy was the worst. Is he that guy with the big horns, white skin on the side of his face, about yay high?"

Verosika: "That's him, fucking prick stole my car and maxed out my credit cards on horse riding lessons!"

Lindsay: "That's so mean of him."

Verosika: "And I do not want to go back to that asshole!"

(Y/N): "Well he might sound like he's a mess nowadays, but he's making up for it."

Verosika: "Yeah right, I know Blitzo, and take it from me, he's one imp that can't be trusted."

Fizzaroli: "Hang on."

Everyone looked to see it was Fizzaroli.

Lindsay: "Fizzaroli, hi."

Fizzaroli: "Yeah hey, look Blitz maybe a screw up but... at least he's doing his best making up for it."

Verosika: "And how would you know that clown boy?"

Fizzaroli: "Because I was there when he caused that fire years ago back when we were in his dad's circus, he said he was sorry, sorry for what I lost, but I didn't know he lost..." *looks away*

It didn't take Verosika long to realize who Blitz lost in that fire years ago.

Verosika: "Oh fuck me...."

(Y/N): "Are you talking to me or Lindsay or Fizzoroli?"

Fizzoroli: "I have a boyfriend."

(Y/N): "Oh then is she talking to me or Lindsay?"

Verosika: "I don't mean literally." *to Fizzaroli* "And is it true?"

Fizzaroli: "The guy was tearing up V, Blitz never cries or swears unless it's serious shit, he even told me he found Barbie and tried to talk to but... that didn't end well."

Verosika: "Woah..."

(Y/N): "Barbie Wire?"

Verosika: "You know her?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah we bumped into her."

Meanwhile with Barbie Wire, we see her tied up in the RV.

Barbie W: *Growls* "Stupid SCP Foundation piece of shit!"

Back to you.

Verosika: "Damn, didn't know you can beat up an Imp, not bad for a human."

Fizzoroli: "Yeah not bad for a-"*realizes*"Wait, you're a human?!"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Fizzoroli: "How are you even here? And not a sinner?"

Lindsay and you: "Hell Pass."

Fizzaroli: "That's a thing?"

Verosika: "Yes apparently it is." *To you* "Weren't there like a few more girls with you?"

(Y/N): "Yeah but we split up to go all over the Lust Ring."

Verosika: "Okay so there are live humans running around Lust."

Lindsay: "Is that bad?"

Verosika: "Take a hint."

Lindsay: "Well I'm sure it won't be bad."

Meanwhile with Courtney, we see her having sex with the succubus and then she cums for the last time as the trial run expires.

Courtney: "Aww man, just when I wanted go for round three."

Succubus: *Pants* "So, ooh what do you think?"

Courtney: "Not bad, I'll take it. How much?"

Succubus: "For you? 10 dollars."

Courtney gives 10 dollars to the succubus as she gave her the permanent pills.

Succubus: "Oh, do you want to get the Futanari Variety Pills? It's a set of pills to give you penises of any animal on Earth."

Courtney: "Thanks for the offer but I'll stick to the normal ones."

Succubus: "Gotcha, have a good fuck session." *Moans* "I know I did~."

Courtney: "I will."

Courtney left the store as the succubus's tail started tingling.

Succubus: "Huh, weird, my tail is tingling. Eh."

Meanwhile with Leshawna, we see her doing some pole dancing and the succubi were impressed by her skills.

Succubus S: "Those are some amazing skills you got there Leshawna."

Leshawna: "Thanks, it's a gift. Like my booty~."

Succubus S 2: "Hehe yep, I bet your boyfriend is a lucky man to have you."

Leshawna: "I sure do. Also, he's not the kind of man who goes for women with big booties like me. He likes women for who they are."

Succubus S: "Ooh nice, it's hard to find guys like him."

Succubus S2: "So how big is he?"

Leshawna: "He's big enough to make a group of women feel pleased and all he does is ask them what they want to do."

Succubus S: "Oh my Satan, he must be great at sex."

Leshawna: "He sure is, also have you girls ever considered throwing some booty shaking in your routines, some people are into the junk in the trunk than the rack."

Succubus S: "Huh, never thought about that, why don't you start with some simple twerking?"

Leshawna: "Sure thing sister."

We then see Leshawna twerking at the Succubi strippers as they all watched in awe by the sight of Leshawna's booty shaking.

Meanwhile with Heather, we see her at a strip club and it was actually a lesbian strip club.

Heather: "Who knew this place has a strip club for everyone."

???: "They sure do."

Heather sees Space Beth with a bunch of succubi.

S. Beth: "These gals really like all kinds of dicks I have in store for them. They are really into animal dicks."

Heather: "Why animal dicks?"

L. Succubus: "We're tired of human dicks so we give animal dicks a try."

Heather: "Oh..."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "I bet they're okay right now."

Lindsay: "Yeah."

Verosika: "This is the Lust Ring were talking about, the most having sex here is like a casual thing, but I hope you are right on that."

(Y/N): "Don't worry, Unity is their chaperone."

Verosika: "Who's Unity?"

You then point to a succubus who is under Unity's control right now.

Uenity: *waves the succubus' hand a Verosika**while controlling the succubus*"Hello Verosika."

(Y/N): "She's a Hivemind."

Verosika: "Damn, I never saw a hivemind before."

(Y/N): "Yep, and she's one of Rick's exs."

Verosika: "Rick Sanchez?"

Lindsay: "You know him?"

Verosika: "He put Mr. Needful out of business."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, he was not a nice guy to Summer. Speaking of which, I wonder what she's doing?"

Meanwhile with Summer, we see her and Beth S doing BDSM on some succubi by hitting their butts with leather whips.

Summer: "Who knew the museum of the history of sex has an interactive BDSM exhibit?"*whips a succubus' butt*

Beth S: "This is the Lust Ring, sex is like their thing."

Succubus: *After being whipped* "Eep! Go easy on me mommy~."

Summer: "Alright but no promises~."

Back to you.

Verosika: "They're at the museum of Sex?"

Unity: *through a succubus*" Yep."

Lindsay: "There's a museum on sex?"

Verosika: "Yeah, it's part of the culture here."

(Y/N): "Make sense, welp, we better get going, it's getting late."

Lindsay: "Yeah, wish I could have banged you V."

Verosika: "Aww thanks."

(Y/N): "If you want, you can come with us on the road trip once our time here is over."

Verosika: "That would be nice." *texts Vortex* "I'll text Vortex about your road trip so he knows where I am.."

Lindsay: "Cool, so Verosika, what's your favorite sex position?"

Verosika: *Giggles* "Well you'll find out soon, but nothing beats a classic cowgirl followed by a missionary."

(Y/N): "Guess you have that kind of effect on humans, but not me. I'm immune to things like Cognito Hazards."

Verosika: "Guess that explains why you didn't get a boner in my presence." *Notices Lindsay's boobs* "Or how you didn't get a boner when you saw her J cup breasts."

(Y/N): "I've seen them before so I'm used to them."

Lindsay: "And we had sex with each other."

Verosika: "Mmm, and what's that like?"

Lindsay: "Oh he's amazing, he lets me be on top."

(Y/N): "Women have the power to make life and I respect that."

Verosika: "Oh my, that's nice, Blitz never let me be on top, I mean sure he was good but come on, I wanna have a little control in bed, I'm not just a succubus but I'm a woman with needs."

Lindsay: "(Y/N) respects women's needs and all he has to do is ask them a question."

Verosika: "That's it?"

Lindsay: "Yep."

Verosika: "Wow."

(Y/N): "Well I have time to do something here before I leave, what do you want to do?"

Sometime later, we see you and Verosika in bed after having sex.

Verosika: *pants*"Holy Satan, where have you been all of my life?"

(Y/N): "Working at the Foundation."

Verosika: "Well, I think I found my new boyfriend if you uh, up for it."

(Y/N): "Sure and welcome aboard on our road trip."

Verosika: "Glad to be aboard."

Lindsay: "I wonder what Gwen is up to."

Meanwhile we see Gwen speaking into a microphone at a coffee shop in the Lust Ring and she finished reading her erotic poem.

Gwen: "Succubi, they cry, they laugh, they hate. They do more than procreate."

We then see all the demons in the coffee shop crying in unison as they all snap their fingers to cheer on for Gwen's poem.

Gwen: "Thank you, thanks. Huh, kinda thought there would be more sex here but fine by me."

Cashier: " Oh this is Poem Mondays, Thirsty Tuesday is tomorrow where we have an indoor orgy."

Gwen: "Oh." *sees a lesbian couple having sex outside* "Um, aren't you worried about getting caught if you're having sex outside?"

Succubus 1: "Lady, this is the Lust Ring, Sex here is a common thing."

Gwen then sees multiple succubi pregnant and a futa succubi with them.

Gwen: "Huh, so anything goes?"

Succubus 2: "Eh, I mean we have a few laws but you know, this is Hell."

Gwen: "Right gotcha."

Just then we see Courtney come in as she sees Gwen.

Courtney: "Gwen there you are."

Gwen: "Courtney hey, so how was your time?"

Courtney: "Pretty good, notice anything different~?"

Gwen: *Sees the bulge in Courtney's pants* "Woah, how did you-"*sees a bottle of pills in Courtney's hand*"Woah."

Courtney: "Cool right?"

Before they continue their conversation, both of them then see that the pregnant succubi had their waters broken at the same time.

Pregnant Succubus 1: "Oh christ! My water!"

Pregnant Succubus 2: "Mine too!"

Gwen: "Uh oh, we need to call an ambulance."

Pregnant Succubus 2: *feels the contractions*"Ahhhhh!!!! No time!"

Courtney: *Takes her shirt off* "I'm on it!"

Sometime later we see Courtney, topless delivering two babies from the succubi as she gives both them to the moms.

Courtney: "Congratulations, they're both baby girls."

M. Succubus 1: "Ahh, thank you."

M. Succubus 2: "Yeah, are you a CIT?"

Courtney: *Proudly* "Yes, yes I am."

Futa Succubus: "Nice rack cutie~."

Succubus 3: "Forget the rack, check out her junk in the trunk~."

Gwen: "Huh, you know in a ring where sex is normal you're pretty popular here Courts."

Courtney: "Well I did make some succubi and some incubi get hard and wet."

Succubus 1: "Damn, you are so hardcore."

Succubus 2: "Yeah, I've never seen a human like you before."

Courtney noticed how all the succubi, both girls and futas were all talking about her.

Courtney: "Wow, I've never actually been popular before, or ever."

Gwen: "Let's get back to the hotel before we end up in a orgy."

Courtney: "Good call."

Succbi: "Aww..."

Courtney: "But, before I go."

Courtney turns around, bends over, and pulls down her pants showing the succbi her plump ass as they all cheered and took pictures.

Courtney: *Giggles* "I think I'm gonna like this."

Gwen: "Just don't go too far."

Courtney: *While wiggling her booty* "Don't worry I won't."

Succubus 1: "Let's have an orgy everyone!"

Sometime later, we see Courtney and Gwen arrive back to the elevator and you see that both of them just got out of an orgy.

Gwen: "You took it too far."

(Y/N): "What happened to you two, you look like 100 women and futanari cum all over you two."

Courtney: "Don't blame me, blame the succubi." *To Verosika* "No offense."

Verosika: "None taken."

Courtney: "Sorry Gwen."

Gwen: "It's okay, good thing I was on the pill, 50 of those futas were not wearing protection."

Verosika: "Yeah that's the thing about succubi, some of us use protection and some of us don't. We're naturally born mothers."

Lindsay: "Really?"

Verosika: "Yep."

Courtney: "Well I just learned I'm really popular with succbi."

Verosika: *Sees the bulge in Courtney's pants* "Ooh, nice penis. Though I would have started off with the horse cock myself but that's just me."

Lindsay: "Hey where's Heather and the Beths?"

Just then we see Heather, Beth S, Summer, and Space Beth coming back with souvenirs from the museum's gift shop.

Heather: "We're back."

Beth S: "With souvenirs."

(Y/N): "Has anyone seen Leshawna?"

We then see Leshawna wearing a stripper outfit and she walks to you and hugs your arm.

Leshawna: "Guess who has some dance moves, baby cakes? This girl."

(Y/N): "Congratulations Leshawna, but weren't you always able to dance well?"

Leshawna: "Yeah, but I learned some exotic dancing, so I learned how to dance like a plus sized stripper."

Lindsay: "Nice."

Leshawna: *Sees Verosika* "Who's that?"

Verosika: "Verosika Mayday."

Leshawna: "Say what?! Your the pop star?! I know men saw you as a hot babe on stage, now I see why."

Verosika: "And I wish I had that ass of yours~. Looks luscious like an apple."

Courtney: "What about my ass?" *Shows Verosika her booty*

Verosika: "Hm, well it's a nice ass, but Leshawna's is juicy all around."

Leshawna: "The pop star has spoken."

Courtney: "I can live with that." *Gwen spanks Courtney's booty* "Eep!"

Gwen: "Don't worry Courts, I still like your ass."

Courtney: "Aww thanks babe."

The next day, at the hotel, we see you picking the next ring to go to next.

Gwen: "So which ring should we go to next?"

Lindsay: "Ooh how about the Greed Ring?"

Almost all the demons in the room and even Charlie and Verosika flinched a bit.

Verosika: "Yeah, I dunno about Greed.

Heather: "Why?"

Charlie: "The Greed Ring is a little, well a lot, unsafe."

Heather: "How unsafe are we talking?"

Verosika: "One of the towns is literally called Ransom."

(Y/N): "It's that bad?"

Verosika: "Yep, and it's runned by Mammon."

Lindsay: "Mammon?"

Gwen: "The sin of Greed."

Verosika: "And an annoying fat fuck! The guy has been asking me to make calendars of myself in bikinis."

Courtney: "That doesn't sound so bad."

Verosika: "The bikinis are his face."

Courtney: *Winces* "Oh nevermind."

Verosika: "Yeah, that annoying twat stain can go fuck himself, there's no way in the seven rings I'm gonna go down there."

(Y/N): "What if I be your bodyguard to keep Mammon off of your back?"

Verosika: "Hmm, well okay."

Heather: "Well how are we gonna get around?"

Lindsay: "There's always the RV."

Verosika: "RV?"

We see you and the others in the RV and Verosika was shocked to see the inside.

Verosika: "Damn... are you sure you're not a millionaire or something?"

(Y/N): "Oh no I live in an apartment, Rick actually made this for me and my group."

Verosika: "Oh nice."

Courtney: "Yeah, Rick likes him better as a son in law since he put his old son in-law in D-class and now he's probably gonna die as a lab rat."

Verosika: "Damn, isn't that bit harsh?"

Beth S: "The guy got me pregnant when we were in highschool and now we are in a forced marriage."

Verosika: "Nevermind, I don't feel sorry for him at all, hm... is he any good at sex?"

S Beth: *Does so-so gesture* "Eh."

Beth S: "We did it with (Y/N) and he is so much better."

S Beth: "And a huge improvement, Jerry just turned into a pill bug just to avoid the fact that I had sex with my clone."

Verosika: "Yikes."

(Y/N): "I'm cool with it, now to the Greed Ring."

Sometime later, we see you and the others arrive at the Greed Ring as you all look around.

Heather: *Sees a clothing shop* "Ooh." *Looks at the prices* " What the fuck?! These things are expensive!"

Lindsay: *Sees a sex shop* "That's nothing, look at this, $55 dollars for a dildo, that's robbery!"

Verosika: "That's the Greed Ring for ya."

(Y/N): "It's a good thing I got coupons for this place."

Verosika: "I'm not even gonna ask how you got them."

(Y/N): "Rick sent them to me."

We then see a bunch of mobsters grab you and they put a sack on your head and they take you to their car and drive off.

Verosika: "Hey! That's my boyfriend!" *Recognizes the mobsters* "Oh fuck!"

Courtney: "What's wrong?"

Verosika: "Those are Crimson's goons, and he's the biggest crime boss in all of Hell."

Courtney: "And he's got our boyfriend!"

S. Beth: "Oh that bastard is gonna beg to stay in Hell when I'm done with him."

Meanwhile with you, we see the goons pull the sack off of your head and you see Crimson himself.

(Y/N): "So you're their Godfather?"

Crimson: "Guess you're as smart as they say you are. You and your Foundation crew have been causing trouble for Hell these days, I respect that."

(Y/N): "Thanks, so is there a reason why you kidnapped me?"

Crimson: "You have technology that can put fuckers like Mammon in their place, you know people who can bend reality like it's nothing."

(Y/N): "The Reality Anchors?"

Crimson: "Yeah, if I had some of those, I would make any Sin my bitch. Heck, I can make the Big L himself my bitch."

(Y/N): "You could if you wanted to."

Crimson: "And how is that?"

(Y/N): "Why not have the guy who made them? Dr. Robert Scranton?"

Crimson: "I'm listening."

(Y/N): "Just need to make a phone call."

Crimson snaps his finger as a goon gives you a hellphone and you call Rick.

Rick: *over the phone*"Hello?"

(Y/N): "Hey Rick, can you teleport Dr. Scranton among other Keter Classes Star Trek style to my location please?"

Rick: *Over the phone*"Alright, I'll let the O5s that you're dealing with the Mafia from Hell. I'll teleport them back once they're all dead."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

We then see SCP-106 teleported into the room Star Trek style along with Able and SCP-682.

Crimson: "What the fuck is this?!"

(Y/N): "Never mess with the SCP Foundation, Bitch-father."

Sometime later, we see the Imp crew along with your group arrive at the scene because Verosika called Blitzo for an emergency.

Blitzo: "Just because we're killing a bunch of people for you, doesn't mean we're back together."

Verosika: "I know, your friend Fizzoroli told me everything about what happened, I'm... I'm sorry for your loss, Blitz."

Blitzo was a bit surprised to hear this from his ex-girlfriend of all people and teared up a bit as he quickly wiped it away before anyone would notice but Verosika saw it but chose not to say anything.

We then see a fish demon fall to the ground the and grabbed Moxxie's leg as half of his body was missing and Moxxie saw it.

Fish demon: " bleh."

Millie: "What the hell did this to him?"

Lindsay: "3 Keter class anomalies?"

Blitzo: "What the fuck is a Keter?"

Lindsay then point as everyone sees SCP-106, SCP-682, and Able are slaughtering Crimson's entire Mafia.

Blitzo: "Christ on a stick, who the fuck did this?!"

(Y/N): *Casually* "Sup."

Girls: "(Y/N)!"

Before the girls hug you, we then see a portal open and we see Crimson's body fall out and Moxxie sees what SCP-106 has done to him.

Moxxie: "Dad?"

Crimson: "That Scranton guy fucked me in 5000 different ways!"

(Y/N): "Yeah there was an accident with SCP-3001 that turned Dr. Scranton into SCP-106 awhile back, but that is classified information."

Moxxie: "You brought them here?!"

(Y/N): "Rick did, I just made the phone call."

We then see the Keter class anomalies teleport back to containment.

(Y/N): "Your dad was planning on using Reality Anchor tech to make himself king of hell."

Blitzo: "Ha! He used monsters to fuck up the joint oh that's fucking hilarious!"

Moxxie: *to Crimson* "Dad? Are you alright?"

Crimson: "I'm lucky to be alive you jackass! Now I'm fucking color blind!"

(Y/N): *To Moxxie* "You want to shoot him after what he put you through?"

Moxxie: "Hm, nah let someone else kill him."

(Y/N): "Well his eyes are working, Rick did teleport a Euclid here. See ya."

You and the others then leave the area and when Crimson get s up he sees SCP-173 and he sees a note on it that says: Blink and you die.

Crimson: "Fuck."

Meanwhile we see you and the others, we see you looking through your coupon book and Blitzo was surprised to see a coupon book.

Blitzo: "Where the fuck did you get a coupon book?"

(Y/N): "Rick gave it to me."

Verosika: "It's true, and uh, sorry about what happened with you and your sister."

Blitzo: "It's fine."

(Y/N): "Speaking of your sister."

You then point to Unity as we see two of her avatars carrying Barbie Wire and she was still tied up in rope.

Blitzo: "Barbie?!" *To you* "How the fuck did you find her?"

(Y/N): "She was in the human world in disguise."

Verosika: "What?! How?!"

Lindsay: *Notices her watch* "Hey what's that crystal thing in her watch?"

Verosika: *Sees it* "Asmodeus crystal, they're used by demons to travel to the human world and to disguise themselves as humans."

You then pressed the crystal and she was back in her imp form.

(Y/N): "It's not really magic, just a cognitohazard making her look like a human to everyone around her. I saw through her disguise because I'm immune to cognitohazards."

Barbie: "Fuck you, you SCP Foundation lapdog! What? Is fucking up fuck stains on Death row not giving you any boners lately!?"

(Y/N): "I don't really enjoy seeing D-Class get torn to shreds, but it's part of the job."

Barbie: *Sees Blitzo* "Oh great, you again!"

Blitzo: "Bitch, I am trying to make up for all the fuck ups I've done over the years so hear me out!"

Barbie: "Why the hell would I ever hear you out! I told you before, don't find me!"

(Y/N): "Let's give these two some time together. Also he didn't find you, I found you."

Barbie: "Whatever, like I'm gonna listen to anything Blitzo has to-"

Verosika: "Barb, listen to him."

Barbie: "Fuck you cocksucker!"

(Y/N): "Let's give these two some time alone."

Later, we see both Barbie and Blitzo tied up in a storage closet and we see you holding the door open.

Barbie: "What do you want us to do in here?!"

(Y/N): "You're doing it."

You then close the door and lock it up.

(Y/N): "That will keep them in one place."

Loona: "You locked them up in a storage closet?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Moxxie: "And this is gonna work?"

(Y/N): "It worked for Grif and Simmons."

Meanwhile with Barbie and Blitzo.

Barbie: "Nice job asswipe, you got me into your fuck ups again!"

Blitzo: "This isn't one of mine bitch, I'm trying to make up for the fuck ups I've done in the past and this is the only way for you to stay in one place long enough for you to hear me out!"

Barbie: "And why should I listen to you?! After what you did, I rather fuck that autistic human than listen to you. You didn't even care about what happened to mom."


Barbie was a bit taken back by this.

Blitzo: "Barb look I was trying to get help, I was looking for help, but... I... I couldn't..."

Barbie: "No shit, you want a medal now?"

Blitzo: "Look I'm sorry Barbie, I'm sorry for what I did, I'm sorry about mom, but you have no idea what dad was doing to me, to us, he sold me off to some rich guy to hang out with his owl son! Also, I'm gonna be off topic right now for a second and say, you have my blessing to fuck that autistic human cause if he has the balls to date my ex girlfriend than he might be able to handle you."

Barbie: "Okay I said that to piss you off, but hearing that now I really want to make him mine."

Blitzo: "He's autistic Barb, how in hell are you gonna make him fall for you?"

Barbie: "I have no fucking idea." *Brief pause* "And um... I'm sorry about before, guess I just needed to hear it from you. I was just so pissed off at what you did to us, and-and mom, after what dad told me and-"

Blitzo: "Woah, hold on, what did dad tell you?"

Barbie: "He told me that you blew up the circus and killed mom and fizz."

Blitzo: " Bull fucking shit, I didn't do that on purpose. And I wasn't trying to kill Fizz or mom. He told me you ran out on us and abandoned us to go to a rehab center to live in the Sloth Ring."

Both siblings immediately realized what happened.

Barbie and Blitzo: "Oooohhh..."

Barbie: "That mother fucking bastard!"

Blitzo: "That fuck-tard! He split us up! That is fucked up!"

Barbie: "Now I want to kill that guy!"

Blitzo: "After what he did to us." *Looks at his mom's necklace* "And mom..."

Barbie: *Puts a hand on Blitzo's shoulder* "I'm sure she would be happy to see us together again."

Blitzo: *Wipes a tear* " Yeah she would."

Meanwhile with Mammon, we see him looking through the payments from his stores in the Greed ring and he sees that someone is using coupons.

Mammon: "What the fuck!? I never make any coupons!"

Mammon then sees it was you and who has the coupons.

Mammon: "Fuck! I better warn Oz."

Meanwhile we see you and the others are in a restaurant in the Greed Ring and you see Sona Sitri and her peerage and Genshirou see you wave at him and he spits his soda into Sona's face out of shock.

Sona: "Genshirou Saji....."

Genshirou: "I can explain."

We then see Sona punch Genshirou in the face and knock him out. Later on, we see you untying Blitzo and Barbie.

Verosika: "So you two made up?"

Barbie: "Yeah I forgave Blitzo for treating him like an asshole and I have the hots for your human stud of yours V."

(Y/N): "Who me?"

Barbie: "Yeah you." *Turns around, bends over showing her ass to you* *in a baby voice* "Why don't you take care of me?

Courtney: "Nice try Barb but (Y/N) is too smart for that."

(Y/N): "Yeah it's not really on the itinerary anyways."*pulls out the itinerary* "See."

Barbie: "Damn it, it worked well for teenage human boys."

Courtney: "Yeah, Barb, (Y/N) is autistic, which means you shaking your butt in his face is pretty much normal to him."

Blitzo: "Told you, if you want to fuck that guy, you need to let him come to you."

(Y/N): "Do you want to do that?"

Barbie: "Wait what?"

Verosika: "Oh all we do for it when he asks one question."

Barbie: "That's it?"

Verosika: "Yep, and believe me, he's amazing in bed."

Barbie: "Is he now, I'll see for myself."

Sometime later, we see you and Barbie in bed after sex.

Barbie: *Pants* "Christ on a stick that was amazing!"

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

Barbie: "From looking at your army of women, you're kind of guy who doesn't fuck women the first chance you get. You like them for who they are."

(Y/N): "Guess you and Blitz are related, you two know what people are like just by looking at them."

Barbie: "Yeah, but I'm more flexible~."

(Y/N): "Yeah you sure are."

Later on, we see the girls talking among themselves about what they did at the Lust Ring.

Leshawna: *Sees Courtney's bulge*"So what's it like having a dong?"

Courtney: "Well it kinda felt amazing, I did anal sex with a succubus employee for a trial run and creampied her."

Leshawna: "Dang, well I learned how to be a plus sized exotic dancer, I never knew I had the moves to be one." *To Gwen* "What about you Gwen?"

Gwen: "I wrote erotic slam poetry at a coffee shop."

Lindsay: "Did they rub one out to it?"

Gwen: "Nah, they only do that Tuesdays, but I did hear some succubi doing it in the girls bathroom."

Courtney: "We also helped a bunch of succubi moms delivering their babies and then we ended up in an orgy because I showed my ass to them, sorry Gwen."

Gwen: "It's okay, I did get to try out your new dick in the orgy."

Lindsay: *Gasps* "You did, how was it?"

Gwen: "It was amazing~, but it's nowhere near (Y/N)'s cock." *To Courtney* "No offense hun."

Courtney: "None taken. And besides, he was born with his while I just got mine from a pill." *Realizes something* "Wait a minute." *To you* "(Y/N) I'm not gonna get classified as an anomaly right?"

(Y/N): "Well if we contain anyone with anomalous powers in a cage when we wouldn't have Dr. Clef or Professor Cain, but since you got your penis from a medical pill that was designed to give a girl a penis, then the pills would be classified as a SCP, not the user, so you're safe."

Courtney: *Sighs in relief* "Oh phew, thanks."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Gwen: "So where are we going next?"

Later, at the Wrath Ring, we see you arm wrestling Sallie May and you managed to beat her.

(Y/N): "Done."

Sallie: "Well ain't you a strong one."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Sallie: "Anytime." *Notices Courtney's bulge* "Woah dang, ain't you a big one."

Courtney: "Thanks." *Notices her horns* "Huh, hey small question, but are you a guy imp?"

Sallie: "Oh heh, honey no, I'm transgender."

Gwen: "Your trans?"

Sallie: "As the sky is red in Wrath, you folks aren't from around here are you?"

Gwen: "Not really, so I'm guessing imps with thin horn patterns are girls and imps with larger patterns are guys right?"

Sallie: "Yep, and imps like me are transgender."

(Y/N): "We're humans and we're on a road trip vacation."

Sallie: "That's nice, so are you one of them humans from the SCP Whatchamacallit?"

(Y/N): "SCP Foundation?"

Sallie: "Yeah that, you fellas are y'all one of them?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Lindsay: "Wait, how do you know about the Foundation?"

Sallie: "Y'all been causing trouble for Hell, heck you even put Alastor in a cage for a while and sent him back to Hell because he lost at a chess game."*points to you*"To this fella."

Lindsay: "Oh yeah."

Gwen: "So, (Y/N) is a celebrity around here?"

Sallie: "You can say that."

(Y/N): "Huh, neat."

Courtney: "So Sal, from one futa to another, how big are you?"

Sallie: *Chuckles* "12 inches long and 7 inches wide."

Courtney: "Dang, I'm only 10 inches long and 7 inches wide, lucky you, how do you keep a trouser snake that big hidden?"

Sallie: "Well I have to wear a nice pair of underpants for girls like me." *Eyes Courtney's bulge* "Although, there's nothing wrong with letting it all hang out in the open."

Heather: "So you go bottomless too?"

Sallie: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Well I don't mind."

Sallie: *Smirks a bit* " Have you seen women naked before?"

(Y/N): "I have but I'm used to it."

Sallie: "Well what about a woman like me~."

Sallie then takes off her pants and panties and lets her cock and balls hang out.

Beth S: *Sees Sallie's cock* "Unholly crap."

Heather: *Sees Sallie's cock* "Woah, you're bigger than Alejandro."

Courtney: "How do you know how big Alejandro is?"

Heather only looks away and blushes a bit before the girls realize what Heather did.

Gwen: "You didn't..."

Heather: *Blushes* "That was after All-stars and it was a moment of weakness and because I was horny. Besides, (Y/N) is way better at sex than Alejandro."

Leshawna: "Dang, I did not expect that from you of all people."

Heather: "Yeah well you girls didn't listen to me when I said Alejandro was evil, seriously you knocked my tooth out in Germany."

The girls looked down in guilt and in some shame.

Leshawna: "Sorry girl."

(Y/N): "You all messed up because of one guy who seduced you all and Heather was the only one who was trying to save you all."

Leshawna: "Yeah." *To Heather* "Guess we should have listened to you huh?"

Heather: "You should have, you knocked my tooth out."

Courtney: "Sorry."

Heather: "It's okay, I'm over it anyways."

Gwen: "Well to be fair it was kind of obvious you and Al would get together, we didn't account on you two having sex."

Leshawna: "So how was he?"

Heather: "Incredibly horrible, didn't even last for 5 minutes."

Courtney: "Soo... he was that bad huh?"

Heather: "Yes he was, plus he's a PME."

Girls: *Winces* "Oohhh..."

Leshawna: "Dang."

(Y/N): "What's PME?"

Leshawna: "Premenstrual Exacerbation."

(Y/N): "And what is that?"

Gwen: "It means he's bad at ejaculating."

Heather: "And cums too early even before I get off."

Sallie: "Dang, ya'll had bad boyfriends but they're not as bad as Moxxie."

Moxxie: "I'm right here. And happily married to Millie."

Millie: "And he's great at sex."

Blitzo: "Ha! You like his tiny wiener! Oh that is fucking hilarious!"

Moxxie: "Coming from the guy sleeping with the goetia prince."

Blitzo: "Touche Moxxie, touche."

Courtney: "Okay let's move onto something else before things get weird."

Gwen: "We're hanging out with demons, one of them is trans and bigger than you, and bottomless, how can it get weirder from here?"

Just then the girls noticed that you just left while they were talking.

Gwen: "Hey where's (Y/N)?"

Later, the girls were looking for you and they found you doing a gun draw against Striker.

Striker: "Ya'll humans ain't so tuff, just because you outsmarted an Overlord of Hell, doesn't mean nothing to me boy. You're nothing but a city boy who's soft."

(Y/N): "Funny, I was about to call you soft myself."

Courtney: *Snickers* "Soft..."

Striker: *Gets pissed* "I'm gonna kill you now and kill you later when I find you in the Pride Ring. Draw!"

Both you and Strike fired your pistols at the same time and you took the shot and so did Striker as we see Striker collapsed onto the ground due to a bullet in the head.

Girls: "(Y/N)!"

The girls see that you weren't phased by the bullet and you reveal you had a bulletproof vest on the whole time.

Heather: "Oh thank go-" *sees the imps looking at her* "I mean thank Lucifer he's okay."

(Y/N): "Thank you SCP-008."

Lindsay: "You mean the bullet vest?"

(Y/N): "Yep, and the headshot training from dealing with 008."

Millie: *sees that Striker is dead* "Holy shit, he's dead!"

Moxxie: "Well I never thought to see him get shot in the head."

Sallie: "Now that was hot right there."

Millie: "Uh, Sal, you're getting all hard now."

Sallie then notices she has a hard on and blushes a bit in embarrassment.

Sallie: "Oh crap, I got a boner for a human."

Courtney: "Isn't getting a boner normal?"

Sallie: "Yeah, but not getting a boner for a human."

Courtney: "I guess you like (Y/N)."

Sallie: "I guess I do, I don't really date much cause people are scared of, you know." *Points to her cock*

Courtney: "(Y/N) doesn't mind, besides he's done it with Space Beth, who by the way, is also a futa."

S. Beth: "And Unity cause she's a hive mind controlling a group of women and one of them is a futa."

Unity: *through a futa* "It's true."

Sallie: "Since you say that, I bet he might like four of us banging him."

S Beth: "Well he did say that futanari are women who put men on the receiving end for once."

Courtney: "And thinks women should be in charge, especially futas."

Sallie: "Really? How good is he?"

S. Beth: "Very good~."

Unity: *Through a futa* "Especially when he sucks on our cocks~."

Sallie: "Mmm, just thinking about it gives me a boner~."

Moxxie: *Deadpans* "You already have a boner."

Sallie: "I sure do."

Courtney: "Well (Y/N) isn't the one who goes in for the sex right away or looking for sex right off the bat. He only does it when he asks a question about what we want to do next."

Sallie: "Really? It's that easy?"

Heather: "Yep, I had to take the reins a bit since I didn't want a certain someone breaking (Y/N)'s hips." *Eyes Leshawna*.

Leshawna: "Hey he's a strong man and he likes my booty."

Heather: "Just sayin' you might put him into the hospital someday."

Leshawna: "Oh come on, I know when there's a time and a place to do it, plus we do different positions."

Later on, we see you and the others back at the hotel and we see you, Courtney, Unity, Sallie, and Space Beth in bed after having some intense sex.

Courtney: *Pants* "Phew, that was amazing."

Sallie: "The mouth of yours is amazing."

S. Beth: "And you asked a question and we did it."

(Y/N): "I'm glad you girls enjoyed it."

Courtney: *Sits up* "So which ring do you wanna go to next?"

(Y/N): "Hmmm."

Later, in the Gluttony Ring, we see you at Bee's party and you are deciding on what to eat.

Lindsay: *Looks around and notices how there's a lot of Hellhounds* "Wow, there are a lot of demon dogs here."

Gwen: "Well this is the gluttony ring, it's where all the Hellhounds are."

We see Bee chugging down on a lot of shots and then she sees you at the food table and she spit takes out of shock seeing you as Tex sees this.

Tex: "Something wrong B?"

Bee: "There's a human in the gluttony ring, alive, at the food table." *sees the girls* "Make that humans."

Tex: *sees you*"Oh him, he's cool. He's my boss' new boyfriend."

Bee: "You know him?"

Tex: "Yeah girl, I told you, Verosika and him are a thing now."

Bee: *Remembers* "Oh yeah, shit my bad boo, kinda slipped my mind."

Tex: "It's cool girl, want me to introduce him to ya?"

Bee: "Nah I got it babe."

We then see Bee walk to you and the girls as Lindsay sees her.

Lindsay: "Hi there."

Bee: "Hey."*points to you*"Is he with you? Cause he looks like he's been figuring out what to eat at the food table for like 14 minutes now."

Gwen: "Yeah he's with us."

Leshawna: "Who are you?"

Bee: "Name's Beelzebub but you can call me Bee, girl." *Notices Leshawna's booty* "Dang girl, you have a lot of ass."

Leshawna: "Heh, thanks."

Heather: *to Gwen* "Is it weird that she sounds like Kesha?"

Gwen: "You noticed that too?"

(Y/N): *comes in*"Hey I got myself a sandwich and I heard a Beelzebub. I heard about an SCP named Beelzebub. Some idiot stepped on the fly and killed him and neutralized the SCP."

Bee: *Sees you* "Hey there, you and Verosika are a thing now?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, it's nice to meet you."

Bee: "You too and just so you know, I sent an infestation of flies to kill off some of your guys because I was pissed off because some douche killed one of my fly pals."

Courtney: "Who would do that?"

Bee: "Probably someone who doesn't pay attention to the things they step in."

(Y/N): "We have to use bug zappers and a lot of bug spray to get rid of that swarm."

Bee: "Good call on that."

Bee then summons some candy for you to eat.

(Y/N): "No thanks."

Lindsay: "Ooh yum."

Courtney: "Hang on." *To Bee* "Is this safe to eat? For humans I mean."

Bee: "I mean it's made out of meth crystals."

(Y/N): "No thank you."

Bee: "Gotcha no drugs, I would have gotten some from Belphegor but she changed lock on her stash, again, so fucking lame."

Gwen: "So is there anything that doesn't have meth crystals in them?"

Bee: "Hm, I'm sure I can summon something that's safe for humans to eat."

(Y/N): "Well how about a sandwich?"*eats a foot long party sub*"Like this one."

Gwen: "Sounds good to me."

Bee: "Alright, party sub it is." *To the girls* "Any of you girls vegetarian?"

TD girls, Beth S and Space Beth: "Nope."

Before Bee summons some party subs, she sees that you have already eaten your entire party sub.

Bee: "Shit, how did you down the whole thing?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, I was hungry."

Bee: "Damn that's a first, no one downs a party sub that fast, and I haven't had a first in a long time since that imp out drank me." *Bows a bit* "I tip my crown to you (Y/N)."

Courtney: "Wow."

(Y/N): *while eating another party sub*" Cool."

Courtney: "Honey, don't eat with your mouth full."

Bee: *Sees Courtney's bulge* "Ooh dang, didn't know you took one of those futa pills. You should really give your gal some variety with animal dicks though, they are awesome."*saw you finished another party sub*"Damn this guy can eat."

Gwen: "He's also great in bed too."

Bee: "Nice but I am already spoken for."

Courtney: *Pulls out the temporary animal futa pills* "Hm, I still have these temporary animal futa pills."

Gwen: "Ooo, that sounds cool~. But are you sure you wanna do this?"

Courtney: "Well let's try them out."

Bee: "Just use one of those, private rooms in case that you want to fuck."

Courtney: "Thanks." *To Gwen* "So which one do you wanna try out?"

Gwen: *Looks at the pills* "How about all of them~?"

Bee: "Woah there goth babe, even those pills are temporary they supposed to be taken one at a time."

Gwen: "We'll try each of them one at a time."

Bee: "Alright, but remember don't overdose, those things are addictive."

Courtney and Gwen: "Gotcha."

Frenchie: "10 pills later"

We see Gwen and Courtney come out of the room with their clothes messy, Courtney now having a normal penis, and helping Gwen walk.

Bee: "How was the fucking?"

Gwen: *pants*"I can't describe it...."

Courtney: "She really liked the different animal dicks."

Gwen: *Pants* "I did, but..." *Pats Courtney's bulge* "Nothing beats the classic penis."

Bee: *Chuckles* "True."

Leshawna: "Wow, they're that good huh?"

Bee: "Yep, but I guess everyone has their kinks, I don't judge. Anyways, do you girls need anything? Snacks, drinks? Non alcoholic and safe for humans of course."

Lindsay: "I'm sure (Y/N) like your sandwiches, he ate his 7th one in a row."

Bee: "Christ on a stick, how is he not full?"

Gwen: "Bee, believe us, not even we know about (Y/N) or what he can do but take it from us, the best thing to do is just go with it and don't question it."

Leshawna: *sees you just ate 2 more sandwiches* "And he ate 2 more sandwiches."

Bee: "Damn, he eats more than most people and me."

Courtney: *To you* "Um, (Y/N) are you full?"

(Y/N): "I need some pizza."

You then start eating a whole pizza as Bee was shocked as everyone saw you.

Random guy: "Holy shit this guy is downing an entire pizza!"

Bee: "Hey guy, try not to eat everything, other people need to eat too." *To Courtney* "Has he ever done this before?"

Courtney: "No not really."

Random guy: "That guy is chugging down all of the lemonade and soda! Man this guy should be the new Sin of Gluttony!"

Tex: "Damn, they're really calling him the Sin of Gluttony."

Bee: "There is one demon in town who deserves that title, and that's me!"

Frenchie: One eat off later.

Bee: *while getting a stomach ache*"You win...."

(Y/N): "Thanks, but you can keep your crown, I was just hungry."

Bee: "I'll give it to you anyways cause you earned it. Besides, I got a hundred of these anyways." *puts her crown on you*

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Gwen: "So, which ring do you wanna go to now? Sloth or Envy?"

(Y/N): "Hmmm."

Later, in the Envy ring, we see you taking a nap on an innertube and the girls in their swimwear as if they were all at a beach.

Courtney: *Covers herself from the rain* "Is it always raining here?"

???(Glitz): "That's Envy."

???(Glam): "It's always wet."

We then see Glitz and Glam come out of the water around you and they push you back and forth.

Gwen: "Hey back off, he's taking a nap."

Glitz: "You back off, he's a nice handsome man for us."

Glam: "That's right."

(Y/N): *wakes up*"What's going on, I was dreaming about SCP-001 again."

Courtney: *Points to Glitz and Glam* "These two were trying to get into your pants."

Glitz and Glam: "No we were not."

(Y/N): "Then why are you at my crotch?"

Glitz: *Blushes* "Guilty."

Glam: *Blushes* "Sorry."

(Y/N): "Don't do that without my consent, especially when I'm taking a nap."

Glitz and Glam: "Okay."

Courtney: "So who are you two?"

Glitz and Glam: "We are Glitz and Glam, the Glam sisters."

Courtney: "Never heard of you two."

The two fish girls were shocked to hear that as you turned to them.

(Y/N): "Because most of us are humans."

Glitz and Glam: "Oh."

Glitz: "Well if you must know we're Mammon's newest stars."

Lindsay looked over them and saw a billboard of Glitz and Glam, with Glitz flashing her starfish covered breasts and Glam posing seductively.

Lindsay: "Wow how did we not see that?"

(Y/N): "You know from what I heard, Fizzoroli had a horrible time working with Mammon and called him and I quote, 'sad sack of shit'."

Glitz: "Hey, we like working with Mammon!"

Glam: "Yeah what do you know?"

Courtney: "We know he's a piece of shit."

(Y/N): " And I've seen what greedy businessmen do to people for money back in Marshall Carter, and Dark."

Gwen: "And Mammon is just gonna use you two to make a quick buck, it's what he did to Fizz."

Glam: "You're just jealous that we're famous and you're not."

(Y/N): "Fizzoroli won the competition fair and square and if he didn't quit you two would have lost, and besides why do you think he quit even though he won?"

Glitz: "Because he knows he's old news."

(Y/N): "Glad we brought amazons with us."

Sometime later, we see Mammon tied up in the Lasso of Truth provided by Diana and you and the others look at him.

(Y/N): "Now, tell me what's your plan with the Glam Sisters?"

Mammon: "Well..."

To say the girls were shocked and disgusted by what Mammon said was an understatement, especially the Glam sisters, as they were just as shocked as the girls were.

Glitz and Glam: "Tell us that's not true."

Mammon: "...It's all true."

Glitz: "You fat-ass bastard!"

Glam and Glitz: "We quit!"

Mammon: "Oh come on! You can't quit!"

Glitz: "Can, did."

Glam: *Flips Mammon off* "G'day mate."

Glitz: *flips Mammon off* "And fuck off."

Sometime later, we see you and the others back in the Envy Ring and you were drinking a can of soda.

Glitz and Glam: "Thank you for helping us (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "You are welcome."

Gwen: "So what are you two gonna do now?"

Glitz: "We uh... don't know."

Glam: "Yeah, being a clown is all we know, we don't know what to do now."

(Y/N): *hands Glitz a card*"I heard these guys are hiring."

Glam: *reads the card*"Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting?"

Glitz: "Never heard of that circus before."

Lindsay: "It's in the human world."

(Y/N): "We caught most of their acts and now they're in containment at the Foundation, so maybe you two can get a resume there and sign up for their shows."

Glitz: "Hm, alrighty then."

Glitz and Glam: "Thank you again (Y/N)."*both of them kissed your cheeks*

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Lindsay: "I have a small question, are you girls supposed to be clowns or strippers? Or both?"

Glitz and Glam: "Hm, we're clowns."

Gwen: "Really? I mean not to judge, with the outfits and dancing..."

Glitz: "Well I did flash the audience during our song so..."

Glam: "And I do a seductive pose."

(Y/N): "I would say you two are strippers."

Glitz: "What makes you say that?"

(Y/N): "Think about it."

Glitz and Glam then thought about it for a second and then they realized that they were kind of strippers.

Glitz: "Oh satan, we are strippers...."

Glam: "Told you flashing your tits was a bad idea."

Glitz: "Hey they were covered alright?"

Lindsay: "Hey it's not that bad, you can go to the circus and be real clowns."

Courtney: "And not be strippers."

Glitz: "Guess that work." *Notices Courtney's bulge* "Woah, you took one of those futa pills?"

Courtney: "Yep, it's the permanent ones and before you ask, it's a normal penis."

Glam: "Ooh how big are you?"

Glitz: "Glam!"

Glam: "Whaat? I'm curious."

(Y/N): "Well, do you girls want to come along on our roadtrip?"

Glitz: "Well we got nothing better to do, Glam?"

Glam: "Yeah, I want to join the road trip as well."

Courtney: "Okay then, welcome aboard."

Glitz: "Glad to be aboard." *Eyes Courtney's bulge* "And speaking of aboard~."

Courtney: "Hey, keep it in your pants." *whisper to them* "Later."

Glitz: "Okay, but can you blame us, we are women."

Glam: "And horny."

Courtney: "Fair enough, but there's a time and a place for it."

Gwen: *to you* "So Sloth Ring?"

(Y/N): "Sure why not, it is the last stop on our tour here"

We later see you all at the Sloth Ring where the girls see how pink it is and we see you looking around and you see a pharmacy.

Lindsay: "Huh, compared to the other rings, Sloth looks pretty safe."

Gwen: "Yeah."

(Y/N): *walks into the pharmacy*"Huh."*to the cashier*"Hey where do you keep the toothpaste and mouthwash?"

Cashier: "Aisle 3."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

The girls all looked around and saw how nice the place is and they like it pretty much.

Courtney: "Huh, this place doesn't seem so bad."

Glitz: "It's pretty much where you go when you're hospitalized."

Glam: "Yeah, even Bel herself sometimes visits the patients."

Courtney: "Bel?"

Glitz and Glam: "Belphegor."

Summer: "Oh she's a doctor then?"

Glitz: "And the queen around this place."

Glam: "But don't worry, Bel is like the chillest demon here."

(Y/N): "Well I got us enough toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash to last us for the rest of the trip."

The girls then see a dark pink goat like demon with curved back horns and a candle coming from her head, and wearing a bathing suit with a lab coat, this was Belphegor or Bel for short as she was casually shopping.

Bel: "Hey there."

Courtney: "Uh, hi?"

(Y/N): "Come on gang, let's get back on the road."

Courtney: "Oh right." *To Belphegor* "It was nice meeting you Bel."

Bel: *Yawns* "You too and stay safe and healthy." *Remembers* "Oh, I almost forgot." *Gives you and the girls cavity preventing lollipops* "Here have some candy, and don't worry, they won't cause cavities, and they prevent cancer."

Heather: "Woah, um, thanks."

Bel: "Anytime." *Yawns* "I'm gonna go take a nap."

We then see Belphegor walk off as the girls were a bit stunned by this, except Glitz and Glam since they were used to it.

Leshawna: "Dang, that's something you don't see everyday."

Heather: "Yeah, she's like the chillest demon here."

(Y/N): "We got to go and get back on the road."

Sometime later, we see you and the others back as the Glam Sisters were amazed by what they're seeing in the RV.

Glitz: "Damn, this is way better than our apartment."

Verosika: "Yeah, you get used to it."

Glam: *Sees Verosika* "Verosika? What are you doing here?"

Verosika: *hugs your arm*"I'm on this road trip with my new boyfriend."

Glitz: "You two are together?"

(Y/N): "Yep, and we have an open relationship."

Gwen: "Yep, were his girlfriends."

Glam Sisters: "Damn."

Summer: "So which universe are we going to next?"

(Y/N): "How about Meta Reality, Rick made a shield for all of us to be safe from the meta radiation."

Verosika, Barbie, and Glam Sisters: "Meta Reality?"

(Y/N): "I'll show you girls."

Sometime later, we see you and the others in Meta Reality and the girls were shocked to see Meta Reality.

(Y/N): "Welcome to Meta Reality everyone."

Next: Chapter 80: Metafictional Vacation

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