Chapter 80: Metafictional Vacation

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Here we see you and the girls are in the Foreshadowing Forest and you are driving the RV to the direction of the base of operations of the Self Referential Six.

Karen: "This is Meta Reality?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Kara: "And a group of superheroes themes around stories lives here?"

(Y/N): "Yep, Rick made me a road map of this place."

You and the others arrive at the home base of the Self Referential Six.

Babs: "Wow, this is it?"

(Y/N): "Sure looks like it, we should stay here while we have fun in Meta Reality."

You then get out of the RV and you press a button that is basically their doorbell and you hear the voice of one of the guards.

Guard: *over the intercom*"State your business sir."

(Y/N): "We're on a road trip across the multiverse and we would like to stay here."

Guard: *over the intercom*"Hmm..."

Summer: "My grandpa destroyed this place trying to stop Story Lord awhile back, I'm his granddaughter."

Guard: *Over the intercom* "Oh well in that case, go away."

(Y/N): "It's me, (Y/N) Cranston."

Guard: *over the intercom*"Oh shit, why didn't you just say so, come on in!"

We then see the doors open and we see you and the others head into the fortress and you all see the Self Referential 6 team.

(Y/N): "Hey there."

M. Lead: "Hey (Y/N), we haven't met yet but we helped Rick make a new canon and well....after what happened between you and your brother, we-"

(Y/N): "It's fine."

M. Lead: "Thanks for understanding."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Courtney: "So um, who's she?"

M. Lead: "I'm Miss Lead and this is Protago Nick, Flash Back, Connie TinuityError, and Mr. Twist."

Courtney: "Well nice to meet you all, but why do they call you Miss-" *feels Miss Lead touch her bulge* *yelps* "Lead!"

M. Lead: *Chuckles* "That's why, and nice dick you got there~."

Courtney: *Blushes* "Heh, thanks."

(Y/N): "Anyways, we are on a road trip and we were hoping to take a tour of this place, and don't worry Summer won't mess anything up." *To Summer* "No offense."

Summer: "None taken."

M. Lead: "Alright, we can give you guys a good time in the other parts of Meta Reality."

Connie: "As long as you don't touch a thing, especially you-know-who's cell."

Courtney: "Um, yeah some of us don't know who you're talking about."

Mr. Twist: "We're talking about Bretcon."

Courtney: "Don't you mean Rhett Caan?"

M. Lead: "No Bretcon is his name, he used his name to change it to Rhett Caan."

(Y/N): "He has the power to well, Rhett Caan anything."

Lindsay: "So anything he says he can make it so it was whatever he said?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

Gwen: *To the Self Referential 6* "So what can the rest of you do?"

Mr. Twist: "Well I can control all the plot twists."

M. Lead: "I make Miss Leads happen in my favor."

Protago Nick: "I can make anyone the protagonist."

Connie TE: "I can make continuity errors."

Flash B: "I can get into flashbacks."

Heather: "So you guys are like storybook themed heroes?"

M. Lead: "It's not just stories, we can alter the meta of any thematic environment whether it's something that's supposed to happen or something that isn't supposed to happen."

Lindsay: "Like Miles going to a universe where he's the Prowler in Spiderman Across the Spider Verse?"

Heather: "Hey! Spoilers!"

Gwen: "You still didn't watch the movie?"

Heather: "No."

(Y/N): "Well it's nice to meet you all."

Lindsay: "And I love the outfits."

M. Lead: "Thank you, and your outfit is not bad yourself."

(Y/N): "And you are on theme with your outfit Miss Lead and Connie TinuityError."

M. Lead and Connie TE: *blushes* "Thanks."

Courtney: "Well let's get settled in, where do we stay?"

M. Lead: "Well we have some empty rooms we don't use, and don't worry they're clean."

Connie TE: "And here is some stuff for your accommodations."

We then see you and the others now carrying some suits that will protect you from the meta radiation of Meta Reality.

Courtney: "And these suits will fit us right?"

M. Lead: "Yep, and don't worry they are comfy." *eyes Courtney's bulge* "In all the right areas~."

Courtney: *Giggles* "Alright, I think we all know my dick is impressive."

(Y/N): "Let's get to our rooms."

Girls: "Okay."

We later see everyone in their rooms where we see you set up for the day and we see Miss Lead walk into your room and she feels guilty not being able to help you in the Old Canon.

(Y/N): "Is something wrong?"

M. Lead: "Um, well I wished we could have done something to save you in the Old Canon and defeat your brother but we didn't. I tried asking Rhett Caan to give me the power that I always have to beat your brother, but he was too afraid to do it because even he's afraid of your brother. I... I'm sorry."

(Y/N): "There was nothing you could do."

M. Lead: "But I should have done something to stop him, even if it killed me but I didn't because I was helpless. All I can do is make miss leads, I tried to get Protago Nick to make me the protagonist but he was too afraid to do so, I tried asking Flash Back to go into a flashback to help me find some weaknesses of your brother's but nothing, Connie TinuityError or Mr. Twist can't help because they don't have the power to make a continuity error or a twist that can help us beat your brother, I... I tried everything."

(Y/N): "And you did what you could do, that's all that matters."

M. Lead: *tears up and starts crying*"How could you say that!? After everything that has happened!? The Old Canon is falling apart and rotting away! And your Old Canon counterpart is probably rotting and getting eaten by mutated wildlife in the waters of SCP-3700!"

Miss Lead then starts crying as you then wipe away the tears on her face and you give her a hug.

(Y/N): "Miss Lead it's okay, like I said you did what you all could do and I'm thankful for that, and you gotta know when to give up."

M. Lead: *hugs back*"Thanks."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

M. Lead: "So you really are okay with this?"

(Y/N): "Like I said, you did what you could and I'm okay with it."

M. Lead: "Okay, if you say so."

Meanwhile with Courtney and the girls.

Courtney: "So you and Miss Lead tried to figure out how to get the Old Canon away from Gary?"

Connie TE: "Well mostly Miss Lead, she felt sorry that she wasn't able to save the (Y/N) of the Old Canon or the Old Canon itself from Gary. A lot of us were so afraid of what Gary might do to us if we tried to fight him or come up with a plan that could destroy him, even Rhett Caan was afraid of him."

Lindsay: "Yikes, that's awful."

Leshawna: "You guys have power over stories but you can't beat (Y/N)'s brother?"

Connie TE: "Hey that guy is fucking terrifying okay? Wanna know how terrifying he is? He doesn't give a shit about anyone or his own well being, he'll do whatever it takes to get what it wants even if he's falling to pieces, literally, conceptually, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, temporally, and Thematically."

Leshawna: "Yikes, that's... that's messed up."

Jasmine: "He did all that, just because he's too petty and stubborn to know when to quit even if he's falling apart."

P. Nick: "Yeah, he literally does anything to get what he wants. Even complete genocide of all life in 70000 universes."

Verosika: "Now that he got what he wanted, he would leave us alone, correct?"

Self Referential 6: "Not really."

Glitz: "Why?"

Mr. Twist: "He's planning on becoming a writer himself, a Swann Entity in SCP Foundation standards."

Glam: "Why would he do that?"

Connie TE: "You have seen what he has done in the Old Canon right? Well here's a reminder."

We then see Protagno Nick open up a holographic screen and show the events of the Old Canon to the girls and they see all the people in the Old Canon are experiencing. Beloved people turned into lovecraftian monsters, villains turned into slaves, worlds where hope died, and they see numerous gods and cosmic beings having their blood dranked and their flesh eaten by Gary Craston as they see him no longer a human but rather a bloated multi limbed monstrosity as they see him munching on the insides of Dr. Manhattan's corpse.

Lindsay: "Woah, that's disgusting. I don't think he's human anymore."

Verosika: "And to think we're the monsters."

Glitz: "But that guy is even worse than we are."

Mr. Twist: "We've made stories where humans did more damage than monsters but this is too much even for us."

M. Lead: "And now he's going through every story and draining them of everything they have just to become a Swann Entity."

Gwen: " And there's no way to stop him?"

Mr. Twist: "Stop him? We're afraid that he might kill all of us by watching him."

We then see a portal opened and we see Rick come out of the portal.

Rick: "Hey everyone, I got news I'm on the next Death Battle and I'm gonna fight a guy who's franchise has been around for so long that the people who made it have to make the changing actors for different seasons canon, who is called The Doctor."*sees everyone's reaction to something*"What's with you assholes?"*sees the events happening in the Old Canon*"What in the?"*forms a horrified expression of what Gary has consumed*"Ugh son of a bitch!"

Lindsay: "You know him too?"

Rick: "Of course I know him, I'm the reason why I made a telephone booth that can make a phone call to the actual writer of this story just to make a New Canon for all of us."

Gwen: " Okay and on the off chance Gary does show up?"

Rick: "Well then smoke them if you got them. Have you ever heard of the Rumbling from Attack on Titan? That's how fucked we are, all we can do is run away from him until he catches up."

Courtney: "And there's nothing that can stop him?"

Rick: "I wish, but there are things even I can't do. The problem with him trying to become a Swann Entity is that he's a fictional character and characters get written away. How do you think Milkman Superman was defeated in the Milk Wars?"

Lindsay: "Oh yeah I guess that makes sense."

Rick: "Welp anyways."*to Beth S and Space Beth*"You two try not to make another incest baby, you two are pratically twin sisters. We already have one incest baby in the family."*to Glitz and Glam*"You two get a job at Herman Fuller's circus, those guys will literally take any talent they come across but don't teach them about ethics or you'll end up like Motormouth. Locked up in a box and delivered on a silver platter to the Foundation. Don't bother with making your resumes, if they want clowns they get clowns or at least freaks in the aquatic variety."*to Summer*"And Summer, good call about not bringing Morty along, he would bitch about not going where he wants to go."

Summer: "Too true."

Later on, we see you and the others in Easter Egg Road as they see numerous Easter Eggs from all kinds of places.

Lindsay: *sees a TV playing footage of herself*"Wow, I must've had a big butt back then."

Gwen: "That's the footage of the confessional back in season 1."

Courtney: *Sees her cheerleading routine from TDA* "Wow, I never thought I had some moves, especially when I use my butt."

You then see the glowing skull of Dr. Manhattan on a pike and when Miss Lead sees it, she was reminded of how useless she was in helping you and she was forming tears.

Lindsay: "Miss Lead are you okay?"

M. Lead: "That is Dr. Manhattan's skull, it reminded me of how useless me and the others were."

Lindsay: "Hey come on, your not useless, you all did what you could, and sure Gary might become an unstoppable god someday but-"

M. Lead: *sarcastically*"You made me feel even more useless just by saying that, great work her Hotness."

Gwen: "Hey that guy is beyond dangerous, we're lucky to be alive."

Connie TE: *one arm hugs Miss Lead*" They're right, ML, and remember what (Y/N) said."

M. Lead: *smiles*"Thanks Connie."

Connie TE: "Anytime ML."

Lindsay: "Ahem."

M. Lead: "Oh and uh, sorry about that."

Lindsay: "It's okay." *Notices her peeing in the confessional in TDI* "Aw come on, it's here too?"

M. Lead: "It's Easter Egg Road, anything can be here."

Lindsay: "Especially me peeing in the outhouse?"

M. Lead: "Yep, though to be fair some of these easter eggs can be a bit... pervy."

Leshawna: "How pervy are we talking?" *Sees her butt in TDA during the cowboy challenge* "Aw you gotta be kidding me!"

Heather: *Laughs* *Sees her topless scene in TDI* "Oh come on!"*sees Miss Lead having sex with Story Lord*"Who is the Amish guy having sex with Miss Lead?"

Connie TE: "Amish guy?" *sees it too*"Wait, Miss Lead, you told me you were sick that day. You were fucking Storylord while the rest of us were on a mission!"

M. Lead: "He seduced me!"

(Y/N): "My mother always says, if they have too much on the top then they have nothing on the bottom."

M. Lead: "True, he wasn't even that big."

Connie TE: "For reals?"

M. Lead: "Yep, and sorry for lying Connie."

Connie TE: "It's fine."

(Y/N): "Well you two have something in common."

M. Lead and Connie TE: "What?"

You then point to a screen that shows Connie Tinuity Error having sex with Storylord.

M. Lead: "Oh you fucked him too!?"

Connie TE: "He seduced me okay? Plus he's not as big as I thought he was. Also he had a hard time where to put it since I'm covered in continuity errors."

M. Lead: "Oh shit, I thought it was just your costume but damn."

(Y/N): "So any part of your anatomy can be anywhere?"

Connie TE: "Yep."

Gwen: "Wow um..."

You then put your finger in Connie Tinuity Error's ear and she moaned like you were fingering her pussy.

Connie TE: *moans*

Heather: "Wait, is that your...?"

Connie TE: *Nods*

(Y/N): "Guess I found it."*looks at her butt and feel them*"Hmm, this feels like breasts."

Summer: "Oh my god..."

Connie TE: "You don't wanna know where my butt is."

Leshawna: "Okay we won't."

You then lift up her shirt and you all see that her butt is where her breasts are supposed to be.

Courtney: "Wow, and here I thought me having a penis was normal."

M. Lead: "I've worked with her for years and this is new to me too."

Connie TE: "I know, I'm a mess."

M. Lead: "Hey come on, you're not a mess, sort of, I still cannot believe you were born like this."

Connie TE: "I'm a living continuity error, what did you expect?"

M. Lead: "True, so do you like pee from your ear and crap from your stomach?"

Connie TE: "Yeah, I mean it sucks but I live it, plus if I was a futa I'd have a fat cock where my ear is, which is not a good look for me." *To Courtney and Space Beth* "No offense Courtney and Space Beth."

S. Beth and Courtney: "None taken."

(Y/N): "So, how were you born Connie?"

Connie TE: "My parents got married and when they kissed, boom my mother was already 9 months pregnant with me. That happened the same way a continuity error happens, out of nowhere and when I say mother I said my father was pregnant with me."

(Y/N): "We're they virgins?"

Connie TE: "Yes, both of them were virgins."

Courtney: "Wha- okay hang on, so they kissed and 9 months later they got pregnant?"

Connie TE: "Actually dad got 9 months pregnant with me the moment my parents kissed each other."

Gwen: "But-but how is that possible? You can't just get pregnant just by kissing, you gotta have you know sex to do that, and how did your dad get pregnant?".

Connie TE: "It's a continuity error, sort of like with sea horses, but you know, with storytelling."

You then see Connie Tinuity Error's parents kissing each other on their wedding day and you then see the priest point at her father's stomach and they all saw he was 9 months pregnant and everyone was shocked to see that.

(Y/N): "Guess they spent their honeymoon at the hospital."

Heather: "Huh, okay."

Lindsay: "What about you Miss Lead?"

M. Lead: "Oh, I was born out of a mislead love between my mothers. It started out with my mom was dating a nerd throughout college and then when he said he wanted to marry her, she was misleading him to think that she would marry him because she was gonna marry my mama."

Summer: "Ouch, that was harsh."

M. Lead: "Hey, I came from a long line of people who can mislead people."

You then look at the birth of Flash Back and you see that it was an affair between a woman and a black man.

(Y/N): "I just saw the birth of Flash Back, turns out this woman had a secret family and they found out because he was born in a flashback and he has a twin brother named Flash Forward."

M. Lead: "Ugh, I used to date that guy in high school."

Summer: "You guys have schools here?"

M. Lead: " Hey, just because we are meta beings who can control stories doesn't mean we don't need an education."

Lindsay: "True, also what's a Flash Forward?"

Courtney: "It's a series of events that will happen later."

Lindsay: "So it's like predicting the future?"

Courtney: "Yeah."

M. Lead: "Actually he's living in the future for a minute and then comes back from it."

Courtney: "So should we continue the hike?"

(Y/N): "Let's get to it."

We see you and the others then continue the hike and you and the others see a lot more easter eggs including a screen where it shows you in a Sex Cult in an alternate reality as the girls saw it too and they turn to you.

Gwen: "Uhh, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I talked to the O5 about having a side job at Cognito Inc and ever since Reagan became CEO she sent me on a mission to a meeting of a sex cult."

Lindsay: "You mean the one where all the celebrities are lizard people?"

Courtney: "Oh come on Linds, that's just a rumor someone started." *Sees your not joking* "And it's real, isn't it?"

(Y/N): "Yeah the lizard people only say that they want to conquer the surface but they just really want to live amongst us humans as our equals and the only way to do that is to make reptilian/mammalian hybrids."

Lindsay: "That makes sense."

Leshawna: *Looks at the sex cult reality* "Soo, what exactly is happening here? Other than the orgy."

M. Lead: "Okay well in that reality the (Y/N) there, who is also autistic, started working at Cognitoinc as a side job because Regean and the O5 made an agreement and (Y/N) asked them. (Y/N) is pretty much the same guy no matter where he works."

The girls then see statues of the different yous from other realities in different uniforms based on the organization you work at. The uniforms you wear are from the Chaos Insurgency, the 3 Moons Initiative, the Global Occult Coalition, the Faeries, and so many more.

M. Lead: "After what happened in the Old Canon, we celebrated (Y/N)s of all kinds across the multiverse."

(Y/N): *sees a statue of yourself wearing a chaos insurgency uniform*"So what about him?"

M. Lead: "Oh that's a (Y/N) from a reality where he worked for the Chaos Insurgency, he was famous for leading a hitsquad of troops to take down the corrupt O5 Council."

(Y/N): "Huh, neat."

Lindsay: "Ooh what about us?"

Gwen then looked and saw a reality where it showed a Total Drama Island, only instead of Chris, it was Blaineley as the host.

Gwen: "Blaineley is the host?"

M. Lead: "Yep, in this reality Blaineley was a host of Total Drama Lady Island."

Courtney: "Lady Island?"

The girls noticed in that reality there were only women, none of the guys were there, just girls.

Heather: "Wow, a reality show where there's no guys?"

Leshawna: "Now that's my kind of world."

You see that both Leshawna and Heather are making out in the show.

(Y/N): "Huh, with no guys you two became a star couple."

Leshawna and Heather then look at each other and then they look away.

(Y/N): *to Miss Lead*"So about the other stuff I did for the Chaos Insurgency, what have I done?"

M. Lead: "Well you killed all the Neo Nazis in one place with Orchadian Horsemen and you got help from Eris the Goddess of Chaos to use Chaos as a way to save the Earth and you won her heart by making a form of chaos that doesn't make you look like the bad guy."

(Y/N): "Impressive."

Lindsay: "What about Herman Fuller's Circus?"

M. Lead: "Became the new ringmaster after getting rid of Manny, he's in the Foundation now in containment."

(Y/N): "Neat."

Lindsay then sees another reality where in Total Drama, everyone was the opposite of their personalities, with their Lindsay being smart, Heather being nice, Gwen isn't a goth, and Courtney is a dumb girl, and Chris was a nice host.

Lindsay: "Guys look at this reality."

Gwen: *Sees it* "Wow, I look good in pink."

Leshawna: "And what about me?"

The girls looked to see that in reality Leshawna was white.

Leshawna: "Same body, different race. Make sense." *notices that Reality's Leshawna's butt* "And the same luscious booty now in vanilla."

(Y/N): "Why is this on the Easter Egg Road?"

P. Nick: "Oh we're not on Easter Egg Road, we're on Alternate Universe Trail."

Gwen: "We are?"

P. Nick: "Yep."

Courtney: "Okay does anyone have a map?"

M. Lead then pulls out a map and you look at the trail you're on.

(Y/N): "We just got on an alternate universe trail and soon we'll go to a fork in the road that would lead us to Epilogue trail and then Reboot Road."

M. Lead: *Sees an alternate reality where she was married to you and you have 11 kids* "Woah."

Lindsay: *Sees a reality where in Total Drama it was a nudist island for women only* "Woah, uh, what's happening here?"

M. Lead: *Sees the description* "Oh here it says here in this reality after Chris got arrested after the finale of Total Drama Revenge of the Island, he never got bailed out, got sued for radiation poisoning on Dakota who became a celebrity wrestler, model, and wife of (Y/N) Cranston. And Sierra used the money to make her own reality show called Total Drama Nudist Island."

(Y/N): *sees a reality where Kendyl is president of Earth*"My sister became president of Earth."

M. Lead: "Yep, she had a convincing campaign and you were her campaign manager."

(Y/N): "Nice."

Gwen: "Why would Sierra make a nudist island?"

M. Lead: "Oh because she wants women to not feel restrained and just be themselves, especially some that can be like Courtney." *To Courtney* "No offense."

Courtney: "None taken."

Courtney then noticed that her counterpart in that reality was half naked and making out with Sierra.

Courtney: "Why am I making out with Sierra?"

M. Lead: "Oh the you in that world fell in love with her in World Tour."

Gwen: "Didn't Sierra have the hots for Cody?"

M. Lead: "She did, but turns out she's more obsessed with Courtney than Cody."

(Y/N): "How obsessed is she with her?"

M. Lead: "Well like with Cody, she knows everything about Courtney, including her fear of green jelly."

Courtney: "Wha- I'm not afraid of green jelly." *Nervously laughs*

Gwen: "Honey, you didn't even face your fear back when we were on TDI."

Heather: "And you freaked out when green jelly exploded on you in the pancake challenge in TDAS."

Courtney: "Okay, fine I'm afraid of green jelly."

Leshawna: "Why green jelly? I mean sure it looks like boogers, but why green jelly?"

(Y/N): "Maybe, childhood trauma?"*points behind Courtney*" There's a small green jelly cube behind your foot."

Courtney then screamed in fear and jumped into your arms in a bridal position.

Gwen: "Courts, is there something you wanna talk about?"

(Y/N): "That was easy, if only the others knew about this place."

You and the others then see the other Total Drama girls come out of the bushes and they look like they're lost.

Connie TE: "Wish granted."

Kelly: "How did we get here?"

Dakota: *Check herself out* "Looks like I'm human again."

(Y/N): "Did you give the ability to go monster mode whenever she wants?"

Connie TE: "Yep. I didn't like how Chris treated Dakota so I decided to give her something in return."

Dakota: *Sees the other TD girls and Lindsay* "Hey Lindsay."

Lindsay: "Hey Dakota."

Gwen: "You two know each other?"

Lindsay: "After each season, I bring over the girls from the show and we talk about what happened."

Gwen: "Why wasn't I invited?"

Lindsay: "You were on a sick day, remember?"

Gwen: "Oh yeah."

Courtney: *Gets out of your arms* "Well nice to see you all."

Dakota: "You too, hey aren't you the girl who's afraid of green jelly?"

Courtney: "Oh come on, you all know that?!"

Taylor: "It's kinda obvious, is it a childhood trauma thing or what?"

Dakota: "That and you know, national TV."

Kelly: "Plus, in TDWT, what you did to your girlfriend was not nice at all young lady."

Courtney: "Oh..."

(Y/N): "That's how Chris gets to ya man."*to the other TD girls*"Wanna come along with us on the hike?"

Td Girls: "Sure."

Ellody: "This is a great opportunity to study the environment of this world."

Mary: "And understand it's functions." *Notices Courtney's bulge* "Woah, speaking of functions..."

Courtney: "I got it from a demon pill."

Mary: "Fascinating."

(Y/N): "Onto the trail everyone."

We see you and the girls on the trail and all came by to a fork on the trail and Gwen sees only 3 trails.

Gwen: "You said two names of two trails, not 3."

M. Lead: "That must be a plot twist from Mr. Twist."

(Y/N): *Reads the sign*"Shipping Way."*to Miss Lead*"What's a Shipping Way?"

M. Lead: "Ohh god I hate ships, this trail shows the different ships both platonic and romantic between 2 or more characters including shocking reveal ships."

Ellody: "So which path do we take?"

Mary: "Why don't we wing it?"

Ellody: "Why wing it? I never wing it, there's got to be a safe path we can all take."

(Y/N): "Let's take Shipping Way cause I'm leading the Hike."

You and the others then go down Shipping Way and you see a shocking reveal ship that is between you and Atom Eve.

(Y/N): "Woah.....I had no idea."

Ellody and Mary then see themselves as a ship and they were pretty shocked to see that. Taylor and Kelly then see their own wedding between each other as they were pretty shocked to see that too as Josee saw it too.

Josee: "Rich people are weird."

Kelly: *sees the marriage between her and Taylor play out* "Uhhh..."

Taylor: "Who even made this place?! This is disgusting!"

M. Lead: "Well if you want to know the history of the Meta Reality, the Exposition Gift Shop and Museum is just up ahead."

You and the others then arrive at the Exposition Gift Shop and Museum and you all see the founding of the Meta Reality.

Verosika: *Looks around* "So uh, what currency do they take here?"

P. Nick: "Oh any kind will do, this place is narratively built to accept any kind of currency."

Verosika: "So I'm just gonna use condoms for dollars and birth control pills as change?"

P. Nick: "I mean I guess, they take anything that is considered currency."

Verosika: "Like how many condoms I have is how many fucks I give?"

M. Lead: "That can be a form of currency."

(Y/N): "That and along with some paper money, bullets, caps, anything that can be in the form of currency."

Verosika then grabs a giant teddy bear and she gives the cashier 50 XXXXL condoms as Kelly sees the condoms.

Kelly: "Oh"

Verosika: "Before Fizz and Asmodeus were a thing, I kept these handy when the big Oz wanted to throw a party."

(Y/N): "And is he that size?"

Verosika: "He's the Sin of Lust, he has to have the best dick around. But after a round with you, he's second best."

Kelly: "You actually did it with him?"

Verosika: "Yeah, it's on every succubus' bucket list."

(Y/N): "Guess I'm just a punk compared to him right?"

Verosika: "No way, your way better than him, and that was before I met you."*cups your cheeks*"Asmodeus is the Sin of Lust but you are a perfect balance of love and lust, even though you're not a big fan of lust but you do know how to be a good boyfriend. You have a heart that can make any woman happy better than anything Asmodeus can do with a dildo and a set of 50 vibrating eggs against 400 succubi and 500 incubi. And believe me, I was one of those succubi."

(Y/N): "Wow....really? Because I'm having a hard time picturing myself like that."

Verosika: *pecks you on a cheek* "(Y/N), not only did you beat one Deadly Sin, you beat 3."

Glitz and Glam: "And you got Mammon bankrupt."

Barbie W: "And you managed to beat Bee without getting a stomach ache."

(Y/N): "True, thanks girls."

Demon girls: "No problem."

Kelly: *to Verosika*"Were you serious about the dildo and vibrators?"

Verosika: "I had 50 of them up in my ass on the highest setting on a dare."

Taylor: *Winces* "That doesn't seem physically possible."

Verosika: "It happened and I have the medical records to prove it. And speaking of medical stuff, thanks to (Y/N) I finally got off of the alcohol and I feel so much better now."

Kelly: "Boyfriend dumped you and stole everything from you?"

Verosika: "Yep, husband gave your daughter false accomplishments and trophies?"

Kelly: "Yep."

Verosika: "Even beauty pageants?"

Kelly: "Yep."

Verosika: "That bastard of a husband is even worse than my ex boyfriend, at least he's a better dad than him."*looks at Taylor*"Your daughter should win those pageants on her own, she is so hot that she looks almost like a milf like you. And believe me, I met some men and women that are into hot mamas, especially if their kids are sexy enough to be mistaken for hot mamas."

Taylor: "But I'm not a mom." *To Kelly* "Mom, am I... a mom?"

Kelly: "Well I did hear some kids say that we look like sisters."

Taylor: "Ugh, I am a mom!"

Verosika: "Hey, easy there's nothing wrong about looking like a mom, sometimes mothers can be strong and independent people too, and can look beautiful too."

Taylor: "Really?"

Verosika: "Even if you pop a baby out of you, you still be a beautiful mother because people will know where your kids got their looks from."

Taylor: "Thanks, you know for a demon pop star who sucks on dicks on beaches, you know how to cheer a rich girl up."

Verosika: "Your mom had a bad relationship, I had a bad relationship. It takes one to know one."

Taylor: "So I'm a mom but not a real mom?"

Verosika: "Yeah, just a girl with a mom body."

Taylor: *to Kelly*"Guess I rock the mom look cause I got it from you."

Kelly: "Thank you sweetie."

You and the others look around and see famous writers that date back to the stone age.

Verosika: "Who are these guys?"

Kelly: "These are famous writers."

Mr. Twist: "They are practically what shaped Meta Reality, and they are our equivalent to presidents here."

Girls: "Make sense."

(Y/N): "So are there any good restaurants around here?"

Verosika: *Stomach rumbles* "Ooh yeah, I'm hungry."

M. Lead: "I know a good place."

Later, we see you and the others are at a place called Placeholder Buffet and we see you and the others getting food which looks pretty good.

M. Lead: "This place has all kinds of foods here, anything that can be considered food."

Kelly: *sees all kinds of foods* "Ooo, this is a nice selection of food."*to Taylor*"Now remember to get some vegetables and fruits."

Taylor: *Sighs* "Yes mom, I remember to eat my fruits and vegetables."

Kelly: "And don't get anything sweet, they will go down to your thighs."

Taylor: *Blushes a bit* "Mom!"

We later see you and the others get the food you need as you sit at a table that has enough space for all of you.

(Y/N): "Now, let's eat."

Everyone was now eating what they got from the buffet table and Verosika saw that you already finished your plate.

Verosika: "Woah, hun you finished your whole plate?"

Barbie W: "You know he out ate Beezlebub right?"

Verosika: "Oh right, well babe you really know how to plan a road trip."

(Y/N): "Thanks V."

Josee: "I can't believe you brought me here."

Taylor: "Yeah I mean, how did we even get here."

Connie TE: "Guilty."

(Y/N): "She has the power to make continuity errors."

Josee: "Oh."

Ellody: "Fascinating, this world has natives with narrative based abilities."

(Y/N): "Sounds like you and Mary are gonna be great researchers in the SCP Foundation."

Ellody: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Ellody: "Thank you for the honor."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Gwen: "Okay, I'm just gonna say it; Ellody sounds a lot like Courtney."

Ellody and Courtney: "What are you talking about?"

Gwen: "See? Right there, now tell me did anyone not notice it?"

Verosika: "I... kinda did."

Kelly: "I didn't really think about it."

(Y/N): "And I'm gonna say it, Ellody and Mary, you two need to put the books down and get out and find someone nice. Cause there's more to life than just knowledge."

Gwen: "Like with Courtney." *To Courtney* "No offense babe."

Courtney: "None taken."

(Y/N): "That's right."

Ellody: "Well this is a nice opportunity to find a special someone."

Mary: "Yeah."

Ellody: *to you*"I think you would be a compatible partner for me and Mary, I did the math in my head and the results are a clear 100%. While we provide the brains in this relationship, you provide the muscle and the heart in it."

(Y/N): "Well I am smart myself, I do some science here and there as well."

Ellody: "Which is why you are perfect for me and Mary."

Mary: "True, you are quite the intelligent thinker and powerful fighter since you work in jobs that require security guards, MTF soldiers, and researchers."

Heather: "And he's not so bad down below the waist."

(Y/N): "Heather don't say that, we're eating here."

Ellody and Mary thought for a second and they got what Heather meant and blushed bright red.

Ellody: "Oh my..."

Gwen: "Nice one Heather, you just made the nerds have dirty thoughts."

Leshawna: "Nerdy girls always go the extra mile for science in everything, even sex."

Ellody: "That is not true."

Leshawna: "Then why are you two making a list of sex positions and toys in your notepad?"

Ellody and Mary were holding notepads as they hid them quickly from the others.

Courtney: "Wow, is this gonna be a problem? Because I was kinda like that with Gwen when we were in All Stars."

Gwen: "And it did not end well."

Ellody: "Oh yes, me and Mary's intelligence was our downfall in the sand sculpture challenge."

(Y/N): "Well what about you Josee, aren't you dating anyone. What about that Jaques guy?"

Josee: "Jacques? We are not dating, we are just skating partners and nothing more. Plus he has a girlfriend."

(Y/N): "He has a girlfriend? I thought he was gay because of the accent."

Josee: "We get that a lot, but I'm a Ice Skater not a military soldier or scientist with 20 PHDs."

(Y/N): "Well since I do field agent work, you can always be an informant when it comes to sports related anomalies."

Josee: "Well, I guess I can do that."

Ellody: "Informants are resourceful people and they give out valuable details to field agents."

(Y/N): "We get anomalies of all kinds, especially sports."

Josee: "I'm in."

Ellody and Mary: "We are too."

Later on, we see you and the others arrive back at the base and you see Miss Lead still a bit sad.

(Y/N): "Still thinking about the Old Canon?"

M. Lead: "Yeah..."

(Y/N): "Hey, if he sticks out his ugly head we'll be ready for him."

M. Lead: *Smiles a bit* "Alright."

(Y/N): "And besides, the Foundation has experts in stopping apocalypses, sometimes. So they might come up with ways to take down Gary even if it takes a hundred years."

M. Lead: "True, you do know how to take down some SCPs."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

M. Lead: "You know, after everything, I'm glad I get to meet you, you really know how to brighten my day."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

M. Lead: "You know...."*hugs your arm*"I think I found a good boyfriend for once."

(Y/N): *Hugs back* "Yeah and the one where he cares a lot about your well being."

Later on, we see you in the holding cell area and you were talking to Rhett Caan.

(Y/N): "Hey Rhett, how's it going?"

Rhett: "Things are going well, sorry about your old Canon, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's fine, you did what you can and you're afraid to retcon a solution to beat Gary Cranston?"

Rhett: "He is a force even I cannot retcon, and believe me I've tried but no matter what I say, it can be true to him."

(Y/N): "He probably has a way to make any weakness you retcon onto him his greatest strength, like an anti meta drug. And the footage of his life has nothing to go by, he would make any life threatening drug improve his body and mind like steroids on steroids."

Rhett: " And there's no weakness for it."

(Y/N): "Yeah, and any ideas on who was the 6th member of the Self Referential 6?"

Rhett: "Oh that was just a plot Twist set up by Mr. Twist."

(Y/N): "It doesn't make sense if they call themselves the Self Referential 6 then there should be 6 of them."

Rhett: "Well it was a twist, until now."

(Y/N): "What do you mean, until now?"

Rhett: "Isn't it obvious? You were always the sixth member of the Self Referential 6."

You then pull out a communicator and it has the team crest on it.

(Y/N): "Cool, thanks man."

Rhett: "Anytime."

Meanwhile with the girls, we see them talking to each other.

M. Lead: "So what's it like having a penis?"

Courtney: "Well it's amazing, I can finally pee while standing up."

Gwen: "And that was with the funnel."

M. Lead: "Funnel? Wait, you mean that product women buy to pee standing up?"

Gwen: "That's the one, Courtney saw it on a sale and she had to get it."

Connie TE: "Why would you get that?"

Courtney: "Have you seen the communal bathrooms in Total Drama?"

Connie TE and M. Lead: *Realizes* "Ohhh."

M. Lead: "Gotcha."

Connie TE: "Yeah, I've seen the TD reality and the only clean thing about those communal bathrooms are the showers."

Gwen: *Gags* "And I had to drink powdered fruit punch out of one of those toilets on dare on TDI."

Lindsay: "So gross, and that was meant for Heather." *To Heather* "No offense*.

Heather: "No, no I was pretty rotten at the time. So I should've drunk that punch."

Lindsay: "Probably, there were some other dares that we all thought of back at the resort."

Gwen: "What other dares?"

Leshawna: "Well one of them was running around the island buck naked, but I think Owen would've nailed that one."

We then see you come into the room with packs of 50 cans of spaghetti called "Morty O's"

Summer: "Where did you get those?"

(Y/N): "Oh Rick bought too many of these so he gave me some of them."

Summer: "And your not... disgusted by it?"

(Y/N): "Eh, not really. We use a hammer that turn people into salsa D-Class for parties.""

Gwen: *to Summer* "What's the big deal with spaghetti?"

Summer: "I think it would be better if Morty would explain."

Summer then puts Morty on the holophone and he answers as he sees the cans of Morty O's.

Morty: *over the phone*"What's going on?"

(Y/N): "Explain to everyone how this product came to be please."

Morty: *over the phone*"Okay..."

One explanation later.

Courtney: *Gags* "Why?! That is worse than what we ate on Total Drama!"

Heather: "And that's saying something considering what Chef cooks for everyone."

The girls then see you eating a bowl of Morty O's and you are enjoying it.

(Y/N): "Man this is good, no wonder people went nuts for this stuff. You girls wanna bite?"

Courtney: *Sighs* "Well... one bite wouldn't hurt."

Courtney then takes a fork full and hesitantly eats a bite and her eyes widen in shock as she gulps it down.

Courtney: "Oh my god..."

Gwen: "Was it... that good?"

Courtney: "It was so good, I think I almost creamed myself."

We then see the girls trying a bite of the spaghetti.

Leshawna: "Good god almighty!"

Heather: "This is like 5 star level spaghetti."

(Y/N): "Yeah, Rick told me on the Spaghetti Planet people commit suicide to make the starch in their bodies to overload enough to make spaghetti."

Gwen: "What about the other ingredients?"

(Y/N): "Oh well for the meatballs it's the organs and the sauce it's the blood."

Lindsay: "Well I can say that this is the best spaghetti I've ever had." *Notices Morty staring at her* "Uh, Summer I think your brother is staring at my boobs."

Summer: *to Morty*"Morty, Lindsay is taken, don't stare at her boobs. Only (Y/N) is allowed to do that."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Morty: *Snaps out of it* *On the holo phone* "Sorry."

(Y/N): *finishes the spaghetti*"Man, that good stuff, I should open up another can."

Morty: *over the holo phone*"You're a monster and I hate you!"

Morty hangs up as you are about to open another can of Morty O's, Gwen takes the can opener away.

Summer: "Sorry about Morty."

(Y/N): "It's okay."

Gwen: "And I think we should save these for later."

(Y/N): "Good call."

Lindsay: "So which universe do you wanna go to next?"

(Y/N): "I think we should go home, gang, the vacation is almost over. Let's have some Morty O's on the way back."

Girls: "Okay."

Meanwhile with Morty, we see him working at the Foundation and he has a feeling that you and the girls are eating Morty O's.

Morty: "Fuck..."

Later on, we see you and the girls arrive back home and you look out your window and you see Kyouka coming this way.

(Y/N): "Okay, anyone besides me that are anomalies, stay in the RV. It's Kyouka."

Gwen: "Come on Courts, I'll take care of your incoming boner."

Courtney: "Okay."

We then see Gwen put a jacket around Courtney's waist and tie it as Courtney's boner was concealed.

Courtney: "Thanks Gwen."

Gwen: "Anytime."

Leshawna: "Well let's go in."

We see you and the others leave the RV and go inside the apartment and we see you talking to Kyouka.

(Y/N): "Hey Kyouka, what brings you here?"

Kyouka: "Oh I just came by and I want to see ya comeback from your vacation."

(Y/N): "Oh that's nice of you."

Courtney: *Holding back her crotch* "Mmm..."

Gwen: "Courts, do you need... some relief?"

Courtney: "I'm fine... I can handle being in the presence of (Y/N)'s friend."

Kyouka: "Can I talk to you (Y/N)." *Notices the other girls* "Alone please."

Girls: "Okay."

Gwen: "Come on Courtney, let's take care of your uh, hard problem."

Courtney: *Chuckles* "Thanks."

The girls left as you and Kyouka were alone.

(Y/N): "Did I... do something wrong?"

Kyouka: "No, no, I just wanted to talk to you about something."

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Kyouka: "Well, I've been thinking about dating again, and I think I'm ready to get back on the saddle."

(Y/N): "Congratulations Ky, who's the lucky guy? Or girl? Or gender neutral person."

Kyouka: "Well I thought about it long and hard and that lucky guy is you."

(Y/N): "Really?"

Kyouka: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Well what makes you think I'm the right guy for you?"

Kyouka: "Well your the only guy who doesn't like me for my body and inspired me to be a stripper influencer."

(Y/N): "True, well if you are gonna join my group there's some things you have to know about me."

Kyouka: "Okay what are they?"

(Y/N): "Well..."

Frenchie: One very long explanation later.

Kyouka: *Surprised* "Woah, so you work for a secret organization that contains anomalies on a day to day basis and you have been making me forget the encounters I had with them?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much, sorry for not telling you about this."

Kyouka: "It's okay, I know you didn't tell me because you wanted to protect me, and don't worry I won't tell anyone else about this."

(Y/N): "Thanks Ky."

Kyouka: "Anytime, so does anyone else know?"

(Y/N): "Well the total drama girls know cause I recruited them myself, Summer too, along with Kim, Ann, and Bonnie. And your boss Erotica and they gave her permission to have her work both at the Foundation and the Tenderloins."

Kyouka: "That explains why she knows martial arts."

(Y/N): "Yeah, and again sorry for not telling you."

Kyouka: "It's okay, I forgive ya."

(Y/N): "Thanks Ky."

Kyouka: "Anytime, by the way, why was Courtney holding her crotch like that? Did she not go to the bathroom?"

(Y/N): "Not exactly, see she took a pill that turned her into a futa and her hormones went overdrive when she saw you."

Kyouka: "Oh gotcha, I sure hope she's okay."

Meanwhile with Courtney and the girls, we see her getting a boobjob from Lindsay.

Lindsay: *While rubbing Courtney's member* " Are you close yet Courtney?"

Courtney moans then cums all over Lindsay as the girls saw this.

Lindsay: *Wipes some cum off* "I'll take that as a yes, I knew we should have used Leshawna's booty." *To Leshawna* "No offense."

Leshawna: "It's fine girl, and besides, I don't think Courtney is ready for my booty yet. It's only reserved for (Y/N)'s use only."

Courtney: *pants* "Tough, but fair, how about an buttjob instead?"

Leshawna: *Thinks for a moment* "Hm, well as long as you don't go in, you are good."

We then see Leshawna giving Courtney a butt job and Courtney was feeling intense pleasure from the buttjob.

Courtney: *Moans* "Oh man, Leshawna your butt is just so... soo..."

Leshawna: *While moving her hips* "This is grade A booty babe~."

Courtney then moans loudly and cums all over Leshawna's booty as Leshawna feels the large amount of cum on her butt.

Leshawna: "Man, there's so much jizz on my booty that it can be the frosting of a cake."

Courtney: "Sorry about that."

Leshawna: "It's fine girl, my booty is Grade A and I'm flattered, plus when was the last time you uh, got off?"

Gwen: "I think it was in my butt cause she's been hitting me from behind for awhile."

We then see you and Kyouka come into the room and the girls were a bit surprised by this.

(Y/N): "Before you say anything, Kyouka is in the group now, she agreed to be an informant for the Foundation, and I told her about the SCP Foundation."

Kyouka: "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone about it." *Notices Courtney is still hard* "Uh, did we come at a bad time?"

(Y/N): "Hold on."

You then pinch Courtney's shoulder and we see her cumming all over Leshawna's butt and Courtney collapses on the couch in satisfaction.

Courtney: *Pants* "Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Kyouka: "What kind of nerve touch was that?"

(Y/N): "The nut buster pinch."

Kyouka: "Wow, how did you learn to do that?"

(Y/N): "I figured it out after watching how the body works in training."

Kyouka: "Cool."

(Y/N): "I've been training on our mandatory training drills."

Lindsay: *While wiping off Courtney's cum* "Training drills?"

(Y/N): "The Foundation has different drills for MTF soldiers and field agents."

Leshawna: *While wiping off Courtney's cum* "Sounds intense."

(Y/N): "We have to be prepared for anything."

Girls: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "Anyways, I'm gonna be unpacking some stuff, you girls enjoy yourselves and Courtney if you do get hard, try not to get the jizz on any furniture."

Courtney: "Noted, uh where do you keep the-"

(Y/N): "Small drawer in the kitchen."

Courtney: "Thanks."

Courtney then gets up and leaves the room as Kyouka sees a can of Morty O's

Kyouka: "Ooh canned spaghetti."

Sometime later, we see Morty come into the apartment and he was exhausted.

Morty: "Oh man, who knew Low risk anomalies are so boring. I need something to eat."

Morty then heads to the kitchen and he sees Kyouka eating spaghetti from a Morty O's can.

Kyouka: "Hi."*eats some of the spaghetti*"Man this is delicious, you should try this."

We see Morty throw up in his mouth and then he goes to the bathroom and pukes in the toilet.

Kyouka: *To Leshawna* "What's his deal?"

Leshawna: "Weak stomach, spaghetti does not agree with him. Soo... K cup huh?"

Kyouka: "Yep, F cup?"

Leshawna: "Mmhmm."

Kyouka: "No bra?"

Leshawna: "Nah, I wear a bra, you?"

Kyouka: "No."

Kyouka and Leshawna: "Big boobies for life."

Next: Chapter 81: SCP-4966 "Tubbioca"

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