Chapter 81: SCP-4966 ''Tubbioca''

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Here we see Jerry walking with you and both of you walk into the room and you take a seat in a room.

Jerry: "What are we doing here?"

(Y/N): "Well we are here for some experiments with SCP-4966."

Jerry: "Oh no...."

(Y/N): "Here he comes."

Jerry then sees a giant shadow of a creature coming out of nowhere and then it's revealed to be a small little plush toy that is alive and moving about and makes a little meow like a kitten.

(Y/N): "This little guy is Tubbioca, he's a little plush toy that acts like a cat."

Jerry: "Oh, what can he do?"

(Y/N): "Well we are still testing out what he does if he eats a human corpse."

Jerry: "Where are you gonna get one?"

(Y/N): "I'm looking at him."

Before Jerry had time to react, you shot him in the head from a gun with a silencer on it. We then see Tubbioca swallow all of Jerry's corpse and then return to his normal size and then he starts talking like Jerry.

Tubbioca: "That munchie was a bit icky."

(Y/N): "I know little buddy."

Later on, we see Beth and Space Beth talking to Tubbioca.

Beth S: "I can't believe this little plush thing ate Jerry and now he's talking like he's a child."

(Y/N): "For only 4 hours."

Tubbioca: "I need some more munchies, I'm hungry."

You then hand Tubbioca a little biscuit and Tubbioca eats it.

S. Beth: "So cute."

(Y/N): "It may look cute but he managed to help us uncover a Chaos Insurgency plan."

Tubbioca then vomited out of what's left of Jerry's body onto the ground and he lost his power of speech and most of the stuff ended up on Space Beth's boot.

S. Beth: "Fucking gross."

Space Beth then tries to stomp on Tubbioca but he is too soft to feel the impact of her stomps.

(Y/N): "His body is virtually indestructible."

S. Beth: "Oh come on, he can't be that durable!"

You then pull out a dead python and put it on the ground as we see Tubbioca eat the whole snake and take the form of the giant python. Tubbioca then coil around Beth and Space Beth and did not constrict them but rather hug them.

Beth S: "Aww, he just wanted to hug us."

(Y/N): "He's a cutie, just a harmless plush toy that can morph into anything it eats."

S. Beth: "Soo, is it gonna eat us too?"

(Y/N): "Well he only eats dead animals and people."

Beth: "What about footwear made from cows?"

Sometime later, we see a pair of designer boots made from leather in Tubbioca's room as we see Taylor come into the observation room.

Taylor: "Sorry I'm late, this guy won't stop bugging me about my-"*sees a pair of boots*"Are those my designer boots?!"

Kelly: "They are, sorry sweetie, we need them for an experiment."

Taylor sees Tubbioca walk to the boots and takes a nibble on both boots and then knocks one down and then steps into the fallen boot and takes a nap in it.

Everyone: "Aww."

Taylor: "What is that little thing?"

(Y/N): "That's SCP-4966, he's a little plush toy that is alive and only eats dead things and gains adaptations from what he eats."

Taylor: "How much can he eat?"

Dr. Bright: "We took bets if this little guy can eat a blue whale, and he ate a blue whale."

(Y/N): "He displays the mindset and behaviors of a small kitten."

Taylor: "Wow, wait a second you were expecting that thing to be eating my boots?!"

(Y/N): "Not really, he only eats dead things and since the leather on your designer boots came from a cow we assume he might eat them. The on site staff interact with the SCP on a tri-weekly basis."

Taylor: "And that means...?"

(Y/N): "They're allowed to spend some time with the SCP-4966."

Taylor: "And it won't eat them?"

(Y/N): "Nope, he only eats dead things."

Kelly: "Come on Taylor."

Taylor: "Where are we going?"

Kelly: "We're gonna see the little guy."

We see Kelly and Taylor go into the room and Tubbioca then wakes up and comes out of the boot and walks up to Kelly and then jumps onto her chest.

Kelly: "Oh my!"*giggles*"Aw such a cutie."*feels Tubbioca getting into her chest*"Hahaha!"

Taylor: "What is that thing doing?"*sees Tubbioca pop his head out of Kelly's cleavage*"Aww cute."

Meanwhile with you.

Dr. Bright: "Hey, we should arrange a playdate with 999 for Tubbioca."

(Y/N): "Great idea, I'll go get 999."

You then went to find 999 and you pick him up and you took him to Tubbioca's containment room. 999 then gurgles in joy when he sees Tubbioca and we see Tubbioca jump out of Kelly's cleavage and then runs to SCP-999 and then cuddles with 999.

Kelly: "Awww, that's so cute."

(Y/N): "I think this is the most adorable playdate around. A blob of jelly that tickles people and a plush toy that acts like a cat and eats dead things."

Taylor: "Well we should give these two some alone time."

You and the others then leave the area as we see 999 and Tubbioca play with each other. Later after work, we see you laying on the couch with Kelly and both of you are watching TV.

(Y/N): "Well there's nothing going on lately for the Foundation yet."

Kelly: "And there hasn't been anything going on for me lately."

(Y/N): "Yeah and since I got back from the vacation, things have gotten a bit slow for me."

Kelly: "Yeah, so what do you wanna do?"

(Y/N): "Hm, not sure, what do you want to do?"

Sometime later, we see you and Kelly in bed after sex.

Kelly: "Oh my..."

(Y/N): "How was that?"

Kelly: "That was amazing... Don't tell Taylor though."

(Y/N): "I won't, but why though?"

Kelly: "I don't want her to think I have a thing for her boss which is you."

(Y/N): "Yeah that would be awkward right?"

Kelly: "Yeah it would."

(Y/N): "I wonder how the hero girls are doing? It's been awhile since I talked to them."

Meanwhile in the hero girls universe, we see them watching TV and they're bored out of their minds.

Jessica: "Ughh... are you girls bored too?"

Girls: "Yep."

Zee: "Anyone wanna give me a blowjob?"

Babs: "Kara it's your turn to do it."

Kara: "Uh huh?"

Babs: "Ugh, why do we even have the chore wheel?"

The camera pans to a chore wheel with labels including, "giving a futa a blow job".

Jessica: "I think you should get rid of your penis Zee. Some of us are gaining some weight from the protein."

Zee: "Don't worry I don't always need a blowjob, I can always jerk myself off or have sex with a magical construct of either Kara or Diana." *Sees the looks she's getting from Kara and Diana* "Oh don't act so surprised."

Babs: "I think the whole futanari thing is getting out of hand."

Zee: "Fine."

Zee then uses her magic to get rid of her futa cock.

Zee: "Fun while it lasted."

Jessica: "Yeah, but I'm keeping mine and I don't want to get anyone pregnant so I won't have sex."

Zee: "If I had to get rid of mine, so will you Jess."

Zee then uses her magic to get rid of Jessica's cock.

Jessica: "Aww, I was actually getting the hang of peeing standing up, oh well it was fun while it lasted. And to be honest, it was kind of getting annoying."

Kara: "Wanna head to (Y/N)'s house?"

Jessica: "Yeah we should check up on him."

Meanwhile with you, we see you and Kelly going for another round of sex.

Kelly: *while moving her hips**moans*"Mmm oh my, this feels great the second time around~!"

(Y/N): "Glad you like it."

You came into Kelly as she moaned in pleasure and she came as well.

Kelly: "Ah~!"

Kelly carefully moved off of your member and she lay next to you.

Kelly: "I feel a few years younger again."

(Y/N): "For a woman of your age, you still got it."

Kelly: *Smiles* "Aww thank you."

(Y/N): "You are welcome."

???: "Mom!?"

You and Kelly saw Taylor at the door as Kelly covered up.

Kelly: "Uhh...I can explain..."

Taylor: "Mom! You were having sex with my coworker!"

Kelly: "Now Taylor, it's been awhile since the divorce and I think I deserve a new lover in my life."

Taylor: "Can it be someone other than my boss?"

Kelly: "Well...."

Taylor: "Ugh! I can't, I just can't!"

We then see Taylor leave the room and close the door behind her as you turn to Kelly.

(Y/N): "To be honest I didn't know she was here."

Kelly: *sighs*"I'm sorry about this."

(Y/N): "It's okay, I think you need to tell Taylor about this, you are her mother after all."

Kelly: "Alright."

We later see Kelly talking to Taylor in the living room.

Kelly: "Taylor, I'm sorry you had to see that."

Taylor: "I am not gonna call him daddy."

Kelly: "As a parent figure or when you're both doing it?"

Taylor: *Blushes* "Mom!"

Kelly: "Kidding, kidding, mostly. Though I did call him daddy~."

Taylor: "*blushes harder*"Mom please!"

Kelly: "Well I'm sorry okay? He made me feel something that I haven't had with your ex father."

Taylor: "What's that?"

Kelly: "Love."

Taylor: "Really? How?"

Kelly: "Even though he's autistic, he's a good listener and he actually cares about me unlike your ex father, did you know he never had sex with me in years? I had to use a vibrator Taylor, a vibrator!"

Taylor: "When was the last time you had sex with my ex daddy?"

Kelly: "I think it was... before I got pregnant with you."

Taylor: "Soo, only once?"

Kelly: "Yes."

Taylor: "That explains so much."

Kelly: "Yes."

Taylor: "So what did you tell him?"

Kelly: "Well all the time spent raising you, I've never actually done it in so long and doing it with someone that wasn't your father just felt so... incredible."

Taylor: "Oh I didn't know you felt that way."

Kelly: "Well, if it makes you feel better you can always do it with him, he's amazing."

Taylor: *Blushes a bit* "I don't know if I'm ready to do it yet."

Kelly: "Don't worry, you can always have a threesome with him and me if it makes you feel better."

Taylor: "Hmm, maybe. It beats fingering myself in the security room when I'm alone." *blushes after what she said* "Ooh did I say that outloud?"

Kelly: "Yes you did."

Taylor: "Sorry mom."

Kelly: "It's fine sweetie, you've been working at an organization that has a mission on containing anomalies all over the globe. You need to blow some steam, I have to use a vibrator just to get my mind off of the giant rampaging lizard they have."

Taylor: "You mean SCP-682?"

Kelly: "Yes."

Taylor: "Well then."

Kelly: "If you don't mind, I'm up for another round with (Y/N)."

Taylor: "Just remember to take birth control."

Kelly: "Alright."*gets up*"You can join if you want, sweetheart."

Taylor then thinks for a moment and then puts on a brave face and takes off her clothes and grabs a strap on as Kelly sees this.

Kelly: "Why are you wearing a-"

Before Kelly can finish her thought, Taylor then puts it on and sticks the strap on up Kelly's butt.

Kelly: "Ah~."

Taylor: "I got back, you got front."

(Y/N): "Sounds good to me."

Sometime later, we see you, Taylor, and Kelly in bed after the threesome.

Kelly: "Wow..."

Taylor: "You were right mom, that was amazing."

(Y/N): "Glad you two are getting along."

Taylor: "Yeah, you really know how to bring people together."

Kelly: "And you certainly like calling him daddy~."

Taylor: *Blushes* "Mom!"

(Y/N): "As a parental figure or for a sex thing?"

Taylor: *blushes harder*

Kelly: *giggles*"You and (Y/N) are gonna get along very well now sweetie."

Taylor: "Yeah I guess we are, well I guess you are my boyfriend now (Y/N) and mom's boyfriend too."

(Y/N): "Glad to hear that you are getting used to this."

Taylor: "Yeah, just don't expect me to call you dad, well only when we're doing it."

(Y/N): "Noted."

Later on, we see you and Reagan having lunch at a pizzeria and you are listening to Reagan's rants again.

Reagan: "And that is why I have a fear of hugs, not just from me but from everyone else!"

(Y/N): "So that's why whenever Brent tries to hug you, you sucker punch him in the face?"

Reagan: "Yep, and that's not the worst of it, I used to think I did a lot of science projects all by myself but actually my dad took out the part that I had a childhood friend that I have no idea about."

(Y/N): "And that is why control freaks make terrible fathers."

Reagan: "Which is one of the reasons why my parents are divorced."

(Y/N): "Because your mom hates your dad, and he's the reason why you have issues?"

Reagan: "Exactly!"

(Y/N): "At this point, I think you ran out of things to rant about."

Reagan: "Dammit, you're right, so why are we still here?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, I thought you knew since you kept talking about your messed up dad."

Reagan: "Hold on let me think."*remembers*"I got it, I asked the O5 Council that you work at Cognito Inc as a side job and they accepted."

(Y/N): "Really? I always thought the Foundation had a can't live with you, can't live without you kind of thing with Cognitoinc like with MC&D or the GOC?"

Reagan: "Yeah me too, turns out they were cool with it."

(Y/N): "Neat, so when is my first day?"

Reagan: "How about you start tomorrow, and I'll get you your uniform and send it to ya by drone."

Later, at Cognitoinc, we see you come into the door where you see Brett.

Brett: "Welcome to Cognitoinc, want me to show you around?"

(Y/N): "Well I kinda know my way around the place since I've got orientated by Reagan's drone, but sure why not."

Brett: "Great!"

We see you follow Brent around the company and he brings you to the cloning lab where they're cloning historical figures.

Brett: "Here's the cloning lab where we clone historical figures so we can make new world leaders in case one of them dies."

(Y/N): "Neat, so do you have Cleopatra?"

Brett: "Yep."*points to a clone of Cleopatra*"She's right there."

(Y/N): "So are you in the process of making a school for these clones?"

Brett: "Oh we are, the first batch of clones were frozen since 2003 and now they're thawed out."

(Y/N): "Do you have a pataphysics department?"

Brett: "No but we have a department of secret messages."

(Y/N): "Good to know."

Later on, we see Brent take you to the briefing room where you see Brent's colleagues.

Brent: "And here's our briefing room, where we get our assignments from the higher ups. I saved you a seat next to mine because I know we would be best friends."

(Y/N): "Good to know and thanks."

You then take a seat and we see Gigi looking at you.

(Y/N): "Something I can help you with ma'am?"

Gigi: "Nothing, you're a well built machine, the Foundation really went all out on you."

(Y/N): "Well I have to be ready for anything."

Gigi: "May I?"

(Y/N): "Oh sure."

You then let Gigi feel your biceps and abs as she saw how fit you are.

Gigi: "Oh wow you are really built, like the terminator minus the metal skeleton."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Myc: *Sees you* "Woah! Who's the new guy?"

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) Cranston, I'm working here as a side job, I normally work at the Foundation."

Glenn: "Foundation? Wait, you're the guy that beat up Rand?"

(Y/N): "Yeah why?"

Glenn: "Soldier, you are an American hero cause that guy is an asshole."

(Y/N): "Thank you, if you want I can let you beat up a clone of Hitler."

Glenn: "Wait HItler is up and kicking?"

(Y/N): "Yeah we have an immortal clone of him in containment. If you want I can allow you to beat him up."

Glenn: "It would be an honor to kick Hitler's ass in the name of America, son."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Andre: "And have you had drugs before?"

(Y/N): "Only ones that are prescribed to me like medications."

Andre: "Really? Not even Weed or Crack?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Andre: "Not even those rumored SCP-420-J joints?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Andre: "Man you're no fun."

Gigi: "Who's SCP-420-J?"

(Y/N): "Actually it's an anomalously enhanced batch of joints that came out of SCP-914 that really hits harder than a non-anomalous joint, in the foundation."

Andre: "And those joints can be awesome."

(Y/N): "According to the files, yes, but I don't really smoke them. My mother told me a clean body is a healthy body."

Gigi: "Man you are such a boy scout, even though you work for a shady organization."

(Y/N): "My job at the Foundation is to ensure that the anomalies are comfortable in their containment cells because busting them out of their cages is not only dangerous for us but for them too."

Glenn: "He has a point, we don't want China to get infinite nuclear bombs by weaponizing a pizza box making infinite pizza."

Gigi: "Mmhm, the last thing anyone wants is someone is some crazy bitch riding a giant super lizard that wants to kill everything with a pulse, or worse some dumbass fucking up the solution to world hunger."

(Y/N): "Yeah we thought we discovered a solution to world hunger but instead of making food it just gives us the mindset of a botfly."

Andre: "And that is why we scientists walk before we run."

We then see Reagan enter the room with file folders for everyone to look at.

Reagan: "Hello everyone, I am glad that I'm in charge of the company and not my father or JR. So anyways."*hands everyone file folders*"Here are your assignments."

(Y/N): *Reads the file folder*"I'm supposed to go to an orgy for the Reptilians?"

Andre: "Oh you are so lucky."

Reagan: " And be careful, you are there for diplomatic relations, think you can handle it?"

(Y/N): "Yeah but why am I assigned to this specifically?"

Reagan: "Well I thought you could handle this, because you have experience, you listen and care for what they have to say, and Brett is too squeamish."

Brett: "Yep."

Reagan: "And the last time he tried to have sex with someone, he ended up legalizing and unionizing sex work."

(Y/N): "Wait, he actually did that?"*to Brett*"That's a great way to improve society, people working long hours at work or stress at home need some way to blow off some steam, plus my friend Kyouka used to be a prostitute because she was blackmailed."

Reagan: "Oh we know, we have hidden cameras at rich people's houses and Andre has been mastrabating to footage of Erina."

Andre: "Hey I need to blow off some steam okay."

(Y/N): "Okay then, welp I'm off to my assignment."

Reagan: "That's the spirit, while you are there for the orgy, it's a diplomatic mission to see if there's a chance they might be able to procreate with humans."

(Y/N): "Gotcha."

Later on, we see you arriving at the grand capital of the Reptoids which is under Yale University and you are wearing a Slytherin outfit from Harry Potter.

(Y/N): "Can't believe I have to wear this, but this is for diplomacy."

You then walk into the building and you see that a lot of the Reptoids are famous celebrities and world leaders.

(Y/N): "Madonna? Miley Syrus? Prime Ministers? Jeff Bezos? They're all here and they're reptoids?"

Miley S: *Sees you* "Oh you must be (Y/N)."*sees what you're wearing*"Okay love that you're respecting us but I think you're trying way too hard."

(Y/N): "Honestly I'm not surprised, this is normal cause I work at the Foundation."

Miley S: "Ooh neat, so you into reptile women?"

(Y/N): "I do like how Japan portrays reptilian women, in fact I met a woman who was turned into a snake by a zipper that turns people into animals, we had some coffee."*sees Paul rudd*"Oh mister Rudd sir."*shakes his hand*"It's an honor to meet you in person, I love your work in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie."

Paul R: "Oh thanks, I knew that Mondo Gecko guy was a good fit for me, but I wasn't sure that it would reveal myself as a reptoid to the world but it wasn't a problem. I stuck with Antman to draw off suspicion mostly but overall I like being Antman, I always wanna feel what it's like to be an ant, you know what I mean?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I have a co-worker named Dr. Kondraki who works with butterflies. Oh by the way, I was told it's tradition to give reptoids to one of these."

You then hand Paul rudd a mouse as he then eats it and swallows it.

Paul R: "Wow, this is different from what I'm used to man, where did you get this mouse?"

(Y/N): "Oh that used to be a D-Class until he was turned into a mouse by a zipper. He was framed for 40 counts of murder."

Paul R: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "Hey is it true that Quantamania bombed because a lot of the movie was made entirely of reshoots?"

Paul R: "Oh yeah, those guys bombed the movie. I mean why have one Avenger beat a guy who's supposed to be the big bad of the Multiverse Saga, now they don't know what to do with Kang."

(Y/N): "Well it's great to meet you sir, see ya."

Paul R: "See ya man, and hey out of all the humans I met, you're okay with me."

(Y/N): "Oh really?"

Paul R: "Look, we Reptoids want to take over the planet and make ourselves the dominant species but I want to be pals with guys like you. People who know how to interact with guys like us without looking weird at us like we're not human."

(Y/N): "I'm just autistic that's all."

Paul R: "Gotcha, well see ya."

We see Paul Rudd leave as you then see Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift.

(Y/N): "Oh hey you two."

Taylor S: "Hey you're an autistic guy right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah why do you ask?"

Miley C: " We wanted to meet you since we heard a lot about you over the grapevine, or more specifically the shadow vine. It's like the grapevine but for the Shadow Government."

Taylor S: "You basically stopped a war between the Foundation and Cognito Inc by beating up Rand."

(Y/N): "Yeah I did, and I now work for Cognito Inc as a side job."

Miley C: "So you're here for a diplomatic assignment from Cognito Inc?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm wearing this outfit cause you guys are into the reptile theme?"

Taylor S: "Hey I know that it's our thing but you know you didn't really have to wear that, you could have just worn a gator skin jacket or something."

(Y/N): "I thought wearing reptile skin might offend you guys."

Miley C: "Anyways, are you here for the orgy?"

(Y/N): "Well Reagan has reason to believe that it might be possible to make human/reptoid hybrids so..."

Taylor S: "Well I hope you really are ready for this."

(Y/N): "So Taylor, what happened between you and your exes specifically?"

Taylor S: "Well they're mostly for my songs but we're on good terms, well good as it can be between humans and reptoids."

Miley C: "Since both us Reptoids and the Robes come into agreement that if making hybrids is possible then we can work out a peace agreement."

(Y/N): "Okay that sounds good, so when does the orgy start?"

Taylor S: "It starts now!"

Both Taylor and Miley then jump onto you and make out with you as the orgy suddenly begins. 5 hours after the orgy, we see you, Miley Cyrus, and Taylor Swift resting in a bed.

Taylor S: "Wow...for a human that was awesome."

(Y/N): "Are you gonna make a song about that?"

Taylor S: "Probably, but for the sake of your privacy I would change your name to something else in the lyrics."

Miley C: "And I'd probably make my song into a kid friendly pop song so that no one suspects it's referencing sex or just an orgy."

(Y/N): "Good to know, so you guys think you might get-"

Taylor S: "Pregnant? Oh we both took birth control before we got here, well reptoid equivalent of birth control soo I know this is supposed to be a moment in Shadow government history to close the gap between man and reptoid and I do want to raise a human reptoid hybrid child, but reptoids are like embodiment of birth control."

Miley C: "Yeah, it's not like there's a pill that can get someone pregnant. We lay eggs because we're reptiles."

(Y/N): "So, that means we're not gonna have a peace agreement?"

Taylor S: "Well unless there's a way to make you compatible with reptiles."

(Y/N): "Hm, well I could ask Reagan to mix our genetics?"

Taylor S: "And that'll work?"

(Y/N): "In theory it should work, she's a smart woman."

Miley C: "Well in that case, I can lone you some tickets to my next show cause we're-"

Taylor S: "Hold on bitch, I want this guy to my next show so I'll give him some tickets!"

(Y/N): "Harsh words don't solve anything, action will, why don't you two make a duet?"

Taylor S: "That is.....actually a good idea."

(Y/N): "Welp I should see myself out, see you both soon."

Sometime later, we see you arrive back home and you sit next to Kyouka on the couch and watch TV as you notice Kyouka was naked.

(Y/N): "What happened to your clothes?"

Kyouka: "Oh they're in the wash."

(Y/N): "Don't you have any other clothes?"

Kyouka: "I do, I just want to be naked for a bit."

(Y/N): "Hm okay then."

Kyouka: "Well what do you want to watch?"

(Y/N): "For you, anything but porn."

Kyouka: "Okay, how about a documentary about the USA?"

(Y/N): "Sounds good to me."

You then turn on the TV and a documentary series about the United States and it starts in Massachusetts as Kyouka sits closer to you.

Kyouka: *Yawns a bit* "Mmm, you really know how to choose a good show."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, the state of Massachusetts is an SCP."

Kyouka: "Wait what? The entire state?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Next: Chapter 82: SCP-4006 "#MassaTruthetts"

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