Chapter 88: SCP-001 "Dead Men"

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Here we see you heading to the main hall of the O5 Council and we see you in a meeting with them.

(Y/N): "Yes sirs, you need me for something?"

O5-07: "We need you to test out SCP-001 upon yourself."

(Y/N): "Which one exactly?"

O5-08: "The title of this instance of SCP-001 is called the Dead Men."

(Y/N): "The Dead Men, what does it do?"

O5-02: "It is death itself and we have an experiment to test on you to see if we can achieve immortality by rendering ourselves immune to death itself."

(Y/N): "And you're not worried it might fail?"

O5-01: "That depends, will you take part in an experiment that will change the course of history for the Foundation and pledge your loyalty to the Foundation?"

(Y/N): "I will do my best sir."

O5-10: "Then let's present the Dead Men."

We then see a door open and we see you walk into a room with the O5 themselves and you see an 84 year old man on the table.

(Y/N): "Who is this man?"

O5-06: "That is SCP-001, we are testing if we can influence death itself to prevent us from dying by afflicting Prosopagnosia by making him incapable of recognizing our faces."

(Y/N): "I see, so it's like a TV remote for death."

O5-08: "We have made a series of neurosurgeries and cognito-therapy. We have made him incapable of recognizing your face first and seeing how the process turns out."

You then wave your hand around SCP-001's face and you see that the old man can't see you.

(Y/N): "So basically you made me immortal?"

O5-12: "Indeed and the experiment was a success."

(Y/N): "Huh, I guess I am no longer able to age into an old man."

Meanwhile with Lady Death, we see her looking through the souls of the multiverse and she just lost sight of you.

L. Death: "Odd, I lost sight of my favorite soul, (Y/N) Cranston."*pouts*"He is always cheating me, no matter how many deadly situations he's in he somehow comes out of it alive. How can I claim his soul now?"

Later on, we see you back home as you explain to the girls what the O5 did to you.

Leshawna: "So you're immortal now?"

(Y/N): "Well they tested a new method of immortality on me. Death cannot perceive me now and now the O5 are unable to be perceived by Death itself."

Lindsay: "So that means you are exempt from death?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

We then see Clover, Alex, and Sam then come into the room and they hug you.

Clover: "Now we won't lose you again!"

Sam: "Yes!"

Alex: "Wait a second, if you're immortal, then that means..."

Sam: *Realizes what Alex is implying* "You will outlive us."

(Y/N): "Think of it this way girls, you may be gone by the time I hit 100, but never forgotten cause I have been doing some scrapbooking to remember the good times we had."

Clover: "Aww thanks babe."

Meanwhile with Dr. Ann Possible, we see her and some scientists doing some neurosurgery to get SCP-001 to exempt the O5 Council from death.

Ann: *while working on 001's brain*"Alright let's see here."*to the O5s*"Where did you find this guy?"

O5-07: "If you must know Dr. Possible, we found SCP-001 created in a London Based organization called The Eternal Circle using a combination of thaumaturgy and Eriksehan conceptual engineering."

O5-03: "They somehow managed to make this man a vessel of the concept of Death."

Ann: "Well, I hope you will make other essential staff like myself exempt from death."

O5-02: "We will put that in consideration. You will see the results once we are exempt from death."

Ann: *makes some adjustments to SCP-001*"Okay we managed to get 6 out of 13 of you done here. So we are almost done with the death exempt process."*to the other doctors*"Can't believe my skills would be used to give someone immortality."

O5-02: "And it works too."

Sometime later, we see you and Dr. Bright talking to each other.

Dr. Bright: "What do you know, you are immortal like me! If there are other people that are immortal like us, we should start a band and call ourselves the Eternals!"

(Y/N): "That name has already been taken."

Dr. Bright: "Drat! Well I'm gonna workshop that for a while."

Later on, we see you doing some paperwork and we see an MTF soldier walk into your office and you see the soldier and you see the insignia of MTF Resh 1 "Seat of Consciousness".

(Y/N): "Can I help you?"

Soldier: "The Administrator wants to see you, (Y/N) Cranston."

(Y/N): "Why does he want to see me?"

Soldier: "Just come along sir."

You then follow the MTF soldier and you see MTF soldiers from Alpha 1 the "Red right hand" and Omega 1 "Law's Left Hand" and they are looking at you and one of them stops you.

A1 Soldier: "The O5 needs you."

O1 Soldier: "Actually the Ethics Committee needs you."

(Y/N): "But I have orders to see the Administrator."

A1 Soldier 2: "But you work with the O5, you swore an oath to them."

R1 Soldier: *points a gun at the Alpha 1 soldier*"Back off, the Administrator's ordered (Y/N) to see him and he out ranks both the O5 and the Ethics Committee."

A1 Soldier 2: *Points at the Resh 1 soldier*"You made a mistake by going against the O5."

O1 Soldier 2: "And the Ethics Committee."

We see the Alpha 1 and Omega 1 MTF teams leave the area as you were confused.

(Y/N): "What's going on?"

Soldier: "You will understand once the Administrator explains the whole situation to you."

Sometime later, we see you in the Administrator's office and you were sitting in a seat across from the Administrator himself.

(Y/N): "Did I do something wrong sir?"

Administrator: "No (Y/N), you have not done anything wrong. I want to inform you of the situation."

We see a computer set up and it shows you the list of people that are considered and scheduled for being exempt from death.

(Y/N): "There's no one but the O5 Council on here."

Administrator: "Exactly, the O5 said they made themselves immortal because of their experience but in reality they are hogging the power for themselves and the Ethics Committee are going to war with the O5 and try to neutralize SCP-001."

(Y/N): "Neutralize? Why?"

Administrator: "By tempering with Death, they have brought chaos to the world and broken the laws of nature itself. I must help 001 to end his suffering and bring an end to the O5 Council along with those who used his power to exempt themselves from Death."

(Y/N): "But that includes you.......and me."

Administrator: "After knowing what I have said to you, what is your decision?"

You then thought about what to do and you came up with an answer.

(Y/N): "I swore an oath to the Foundation and they won't win, not against me, not against you sir."

Administrator: "I will inform your colleagues and loved ones of your decision to end the suffering of SCP-001. That way you will die as an honorable hero, in the meantime your sister Kendyl and your colleagues Markiplier, Ruby, and Cory will fight alongside you in MTF Resh 1, my personal Mobile Task Force."

(Y/N): "It's been an honor working with you sir."

Meanwhile with the girls, we see that the Administrator has sent them a message that you will be given your last mission once the O5 has been stopped.

Girls: "What!?"

Clover: *cries in sadness*"No!!! We just got him back!! We're not losing him again!"

Sam: "We got to stop them!"

Alex: "How?! We don't know where to find Site-01! That's where they keep the Get away from Death free card!"

Kim: "Luckily I know where it is, anyone who wants to join me is welcome."

Leshawna: "We won't let him die this time!"

Sometime later, we see you and Resh 1 escorting the Administrator to SCP-001 and you all see Omega 1 and Alpha 1 shoot rounds at you and the team and you all take cover.

(Y/N): "We got enemies inbound, both Alpha 1 and Omega 1 teams are here."

Kendyl: "I don't know if we can win this fight."

(Y/N): "We don't need to, we just need to hold them off long enough for the Administrator to use SCP-001 to take out the O5."*to Kendyl*"And sis, you know I will die."

Kendyl: "I know, if the roles were reversed, I would have done the same."

(Y/N): "Alright team! Open fire!"

You and Resh 1 then open fire at both teams and both you and Kendyl then head to Alpha 1 and confront them.

(Y/N): "Go for it sis!"

We then see Kendyl tank the bullets from Alpha 1 and she brushed them off like they're bug bites and we see her incredible strength to overpower the Alpha 1 team and you turn to Omega 1 as we see you run to them and dodge their gun fire and when a sniper shoots you, a sudden flash of light appeared and the bullet hit a metallic object and it is revealed that you are holding the shield of Captain America.

(Y/N): "Woah, this must be a new power, let's give this a test run."

We then see you charge at the Omega 1 team as they shoot bullets at you and you block the bullets. You then start fighting like Captain America and you fight Omega 1 like how Captain America fought soldiers. Then a clear avatar of the Black Panther and then you step into the avatar and you started fighting like the Black Panther growing claws on both hands and feet and you begin to fight like the King of Wakanda.

(Y/N): "Okay, I'll admit, this is kinda awesome."

Meanwhile we see Kendyl fighting off Alpha 1 by herself and we see her single handedly take down the soldiers and we see a large soldier ready to fight her and she blocks his punch, punch him in the gun., and punches him to the ground so hard that it cracks the floor his head was on. Later after the fight from both ends, we see both you and Resh 1 regroup.

Cory: "Woah, that was awesome! Kendyl you took all of those bullets and missiles like a champ and (Y/N) you were fighting like an Avenger."

Meanwhile we see the girls heading down the halls of Site-01 and they run up to SCP-001's cell and they see you and Resh 1 and the O5 council on the ground.

(Y/N): "What the- girls? What are you doing here?"

Clover: "(Y/N), we are here to stop you from accomplishing your mission."

Alex: "We won't lose you again."

(Y/N): "I have to complete the mission, I swore an oath to the Foundation, and..." *looks at the girls* "But I also swore to protect you, to protect the Foundation means to protect you. If you want to stop the Administrator, you have to go through us."

Kim: "Luckily, we brought someone who wants a rematch with you."

We then see Alastor enter the room and he sees you and he is ready to fight you again.

Alastor: "My, my, you put on quite the performance (Y/N). That new power can give you the skill sets of any righteous delusional hero in the multiverse of your choosing. Let's see if I can match it."

(Y/N): "Et tu Alastor?"

Alastor: "I just saw an opportunity to get a rematch with you."*in a creepy distorted voice*"And no one beats me and lives to tell the tale. And since you are exempt from death. Oh ho ho, this will be fun!"

We then see Alastor summon tendrils and wrap you in them as we see a flash of light and we see the tendrils getting pushed away then we see you break out of the tendrils with a body similar to the Hulk but minus the green and you are still wearing clothes and then you roared like a Hulk.

Sam: *To Kim* "Are you sure this is gonna work Kim?"

Kim: "Well Alastor can't be permanently killed and (Y/N) can't be killed so it's a good idea."

Clover: "You had me and you lost me."

Alex: "Well we should fight off the rest of the Administrator's goons.

We then see you charge in and fight off Alastor as the girls fight off Resh 1. We see you fighting off Alastor with the strength of the Hulk as we see him knock you back with a blast of energy and we see you get up and you see the avatar of Dr. Strange and you get to it and you use the Power of the Mystic Arts to fight off Alastor and you form a prison around Alastor as he then break out of it as we then see you combine the powers of Dr. Strange and Spider-Man together and we see you tackle Alastor into the Mirror Dimension and then both of you fought in it, you then control the Mirror Dimension as you then use a combination of math and Spider-Powers to beat Alastor and you grab his staff and then you make a portal out of the Mirror Dimension and you got back to Site-01.

(Y/N): "Alastor has been subdued temporarily."

Your spider sense went off as we see you dodge bullets and land on a wall as you see Vaggie alongside Husk, Angel Dust, and Cherri Bomb.

Vaggie: "(Y/N), you can't just waste your time on Earth in service of the Foundation."

(Y/N): "And leave the Foundation in the hands of the O5? No thank you."

We then see a portal appear and we see the Smith Family come out of it.

Rick: "Can't believe I'm doing an SCP Foundation adventure." *To you* "And the angel is right."

Angel Dust: "Yeah, you got to stop."

(Y/N): "I swore an oath I can't just break it. The Foundation is people, people willing to give lives for something bigger than themselves, to save the world from men like the O5."

Angel Dust: "Yeah? And what about us." *Points to Kim* "She saves the world and she's a babysitter." *Points to Sam, Alex and Clover* "They've been saving the world since highschool." *Points to Charlie* "And she's saving Hell from exterminators, look, you need to stop this."

(Y/N): *jumps onto the ground*"Sorry, but you won't win this fight, not against me, not against the Administrator."

Angel Dust: "Yeah about that, no."

We then see Angel dust fire bullets at you as we see you gain the powers of the Scarlet Witch and you stop the bullets with Chaos Magic and you send them back as we see Rick use an energy shield to block them.

Morty: "What!? Since when can he do that?!"

Rick: "Obviously he earned that power."

We then see reality break open and we see Alastor come out of it and his wounds heal and he is pissed but still keeps his signature smile.

Alastor: "Now you've done it, by the time I'm done with you, you will be begging me to end your life!"

You then gain the powers of Thanos as they then see the Infinity Gauntlet in your hand along with Thano's armor and his physique. You then use the Time Stone to stop time around them as we see Rick activate a device to render the temporal bubble useless.

Summer: "Wait shouldn't Thanos be the bad guy?"

Rick: "Have you seen Avengers Infinity War?"

Summer: "No."

Morty: "God Damnit Summer, that movie has been out for a long time."

The group then fight you off as you then casually beat them with the Infinity Stones. We see you beaten Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust with the Space Stone by getting them stuck in the wall, you froze Sir Pentious in temporal suspended animation, you use the Power Stone to knock back Space Beth, you then use the Reality Stone to turn Alastor and Sera into springs and cubes, and we see you use the Soul Stone to make stone soldiers to hold down the rest of the group, and finally as for the Mind Stone you use it to make I.M.P and Heaven and Hell's most powerful beings to sleep.

You then turn to see that the O5 Council is not moving and you then gain the power of Superman and you tried to hear their heartbeats and you don't hear them as you then sat down on a chair and you wait for your release of death and you reverted back to your regular self again and you then stopped moving. By the time everyone gets back up, they see you on a chair and when Clover checks your pulse, there is no pulse on you.

Clover: "He did it, he accomplished his last mission."

Everyone looked down, sad and we see Alastor despite his smile was sad to see you gone, without an opponent worthy to fight him, he felt emptiness inside of him. Meanwhile in Hell, we see everyone looking for you, even Lucifer was looking too.

Charlie: "I don't understand, he should be here." *to Lucifer* "Dad?"

Lucifer: "Ahh, he could be in Heaven."

Meanwhile in Heaven, we see Sera and Emily looking for you and they can't find you in Heaven.

Sera: "Em?"

Emily: "He's not here." *To Lute* "Lute?"

Lute: "Negative, no sighting of (Y/N)."

Sera: "This doesn't make any sense, if he's not in Heaven or in Hell, then where could he..."

Sera's eyes widen in realization where you could possibly be.

Lute: "Ma'am?"

Emily: "Sera, what's wrong?"

Sera: "He could be in Hell."

In a meeting, we see Sera and Lucifer talking to each other.

Sera and Lucifer: "Have you found him? What?"

Lucifer: "He's not with you?"

Sera: "He's not with you?"

Lucifer: "Gah! No, I thought he was with you! He did a lot of good, didn't he?"

Sera: "No, but even if he did, he has done a lot of bad deeds during his time on Earth I thought he would be in Hell."

Lucifer: "Okay first of all, offensive, second, true, be he was doing it just so he could protect the people he cared about."

Sera: "If he's in neither Heaven nor Hell, then where is he?"

Meanwhile in Corbenic, we see you wake up and you see 3 moons in the sky and you see that you're in Corbenic.

(Y/N): "Well guess this is home."

Next: Chapter 89: SCP-2922 "Notes From the Under"

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