Chapter 91: SCP-1200 ''A Little Taste Of Factory''

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Here we see you taking inventory of the 83 instances of SCP-1200 which is a bunch of pieces of anomalously flavored gum in Site-197.

(Y/N): "Alright all of them have been accounted for."

You then leave the room and you see Lindsay looking at one of the 1200 instances which is flavored Tastes Like Childhood Dreams.

(Y/N): "Lindsay, why are you holding an instance of SCP-1200?"

Lindsay: "It's gum that's labeled tastes like Childhood Dreams, what does Childhood dreams taste like apple sauce?"

(Y/N): "Oh the gum is supposed to taste like your childhood dreams, as in dreams you came up with in your childhood. You can look it up in 1200-E:KV, there are 83 flavors of the Tastes Like Chewing Gum."

Lindsay: "Well why is one of them Apple sauce?"

(Y/N): "No you misunderstand, if I remember correctly, that one piece of gum will get you to experience your childhood dreams in 8 hours. After the 8 hours are up, the subject will grow a need to go back to that childhood dream because the poor bum that chewed up that gum said: Dreams are the Heavens while Reality is Hell. Going by that statement, the gum made the childhood dream so real that by the time the 8 hours are up, the person re-enters reality and they were fucked for life."

Lindsay was shocked to hear what you said and she gave the gym to you and she stepped back from you.

Lindsay: "Ookay, now I understand why this is under lock up."

(Y/N): "The brand was made by The Factory."

Lindsay: "As in, SCP-001 the Factory?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Lindsay: "Gosh, that's horrible."

(Y/N): "That's why I prefer Dr. Wondertainment over the Factory anyday. And they assigned me to this SCP to test out the effects of the pieces of gum to see if the effects are still there. I hate working with stuff from the Factory."

Lindsay: "Okay I'm so glad I didn't eat that gum."

(Y/N): "No but you're gonna help me on this, regulation requires at least two researchers in testing SCPs."

Lindsay: "And why me?"

(Y/N): "Cause I outrank you which makes me your boss."

Later, we see you and Lindsay in an observation room and we see Lindsay holding a clipboard.

Lindsay: "Okay I'm ready and I got my clipboard."

(Y/N): "Take notes."*to the guard*"Bring in the D-Class."

We see the guard bring in the D-Class and Lindsay sees that the D-Class was Duncan and he was in the chair and he sees a piece of the SCP-1200 on the table.

Lindsay: "Oh my gosh! Duncan!"

Duncan: "Lindsay..."

Lindsay: "Wait, what are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "I can answer that, we were running low on D-Class so we got some criminals that broke out of prison, which includes Duncan. And we made a disinformation campaign that they were killed by wild animals, went missing, drowned in the ocean, or eaten by sharks."*to Duncan*"Duncan, see the piece of gum that is on the table right in front of you?"

Duncan: "Yeah?"

(Y/N): "That is SCP-1200-12, we need you to chew the gum and report the effects of it."

Duncan: "Not happening dork."

(Y/N): *to the guard*"Sir?"

Duncan sees the guard hold up two walnuts and then he crushes them with one hand as Duncan sees it happen.

(Y/N): *to Duncan*"You were saying?"

Duncan: *gulps in fear*"Science is awesome!" *remembers* "Wait, where's Courtney?"

(Y/N): "She's on Keter Duty at the moment."

Meanwhile with Courtney, we see her sitting at SCP-738 and the entity in front of her takes the form of you.

Courtney: "I prefer the real deal, not some clown in a costume."

Entity: "Fine then."*changes into Gwen*"How about a woman's touch then?"

Courtney: *blushes*"Shut up!"

Back to you, we see Duncan chewing the gum and then he finishes chewing the gum.

Duncan: "Okay I'm done with your stupid gum."

(Y/N): "Now take a bite out of the food in front of you."

We then see a researcher place a hotdog, an ice cream sundae, and a plate of pancakes.

Duncan: *eats the hotdog**Tastes only lemon*"Bleh, did you put lemons in this!?

(Y/N): "No, we didn't put anything in the hot dog."

Duncan: *eats the sundae**Only tastes lemon*"Bleh, you put lemons in the ice cream?!"*eats the pancakes**only tasting lemon*"Ugh! Did you put lemons in this too?!"

(Y/N): "SCP-1200-12 has been reported to give the chewer of the gum only one taste, lemon."

Duncan: "Uh what?"

Lindsay: "The gum makes changes to your tastes to what you ate in your childhood." *To you* "Right?"

(Y/N): "Actually, it only makes you taste only lemon in the food other than the lemon you eat now."

Duncan: "So I'm gonna be tasting only lemons?! For how long?!"

(Y/N): "The last D-Class who tested this gum had this effect lasted for...28 hours.

Duncan: "Oh great." *Sees some lemonade* "I'm not drinking that out of irony."

(Y/N): "Guards, take the D-Class back to his cell."

We see the guards take Duncan out of the room and Lindsay writes the notes in. Sometime later, we see a female D-Class in the room, and it was MK and she sees SCP-1200-29.

MK: "Okay, this is the weirdest prison I've been to."

(Y/N): "MK, eat the gum that is right in front of you."

MK: "Pfft, why should I?"

(Y/N): "See the gentlemen in the corner?"

MK then turns to the guard who is holding his nightstick at the ready.

(Y/N): "He will beat you senseless if you don't do the experiment."

MK: "Alright fine."*reads the label*"Tastes Like Rubik's Cube?"*stops reading*"First Sour Patch kids was turned into a breakfast cereal and now a 90s kids toy is turned into a candy? What's next, Fruit by the foot gets an action movie."

Lindsay: "Actually it did, in another universe."

MK: "Huh?"

(Y/N): "Just chew the gum."

MK then opens the wrapper and she sees that the gum has the same colors as a rubik's cube and then she chews on it.

MK: "Hey, not bad."

(Y/N): "Try rearranging your fingers."

MK: "What?"

(Y/N): "Just do it."

MK: *rearranges her fingers without looking*"Is this some kind of weird thing here?"

MK then look to see that her index finger and thumb on both hands have swapped places.


We then see you come into the room and you then grab MK and you get her body both inside and out mixed up like a rubik's cube.

Lindsay: "Huh, rubik's cube gum makes the person like a rubik's cube."

(Y/N): "For 216 minutes or almost 4 hours."

MK: *offscreen*"You mean I'm gonna be like this for 4 hours?!"

Lindsay sees that MK's butt is where her boobs are supposed to be and her boobs is where her butt is supposed to be, her head is on her stomach, her arm is where her head should be, her toes were rearranged, and both of her legs are on her back.

Lindsay : "Ooh... how is she supposed to go to the bathroom?"

MK: "Actually, I feel like my stomach is where my brain is supposed to be and apparently my entire body has been rearranged."

You then solve the human rubik's cube that is MK and she is back to the way it was.

(Y/N): "There we go, the gum works and you didn't suffer any pain from the process of being a rubik's cube."

MK: "Ughh..."

(Y/N): "The last D-Class who had this gum, her butt and breasts swapped places."

MK: *pictures the image in her head*"Yikes, I just pictured it in my head."

Lindsay: "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "The guards thought it would be funny. I have the picture."

You then hand the picture to Lindsay and she sees the woman in the picture.

Lindsay: "Wow, she has a well endowed body and her butt is bigger than her breasts. But not as big as Leshawna's."

MK: "Hey!"

(Y/N): "Why are you offended? Are you secretly a Leshawna fan?"

MK: "Uh...maybe?"

Lindsay: "Hmm...alright."

Later, in D-Class Containment, we see MK in her cell and her neighbor is Chris Mclean himself.

MK: "Still can't believe that all the prisoners in the world, I would have Chris as my neighbor."

Chris: "Hey!"

Sometime later, after the testing of SCP-1200, we see Lindsay taste testing SCP-1200-83 and she doesn't taste anything.

Lindsay: "This one has no flavor."

(Y/N): "Oh that's 1200-83, it has no anomalous effects or taste cause it Tastes Like Normalcy."

Lindsay: "Where did you get this stuff?"

(Y/N): "We get them from stores, candy shops, those arcade prize corners, we use our connections with the FDA to get the candy and replace them with non-anomalous counterparts. And we found these in one of the factories that are producing them."

You then open a door and Lindsay sees a SCP-1200-A instance which is a humanoid robot that has aged a lot for a long time.

Lindsay: "What's this one?"

(Y/N): "It's a robotic humanoid that has seen better days, they find human cadavers and throw up a liquid made out of paint, various biological matter, and small slags of iron into the mouth of the cadaver and repeat it for weeks and then the body liquify into a dense liquid and disappear. This is SCP-1200-A, one of many -As."

Lindsay: *taps on the -A's head*"It's really old."

(Y/N): "Yeah, try not to knock him or her over, there are chances are, it might shatter or not."

Lindsay: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "Well let's get home, it's getting late."

Lindsay: "Okay."

Later on, we see Courtney take her pants off as she puts them aside and slumped on the couch next to Lindsay.

Lindsay: "Hey Courtney."

Courtney: "Hey Linds, how was taking notes with (Y/N)?"

Lindsay: "Pretty easy, we wrote notes on this anomaly gum thing, how was Keter duty?"

Courtney: "I had to talk to a demon that looked like Gwen the whole time."

Lindsay: "How was it?"

Courtney: "...Not pleasant, it forced me to make a deal with it and I... um..."

Lindsay: "Courtney what did you do?"

Courtney: "I made a deal with the devil and I traded my sense of humor for a joke book! And now I don't know what the jokes mean!"

We see you come into the room and you sit with them.

Lindsay: "You did what?! Courtney!"

Courtney: "I know, I know, but what do you expect me to do! It seduced me to make a deal!"

We then see Gwen come into the room and she looks at Courtney.

Gwen: "Let me guess, you traded your sense of humor to the devil for a joke book that you will never understand the jokes inside of it?"

Courtney: "Yes..."

Gwen: "And it used me to make that deal happen?"

Courtney: "Yes..."

(Y/N): "Courtney loves you Gwen and it's both a blessing and a curse."

Gwen: "I'm right here."

(Y/N): "Indeed, the last time I was testing 738, I saw the entity as Pam Anderson but with dark red skin, lots of makeup, bright blue satanic symbols on her body, pitch black hair, red horns that poke out of her hair, and a tail that has a heart shaped point at the end, and she's wearing a black lace lingerie. And I didn't make any deal with the She Devil, but had a nice conversation with her and we became good friends for a while."

Courtney: "Really? How did you manage to resist the urge of making a deal with the devil?"

(Y/N): "Easy cause I don't deal with the Devil him or herself."

Meanwhile with Lucifer and Lilith, we see them sunbathing and they have the strange feeling that their feelings are hurt by someone and they don't know why.

Lilith: "Luce, do you feel like your feelings are hurt by someone?"

Lucifer: *while crying*"Yes and I don't know why!?"

Back to you, we see Verosika in her pajamas and half awake walk into the room and she is getting some coffee and you and the girls see her.

Lindsay: "What happened to her?"

(Y/N): "Her tour in the human world on Spring Break has hit her hard in a bad way. Now she's exhausted."

Verosika: "And before you ask, I did not have sex with anyone else." *Drinks her coffee*

(Y/N): "Just her crew, except Vortex he was on guard duty."

Verosika: "Yeah, I need to rest."

Gwen: "You need something to bone, problem solved."

Verosika: *Looks at you* "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Well if it means to get you back in peak condition, I'll help you out."

Verosika: "Thanks babe."

Sometime later, we see you and Verosika in bed after 15 rounds of sex and we see Verosika feels better.

Verosika: "Ah yeah. I needed that."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Verosika: *pecks you on the cheek*"Thanks babe."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

We later see Verosika looking through your books on the book shelf and see no porn anywhere.

Verosika: "Does (Y/N) even have porn?"

Courtney: "This is (Y/N) we're talking about, he doesn't have porn and is a gentleman through and through."

Verosika then presses a button on the wall by accident and a secret door opens and Verosika sees the largest stash of porn that would make the Sin of Lust himself gasp in shock as you then walk into the room and see the stash.

(Y/N): "Since when did I have a secret door to a hidden room? Filled with porn of all genres."

Verosika: "You mean none of the stash is yours?!"

(Y/N): "That stash must've been the previous owner's."

Verosika looked around at the stash.

Verosika: "Huh, whoever had this room is really into.........everything." *Sees underage pornography* "Oh god! Even underage pornography!"

(Y/N): "Lolitas?"

Verosika: "Lolitas." *Sees the girls looking at her* "Hey I may be a succubus but even I have standards alright? Porn is supposed to be something to help you relieve stress and that's it, not something that has... has... Lolies in it!"

(Y/N): "Or Shotas."

Lindsay: "You mean lollipops?"

Gwen: "No Lindsay, they're talking about underage people." *Sees Lindsay's confused look* "Kids in sex movies."

Lindsay: "Eww!!"

Courtney: "We should probably get rid of all this stuff." *Sees the futa section* "Man, the previous owner really likes futas."

(Y/N): "I wonder who the previous owner was. Better call the real estate agent."

Sometime later, we see you talking to the Real Estate agent over the phone.

(Y/N): "Hey ma'am, I like to ask, the person who lived here, was he or she like some secret perv or something?"

Verosika: *to Courtney* "Is it futa on female or male on futa?"

Courtney: *Checks* "Looks like both cause the futas are non-binary."

Verosika: "My friend Kat is a non-binary."

Courtney: "I thought he was a guy."

Verosika: "That's non-binary for ya, they're neither girls or boys."

Courtney: "That makes it confusing on who's the girl, futa, or a guy."

Verosika: "Well that's half of the futa section, the other half are women with male and female parts. There are people called Shemales, men that look like women in every way"

Courtney: "Soo, guys who look like girls and girls who look like guys? Like in anime?"

Verosika: "Pretty much. Though men that look like women are my guilty pleasure when it comes to sex."

(Y/N): "Can you give me the name of the previous owner?"

Real Estate Agent: *over the phone*"Well the previous tenant of your apartment was a rude woman with a weird name, she temporarily rented your apartment cause she needed to wait for the heat to die down at home. Her name is Panty Anarchy."

(Y/N): "Who names their kid after a piece of laundry?"

Real Estate Agent: *over the phone*"That's her name, I'm surprised as well."

(Y/N): "Well thank you sir."*hangs up*"Well I found the name of the previous tenant of my apartment. Her name is Panty Anarchy."

When you said that name, Sera, Lute, and Verosika were frozen in shock with their eyes widened as you were confused by their reaction.

(Y/N): "Did I miss something?"

Verosika: "Did you say Panty Anarchy?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, who names their kid after laundry? I bet her parents were either whores with no standards and are dirt poor or pimps that are super rich and they have men or women bowing at their feet."

Lute: "Panty is an archangel, well a fallen angel."

Verosika: "That bitch ruined my last spring break concert after starting a massive orgy on the beach."

Sera: "She caused a lot of chaos in Heaven back before she fell."

Lute: "And the same goes for her sister, that goth bitch bankrupted my favorite bakery." *to Gwen* "No offense on the goth thing Gwen."

Gwen: "It's fine, we goths have a tendency to get on people's nerves."

Meanwhile with Danny, we see Sam sneeze as she looks around.

Danny: "Sam you okay?"

Sam: "Yeah, I felt like someone was talking about goths like me."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "So, what are you saying about them?"

Lute: "If you ask me, Panty might've jumped to this reality and let the guy who watches over her cool off for a while and then went back to see if the heat has died out."

Lindsay: "Or Stocking when rouge and killed Panty and is now leaving a trail of well Panty."

Gwen: "What makes you say that?"

Lindsay: "Medaka texted me about this, she knew we would find the porn stash Panty left behind."

Gwen: "And the... Panty bits?"

Lindsay pointed outside where everyone saw the trail of Panty bits as you then call the Foundation.

(Y/N): "We have a situation, get the City Slickers and Achilles' Heels MTF teams."*to Lute*"I don't suppose there is more than one Heaven right?"

Lute: "Actually, there's one heaven and anyone who died in the multiverse comes to our one heaven, same goes for Hell."

Verosika: "It's true, but they're all bound to go the pride ring."

Courtney: "Why? Can't they go to other rings?"

Verosika: "No, it's a Hell thing, Sinners only go to hell and they're stuck in the Pride ring."

(Y/N): "Well whoever left those pieces of Panty seems like they're spreading them across the multiverse."

Gwen: "Is that bad?"

(Y/N): "Makes it harder to pick them all up, if you're an average man."

You then see an image of the Flash and you went into it and you got the power of the Flash and you vibrate your body to make it look like you're invisible and you ran across the multiverse and you gather up all the Panty pieces all across the multiverse and then you went back to your house and you put all the pieces in one bucket. Sometime later, we see the City Slicker team outside of your apartment complex and we see the Achilles' Heels team using their reality bending power to put Panty back together.

Lute: "Soo, how long is it gonna take to put Panty back together?"

(Y/N): "Well whoever sliced her up, they did a thorough job. It could take days or weeks."

Gwen: "Aren't angels supposed to be unkillable?"

Lute: *deadpan**points to her robot arm*

Gwen: "Oh heh, right, I meant archangels."

Lute: "In some cases yeah, they're a lot stronger but they're not invincible."

Courtney: "So they can be killed just not by normal means?"

Lute: "Yeah and from the looks of it, some other angel got to her."

(Y/N): "Well this looks like a job for the Spheres Within Spheres team, since angels are from the Christianity religion among other religions."

Sera: "Well there was one theory we had but... it was tossed aside."

(Y/N): "What was it?"

Sera: "One of our archangels was a demon."

(Y/N): "How can you mistook a demon for an archangel?"

Sera: "Demons can disguise themselves into anything or anyone, some even disguise themselves as angels. And it looks like Stocking was the demon in disguise."

(Y/N): "Wait a second, how can an angel get back to heaven if they were kicked out?"

Lute: "They get Heaven coins from defeating ghosts and Stocking got back because she was doing all the work. Why?"

(Y/N): "I think there was a switcheroo."

Lute: "What makes you say that?"

(Y/N): "Cause Medaka has the answer right behind you."

Lute then turned around and the first thing she saw was a pair of large breasts and she jumped back in surprise and saw it was Medaka.

Lute: "Gah! How long have you been there?!"

Medaka: "Long enough for (Y/N) to point out the fact I was behind you."

Lute: "Okay."

Medaka: "And I know for a fact that the switcheroo did happen."

Lute: "Okay prove it!"

Medaka: "Of course."

???(Stocking): "What the hell are you guys doing here?"

You and the others then turn to Stocking and you all see that you're in Heaven as Lute turn to Medaka.

Lute: "When did we get here?"

Medaka: "The moment when you told me to prove that Stocking is in Heaven."

(Y/N): *to Stocking*"Ma'am, I'm (Y/N) Cranston of the SCP Foundation and we are here to tell you your sister was sliced up to pieces by an imposter posing as you on Earth."

Stocking: "Imposter? What are you talking about? And how did my sister end up in pieces."

Medaka: "We'll show you when we get to (Y/N)'s house."

Stocking: "I'm leaving Heaven again."

Medaka: "But we just left."

You and the others see that you're back in your apartment as Stocking's eyes widen in shock and she was really angry about it.

Stocking: "What the hell is this?! You brought me back to Earth!?!"

You then point to the incomplete body of Panty made by the Achilles' Heels team as Stocking sees it.

Stocking: "Panty..."

(Y/N): "Our MTF team Achilles' Heels are done with the legs and now they're gonna work on the rest of the body."

Stocking: *pushes the MTF soldiers out of the way*"Out of my way, you humans don't know how to fix an angel. Let me give a whack at this!"

Stocking then pulls out one of her stockings and turns it into a sword and then she uses the sword to fire a beam of holy light onto Panty's incomplete body and then all of Panty's pieces have come back together and we see Panty is back on her feet.

Panty: *stretches a bit* "Ughh man what happened? Last thing I remember was..." *sees Stocking* "You bitch!"

Stocking: "Panty-"

Panty: *Pulls out backlace* "Back the hell off if you know what's good for you traiter!"

Sera: "Panty Anarchy, stand down!"

Panty: "Hey she's the one who sliced me into cubes!"

(Y/N): "That was the doing of a demon in disguise, Stocking was in Heaven the whole time."

Panty: "Bullshit!"

Sera: "But it's the truth!"

Lute: *points at Panty with her robot hand*"Yeah!"

Panty: *sees Lute's mechanical arm*"What the fuck happened to your arm!?"

Lute: "Long story, but what (Y/N) said is true, someone was disguised as Stocking and she sliced you into pieces and (Y/N) gathered your pieces so that he can get you back together."

Stocking: "I did most of the work."

Panty: "Till you sliced me into cheese cubes."

(Y/N): "Is there anything you know about your sister that would help her prove her innocence?"

Panty: "She's goth, a fatass, and likes sugar that her blood is maple syrup."

Stocking: "Oh up yours!"

(Y/N): "Be serious Panty, is there anything specific you remember?"

Panty: "I remember that after we took down Corset, she asked if our weapons can harm angels, and I said why not try it out and then she sliced me into 666 pieces and then I heard her call herself a demon."

(Y/N): "Hold on a second."*to Stocking*"Can you hold still for a second?"

Stocking: "Why?"

You then tap on her forehead and we see an orb appear and it shows Stocking's memories of the moment where she left Earth to spend her time back in Heaven. It shows no moment of Stocking slicing up Panty.

Panty: "Oh shit, you were telling the truth."

Stocking: "Told you!"

(Y/N): *sees a memory of Stocking's private time*"Oh god why would you shove something that big in you!?!"

Stocking: *Blushes bright red in embarrassment*"Hey! That's my private memory!"

We then see Emily come into the room and she sees Stocking private time memories as you then make the Orb disappear.

Emily: *to Sera*"What was that?"

Sera: "Nothing Em."

Emily: "What was that big thing she had?"

(Y/N): "Well Emily I don't know how to say this, so I'll whisper it into Lute's ear and she will blurt it out in astonishment."*whispers into Lute's ear*

Lute: "She had a XXXL Dildo!?!"

Panty: "What?!"

Emily: "What? What's a dildo?"

Panty: "I'll whisper it to ya."

Panty whispers into Emily's ear and then she blushes in a bright red and then she faints onto the floor.

(Y/N): "Something tells me that there will be more angels in this house."

Panty: "What makes you say that?"

You then point to Sera who was pissed off and is looking down on both Panty and Stocking and both anarchy sisters were terrified. Sometime later, we see Panty and Stocking moving into your apartment complex after Stocking was banished to Earth again.

Stocking: "Permanently banished from Heaven!"*to Panty*"Way to go Panty!"

Panty: "Well look on the brightside, at least we're not living with Garter."

Stocking: "Well that's a plus."

Panty: "And we got ourselves a handsome stud as our neighbor."

Stocking: "What are you talking about?"

We see you come into the room and you bring in more of Stocking's stuff.

(Y/N): "Alright, that's the last of your things from Heaven."

Stocking: "Oh him."

Panty: "Yeah him."

(Y/N): "Who are you talking about?"

Panty and Stocking: "Nothing!"

(Y/N): "Okay then."

You left and walked off leaving the girls to themselves.

Stocking: "Panty I swear to god if you fuck him before I do, I will not hesitate to slice you up to pieces for real!"

Panty: "Bitch please, he's not the kind of guy I would fuck once and forget about it, he's the kind of guy I want to do instead of fucking."

Stocking: "Are you saying you want him to be your boyfriend instead of a one time fuck?"

Panty: "I already did my 1000 while on Earth so I pretty much accomplished my goal, time for a change of pace for me."

Stocking: "Alright just try not to give him any diseases alright."

Panty: "Angels don't get sick from stuff on Earth let alone us Archangels."

Stocking: "I meant diseases you got from Heaven."

Panty: "Bitch that is like forever ago, and I tested negative for all of them. And besides, if Sera is fucking with him then we should join in as well."

Stocking: "Wait how can you tell if she's fucking with a human?"

Panty: "It's obvious, she's dating him and she hasn't fucked him yet. She still a virgin and she hasn't fucked him yet, time for her to lose her virginity of hers."

Stocking: "How are you gonna do that?"

Panty: "Visual aids of course."

Later, we see Sera having some coffee and we see Panty sitting with her reading a porn mag.

Sera: "Do you have to read that when I'm around?"

Panty: "What this?"

Panty then shows Sera pictures in the mag and she was blushing like crazy.

Panty: "I bet that the Elder Seraphim won't go 13 minutes without reading this whole magazine."

Sera: "I will not read such filth!"

Panty: "Oh well then, guess you're too chicken to read it."

With all of her willpower she took the mag from Panty's hands and she began reading it from start to finish. While she is reading it, Sera was getting hot and horny and she starts to drool once she has finished reading the mag.

Panty: "Getting horny huh?"

Sera: "Oh god....I have sinned....."

Panty: "Hey, hey, it's not a sin... it's... a natural urge that people feel."

You then walk into the room and you put down your stuff.

(Y/N): "Man we got a whole shipment of SCP-1200 instances, I have to carry the boxes."

Sera: *Sees you**in her head*"I don't need it. I don't need it. I definitely don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it."*outloud*".......IIIIIIIIIIIII NEEEEEEEED IIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!"

(Y/N): "Say wha?"

We then see Sera grab you and then she flies to your room and closes the door behind her as we see Panty smile in victory.

Panty: "Gotcha."

Several hours later, we see Sera completely exhausted after 30 rounds of sex with you.

Sera: *Pants* "Ahh... oh god, that was... amazing!"

(Y/N): "Not that I mind, but why did you do that out of the blue?"

Sera: *pants*"I was....tricked by.....Panty....I am so sorry...."

(Y/N): "It's okay, if I know her, she's a lot smarter than she looks."

Sera: "Don't tell Emily."

Meanwhile with Panty, Emily was talking with her.

Emily: "Soo... uh, how was Daten City?"

Panty: "It was nice, apart from having to live with that afro priest who bugged the hell out of me and my sister."

Emily: "Speaking of sisters, where's Sera?"

Panty: "Getting her V-Card punched."

Emily: "Her V-card?" *Realizes* "Oh her virginity card."

Panty: "Yeah... uh where's that fat guy? Adam?"

Emily: "Oh he's dead."

Panty: "What?! How the fuck did that fat ass die?!"

Emily: "Charlie's cleaning lady killed him and stabbed him multiple times." *whispers* "She scares me..."

Panty: "Ookay. So was Adam doing the... thing?"

Emily: "The extermination?" *Sadly* "Yeah he was..."

Panty: "I hate demons as much as the next angel but I don't want to kill them."

Emily: "Really?"

Panty: "Yeah I mean what if some of those demons are hot? Would you fuck with a demon boy or girl if you're into girls."

Emily: "Um... what?"

Panty: "Oh yeah, well let me tell you how sex works or better yet let your sister tell you how sex works."

We then see Sera come into the room and she sees Emily sitting with Panty.

Panty: "So how was your first fuck with a human?"

Sera: "I do not want to talk about it."

Panty: "Okay do you want me to tell your sister about sex or should you?"

Emily: "Sera, what's sex?"

Sera: *inhales and exhales*"Emily, I think it's time I explain it to you."

Panty: "Wait you didn't tell her?"

Sera: "I didn't work up the courage to tell her. Until now, so here it goes."

One explanation later.

Emily: "Oh so that's where babies come from."*places her hands where her uterus is*"I can create a baby inside of me? From the man I love."

Panty: "Or some dumbass jock who thinks he's a stud and doesn't need a condom."

Emily: "That's the special balloon right?"

Panty: "Yes, it's supposed to protect you from a baby that you didn't want because some idiot got you pregnant."

Emily: "I see."

Sera: "One thing I don't understand, how in the world could a girl ever have a... a penis?"

Panty: "Well if you ask me it's a rare genetic defect, that's what (Y/N) said about those retired idols."

Sera: "Oh yes, I know those two."

Panty: "Why? You wanna do a threesome with them?"

Sera: *blushes*"No!"

Emily: "They told me about their idol shows. Humans have weird ways to make entertainment, especially when it comes to subjecting futas to ugly guys."

Panty: "Yeah I'd rather have sex with a demon girl than have sex with ugly men."

(Y/N): *comes into the room*"What are you girls talking about?"

Panty: "Asking Sera if she wants to fuck a futa."

Sera: *blushes bright red*"I do not!"

Panty: "Hey it's not a sin to be into women with huge dongs between their legs."

Sera: *blushes*"I still won't do it."

(Y/N): "Well anyways, I need to get to work tomorrow. I'm assigned to Project Paragon."

Emily: "Project Paragon?"

(Y/N): "I'll get debriefed once I've arrived at Adam's old stomping grounds."

Next: Chapter 92: SCP-4840 "The Demon Lancelot and the Flying City of Audapaupadopolis"

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